[ROLEPLAY] The Consortium of Empowered Individuals


Four Thousand Club
This is a link to the signups. Read in full,and post a character there and await approval before posting here.

The city was abuzz with life. Stores were crammed with shoppers,resturaunts and fast food joints were packed with people too lazy to cook,and the streets were clogged with cars,whose drivers were,more often than not,leaning on their horns. This place seemed to be the point og congregation for all of the world's oddities,including the recent rise of superpowered freakshows. The media was eating it up,with a reality TV show about some monk-turned-ghost hunter,or news reports about some reformed "gentleman's club" because of their new bouncer. The police are largely useless,with them drowning in seas of red tape and empty coffers,seeing the supers as a mixed blessing,while the military,which holds a significant garrison in the city,sees the rise of supers as a possible threat,and nothing more. Normal citizens see the supers as something wonderful,and simply adapt to fit.

At the Waverock Club,near the city's port,Donnovan Kincaid walked around the main room. In the dim lights,it was difficult to make out many details,but people knew exactly who owned the imposingly huge form that stalked the room. And he's the sole reason as to why the Waverock was so orderly these days;everyone knew that if you started something,he'd be hauling you out in a coccon of steel chains after whipping you with them a couple of times. "Where to the chains come from?" is often the first question newcomers ask. The answer they get is "From his right forearm" is the answer they get. Most questions stop when they see the tattoo,and do the math. Today,as usual,Donnovan had no fights to stop. So,instead,he enjoyed the show,while keeping a mind to tear his gaze from the dancers to do a sweep of the room at irregular intervals. He absently rubbed the back of his head,and allowed his fingers to run across the scars. It was very rough and bumpy. His skull never really healed smoothly,after taking a couple of crowbars to the back of the head.
Mina sat on the edge of the roof of a large church. Gargoyle at her side, she looked down at the people crowding the streets below. Tiny insignificant worker ants frantically rushing about their lives. These foolish people work so hard to obtain the things they say they need to make a better future. Where it's money or relationships, these humans slave their days away trying to ensure a good future. So stupid, these people. They're so preoccupied by either the past or future that they forget to enjoy the present. And when future becomes the present, they are left with the regret of not doing more.

Mina was different though. She knew exactly where she was going and she wasn't going to try to change it. She was just going to have one hell of a ride getting there. She laughed at the people below who have yet to notice a girl sitting on the old church. Not that it mattered anyway. They couldn't report her. According to every database out there she did not even exist. It was a fair advantage. It meant she had no record and no feds on her tail. With this sort of freedom she could have plenty of fun. She scanned over the city, trying to find something entertaining.
“What is it,” the small boy asked as he reached up and touched the wooden wheel.

“It's a water wheel, I keep it with me to remind me how important what I do is,” The monk responded, sitting bowlegged in front of the translucent boy.

The monk and the young ghost were sitting in his home, or what was his home. Sitting in the living room on the soft carpet, watching as the wheel turned over and over. Behind him would be one of Travis persistent small floating cameras. He'd prefer it not around with such a sensitive situation, but that was the arrangement that he struck with the TV Producer; the producer would make lots of money off of the show, and in return people who had spirits that needed help moving on would contact the show.

That was why he was sitting her today after all. The young ghost who was enjoying himself as he watched the wheel magically turning over and over, drowned in the family pool while his parents were bringing in groceries. It was a tragic and sudden end to someone who was so young. Lu had seen cases like these all too often; of young children who's life remained unfulfilled that lingered in this world.

“You see, we are like the drops of water at the bottom of the display. When we die, we are like the drop that pushes the wheel downwards and deposits us into a great sea. Then, when it is our time, we are reborn into this world as someone else.”

“Someone like you Master Lu!” The boy smiled at the thought of being able to do all those kicks and cool moves.

Modestly, the monk simply nodded to the boy and was glad to see him smile.

The boy's attention returned to the water and simply stared at the small pool of water. “I don't like water though, I got really sick and cold because of it.” Kevin, (which was the boy's name) looked up and stared at Lu for what felt like an eternity, “Master Lu, am I...”

Sensing that the boy was close, but not quite there to accept his ill fortune, Lu intervened, “You know, that just as the wheel goes down, it comes back up again. Death isn't an end, but a beginning. You still have a long journey ahead of you Kevin.”

“I think Mom and Dad are angry at me though...” Just behind Lu, a quiet sob could be heard down the hallway. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were asked to wait there until the monk was ready for them. And this seemed like as good a time as any. Lu turned and motioned to the camera for his parents to come forth.

Coming around the corner, was a man holding a weeping woman close to his chest. While the man tried to hide it, Lu could tell that he has been crying as well. The mother took a deep breathe and looked back to the ghost of her son, “We're not mad at you, we love you, and we always will.”

The boy nodded and looked behind him as a light shined from the wall. “What is that Master Monk?”

“That's your new home. Don't worry, you will see your mom and dad again.” Lu said encouragingly.

Standing up and turning to face the light, he began to walk towards it. He paused for a moment and turned to look back at his mom and dad one last time, as if to ask for permission. The mom reached up and pressed her hand to her lips and waved to her son, while the father weakened and whispered a last “I love you,” before the boy and the light faded away.

The monk stood and turned to the parents that were still staring at where the light had come from. After a few moments of gathering his emotion, the father simply nodded and asked, “What do we owe you?”

“Nothing, Kevin was a beautiful and strong spirit, it was my pleasure to guide him to rest,” The monk responded before bowing politely to them and then walking off.

He walked off past the couple as they began to cry once more and rounded the corner before nearly running into Travis. “Louis, Baby, you were beautiful. Not exactly the action packed sequence I was hoping for a season finale, but you know what.. I can work with it.”

