Roleplay Thread

Daeana the Umbreon || Soldier || Runark Tunnels

“Former medic,” The Umbreon corrected as her eyes narrowed and her face set into a hardened expression, her body stiffening at the news of the tunnel collapse. She turned and began to run back to the infirmary, expecting him to follow.

“Of course. Come, you can help me carry supplies,” She walked quickly and briskly, her missing leg not slowing her down noticeably. Daeana checked behind her to make sure that the Noibat was still following, telling him to keep up with a little more snap than she expected leaking into her tone. Should I… The former medic pondered the risks and benefits of raising the question to the young Noibat. He was clearly trying very hard to live up to the militaristic expectations, and yet he was so inexperienced...

“Tell me, you’re a soldier. I can see from your badge,” She began carefully, not looking back, “Presumably you wish to fight. Why do you want to be a soldier?” It was a simple enough question, if out of place for such a tense situation. Surely it could be passed off as small talk rather than a mutiny against Runark’s ideals, but still, Daeana had her doubts.
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Esmond the Slowking || Rouge || Spiracle City

Esmond thought he was in the clear. He and Wyatt could go on ahead with their day together and get off of Quartzir. That daydream was brought to a screeching halt when he heard a sudden “Hey there!” Esmond turned around with a jolt to see himself staring right back at him.

Woah, Esmond, what are you doing?!” Wyatt spat. It took Wyatt a few seconds to realize what he was seeing. Another Esmond, clear as day. “Dang it Esmond, you used a coin, didn’t you?!

Esmond immediately froze up trying to think of a good excuse. He began stuttering, trying to form words, but nothing was coming out but unrecognizable babbling.

Esmond!” Wyatt yelled again, sounding very displeased.

Esmond didn’t like hearing Wyatt mad at him.

“I’m sorry, Wyatt, I just want to do something nice...” Esmond said, trying to be earnest.

We need that money for supplies! You're not rich anymore, Esmond.” Wyatt reminded him.

“I know, sorry, Wyatt…” Esmond said. There was an a pause and Esmond felt like he was forgetting something. He turned red as soon as he realized what it was. The Slowking was still staring at him, kind of awkwardly. It took him a second to realize why. The Slowking couldn’t hear Wyatt. They had just been watching an odd Slowking talk to himself in the middle if the street.

After closer inspection Esmond did notice something strange about the Slowking. The Shellder on their head was backwards, just like him and Wyatt. This creeped Esmond out a bit, and made him give a half shudder.

Esmond, what are you doing?!” Wyatt interjected. “Just tell them you are sorry and politely ask for the coin back.”

It wasn’t that big of a deal, and Esmond knew that, but the pressure began to seep in. He felt like street was spinning and his legs began shaking. He tried to do what Wyatt asked him to do, but he was having trouble processing anything, the words just seemed to seep out of his brain. The Slowking was making Esmond very uncomfortable, he didn’t like being expected to respond in a certain way. Esmond still wasn’t used to interacting with Pokemon outside of his family, and this Slowking seemed like they weren’t the kind of Pokemon you wanted to keep waiting. The Slowking’s stare was nerve wracking, it made Esmond’s skin crawl, but he also didn’t want to be rude.

Finally, after a few cringe-worthy seconds of Esmond making weird throat noises trying to push words out, Wyatt decided to take action. 

Here,” Wyatt said rolling his eyes.  Wyatt squinted his eyes, and using the psychic power that both he and Esmond shared, picked up the coin on the ground and placed it in Esmond’s hands. “Now, come on, let's get out of here!

Esmond didn’t like that idea. As uncomfortable as they were, it would be very rude to the Slowking who ran the street show if the two of them just took the money and ran.

Suddenly, Wyatt felt himself being flung straight down. He let out a psychic yelp before stopping a few feet from the ground. Before Wyatt knew what had hit him, Esmond was in a bowing position, presenting the coin to the strange Slowking with his arms outstretched. 

