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Romance, Fantasy, & More {Always Open}

Sleepy Tom

Wannabe Hipster
Hi, my name is Tommie! I'm from Ohio, and I'm eighteen. I've been RPing for a good amount of time, and I can't wait to make some friends through this site. Please use she/her or they/them pronouns. ( :) )

I am looking for some long-term partners with decent grammar and 2+ paragraph posts. I play any gender, and I will do any gender pairing. Romance is not a necessity either! We can play friends or family or enemies. I do like romance, though, as I'm a bit of a cheeseball. Anyway, just try to put forth effort - we should be fine! I also love to make friends OOC, so be friendly! I prefer to RP in threads as it seems more organized. I play most genres, and I am totally open to any ideas you may have! We don't have to RP something that I have posted here!

Okay, enough rambling. On to the exciting stuff!


  1. Character A is a wannabe mystery writer with an overactive imagination. Character B is their neighbor. Character A calls the cops on Character B because buying lye, a wheelbarrow, and various shovels is cause for alarm. It turns out that Character B is an author too, doing research on their new book which is about an author with a noisy neighbor who they plot to get rid of.
  2. Character A is a bad driver and gets pulled over by Character B. Character A tries to seduce Character B to get out of a ticket. Character B still gives Character A the ticket, but it has an additional phone number attached to it.
  3. Character A works in a flower shop, and Character B has really bad hay fever but keeps going in to talk with Character A anyway - even though they're practically dying afterwards.
  4. Both Characters A and B work in a museum and have to give guided tours except Character A actually knows all the info and stuff to answer questions while Character B knows nothing and has to ask Character A for help because they don't want to look like an idiot in front of a group of ten-year-olds.
  5. Character A is a classically trained musician living in the flat next to Character B, a crazy jazz musician. One day, Character A realizes that the irritatingly catchy tune that they've had in their head all week is actually an improvised jazz version of the music they've been practicing for their orchestra.
  6. Neither Characters A nor B are in gangs, but they keep getting stuck in the middle of the fights as innocent bystanders and end up rescuing each other every time.
  7. Character A is a doctor that works too many night shifts, and Character B is a receptionist who keeps persuading them to go home because they're falling asleep waiting for the coffee machine to work.
  8. Characters A and B are Internet friends and don't realize that they sit next to each other in class until Character A catches a glimpse of Character B on their phone, replying to a message that Character A sent.
  9. Characters A and B are teachers. Everyone in the entire school ships them, and students purposely keep trying to get them together. But nothing ever works - until, finally, the janitorial staff 'accidentally' locks them in the building together overnight.
  10. Characters A and B are seated next to each other in choir during school. Upon discovering that their voices blend well, the teacher decides to make them do a duet for their upcoming showcase.
  11. Characters A and B come from different sides of the tracks... Literally. They are from competing mob families, and there is a turf war going on in the city that both of their parents rule. Character A grew up with everything handed to them, trying to remain completely unaware of the world that their family forced on them. Character B is being trained to take over. After one night in the club, however, everything starts to change. They meet each other. Both are oblivious to who the other is. But as their feelings grow deeper for each other, the more dangerous is becomes - and the more blurred the choice gets. Is blood actually thicker than water?


  1. Character A is an alchemist with two prosthetic limbs, and Character B is their childhood friend and mechanic who has to constantly fix them up.
  2. Character A, a world-famous monster hunter, has been hired to investigate werewolf attacks in a small town. Character B runs the local inn that Character A is staying in. Character B is also secretly a werewolf - but not responsible for the recent attacks.
  3. Character A is a vampire and demands a sacrificial bride/husband in order to stop feeding off random villagers. Enter Character B, a newcomer, who is picked to be the sacrifice within seconds of getting off the coach.
  4. Character A goes to investigate/spy/scout out a witch's castle so that they can sell the information to an individual who has beef with the witch. Upon entering the castle, Character A find a sleeping child and thinks the kid is there to be eaten. Upon getting ready to take the child and run, Character B enters. Character B is the witch and a single parent.
  5. Character A is a priest while Character B is a cursed individual. Character B keeps attending Character A's sermons to hear about faith and the power of God, all while secretly mocking it in their had. Character A notices the cloaked individual at the back of the church and goes to speak with them. Character B does their best to avoid them. Character A then makes it their mission to try and corner Character B in order to find out about them.
  6. Character A is a succubus/incubus and makes a bet with a friend that they can seduce the local priest/nun to break their oath of celibacy/chastity within a week. Character B is said nun/priest and is seemingly immune to Character A's charms or attempts at seduction, but they are quite flattered/amused/intrigued. Character A is surprised to find out how much they seem to click with Character B.
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[QUOTE="Nate is not on fire]I love number 2 and 6 of the modern plots!

