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Romance Roleplay

Hello~ haven't been on RPN in a while and I'm looking for a long term roleplay partner to roleplay romance with me!

I am willing to to do M×M or F×F and M×F but I prefer M×F and being the female, then M×M. I'm not a huge fan of F×F.

Here are some pairings ~ (Bold is what I really want)

Old friends

New friends

Adoptive sibling

Step siblings

Dance partners

Band Mates

Here are some settings and Fandom ~

Flowers in the Attic

Vampire Diaries

Fallen too Far

Ballet School

Private School

Or any ideas you might have in mind

I do have some rules ~

I hate text talk being used in RP... no "U" no "lol" nothing like that unless it's OC chat.

You have to have good grammar.

Good vocabulary.

No one liners, posts have to be around five sentences or more.

RP has to be in PM.

Can get sexual, but fade to black at sex scene.

Just PM me if you're interested or I can PM you if you're new.

I'm new to this site, but have roleplayed for years. I've been searching for a special type of roleplay for quite a while, and it any attempts of mine to create one hasn't succeeded. Mainly because of the lack of enthusiasm in my partner, but you seem to want the same type of roleplay. And your rules air completely fair as well.

I am dying to do a 1x1 band roleplay with some romance and a bit of drama to complicate things. I hope you're up for that, and quick to respond.

P.S. I writing here because I can't send PM's yet, but I hope you see this!

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