“I have asked you before, please do not call me that,” Lu said in a gentle manner. For a brief moment, he reminded himself that while his code forbade killing someone, it was technically allowed to maim them. Quickly he realized the error of that thought and realized he would have to work off those thoughts later on. Normally he would be more disciplined, but after six months of this, he was ready to go for some time to relax and meditate. And never would Lu understand why the man thought a season was 6 months long.

The two of them hopped into Travis extravagant limousine and drove off away from the Davis residence. As if completely oblivious to Lu's request, Travis continued, “You know what you need Louis? Relaxation.”

“I couldn't agree more,” the monk said quietly. “I was thinking of going into the mountains for the weekend...”

“Are you kidding me! No no no! I mean you need to relax. Drinking, Woman, Drugs,” Travis interrupted.

“But I don't...” The monk tried to say before being cut off once more.

“I know! There is this great club on the shoreline, just by the docks. You'll love it.”

Lu sighed in exasperation, but didn't object. More likely, Travis was looking to relax and was simply dragging him along. Despite everything, Lu had grown to see the man as a friend, despite all the obvious character flaws. And deep down, Travis probably genuinely, if not in error, that this would be relaxing to Lu as well. And in any case, someone needed to be around when he got into trouble. Which he always did.

(I'll need to edit later, but wanted to post before I head off to bed and then work.)
Alex Miller was distracted. He was beginning to grow weary of playing this game... he felt like nothing more than a rat spinning the cogs in a larger machine. He had gotten into politics for power and the most that he had felt he had accomplished was an unusual amount of networking. He had done everything right, he had stroked the right egos, complied... he had practically crawled towards the right people on his hands and knees. Yet it still felt as if he had gone nowhere. He was nowhere near becoming the mayor of this god-forsaken city let alone a senator.

He had not gone into politics to be a sponge or a bottom-feeder. To collect a measly little paycheck with his head bowed. If he had wanted to be meek and to be subservient he would still be under his father's oppressive thumb. But he had taken measures to stop that. He had stopped his father's heart. He raised his eyes from the table that he sat at. And he could do the same for everyone in this building.... it would kill him to stop their hearts, but he could do it. That fleeting thought was the only thing that seemed to keep Miller's sanity intact.

He had heard that Roy McAllister was possibly going to be attending this venue tonight so Alex had not hesitated to visit the Waverock club. McAllister was exactly the man that he wanted to introduce himself to and exactly the man who could tell him how to further himself so that on his thirty-first birthday he could be celebrating as a senator. All he had to do was wait and bide his time.

The club was dimly lit and so filled with people so Miller had a difficult time keeping his attention focused on finding someone who may not even show up tonight. It was a little irritating to be here right now. The music was loud enough to make his ears throb and he was growing weary of hearing the slurred voices of those not in their right mind. He groaned glancing down at the drink on the table... tap water. He couldn't blow his one chance in meeting McAllister.

Miller took a patient sip of his water casting his eyes up yet again to scan the crowd. If only something interesting would happen... he had heard rumours about the bouncer and seeing them confirmed would have made his night just a little sweeter. There was still time, he was sure that his night wasn't completely ruined.
Just another day, another psycho on the subway. Well, today it may have been a little bit different since Derick was the one muttering to himself, hands clutched firmly to the back of his head like something was about to burst out of it, rocking himself back and forth.

"These are innocent people, I won't hurt them!" he shouted suddenly, startling several of the other passengers, some of which spoke quietly amongst themselves, though they unanimously gave this man a wider berth.

Look at how they fear you... Give them a reason to fear you!

"I will not!" Derick yelled in response, slamming his head against the steel interior of the train, producing a very loud noise which only served to spook the innocents more, a couple even moving on to the next car.

Oh, but I will... the dark voice replied as plates of ebony bone began to slide from beneath Asher's skin, slowly, with resistance at first, then a little more quickly.

It seemed the universe had other plans though as the train finally arrived at it's destination, and the plates snapped back beneath the surface, not a soul even noticing their lives had been about to end. Fists clenched and jaw tight, Derick strode quickly from the train, frantically searching for a desolate place that the Ebony Knight could release it's rage without bringing harm to others. The piers were nearby, perhaps an abandoned warehouse would be handy...
Marcus Kyle Lawson, a man popular among women. Many are intrigued and are interested in him. He uses this to his advantage since most of these women were in the upper echelon of society. From actresses to politicians' daughters, many sought Marcus' company. It was a double plus for him. Of course no one knows of his ulterior motives, much less his true identity. Behind his playboy lifestyle is a dark personality. He was a vengeful assassin, lurking society's underworld. Deadeye, as others would call him. No one has seen his face behind his mask.

Marcus was currently on his way to a meeting. It was with a famous gang lord's daughter. He enters the premise and notice how dim it was inside. Not that he had a problem with that. He liked 'working' in the dark. The noise already buzzed in his ear from outside. "So this is Waverock?" he said to himself. He looked around beyond the bodies that were moving in the center. His date wouldn't be hard to spot.

In a corner of the club, he noticed a group of bulky men in suits standing near a couch as a lone woman sat down. The article she called a dress left her bare if it wasn't for the fur coat she had on. Her long legs crossed, she quietly waited and drank as her long, wavy, blonde stretched across her back. Seeing Marcus, she motioned him over.

Marcus walked coolly towards her table, making through the group of people in front of him. A few paces took him in front of the table where he was greeted by her guards.

"Leave us." the lady told them as she stood up. They watched as the guards left them alone. She took the moment to steal a kiss from him. "Kyle, what took you so long?" she asked Marcus as her arms were wrapped around his shoulders.

"I had a few things to do, love." he promptly replied as he grinned. "An odd choice for a place to meet, Katherine." Marcus said as he looked around, seeing a lot of questionable characters.

"Relax darling, this part of the city is under our protection." she said. "Let's sit down." she offered.

