Roleplay Pet Peeves

That reminds me of a particular pet peeve of mine, in both literature and roleplaying; vampires attending human schools. Just... why? Even in the more modernized versions of vampires, they're hundreds of years old. Regardless of maturity level, what vampire in their right mind would sit through high school? It's boring and frustrating, so why not just be home schooled? Or go to their own school? Do they have to re do highschool in a different place every four years? It makes no sense! I bet they could get away with looking like young adults. Heck even some of the particularly young ones could pass for adults, since many college students are fairly young looking. A college setting would be more logical, though still somewhat bizarre. At least with college one has a chance to study whatever one wants to. Why don't people do that instead? Highschool really isn't so wonderful that vampires would want to sit through it for centuries until the arbitrary equivalent age of being an adult. Though I imagine this bothers most people less than it bothers me.

^^^^^^ this

why don't vampires just become history teachers and impart their wisdom on people? or commit their eternity to actually doing something useful? like, if they have forever, they might as well do something worthwhile with it. they should be doctors or scientists or even authors. 

why are they wasting their time in high school

they're choosing to be eternally damned by attending them xP
Additionally, I hate how prevalent high-school RP's are. I mean... High school sucks total ass. Why do people want to relive that, 'but differently'? No matter how you go about it, it totally fucking sucks. I mean, does the sheer boringness of it somehow overload and go back to fun for some people?

It's so alien to me.

Is it just because all those highschool animes?
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^^^^ it's totally because of high school animes.

people don't even want to write the actual high school part of it so characters constantly skip class and teachers don't seem to exist. like, dude, just write a roleplay set during summer vacation or something. 

also have no idea why nobody likes writing characters that have left high school/college and are out living their actual lives. because i really enjoy writing in settings like that because there's so much freedom. 
That reminds me of a particular pet peeve of mine, in both literature and roleplaying; vampires attending human schools. Just... why? Even in the more modernized versions of vampires, they're hundreds of years old. Regardless of maturity level, what vampire in their right mind would sit through high school? It's boring and frustrating, so why not just be home schooled? Or go to their own school? Do they have to re do highschool in a different place every four years? It makes no sense! I bet they could get away with looking like young adults. Heck even some of the particularly young ones could pass for adults, since many college students are fairly young looking. A college setting would be more logical, though still somewhat bizarre. At least with college one has a chance to study whatever one wants to. Why don't people do that instead? Highschool really isn't so wonderful that vampires would want to sit through it for centuries until the arbitrary equivalent age of being an adult. Though I imagine this bothers most people less than it bothers me.

I actually find this a bit annoying as well... People who are playing gods or something then attending a highschool just doesn't make any logical sense, same for demons and vampires....
^^^^ it's totally because of high school animes.

people don't even want to write the actual high school part of it so characters constantly skip class and teachers don't seem to exist. like, dude, just write a roleplay set during summer vacation or something. 

also have no idea why nobody likes writing characters that have left high school/college and are out living their actual lives. because i really enjoy writing in settings like that because there's so much freedom. 

It's harder to get characters to meet eachother that way, especially if it's a large group RP. Much easier to have everyone in roughly the same area, otherwise it justs feels forced (I think, I haven't made an RP in quite a while... So it's just my reasoning)
Well here is one, the iturrupting non funny guy/girl.

basically I find it really annoying when something happens on a roleplay and person who isn't part of it. Post a dank or non funny meme that he like. Just thought of.

like this post is...

Such doge

like common yo can do better than that!?!?!!!
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people that have no variety in characters.

my pet peeve at the moment is people always writing "thin" characters. not everybody in the world is shaped like that. people come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. also tired of people using thin like it's an ideal- thin normally refers to somebody who is unnaturally skinny and probably sick. please stop making your characters "thin". 

It's harder to get characters to meet eachother that way, especially if it's a large group RP. Much easier to have everyone in roughly the same area, otherwise it justs feels forced (I think, I haven't made an RP in quite a while... So it's just my reasoning)

not true. if your roleplay has any kind of plot, there should be events that draw characters together. if not, they could just bump into each other. plus, you can always establish pre-built relationships with other characters. 
Well here is one, the iturrupting non funny guy.

basically I find it really annoying when something happens on a roleplay and person who isn't part of it. Post a dank or non funny meme that he like. Just thought of.

like this post is...

