Roleplay Pet Peeves

When someone seems ONLY to want to rp ONE thing and any questions asked upon its viability as a rp element or suggestions on how to make it work are met with sour childishness.
So a few relatively minor ones

  • Rudeness. Like when people are just super snarky or condescending in their searches. It just kind of turns me off.
  • When people get super offended and leave without giving me a chance to work on a compromise so we're both happy
  • GMs who write all their stuff in a single block of text without any visuals or bolded text or making it pretty
  • People who want me to post like twelve times a day. Ain't no one got time for that.

I guess my last point kind of ties in with your second one.

If you don't know what that is, it's when you tie in your character with someone else's for a little while (like they have an encounter, or date, and start living together.) and then they leave in the middle of something, and the rest of the group continues playing, but you can't cause you're locked with this player till they come back. I just call it a "tie lock." Cause you tie in, and get locked in place. I'm not sure if there's a better word with it. But these are like the worst. Part of the reason, I've pulled away from group RPs, and am hesitant to jump back into any. The game of catch up, after a tie lock is always the worst. Or if you have a big Tie Lock that halts everyone's play, because one person won't respond, at the most climactic part of the RP.... the worst...

I know EXACTLY how that feels. Omg I had this one encounter where that person had a bunch of characters whos story lines kind of revolved around their own. They were essential playing the main character. At pretty much the most climatic point in the story they just stops replying. I wait and then I poke and I prod and I see them responding to OTHER things.... Needless to say the rp died quite swiftly as there weren't that many of us left active. What's worse is that I tried to give that person a chance to make things work by asking them if we could kill off that character or void them or something. They refused to do so INSISTING that they were definitely going to respond to it....

Later they enfuriated me by admitting that they had simply grown bored of it or some other lameas* excuse. Nobody is required to stay on an rp for any reason whatsoever. That nevertheless does not mean that you should make a storyline revolving around your character and then just leave because you are "bored".

This I guess leads me to another important thing. If you know you are flaky/don't wanna commit/etc, don't create a storyline based around your character. Also, if you can't/don't wanna do an rp anymore, just say so instead of insisting you'll get to it. You have the right to leave whenever you want or need but you DONT have the right to keep others from playing on. Let the others void/kill your character, make a final post. Something. (We were quite close to the ending of that important encounter really, they chose a di*kish time to move on. In fact it was an important fight scene where the odds were stacked so very against that character so killing him off would have been all too easy and wouldn't even require posting at all really. It was a high magic campaign so they literally could have teleported out of there and ended that entire storyline right then and there too.)

(I didn't name names so please don't say I'm trouble)
It's a weird one and not that common, but not fielding replies to your own interest check. This is kind of similar to GMs dropping, but somehow more frustrating to me.

Like this one-sided conversation I had a while ago.

Them: [1x1 Interest check that I liked the sound of, has the usual 'Please PM me!']

Me: [in a PM, 3 hours after they posted] Hey! I think think I fit your criteria blah blah.

Them: [reads PM 5 minutes after I sent it. No response for two days.]

Me: Uh.. should I take this as a no, then? I'm not offended, I'd just like to know, please.

Them: [reads PM, no response ever despite the fact they were online multiple times a day.]

Why would you do this? Maybe I'm not your cup of tea, or you changed your mind. That's totally fine. I don't have that much free time, though, so just bloody tell me you're not interested so I can get on and ask someone else.

I think people who ask for writing samples do this more often, and I find it truly obnoxious. If you're going to be 'picky' you should have the balls to reject people. Don't just wuss out and never respond. RPing with you is not such a rare honour that you're justified in wasting people's time.

That brings me to another pet peeve. (I guess y'all noticed I have an infinite amount). When someone is waited on to reply to something and they pretend they are busy or whatever but they are posting the heck out of other things. Getting that lie of them being busy is a huge slap in the face. The worst is when you're actually in more than one thing with them and they're responding to that other thing all the time so it's not like they're on a time constraint. It's like they think you're stupid and won't know or check. I hate that stuff.
When someone seems ONLY to want to rp ONE thing and any questions asked upon its viability as a rp element or suggestions on how to make it work are met with sour childishness.
"Can we do a fantasy?"
"John, we always do fantasy. I'd like to do something different like... Nuclear fallout."
"but fantasy"
"lol blocked"
"Can we do a fantasy?"
"John, we always do fantasy. I'd like to do something different like... Nuclear fallout."
"but fantasy"
"lol blocked"
"I want to play a terrorist organization"

"Great idea! Let's hash out the details", hashes out a few, everything is fine.