The two decided to do so.
Alexis headed down a fairly busy street, dodging as many people as she can. She didn't feel like getting stepped on or pushed around today. She kept her backpack close to her back and made sure to keep looking backwards. She thought that any potential thief would not have a lot of time to try and swipe something out of it, but it would not be the first time she saw the bag unzipped and something gone. Alexis was never sure of why or how or who, but she made an effort to not let it happen again.

She kept her head down, moving as fast as possible in the sea of people around her. She didn't want to touch anyone either but she did occassionaly bump into someone. Alexis was not good in a large group of people and being in this stream of many, she felt a bit uncomfortable. She heard someone direct a whistle at her and another, or maybe the same, call out to her. The young adult ignored it all. It was also not the first for that. Alexis knew she was fairly attractive with her peach skin, her bright blue eyes and almost white blonde hair. But she really didn't think she was that good looking either. Besides Alexis tended to avoid relationships. They didn't always go well.

She finally made it out of the sidewalks and headed up a flight of stairs that lead to the town's library. She ignored all comments she heard, whether directed at her or not. She knew what was on most people's lips and she didn't want to draw attention to herself. Sure Alexis made it an effort to remain out of the public eye, but she knew she had been seen at least once helping out at a burning building. She just couldn't let that little boy die there and no one wanted to go back in.

Alexis headed for her favorite table, near the shelves and away from the door and other people. She felt a sense of ease in the library. It was pretty large, but it felt comfortable and warm to her. She always came here when she had projects or research or papers or even just to read. It was a kind of haven to her. Alexis nodded at the library assistant Max who was working right now. Then she sat down and slung off her backpack. She opened it up and pulled out books and a notebook. The book read,
Unusual Abilities: Sources and other ways to possess them.

Alexis wanted answers.
(There's a temp. Character in here for now. I'll do off with him in a few posts probably. )

It was a nice day at the penthouse, one that made it easy to overlook the city. Glenn had ony just gotten out of bed. He dragged himself into the shower, which instantly spewed out water at perfect temperature. Afterwords he did the usual morning things which included brushing his teeth, moisturizing, making breakfast, and then finally putting on his clothes. He lived alone, so no one was there to care about him prancing around with nothing on. Glenn was living a pretty wealthy lifestyle, but it was all due to something he stumbled upon in the past. Something that changed, what was, a low class lifestyle to what is now everything, and more.

Glenn checked his phone, for any underground job listings. These were the types of jobs that would not get out into the public, the type that wouldn't be found by police officials until the very last minute. It was through a network that was completely secure, with postings between people of the underground mob scene, and people with unfathomable amounts of money. He attained access to it after saving the life of a mob leader. The requests were very diverse ranging from theivery and assassination to rescue missions and body guarding. Most of retrieval missions were very difficult and life threatening, but offered the most reward.

Usually Glenn let fate decide what he's going to do, it was a fun game, so he checks his horoscope. "You have an itchy wallet, but don't go out and splurge? What? Pfft.. No fun." He decides on taking a bodyguard position, since it was something he could do himself. He decided to take it, clicking the accept button his phone. Instantly he is given the meet up place for evaluation, so they knew he wasn't taking more than one mission at a time, especially one that could possibily be targeting the person that needs guarding.

Glenn walks slowly to the elevator, pressing the button to his private garage. It shoots down, taking mere seconds to reach and underground part of the building. The doors open and the private garage holds a few cars lined up, all high class automobiles. He decides to go for his black sportscar for today. He hops in, as soon as he turns on the ignition, the garage doors open, and the car zooms out.

He looks at the navigation on his phone, noticing that it's a very public area. A possible coffee shop area in the middle of the city.

It takes him a few minutes to reach the area, and find parking, which luckily was across from the shop. He gets out from his car and checks the mission once more. It tells him to order this very complex coffee order with addition to a certain item. Afterwords he must sit with a young girl, short hair, and a beauty mark on her right cheek. He hated doing these sorts of things, since it was stupid enough to be in a public area. Now he has to be suspicious and draw attention to himself. He gets out of his car and enter's the coffee shop.

He finds a free cashier and is asked for his order. He quickly says the entire order, with little emotion in his face or voice, "Can I get a coffee frap with extra cream, a tablespoon of whole milk, whipped cream, sprinkled with peanuts, and topped with a cherry. Also draw the best elephant you can, with a magic marker, on the cup. A plain bagel as well. No creamed cheese." He hands the cashier a twenty dollar bill, "Keep the change."

He finds the girl he was supposed to meet, she was a little younger than he anticipated. Teenage looking, but she looked at him with a smile. He didn't smile back, slightly annoyed at the job, almost as though this wasn't being taken seriously by the person who made the request. The girl begins to talk to him, mostly jabber about school, when suddenly he gets a notice on his phone. She was possibly sending him more info for the mission as she was talking. He was mildy impressed, mostly by the girl's age, but this was protocal for missions. He responds with his information and laughs with the girl, trying to pull a casual act. As his coffee and bagel is set by a waitress, he thanks her, sliding the coffee to the girl. He gets up and waves goodbye, cutting the meeting short.

He looks at his phone, getting a proper look at the mission. He glares slightly, looking back into the shop, and the girl had dissapeared. The missin was basically a babysitting mission, the one that needed protection was a 21 year old male. The heir to a drug dealing empire, and the boy was going to make a deal at a club as his first business transaction with a big mob group.

As he enters his car, again setting up navigation to the meet up place, he huffs. It was going to hit evening time soon. The drive wasn't too long. Glenn ended up at a nice tall building, and enters to see a bunch of suits (Bodyguards). The doors and elevators automatically opened for him, since his cell phone downloaded a keypass from the girl along with the information, and it was set automatically to go on a specific floor.

Once the doors open, it is filled with more suits, and he see's the one who he is supposed to protect, and the man who hired him. The boy had Spiky hair, and he came up to introduce himself. His name was Tristan, a typical looking boy with spiky hair, about the same height as Glenn, himself.