Such doge

That has never happened to me.
people that have no variety in characters.

my pet peeve at the moment is people always writing "thin" characters. not everybody in the world is shaped like that. people come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. also tired of people using thin like it's an ideal- thin normally refers to somebody who is unnaturally skinny and probably sick. please stop making your characters "thin". 

not true. if your roleplay has any kind of plot, there should be events that draw characters together. if not, they could just bump into each other. plus, you can always establish pre-built relationships with other characters. 

That would feel a little forced to me... I mean, sure, you could do those things, but it isn't as interesting starting with pre-built relationships in my opinion. I don't know, chances of me changing your mind or you changing my is zero xD  

I just think I can see why people choose highschool RPs frequently.

  • They are easy to set up as you don't have to come up with much lore
  • Keep all the characters in one area
  • can move onto another area through plot reasons (such as the school being burnt down and needing to run for some reason)
  • allows for a variety of different characters.


It has now.

This isn't an RP though xD  
That would feel a little forced to me... I mean, sure, you could do those things, but it isn't as interesting starting with pre-built relationships in my opinion. I don't know, chances of me changing your mind or you changing my is zero xD  

I just think I can see why people choose highschool RPs frequently.

  • They are easy to set up as you don't have to come up with much lore
  • Keep all the characters in one area
  • can move onto another area through plot reasons (such as the school being burnt down and needing to run for some reason)
  • allows for a variety of different characters.

This isn't an RP though xD  

It's on a RP website 

but people don't write a variety of characters in high school settings. 

not to mention that in that your point of your life, you aren't a fully developed person and your character won't be either. post-high school/college is a far better time to set roleplays in my opinion because it means that your character will have experienced more and grown as a person since high school. 

maybe i've just had a bad experience from high school roleplays but i find that they lack plot and story and therefore crash and burn more often than not. 

@VexLink you're doing the exact thing you complained about. 
but people don't write a variety of characters in high school settings. 

not to mention that in that your point of your life, you aren't a fully developed person and your character won't be either. post-high school/college is a far better time to set roleplays in my opinion because it means that your character will have experienced more and grown as a person since high school. 

maybe i've just had a bad experience from high school roleplays but i find that they lack plot and story and therefore crash and burn more often than not. 

@VexLink you're doing the exact thing you complained about. 

It allows for a variety of different characters.

I'm probably thinking more about magic school RPs though, which are the ones I did most. Hey were generally pretty good until... Well, people started being gods and I lost interest...
when you play an adult faerie that can pass for a 12 year old human child on a purely cosmetic level, it is a bit harder to justify her being outside of a school setting, not that said faerie is mentally and emotionally 12. (those would be closer to early twenties). but she does put up the child act to get herself out of trouble, and due to her appearance, she was only able to gain the skills a 12 year old can actually gain exposure to and train with the weapons and implements a 12 year old actually has a reason to learn, specifically knives and unarmed combat, because children taking martial arts courses or using boxcutters in art class aren't unheard of. the thing is, the age your character can pass for, determines which settings they can better blend as part of and which skills they could actually learn. Umbrie had to use a mongolian shortbow for years, because Archery was considered a sport and she couldn't get somebody to teach her how to properly use a pistol, let alone sign and fund the permit on her behalf. and it wasn't like she wanted an AK, just a semi auto Glock to ward off some creepers with.
^^^^^^ this

why don't vampires just become history teachers and impart their wisdom on people? or commit their eternity to actually doing something useful? like, if they have forever, they might as well do something worthwhile with it. they should be doctors or scientists or even authors. 

why are they wasting their time in high school

they're choosing to be eternally damned by attending them xP

Easy food source. You pick off the stupid ones when they're young enough not to be weary of danger.

its actually a pretty clever idea from a pure predatory standpoint.
when you play an adult faerie that can pass for a 12 year old human child on a purely cosmetic level, it is a bit harder to justify her being outside of a school setting, not that said faerie is mentally and emotionally 12. (those would be closer to early twenties). but she does put up the child act to get herself out of trouble, and due to her appearance, she was only able to gain the skills a 12 year old can actually gain exposure to and train with the weapons and implements a 12 year old actually has a reason to learn, specifically knives and unarmed combat, because children taking martial arts courses or using boxcutters in art class aren't unheard of. the thing is, the age your character can pass for, determines which settings they can better blend as part of and which skills they could actually learn. Umbrie had to use a mongolian shortbow for years, because Archery was considered a sport and she couldn't get somebody to teach her how to properly use a pistol, let alone sign and fund the permit on her behalf. and it wasn't like she wanted an AK, just a semi auto Glock to ward off some creepers with.