“You can have it!” Esmond awkwardly spat out.
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[SIZE=10.5pt]Tana the Fletchinder || Soldier || Destirian Cliffs[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]For a brief second, Tana caught motion in her peripheral vision up the mountainside.  Unfortunately, it was all the time she was allotted to process the situation unfolding before her.  At first, there was a slight crackling sound, like the crumpling of a paper bag, but it quickly became thunderous.  Alma hadn’t even had a chance to get a reply from the Bagon before massive rocks came barreling down from the cliffs above.  All it took was one boulder to sweep the Skarmory off the edge belly-up, and engage in a furious sky battle against her—of which it was clearly winning.  Pinned beneath it, the steel-type was unable to flip herself over so that her wings could catch the air.  Her once confident and cold expression was replaced with that of sheer terror, and she let out the most piercing, metallic screech Tana had ever heard in her life.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The recruits were quick to leap into action and follow suit after their leader, diving into the unknown in hopes of catching her before she hit the rocks below.  Dust clouded the entirety of the cliff side, and Tana found it hard to both breathe and see.  There were times that she had lost sight of Alma all together, and broke out into fits of coughing as pebbles and debris pelted her wings and body.  But she could not afford to stop, or else she risked ending up the same way as Alma.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“I see her!” One of the recruits shouted. “Follow me!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]It was the Ducklett with Keen Eye who then took the lead, and luckily the blue of his feathers was a pleasant contrast against the brown and grey of the falling mountain.  They all went after him, though the sight of Alma was not pretty when they finally reached her.  They had not been fast enough in their pursuit, and Alma was already sprawled out on the ground, eyes shut, still pinned beneath the boulder.  The rock-slide had subsided by the time they landed beside her, to all of their relief, but Alma did not look to be in good shape.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Captain, are you alright?” The Staravia asked feebly, afraid to find out the answer.  But to all of their surprise, Alma’s golden eyes reopened and stared them down.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“I’m fine,” she snapped. “I’m not as frail as you may think.  Just help get this thing off of me please.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Tana joined the others in an attempt to push the boulder off without rolling it over Alma’s wing.  With their combined strength, they finally managed and Alma sighed gratefully. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Can you stand, Captain?” Tana asked, noticing the many dents along Alma’s steel body.  “We can get help if you need it.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“No!” She hissed back. “I said I’m fine!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]With that, she slowly lifted herself from the ground, spreading her wings and shaking her metal feathers to clear the rubble from them.  They were heavily battered and scratched, and Tana couldn’t fathom how she planned to fly.  Yet, she did as if it had hardly affected her.  Tana stared at her incredulously, as did the others.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“It looks bad, but they’ll grow back,” Alma explained.  “I’ve been through much worse.  Now where did that dragon-ling get off to?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Tana’s heart stopped.  In all of the chaos, she had completely forgotten about Aeshira, yet she hadn’t seen them fall either.  They must have gotten away when Alma fell.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Um, we don’t know.  We went after you instea—” the Swablu began to speak, but Alma was quick to cut them off.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“In the thick of battle, you never let your enemies get away.  No matter who falls before you,” she growled. “Let this be a lesson to you, and remember it well.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Tana the Fletchinder || Soldier || Destirian Skies[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]After searching for about another hour, the squadron was left no choice but to retreat back to the base.  They took to the sky once more, Alma leading, though much slower than before.  It was clear that the rockslide had taken a toll on her body, and that she had taken this loss more personally than all of them combined.  Tana felt guilty for not preventing Aeshira’s escape, but if she had, she might have met Alma’s fate—only she was definitely not built to take that kind of damage.  The pebbles that had hit her had hurt plenty enough.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Hey, Raptis?” the Ducklett to the right of her whispered.  “I don’t know about you, but that rock-slide didn’t seem natural.  What do you think?