He is quickly breifed on his assignment, which simply consisted of staying close to the boy, and doing what he can to protect him. There will be no other body guards around, and he had to pretend to be a casual friend. He stares at the boy, who mutually stares back. "...Just call me G. I'll call you T." Tristan had a wide smile, but Glenn was less than thrilled.

Glenn drives to the Club and Tristan talks about the bar profusely, "I can't wait to tear that place up. You know how many girls that are going to be there!?" Glenn responds solomnly, "You have a job to do, too. Lets try not to draw attention." Tristan scoffs, "Wow, buzzkill, bro." The younger boy sits quietly, crossing his arms.

They finally reach the nightclub, located just off the Pier. 'Waverock Club', a very
safe place apparently, due to information about a lead bouncer who had been able to keep things under control. This was only a business transaction, but then again, we're dealing with a drug cartel and a wealthy member of a underground society. Who knows how safe it'll be, especially with Tristan, who seemed immature enough to attract danger.

As they enter, immediately, Tristan runs into the crowd, apparently he wanted to start the night off with fun. Glenn was furious. This was definitely a babysitting job, so he ran after the person he needed to secure, who had somehow already made it to the bar.
The club was more busy than usual,tonight. New faces and old were streaming in. He knew that nearly everyone in the club was crooked in some way,but he didn't care;so long as they kept their ill buisness off the property,and everything remained civil,they'd have no trouble from him. With so many people,Donnovan began a constant sweep of the property,and kept two other bouncers nearby,just in case. His caution paid off;an uproar erupted near the stage isle,and when Donnovan looked,he saw a man,obviously drunk off his ass,and quite possibly on something else,was trying to mount the stage with one hand,while reaching for the dancer's "clothes". Signalling for the bouncers to assist,Donnovan approached,hand to forearm. People saw him coming,and began to clear from the man. Donnovan hissed in pain as he drew a heavy iron chain from his forearm. He spun it at his side,and cast it past the drunk. The chain was caught by one of the bouncers,who proceeded to wrap the chain around the patron,as Donnovan approached. By the time he reached the drunkard,he was in what could only be described as a cocoon of chain.

He punched the man across the face,and said, "Now that I have your attention,you must realize that this is a 'Look,don't touch' establishment. I'm afraid you're going to have to leave." Donnovan taken the other end of the chain from his co-worker,and dragged the drunk out the club's back door,and cast him bodily out to the alley,unwrapping the chains as he went. As Donnovan closed the one-way door,he was wrapping the chain around his arm,which turned into a tattoo once more.
Stumbling past a building Derick had never cast a sidelong glance at before, he managed to slip into an abandoned warehouse on the docks, struggling with his armour the entire way. Tripping, an ebon-clad fist struck the hardened concrete floor, sending a spiderweb network of cracks all about, and Derick was no longer in control.

"Wonderful... I am free once more!" the ebony knight bellowed, forcing himself upright with ease. Unaware of the drunk watching him from outside, the bone-armoured super flexed his fists, and stretched his limbs, adjusting himself to commanding a body again. Everything felt stiff, unused.

A gasp came forth, the drunk had gone from trying to cop a feel in a gentlemens' club one minute, and spying on an obvious super the next. The man of bone turned though, slowly, stiffly, to face him, and began to chuckle; a low, resounding noise that bounced from the walls like it had a life of its own.

Run! Derick shouted inside his mind in futility, hoping that his warning might somehow reach the unfortunate fellow.

Before the drunk thought to call for help, the knight was upon him, leaping the relatively short distance in a single stride, and punching, full and hard to the center of his face, blasting it away as a bloody pulp, a gory mess spread thirty feet from what was now a corpse.

"Wonderful! That certainly has me moving again!" he bellowed mockingly, striding back toward the city in search of fresher prey, he disregarding the protests of their body's former master.


In a dark room, pitch black save for a computer monitor glowing dimly on a desk, giggles could be heard. A man sat before the computer, biting a lip as he snorted out laughter, watching footage as it streamed in from a security camera he'd installed previously, just outside his little base of operations. The man continued to laugh as he rewound the footage, and watched the drunkards head explode again and again, laughter rising slowly, up into a mad cackle as his frame shook, knowing that he'd be keeping an eye on this one.
Beat was in the club enjoying himself. He snapped his fingers and tapped his foot to the rhythm of the music. The only thing was, his Rhythm was totally different from the music playing. He was listening to the music coming out of his MP3 player. Really, he hated this kind of music and entertainment. He was only there because he was waiting for someone.

As he watched the people come and go, he half expected some of them to thank him for his heroic deeds. Sure, he didn't do those often unless he happened to be in the area, but he always tried to make those memorable. He also had no secret identity. His outfit he was wearing what the outfit he always wears. It's kind of his signature look. He continued waiting as he switched his MP3 player to his favorite song.
After hours of flirting and drinking, Marcus was almost done. The girl only knew superficial things about her father's activities and the organization he was after. She made good company though. What was left in their conversations were now just small talk. They laughed at naughty things that they could talk about when suddenly, a commotion was starting near the dancers.

After the club's bouncers were able to settle things, Katherine's attention was fixed at Marcus again. She was starting to sober up. Marcus didn't feel the drinks to begin with. She leaned forward and started to say things randomly.

"What do you think about these supers, Kyle?" she asked.

"I think they're just an annoying bunch that cause a lot of disturbance and repair bills." he promptly replied.

"You're really cute when you're like that. Too bad you're a little too harmless." she jokingly commented.

"Sorry for disappointing you then, love." he commented sarcastically. "I'm not harmless, I just don't condone violence." he said as he casually took another sip from his drink.

If there was another thing Marcus was extremely good at, it was lying. It was part of what he is to be able to keep a lot of personas. It was almost about time to leave and he was contemplating whether he was gonna take his companion home with him where they could 'talk' more privately. He could have a little fun every once in a while.
When Yukiko entered the club, it was worse than what she expected. She didn't like any of it, from the blaring speakers that looked like it was going to explode to the drunken people who kept on shouting and vomiting. Irritated, she sighed and took a seat on an empty booth in a corner.

