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Roleplay-Willing to do Most Genres (Closed for now)


The Original Chef Kitten
Hey I'm Black and I just got back! (And by 'black' I mean the shade of my soul... Not my skin colour. Good job me... already off to an awkward start...)

Anyway, I am uh... Looking for those roleplays. So, just a little about me I guess? (*Insecure sigh*)

  • I almost view roleplaying as a joint effort in a book, or telling of a story-- thus, I am usually against shorter posts. But as long as there's some thought put into your response I could really care less about length. :)
  • I will do any genre really, but I am against most fandoms. Taking inspiration from one is totally fine, but I'd rather not do something inside the universe.
  • Keep things spicy! I like intriguing details, symbolism, personification-- all those geeky English terms!
  • (Also my profile says I am 16 but I am really 17... Don't think that makes a difference.)
  • Be mature and have fun!

So I have to propose some ideas, don't I... Shoot.


I'm really interested in the 20th century and the major events. Things like the Holocaust, Nazi Germany, Communist Russian, the fall of Tsarism, WW 2 and 1 in general. Plots of romance or perhaps a recreation would be interesting? There's lots of ideas we could do around those. (I was thinking even a Book Thief-esque plot?)


Another one of those really open ended ones. We could go for a typical pairing, but it would have to be interesting, or unique. For me, time and setting usually carry my plots, so just keep that in mind.


Basically all my ideas are really open ended... I don't really have any ideas for this, but we could certainly discuss one!

Something Horror and Supernatural:

Again, no specific ideas or prompts, but it's something I could discuss very easily. Stories of harrow and melancholy interest me a great deal, so if you have an idea, let me know!

I know I didn't really give any specific ideas, but I think it would better if we discussed a plot together rather then me just giving some straight-to-the point plots of pairings. It'll let us connect a bit and have some fun brainstorming :D ! However, if you have an idea you are itching to do that fits my criteria (and keep in mind that I probably didn't list everything here), please send me a message! My ideas may not be listed here, but I am pretty good at coming up with a basis of one on the spot.
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LadyStanhope said:
Would you be interested in a horror roleplay, CoC style in the roaring twenties?
Pardon me for taking so long to respond to this!

I get what you mean by horror and roaring twenties, and the idea really interests me! However, I am not sure what you mean by CoC (which is Clash of Clans, right? I am awful with acronyms >.<), could you explain, because I haven't played that game.
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[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]Pardon me for taking so long to respond to this!
I get what you mean by horror and roaring twenties, and the idea really interests me! However, I am not sure what you mean by CoC (which is Clash of Clans, right? I am awful with acronyms >.<), could you explain, because I haven't played that game.

Sorry, it's Call of Cthulhu, basically, Lovecraft's dark lore, and you're most likely unable to do anything meaningful to the monsters with common guns. You rely on wits and some ancient magic and writings, and hope that the Great Old Ones or the horrors of the other side cannot reach you in time, while you're slowly going mad from the relevations and know god damned well that noone will ever believe you.

Don't worry, I do work too:)
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LadyStanhope said:
Sorry, it's Call of Cthulhu, basically, Lovecraft's dark lore, and you're most likely unable to do anything meaningful to the monsters with common guns. You rely on wits and some ancient magic and writings, and hope that the Great Old Ones or the horrors of the other side cannot reach you in time, while you're slowly going mad from the relevations and know god damned well that noone will ever believe you.
Don't worry, I do work too:)
Holy! That sounds like an amazing idea! Would you like to private message me and we can talk about it? I can already see this taking an interesting path. (and my god did I mistake that acronym good...)

whiffle said:
Oi, I have so many different plot ideas that I bet you'd like. Shoot me a PM?
Will do, I would love to discuss some ideas with you! :)
Hey, I wanted to know if you would give the 18th century a go (War of Independence, Civil War {I know the 19th century}, exploring the West, etc), but if not, would be up for a fandom romance plot (Your game/movie/book/tv series preference)
RosefromtheRiver said:
Hey, I wanted to know if you would give the 18th century a go (War of Independence, Civil War {I know the 19th century}, exploring the West, etc), but if not, would be up for a fandom romance plot (Your game/movie/book/tv series preference)
Oh, I'm sorry. I have gotten quite a few people so far. If I feel I can take on another roleplay, however, I'll be sure to let you know!

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