"During the very first scientific exploring mission to earth by the alien science probe, a radical religious extremist who's ideology is all about preventing any sort of contact with aliens just so happens to be strolling through the woods and sees the ufo. He then proceeds to blow the ship and himself up, thus souring human and alien relations at the start"

"Um... He just so happens to have a suicide vest lying about in his home? Not to mention this is the aliens's first exploration shuttle sent to Earth and yet there's already a movement to stop the aliens before anybody knows they exist, not to mention they are already armed to the point where they have suicide vests just lying about their houses?"

"No, It was an inside job. The terrorist group whispers in the ears of the aliens and sows sedition. So in fact it was the aliens that sabotaged the VERY FIRST scientific exploration of the Earth"
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"But this is the VERY FIRST first scientific mission to Earth. Aliens and humans haven't met yet. How can there already be a radical extremist anti alien movement when aliens haven't even sent their first exploratory probe? Not to mention how it is even possible to have aliens being loyal to the the terrorist movement when aliens and humans HAVENT EVEN MET YET ?"

"Uwaaaaaaaah! I wanna play terrorists! Waaaaah! I wanna rp a suicide bomber! I'm obsessed with terrorists for some reason and want to insert them into a very bizzare place and genre, because inserting Al Quieda into an ET movie type of rp genre is TOTALLY not an unusual thing to do. And I mean, having an obsession with terrorists and suicide bombings and attacks is totally not a troubling thing to other rpers and is in no way a sign of some rather disturbed psycological tendencies. You're ruining all my fun! I give up! I worked hard to come up with these ideas and you just shoot me down at the start." (Paraphrasing and mocking of course)

"THIS is what you call well thought out? Dude, if you only gave the slightest bit if forethought you'd realize there are some serious flaws in your idea. You're going to get mad and give up all cuz I had the gall to demand that your ideas make sense and conform to a realistic timeline? Jesus!, the aliens are just arriving! How can there already be inside jobs and extremist anti alien groups when aliens have only just started exploring Earth? And what the hell is your obsession with terrorists anyways? Why do you want to play the Taliban so badly? I mean come on! They send their first science probe and all you wanna do is go kablooey already? Why are you so set on rping "Allahu Ackbar!" already? This is an ET type of rp... Why the heck did you wanna insert ISIS into a scifi rp so badly? I'm more than a little concerned by your seeming obsession with terrorist organizations and suicide bombings... You might wanna look into some mental help with that one buddy..."
Yeah I know. That person was totally attempting to put one type of thing into genre that was really questionable for it to be in. I have no clue what the heck was that person's obsession with terrorists but by the end of the conversation things looked like the most bizzare and nonsensical illuminati conspiracy theory I had ever heard of. I was seriously concerned for that person's mental health.
GM's who show no respect for their players, or players who show no respect for that matter.

By this I mean ones that are usually outrageously straightforward, meaning there's really no 'cap' on their critique and it sometimes can be taken as offensive. Critique is always good, but there's a respectful way to apply it. It's too often that I see the occasional user/GM claim they're critiquing someone when it could easily be taken as an insult. This is one of the main reasons why I feel new users can be intimidated to join roleplays, but that's a different rant for a different time.

I once had a gm who would be rude to me specifically, not simply everybody for valid reasons. They'd critique the slightest things about everything I did when nobody else had any problem with it whatsoever. This of course would have been somewhat understandable if it wasn't for the fact that my character did something in the rp that upset the other guys's character. Somehow I got the suspicion that this person was only holding a grudge because of something that happened IC. I felt like he took a personal offense to something a character of mine did and took it out on me OOC. I do my best to ignore such trivial things and not be petty so I didn't think anything bad was going to happen if we crossed paths coincidentally in other rps.