She watched the people dance like retards, jumping and punching the humid air, while her crossed arms were on her chest. Still, this was better than staying in her apartment and looking at every furniture and picture, that painly reminded her of her life back at Japan, while the deafening silence and stiff darkness that would coil around her like an evil viper.
It didn't taken long for the pair to reach the Waverock club from the Davis' residence. What Travis didn't know (or chose not to tell Lu), was just how busy a place like Waverock could be on a night like this. The line stretched along the wall leading from the entrance and then stopped just around the corner leading to a entrance for the dancers. Despite Lu's pleas of moving on the find another place, Travis brought Lu with him to wait at the back of the line.

"I do not see the purpose of being at this particular club. I'm sure there are other establishments that we could go to that would satisfy your need for entertainment," Lu inquired, wanting anything to not be here.

"That's cause you've never been here! Trust me, you are going to love it," Travis insisted, in which Lu could only respond with an exasperated sigh.

As they stood and waited for the line to proceed, Lu was looking around the area and day dreaming to pass the time. He immediately took notice of a dull green glow coming from across the street and down an alleyway that seemed to grow as it moved closer to the club. Lu reasoned that nothing ever good came from strange glowing things that approach from alleyways, as the old tv shows and movies had taught him well. He turned and took hold of Travis' shoulder, "Travis you need to get these people in the club, now."

Travis turned around and was about to protest his friend's strange behavior, until he saw what Lu was referring to. As Lu waited at the end of the line, Travis stepped forward and away from the crowd and directed everyone's attention to him, Guess what folks, this is your lucky night as I am declaring all of you my guests to come into the club with me!"

The bouncer that had been posted outside barked out, "And just who do you think you are scrawny?"

"Me? I'm the producer of the hit show "Ghost Chasers" He said as he moved closer to the bouncer so that only he could hear as he whispered, "and I'm the guy that is pointing out that strange glow approaching from across the street," Travis finished.

"Uh... alright folks, looks like this is everyone's lucky night... head on in in calm fashion." The bouncer announced before calling ahead to warn of the trouble outside. Fortunately, through the combination of Lu's excellent night sight (granted by his passive bonding with a Leopard spirit) and the fact that everyone else was far more interested in getting into the club than he was, no one else had noticed the odd luminescence. Part of him was concerned about what would happened if this wasrealtrouble, but knew that the people would be safer inside, than outside. And were this simply a case of an overactive imagination, then all that would result is a much busier club.

Lu stepped forward into the street and took his BO Staff into his hand, readying himself to react to whatever would come from in front of him as he whispered under his breath, "I call upon you, spirit of the scorpion, to join with the spirit of the Leopard this night and lend me your aid."
From the glowing alley stepped a little girl,wearing very much outdated clothing. Upon closer inspection,she was the source of the glow,and was transparent,too. Upon seeing Lu approach,she smiled broadly,apparently blind to his staff and combat stance,and flew into speech,entirely in Ukranian.


As the small legion of people surged into the Waverock,Donnovan was more than perplexed. Aren't we at capacity already? He waded through the crowd,and spoke to one of the doormen. "Hey,we're supposed to be full! Who let the line in?" The bouncer pointed at the head doorman,and said, "Something about a glowing green alleyway. Safety first." Donnovan was confused,but when he looked out the door,he saw what the doorman was talking about. "Alright. Stay here,keep an eye on things. I'll take a look." "But you're supposed to stay inside,Kincaid." "And what if that's a superhuman? I'm the only super on staff,so I think a little preemptive action is called for." With that,Donnovan stepped out of the crowded and noisy Waverock,and approached the alleyway.
From the lights and glamour of the downtown district, lay the slums, where the poor and the desperate tried to live, of course this area of the slums was no longer just a bunch of shacks held together with string and prayers, with the poor being easy prey for gangs, drug dealers or rich kids with some built up anger, no this place has been transformed over these past 2 years, now this whole area is a makeshift walled enclave, the poor are still poor, but they have made a new society, where drugs such as heroin, crack cocaine, crystal meth ect... are illegal and punishments include beatings followed by a drop-off at the local train lines and lifetime exile, however the drug Marijuana is big in this little enclave, but people are forbidden from getting "too high" when working, and yes they are working, making homemade ornaments, the sale of these souvenirs and the thriving "hash bars" where weed can be bought and smoked, but not taken off premises, this area's situation is improving, guns and knives are also fobiden in public, instead use of fists and sticks is used to deal with "trouble"

who is responsible for this turnaround in the district? well, in a broad term, it is the "Order of Vicnor" or more accurately, "Vicnor", some call him a hero, some call him a menace, but whatever you call him, his iron fist policy on harmful drugs and violence has made life better for so many people in this area, although the rich shun them and hate him for still allowing Marijuana, they don't see it from the viewpoint of those who live down on this level.

Vicnor looked over the city from his "palace" well, not really a palace, its just a few interconnected "emergency housing" things build a few years ago, they are attached directly under the freeway and the railings allow travel to and from them, his one's front door faced towards the CBD, where all the skyscrapers were.

Vicnor looked over the city, his red and black tattoos showing on his uncovered torso, his bright, gleaming eyes looked up, from the front door, which is now just a cloth flap, a young, beautiful hispanic girl emerged, probably 17 or so.

"thank you lord Vicnor for letting me use your plumbing... uhh, has the Mayor replied to your request for better plumbing to be installed in the area?"

his eyes narrowed "No... he said he has "other engagements" then i saw in the newspaper he's going to some high-class party tonight with some celebrities, no doubt to get himself drunk, have sex with some pathetic waitress slut and blow his nose off with some high class cocaine..." his hands on the railings tightened

"Alice... go back inside and bring me my clothes, the robes... i have a party to attend..."