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Tana kept her beak shut, afraid to speak with Alma not nearly far enough away.  Though, the Ducklett did have a point.  The movement that Tana had seen—perhaps there was another Pokemon there who had caused the entire thing?  But Tana didn’t want to think about it further.  She was ready to return home and allow herself sleep.  It had certainly been a long, unforgettable day[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px](OOC: Hello! This is my first time role-playing non-verbally in a long time, so I apologize if my writing is a bit wonky at first!! Even so, I'm glad to be a part of Islands of Origin!)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Vivian the Braixen || Rogue Cultist || Southern Nitraga[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Vivian breathed in the sweltering heat of Mt. Misery, a bead of sweat rolling down the bridge of her nose. Out of habit she licked it off, scrunching up her nose at the salty taste. It was hotter than usual, Vivian noted as she walked up the path to her home. Her amber eyes scanned the familiar rocks and blinked in surprise at the sight of another Pokemon, a Meditite, on the path. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"Master!" Vivian called, running up the path to greet the levitating Meditite. He turned around to face her, eyes crinkling up in a smile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"I've told you, Vivian, you don't need to call me 'Master.' 'Joseph' is just fine," the Meditate chuckled, setting himself down on the ground, grunting in effort and stumbling. Vivian rushed to his side, grabbing his hand and setting a paw on his back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"Mas-er, Joseph your back! Are you sure you should be walking?" Vivian said, picking up the Meditite, much to his distress, in their arms. "Here, I'll carry you the rest of the way. We can't have you getting worse!"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"I'll be [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]fine[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px], Vivian, it was just a stumble. Now put me down so I can keep some of my dignity!" Joseph fussed, [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]"Hmmm," Vivian thought. "Nope! I'm carrying you home, and there's nothing you can do about it." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The two Pokemon quietly continued up the winding path to the large cave on the base of the volcano, the Braixen’s footsteps softly padded on the smoothed down rock. As they neared to mouth of the cave, Vivian’s ears picked up a wail of pain. They looked down at Joseph, eyes wide and sprinted to the mouth of the cave with Joseph still in their arms. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Vivian skidded to stop at the entrance to the cave, dust stirring up around her paws. The sight inside was horrifying, causing the the Braixen to freeze in place. Her head swam as she looked over the cave. Numerous Pokemon were lying still, bloody and mangled, and the ones she could tell were alive were even worse. As she stood over the horror, Joseph leapt out of her arms and rushed to help the closest victim, an Espurr named Judith.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The horror of the attack consumed Vivian, eyes stuck wide open as memories of her past rushed through her mind. For a second, she thought she saw the Quartzirian Greninja staring at her in the crowd, his piercing eyes boring into her soul. Joseph was calling her name but she couldn’t hear it. Vivian closed her eyes and let out wail, dropping to her knees. She felt wet, like she was in the middle of a thick, warm river, however she knew it wasn’t water. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The Braixen’s head shot up, face-to-face with Joseph. He looked tired and concerned, brows furrowed. Vivian felt their eyes watering up and face contorting as they started to cry once again at their mentor’s feet. Suddenly, she was slightly lifted up in a tight embrace. Her eyes shot open and stared at the cave wall as Joseph spoke softly to her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“You don’t have to help. I know what you’ve been through. You know you can always talk to me, and I am always here for you. But please, if this disturbs you, you may leave for your own sake, and I won’t think less of you,” Joseph told her, tightening the comforting embrace. Vivan stared at the wall, and her eyes settled on one thing. Joseph kept talking but she didn’t listen and her blood boiled. Carved into the wall of the cave was a single word.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Vivian was no longer listening to anything but the white noise as she stared at the carving on the wall. Those damn Arceus followers did this. How had she been so stupid, how had she not known? Why did she leave the cave?! She had failed once again, but this time, she knew that she was going to do something. For Cecilia. For her father. For Judith. For Victini. Even for Mew.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She was going to destroy every Arceus follower involved in this.[/SIZE]

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