Really? Oh my goodness, that makes me so happy! Could you PM me, please? I can't send message yet, I'm afraid.
I like your Fantasy ideas 2-5. B)

Be down to do any one of them, depending on what kind of ideas we could stir up.
Hey there!

Consider my interest piqued for modern 11. I had actually intended to do a similar plot in the past, but both of my partners disappeared before we could go anywhere with it. Perhaps we could combine our plots in some ways? Or at least our brain juices to make one delicious plot.
(´。✪ω✪。`) Personally, I'm more big on bromances than I am romances, but if it works with our characters, then it works with me (though I require 24/7 tension and next to zero time for fluff because I'm a needy bitch).

Oh, and welcome to the site! I just joined today as well. I don't know how often I'll be, especially since it's back to college with me next week, but I'd like to say I'm very dedicated in the long-term, especially if I click with whoever my partner is, and I have a feeling you and I will get along fine? Not to be weird about it or anything haha.

Though if you're already tied down with roleplays as is, that's totally fine and I understand.
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Hey! ^.^

Such amazing plots! I'd love to do one of them with you, if you're still searching of course. Regarding your requirements, I am literally perfect for you, ha. :3 I prefer to play male (so usually: MxF or MxM, I don't mind) and I hope that's okay. I can definitely write 2+ posts and I'd love to make an Internet friend on here! I absolutely love romance and all the fluffy stuff, so that's great. Everything else is perfectly fine with me.

As for what ones I'd like to do, here they are: 2,7,8,9,10. These are from the modern section and I'm sorry that it's quite a lot. Your plot ideas are just...ugh, asdfghjkl.
xD If you are interested, just let me know what one you'd prefer to do as I love them all so it's your choice.

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[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]I like your Fantasy ideas 2-5. B)
Be down to do any one of them, depending on what kind of ideas we could stir up.

PM me, friend!
Eidolon said:
Hey there!
Consider my interest piqued for modern 11. I had actually intended to do a similar plot in the past, but both of my partners disappeared before we could go anywhere with it. Perhaps we could combine our plots in some ways? Or at least our brain juices to make one delicious plot. (´。✪ω✪。`) Personally, I'm more big on bromances than I am romances, but if it works with our characters, then it works with me (though I require 24/7 tension and next to zero time for fluff because I'm a needy bitch).

Oh, and welcome to the site! I just joined today as well. I don't know how often I'll be, especially since it's back to college with me next week, but I'd like to say I'm very dedicated in the long-term, especially if I click with whoever my partner is, and I have a feeling you and I will get along fine? Not to be weird about it or anything haha.

Though if you're already tied down with roleplays as is, that's totally fine and I understand.
I'd love to work with you! Shoot me a message when you can.

SilentFire said:
Hey! ^.^
Such amazing plots! I'd love to do one of them with you, if you're still searching of course. Regarding your requirements, I am literally perfect for you, ha. :3 I prefer to play male (so usually: MxF or MxM, I don't mind) and I hope that's okay. I can definitely write 2+ posts and I'd love to make an Internet friend on here! I absolutely love romance and all the fluffy stuff, so that's great. Everything else is perfectly fine with me.

As for what ones I'd like to do, here they are: 2,7,8,9,10. These are from the modern section and I'm sorry that it's quite a lot. Your plot ideas are just...ugh, asdfghjkl.
xD If you are interested, just let me know what one you'd prefer to do as I love them all so it's your choice.

Send me a message! I'm sure we can figure something out.
[QUOTE="Sleepy Tom]I'd love to work with you! Shoot me a message when you can.

Will do! I'm still working up to my ten posts and the whole twenty-four hours thing, so I likely won't be able to send a message for several, several hours, but if you haven't gotten to send me a message yet, I'll do it then. c:
[QUOTE="Sleepy Tom]In the modern or fantasy? Just checking. (^.^)

Modern sounds good, can you PM me?

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