Turns out that same rudeness kept striking out at me to the point where other rpers were starting to take notice and call them out on it. I even got a message from a fellow rper telling me they thought this person was being really rude to me in particular and they didn't know why. Coincidentally this person and others pointing it out where in the rp that started it all so there was some much needed context they had to go off of. The gm in question even once showed up into an rp I CREATED but didn't join. That would have been acceptable if it weren't for the fact that they were very rude for no apparent reason. They showed up and instead of simply declining to join, they were very rude and criticized my rp with absolutely no intention of joining whatsoever. In essence, I knew they were only there to criticize. They never had any intention of joining in the rp whatsoever but only was present to make snide remarks and be rude just to spite.

Pettiness was not a good look on them to be certain. They were holding that grudge all that time and all over something that happened IC.

(Again, not naming any names. Please don't say I'm in trouble. Just thought it was an interesting association)
I have plenty but over the years I have noticed a decline in the amount that people want to discuss a RP before starting it. I like the back and forth exchanging of ideas. I like to know that the person I might be committing time and energy to is capable of expressing themselves in writing and is capable of being creative. When it seems like they either agree with everything I say or don't have any ideas of their own and just want to start it makes me cynical.

I have had many RP's get dropped over the years and I am a little over having my time wasted. I realize I might make it difficult as well lol.

On a similar note, I have had people get upset because I have written something they didn't like. Ummm I mentioned it in the pre set up PM's, you agreed to it, now you don't like it? So yeah, for a hobby which is centered around reading and writing there are people in it that aren't very good at either.
It took a bit, but I finally read through this whole thread. Very entertaining stuff. ^_^ I'd like to get a little venting out, too, though honestly a lot of this is just rehashed points...

  • I hope I can explain this adequately: partners who only care to talk about their own characters OOC/when discussing headcanons and all that fun stuff outside of RP. They either breeze past your talk of your own character, or only use them as a springboard to keep talking about their own OC. "What does your character think of mine?" "Would your character do this for my character?" etc. sort of stuff. Feels so one-sided and really kills my enthusiasm for a RP when it's obvious they're only in it for their own gratification.
    • Branching off of this, when a partner takes it personally that your character doesn't like theirs. Self-explanatory and very uncomfortable.
  • I know this was a contentious issue earlier in the thread, but I've never liked the "literate" "semi-lit" etc. system of classifying different skill levels and play styles. I'm just pedantic and don't like the word literate being used like that, though it's been that way forever and likely won't change, so I've adopted it for my own search threads.
  • Child characters written as completely fearless. I know in certain cases it makes sense that some kids wouldn't be afraid of things they ought to be, but I've tried playing straight up gory monsters and had child characters toddling up and immediately wanting to make friends. Really took the wind out of my sails when it happened so consistently; I don't really play monsters anymore. It always felt like people didn't want to characterize their perfect, innocent children as weak or flawed by being afraid or judgmental but... it didn't make for very interesting or varied kids. What's the point of trying to write a kid-befriends-bogeyman plot if it happens in a snap?
I forgot my other peeves and this post is long enough so welp! :captaincat:
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I have some more!!!

* Unrealistic "Face claims" for characters. If your character is supposed to be some shy wall flower as described than don't show me a photo of the latest Playboy centrefold! Same with characters who are meant to be in their 30's or older, the amount of times someone has sent me a photo of a woman in their 20's is incredible!

* Unrealistic responses. As per above, if your character is a shy nerd than perhaps she doesn't take to the outrageous act as keenly and without worry as is being written?

* Aversion to First Person. I know that Third person has become the standard and from a practical point of view that sometimes makes it easier. But what I have never understood is this is called Role Playing. This means you take on the role, you play it out as if you were that character. First person has always seemed like cheating to me.

* Dishonest Request Threads - Don't say you are "Literate" if you aren't, don't say you want something different when you want the usual. Don't tell me you want long term when you will bale on the RP after a couple of posts.

* Perfect Characters - I like flawed characters, I like ones that are going to struggle with what is happening. Who will question what is going on. When characters are just sailing through the tasks than I have to wonder what the point is. I also agree with Rangiferous Rangiferous above about what constitutes "Literate" in most cases people just see it as how much someone writes rather than quality or descriptiveness of the post.

