The Blazing Emperor
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Erza Scarlet, better known as Titania the S Class Mage of Fairy Tail and desires by more than a fair share of men and women across Fiore.
Who will be the one to woe her and have the indomitable Fairy Queen by their side?
I would prefer you to be playing an original character or a canon, I am not a fan of Erza x Jellal as I feel that the series is far to forgiving of characters like Jellal especially in the way he emotionally tortured Erza for years.
Preferred Canons: Minerva, Kagura, Kyoka or Ikaruga
Ocs I'm fine with anything we can come up with together!
Who will be the one to woe her and have the indomitable Fairy Queen by their side?
I would prefer you to be playing an original character or a canon, I am not a fan of Erza x Jellal as I feel that the series is far to forgiving of characters like Jellal especially in the way he emotionally tortured Erza for years.
Preferred Canons: Minerva, Kagura, Kyoka or Ikaruga
Ocs I'm fine with anything we can come up with together!