"y-yes lord Vicnor"

"and stop calling me "Lord"!" he looked over the railing at a heavily tattooed hairy bearded man

"Joan!... hey, Joan!... fetch my car will you? and get me a driver.... a well shaved one, sober and has some clean clothes!"

Vicnor looked over the town "this city... its pathetic... the rich and powerful live it up, and completely ignore the good people down here, assume us all to be those pathetic addicts and thugs when we've expelled them from our society... tonight, the city will hear my people's demands, and so help them, they will heed them well"
"So what is it you do again Kyle?" she asked him.

"I'm just a gambler." he replied and smiled as he thought of all the time he abused his abilities in casinos. Those places never stood a chance against someone like Marcus.

"Really? You're rich and influential in the world the two of us move in and you expect me to believe you got all that from gambling?" she said further and in a slightly more sarcastic tone.

"Guess I'm just really lucky, love." he replied as he cracked a small grin. "Truthfully speaking, I've invested in a tad many different things. It's also easy when you have information sources and people like mine." he added. What he said was half true. He sold information that wasn't valuable to him in the underground. He didn't mention that it was him doing all the dirty work. When bosses needed someone dead, they knew who to ask. When they needed something taken, they knew who to ask. What they didn't know is who was doing all of these things. He would openly claim that he was the brain of all his operations.

"I guess I'll trust you on that." Katherine said plainly as she took another sip from her drink. "Father did always look up to you... at the same time he was afraid of your reach." she added.

"I find your dad more valuable as a friend than an enemy, darling. No worries, my friends wont touch him."

"Hey, have you heard of that guy everyone calls Deadeye?" she asked. "I've been hearing a lot about him cleaning up."

"That's just a bunch of nonsense media have been spreading to make the other gang lords weary." he was trying to avoid the topic altogether.

"but it's true. It was also in the news that the police are still confirming it and are trying to find something linking all the cases together."

Marcus thought back on all of those hits. He found out those groups were related with the organization he was after. That to a point, they helped in smuggling necessary things for the said organization. He didn't get something definite that could be useful in his search but he didn't regret killing all those people. After all, they were involved with project GENESIS. Marcus soon noticed a commotion in front of the entrance. There were loads of people going in mostly almost panic-stricken. The bouncers were conferring with each other. There was the smell of trouble brewing. Marcus had an eerie feeling that something was gonna go terribly wrong.

"Listen Kat, it's getting really crowded in here so I'm gonna go home." he said to his companion. "You should go home too. I'll see you again another time." he said as he stood up and walked near her. He gave her a last kiss and went on his way towards the entrance. He looked back and wave to reassure the woman that things are good. As soon as he was near the entrance, he overheard the bouncers.
getting down to the ground, Vicnor got into his car, a restored black BMW 4wheel drive, the only decent car which hasen't been stripped, stolen and vandalized, in fact it was totally untouched, everyone in this area of town knew who's car this was.

"to the upper districts... no great rush, i'd rather the event to be in full swing by the time i arrive"

"yep, ya got it Vicnor!"

he looked at the driver, he was a scroungy guy, chewing something, normal people would assume "gum" but Vicnor knew not to assume such things for people who live where he does.

their car went through the districts, untouched by locals and gangs, at one point some guys jumped in front of them to try and take the car, the second they saw Vicnor in the back seat they all dropped their guns and got on their knees beside the car, hoping he'd just drive on... which he did... it was rumored Vicnor had "powers"... and even if those rumors were false, the strength and dedication of the Order's "Warriors" was well known.

going up through the upper districts after a few minutes, the car came to a stop, in front of the car, stood some strange monk in the middle of the road, on one side of the road was a busy night club, Vicnor knew this place, and he hated it, if he could he'd march his warriors up here and sack that whole place, raid their safe and stashes of food and booze, and bring it back to the people, places like that, where only the rich men and beautiful "plastic" women were allowed, the height of elitism and self-entitlement...

on the other side of the road, just an alleyway between 2 buildings, one of which bore a billboard advertising the club right across the road, the monk in the middle of the street seemed concerned with something in the alleyway.

"Lord?" asked the driver, Vicnor was silent for a bit, before...

"Drive around him, that holy man isn't hurting anybody, and we have an important date to keep..."

as the driver did so, driving very briefly in the oncoming lane to avoid the monk (Lu) they soon corrected lanes and drove off...

"Driver... that club... i hear certain criminal leaders meet in there"

"uhh yeah, some families, mainly the ones who keep trying to set up their drug labs in the buildings near the Enclave, why?"

Vicnor leaned forward "after you drop me off, go back and tell the Warriors i need a team of 10 of the best warriors we have, in casual dress waiting around the corner of that club, and tell them i dont want them making any moves without me there, understood?"

"yes lord"

"and why does everyone call me "Lord"!? the name is Vicnor or Dylan..."
Tristan was wandering about, amazed at the kind of people that attended this club. It was amazing, and he wanted to go wild. He had already begun to flirt with a few girls, flaunting his money by ordering expensive top shelf drinks. Of course the girls around took the chance to get free top shelf drinks, and a chance with a rich bachelor, which excited Tristan even more.

Glenn tried to find the boy through the crowd, wondering what the hell the boy was thinking separating from his bodyguard. Tristan was the heir of a large drug cartel! The kid was supposed to be more responsible than that, but instead he's acting as though he was a kid in a candy shop. If his job wasn't to protect the guy, Glenn would probably run him over with his car. As he looks to a crowd of raised glasses and cheering, it had to be Tristan. Though the two have only met for less than a few hours, Glenn could already tell that Tristan was the type to flaunt his money. This was definitely a babysitting job, he reiterated in his head.