That's less so the fault of the RP itself and more so the fault of the RPers making unsuitable characters. This was addressed a page back I think xD  or maybe just the top of this page.
Additionally, I hate how prevalent high-school RP's are. I mean... High school sucks total ass. Why do people want to relive that, 'but differently'? No matter how you go about it, it totally fucking sucks. I mean, does the sheer boringness of it somehow overload and go back to fun for some people?

It's so alien to me.

Is it just because all those highschool animes?

Its because it's a universally familiar concept. Not everyone will have the same understanding/knowledge of magic, politics, horror, fandoms, etc.

but I would assume that everyone on this site has gone to some form of schooling or at least understands the basics of how high school works.

so for people starting out it's an easy situation to explore. And some people like escapism ( it's why we have the YA genre ).

also anime likely plays a huge part in it. 

I'm more peeved by people insisting on only playing teenagers in ALL their Roleplays rather than people who just do schools.
That's less so the fault of the RP itself and more so the fault of the RPers making unsuitable characters. This was addressed a page back I think xD  or maybe just the top of this page.

it was merely an example of how a character's cosmetic age and the social perceptions others have inferred about them could affect what skills they are allowed to learn and where they could realistically go. i'm not a fan of school settings because everybody plays one of the same classic high school archetypes you see in those teen high school dramas where the characters are supposed to be between 14 and 19 years old but are played by people in their late twenties or early thirties. post high school or post college is better, but a characters cosmetic age can affect how they are percieved, which affects what they can get away with learning. loli/schoolgirl assassins are hard to play in a modern setting when you apply logic due to the prevalence of modern weaponry, the lack of proper training a percieved child can realistically be exposed to outside of a handful of specific traditions, the lack of competitive weaponry a student can pick up and the fact they might as well be murdering with art supplies and stationary they stole from their school.
Its because it's a universally familiar concept. Not everyone will have the same understanding/knowledge of magic, politics, horror, fandoms, etc.

but I would assume that everyone on this site has gone to some form of schooling or at least understands the basics of how high school works.

so for people starting out it's an easy situation to explore. And some people like escapism ( it's why we have the YA genre ).

also anime likely plays a huge part in it. 

I'm more peeved by people insisting on only playing teenagers in ALL their Roleplays rather than people who just do schools.

funny thing, you can technically be any age post high school and be a college student. you could even be in your forties seeking a new career because you weren't satisfied with the choice you made when you graduated the last time at the age of 24.
funny thing, you can technically be any age post high school and be a college student. you could even be in your forties seeking a new career because you weren't satisfied with the choice you made when you graduated the last time at the age of 24.

^^^^^ this is true.

college opens up a lot more opportunity to write a variety of characters of different ages and backgrounds because there are simply more people there. plus, if you feel that an entire college would be too wide an area, you can always writing about a specific organisation within a college. for example, i have written several roleplays in the past set exclusively in lgtbq clubs. 

haven't y'all seen the show community? community college is one of the best places to set a realistic roleplay :D  
funny thing, you can technically be any age post high school and be a college student. you could even be in your forties seeking a new career because you weren't satisfied with the choice you made when you graduated the last time at the age of 24.

You misunderstood the point of that post. People roleplay high school because it's universally familiar to pretty much everyone. Sure the exact setting will vary but everyone is familiar with the basics.

not everyone on this site is an adult nor did every adult in the world have the opportunity to go to college and have that experience.

high school on the other hand is mandatory to a certain extent. Even if you don't graduate you've experienced enough to understand the concept. Plus look at the media ( books, movies, tv shows, anime) how many of them take place in high schools versus college or the real world?

personally I flunked out of college twice so it was hardly a fun experience for me. Granted high school wasn't either but I don't do roleplay in the real world. It's pretty much urban fantasy all the way where a school is a place people go to learn to use their abilities. And it's the setting not the focus.
i don't mind roleplaying a character who looks like a little girl on a purely cosmetic level but is technically in her late teens to her mid twenties. i would merely look for an excuse to not shoehorn her into a high school setting, maybe make her a smaller sized college student, not dwarf small, just physically underdeveloped compared to most girls of her age when it comes to her figure. i mean, there are girls like that whose figures are developmentally challenged. i RP a lot of them, because it is a common disorder among women in my family, their bodies mature slower on the exterior but faster within the interior. so while we physically look young on the surface, thier internal organs are old and diabetes prone. i suffer from it too. it doesn't neccessarily impact height, but the appearance of youth and attractiveness has its cost.

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