Tristan was already hitting a buzzed state, and his tolerance to alcohol wasn't so high. Drunk and wobbly, he saw Glenn approach him, but didn't run away from his furious bodyguard. Tristan put his arm around Glenn's shoulder, "This is my bodyguard guys! Show us some tricks!" Glenn only slapped his hand on his forehead, "I think he's had enough drinks. And I'm not his bodyguard, c'mon T!" Dragging Tristan along with him, as the boy quickly gulps down another swish of vodka. A few girls immediately launched at Glenn, begging for their rich drink supplier back, but instead of launching them off, he decided to act casual. "How about you give me your numbers, and I'll just give it to my friend here. He'll make sure to call you back." They easily complied, both sides waving to each other in a sloppy drunkenness.

Glenn sat Tristan, of whom he was babysitting, down, and tried to sober the boy up. Couldn't the boy just taken a few drinks with his clients first. Would leave a better impression that showing up already tipsy. He looked at the boy realizing how unprofessional he could be, but then again as he looked around, there were a bunch of weirdos that were less than dressed normally. They all probably had abilities too, but this didn't scare Glenn, as long as Tristan was in sight.

Tristan was still buzzed, and wanted to wander some more, but Glenn wouldn't let up. Glenn decided to order ask for a water from a waitress and force fed it to Tristan. He stood him up again, and looked for the mob members they were supposed to meet for the deal. They weren't so hard to spot, since there were pictures on his phone of some of the members through the mission packet. They tend to stick close, but like Tristan was, are surrounded by women and alcohol in a VIP booth.

As they walk, more so Glenn dragging Tristan as he is drunk staggering a bit, the mob members already greet them. They gesture their women to help their guests to them, and pour them drinks. Glenn graciously followed and let the girls handle Tristan for the moment, who was mesmerized by the situation. They both sat, and the one that seemed to hold the most power of the group, possibly the leader or right arm, began speaking. "So you are the heir, boy?" His voice was deep and husky, and his laugh was raspy as though he had been smoking for his whole life. Tristan laughed along with him, but something seemed off, so Glenn stayed close to the boy. "Have a few drinks my boy. I can't wait to talk business with you."

Tristan received his glass from the woman and raised his glass to the man, as the mob man did the same with his drink, and they cheers. Tristan gulped the drink, and let out a satisfying gulp. "You're a good man, Sir. What's your name again?" Tristan asked, but he should have already known who he was going to meet. The man was a little less than Satisfied but answered changing to his previous mood, "Call me Uncle Caster. I'm representing for the boss right now." So he wasn't the right hand or the boss himself, Glenn thought, only an underling? Interesting. "You brought samples of your product, kid?" Caster asked in a mildly serious tone. "Sure did!" Tristan pulled out fancy box that looked as though it could fit an engagement right, but when he opened it, it contained capsules filled with some red substance.

So this was the drug... Glenn couldn't help but wonder what kind of effects it had. As he looked at it, Caster had already signal one of his girls to retrieve the box.

(I actually want to write more..but it's getting late and i have class tomorrow. x__x continue when I wake up)
The black 4x4 continued it's way up through town, it was now going through the labyrinth of steel and glass skyscrapers, with moving walls made up of packed in traffic, on the side of a large building, an advertisement for Coca-cola was playing, it had 3 good friends on a sandy beach, Caucasian and Black males, one Asian girl all dancing around a fire with Coca-cola in their hands, before fading away to a glass of Coke with ice in it, being kissed by a pair of big, fully rose red lips, followed by an advertisement for some crappy 13 year old boy singer who women of almost all ages seem to love.

Vicnor looked out, this place he actually honestly liked, he saw poor people earning a buck through selling hotdogs and entertaining, rich people buying from them or giving them money for their actions, most of the people here were regular middle class people, kids with cell phones, most of whom havent touched any drugs in their lives... but the traffic was moving again, and on the next stop, there was a big Persian club, with 2 men throwing out another man in a suit and a briefcase, they followed with screaming out "dont come back Jew! taxes can go to hell!" and "go back to Israel! we'd kill you if we could!" Vicnor just shook his head "ugh... such hate, remind me, are we in 21st century or are we in 1930s and 40s Germany? because i swear sometimes they look exactly alike, just now its flashier and everyone sweeps it under the rug so not to cause a fuss..." the Driver nodded "nothing changes Vicnor, clothes get flashier, phones get more advanced, but hateful bigots will always be hastling everyone else..."

Vicnor nodded "true... true..."

the traffic was moving again, the last stop before on the straight to the rich district, a whore came up to the window

"hey! hey you! fifty dolla, i give you good time yes? you no have to drive me back, i walk, yeah!"

Vicnor sighed again "driver... we're near Chinatown arent we?" "yeah boss" "so this girl is..." "triads sir, they own all the rackets up here, drugs, gambling, prostitution, you name it"

Vicnor looked at the girl, she was clearly new to English, probably bought over here in a human traficing operation

"go home" he said as they drove off again... now on the straight to the rich districts...


In a few minutes, they had gone from the steel and glass towers to the acre block mansions overlooking the city, mansions owned by business tycoons, celebrities, companies, drug lords, a couple cult compounds and more...

the residence they were going to was the palace of prince Abdullah Al-Shakir (made up name) of Saudi Arabia, he is hosting a party for celebrities, politicians and other influential people for the night, the big lights flashing into the sky, music, and cars ranging from Lamborghinis to limousines and even an arriving helicopter carrying some cousin to the prince and 2 scantily clad women, clearly 10,000 dollar a night whores.

the 4x4 pulled up and Vicnor stepped out, a man in a suit approached, holding up an I-Pad

"Sir, I am not registering you on my list, i'm going to ha-"

"EXCUSE ME!? look at me!... my name is Alistair LeBlanc, son of Joseph LeBlank, billionaire, i dont allow my face to be taken beforehand just to be scanned for your... list like these other... rabble, look down your list, you will see a profile image of me..."

under vicnor's influence, the guard saw his name on the list

"... ah, VIP status, my apologies sir, when i saw your Vehicle..."

"I like to be unnasuming on the outside, but inside is the height of luxury, now you've kept me long enough doorman!"

Vicnor went in, the driver drove off... now comes the somewhat hard part, finding the mayor... and maybe prince Abdullah, see if he can "spare" some money, just a couple mil, to re-open and renovate and resupply the worn down free clinic down in the slums... He held his head high, holding his clean and pressed robes as he walked around the large golden palace, he took a small piece of meat with a slice of avacado on it, on a toothpick of course and ate it, the taste was rich and succulent... it removed any slight pangs he had about doing this, he remembered that no matter how much he stole from these people, it wouldnt even leave a scratch on their overseas bank accounts and could improve the lives of dozens, if not hundreds of even thousands of people in the lower districts... he saw a big glass bowl filled with money, a so-called "charity drive" how quaint... these rich fools had no idea what that money was really going towards...
Tratt Ellebay pushed her bangs out of her eyes as she walked briskly up the stairwell to her apartment. It was very late, almost midnight in fact, and she hadn't fed in over two days. She began to feel weak and wobbly as she reached the final stair, grasping for the door knob. Immediately, she fell on top of her bed, ripping off her day clothes. Tratt works in an office building, so she has to wear nicer and not always comfortable clothing. Her stomach growled so much it almost hurt. Tratt groaned as she slipped off her bed, tugged off her socks and walked into her bathroom. Being a vampire, she has very pale with almost white skin, so she covers herself in a darker shade of makeup. Her hair did not grow, she often wore extentions, and if not made the excuse of cutting her hair constantly to stay a certain length. As she wiped her foundation off, a soft tickle wrapped around her legs. Her pet cat, Ullz, was her black feline friend that she found on a hunt one night. Ullz was named after Tratt's friend, whom she had slaughtered unintentionally.

Tratt bent over to pet the kitty. "Hey Ullz," She cooed, "Were you quiet today?" He purred, rubbing his head on her hand. "Good boy, I'll be sure to pick something out for you after my hunt tonight." Her stomach growled in agreement. She smiled.

After all the makeup was washed off, Tratt slipped into a black dress, put on her heels and amulet, and took out her extentions. Ullz lay on her bed, watching her get ready with his tail wagging slowly. She looked back at him and kissed the top of his forehead. "Gonna go grab a bite, be back in a bit Ullzy~" Her heels clicked with every step down the hardwood stairs. Outside, there was low traffic and clouds covered the stars. Everything was serious now. During a hunt, Tratt refers to her alias.

Hiita narrowed her eyes as she slowly walked down the sidewalk, keeping her heels to a minimum amount of noise. The streets were clear now, lights were dim and all was quiet. If I go to a bar, I'll probably have to hunt on drunks. Their blood is too bitter for my taste. Maybe I should just wait in an alley and attack some homeless or nightwalker. Ugh, homeless blood. She made a face. I guess bar it is then... She sighed, trudging on with her walk. A few nightwalkers looked her way, probably thinking she was a prostitute in her fancy clothes. Hiita held her head high at the strangers.

The bar she usually went to knew her face, and they might know about the connections between the people Hiita led out and the corpses of them found later. She bared her fangs as an acceptable replacement came into view. A club? Quickly, she used her enhanced speed to run up to the door, showing off her fangs with a proud, brief smile. The bouncer had tattoos, and one she was increasingly fond of was the chains. Tratt wasn't the type to get a tattoo, but Hiita would find it daring and independant. Though even so, her skin was light and flawless.

"Nice place." She said, running her tongue across her fangs as she walked into the club. It was very crowded, a good size for hunting. As she glanced around, most people in sight were having a drink or in a group. Bitter and protected. She pouted. Across the room, there were several barstools empty. She walked over, not so much that she would draw attention but fast enough that no one would take the seat before her. Hiita ordered a Scotch, but as soon as the bartender turned she used her manipulation to floated the liquid to the next man's empty drink. Poison shouldn't be consumed on purpose. She thought bitterly as she turned down a refill. Out of the corner of her eye, a woman who had seperated from her group walked into the Ladies Room. Hiita's fangs popped out once again as she made her way over.

The woman was young and was wearing a decent amount of clothing, so Hiita decided to spare her life. She quickly ran into the bathroom before the door closed behind the woman. She stood before her with taunting eyes. before the woman could react, Hiita had grabbed her and bit down into her neck, drinking just enough blood so that the woman would faint. Once done, Hiita picked up the limp girl and laid her against the white walls. "No hard feelings," She whispered, "But I gotta eat to live." She fixed the woman's blond hair so the marks would not show, and left her there sleeping. Hiita left the club, after another target.

This time, it was a man who looked around in his fiftys. He was wobbly, drunk, and alone. "Well, you're a sorry pansy, arn't you?" She asked him, holding onto his shoulder to steady him. Her flashing red eyes bore into his. "You're intoxicated, that's just drinking away your life. Is poisoning yourself really worth what's coming to you?" The man looked at her, stumbling and swaying with a confused look on his face. She pushed him back. "Bitter blood, you're lucky I don't have a taste for your kind." She turned on her heel and walked back inside the club, not meeting the eyes of anyone.
Marcus approached the tattooed bouncer and tapped his broad shoulders. But before he could do so, a pale and beautiful woman passed them by. She was eerily elegant though. The type that sent chills down an assassin's spine. She was definitely not normal. But moving on, he tapped his shoulders.

"Hey big guy, is it alright to go outside?" he asked the man covered in tattoos.

Looking more closely, his tattoos were more elaborate. Every tattoo he saw on him were inanimate objects. More specifically, things that could be used as weapons. There wasn't an intimidating air around him though. He looked like the type who follows his own description of justice.

"I wanna go outside so I could go home. Is that alright?" he added. He talked naturally like how an english gentleman would but it's not like he was doing it on purpose. He was after all english. He did know a lot of languages like japanese, mandarin, spanish and russian. Skills he acquired in that godforsaken island.

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