* When nothing happens/When a RP outlives it's purpose - I can't stand it when a RP degenerates into the characters sitting around wondering which pizza to order. Time Jump!!! Keep it moving please!! I also believe that a story has a start, a middle and an end. Let's not do the TV thing and stretch a story out to 20 seasons when really it was said and done by season 6! If we liked playing together lets start another story but lets not try and draw it out after the initial plot has been completed.
  1. Insta-romances. No, just... seriously, no. Romance does not happen instantaneously in real life, even if the ol' spark happens on a first meeting, but it still takes time to develop, deepen and strengthen. OCs that meet, greet and get engaged in a week make little sense to me. Developing a character relationship is fun, no matter how long it takes.
  2. People whose number one goal is to get into your character's pants. This is a problem, and it is quite an irritating one. When all their character actions/dialogue is just driven toward that one goal, it's off-putting. Playing up the role of an annoyingly helpless damsel is not going to win any favors, either.
  3. I hate it when people disappear although I will admit to have done it a few times. Not gonna lie, sometimes it's not always the frustration of writer's block, it may not have anything with the person I am rping with, but for some reason or another I just don't have the energy to respond. Though I still find it annoying when other people do it too. #hypocritical #selfpetpeeve
  4. I also hate one liners. If someone replies to me with a one liner, I can just feel the creative juices drying up. I just can't work with one liners as they bore the heck out of me. I have no problem with people using one liners with other people, just not with me.
Lack of Imagination - You're excited to join a fandom rp. You have RPER ideas (you're not the original creator) and the GM picks everything apart to his/her own understanding of that particular fandom. I get some things don't work. You can't have a Pikachu in a Digi'mon RP, but some GMs lack fandom/non-canon imagination to the point all the players leave the game. If you can't handle new ideas, just game/watch/read the original creators stuff. Otherwise, don't run a fandom rp if you can't handle outside creativity.

All Me and No You - 1x1 roleplays in which your partner has no interest to indulge in your character while you are story building for theirs. Maybe you're doubling--maybe you're each rping 6+--but a partner who is all about their character resolve is exhausting. I have dealt with it many times.

All Dirt and No Clean - Games focused only on the get-off. For me, very boring.

False Great Starts - I've had some rps I was crazy about until a few posts later I'm the one doing all the work for the all around story building and my partner is only story building for their character. "I'd like it if your character got possessed and started hurting my character." --or-- "We have all your male guys poisoned by a serum that makes them crazy for my pregnant character." I don't care to double up, but I play all genders equally. So... what of my non-males? They just fizzle out for this next plot?

I have more, but I'll chill the rant. XD
One liners and people who don't read my interest thread.
I've had someone wanting to do my plot, but they tried to completely change it and as I pointed it out and explained why it was wrong, they got mighty upset and said it was ridiculous that i didn't let them choose whatever background they wanted.
They were literally destroying my whole plot. I answered why, calmly and logically listed up the issues and they just called me 'a childish nickpicker, no wonder I can't find a roleplaying partner'.
These kind of people are the worst tbh.
You either read the thread and accept the rules or ASK if we can switch or if you read it wrong, own up and not try to make yourself be the victim
With over 1,800 replies so far, I'm sure someone at some point has already said this.

But it's a huge pet-peeve of mine when people start off with how busy they are. They'll explain they're in school, so they have no time at all. Or they have a job, and this and that and the other. Okay. But we all do, don't we? Doesn't everyone have things going on in their lives? I think the "I'm so busy and this is why" speech is unnecessary. We will assume you have a life.
With over 1,800 replies so far, I'm sure someone at some point has already said this.

But it's a huge pet-peeve of mine when people start off with how busy they are. They'll explain they're in school, so they have no time at all. Or they have a job, and this and that and the other. Okay. But we all do, don't we? Doesn't everyone have things going on in their lives? I think the "I'm so busy and this is why" speech is unnecessary. We will assume you have a life.

Oh how I wish that was true. Instead I've head so many people just assume I am on the exact same schedule as them down to the same time zone and the same course load. It's frankly bizarre. Plus there are a fair number of people on this site whom I swear don't sleep. They are literally on this site virtually 24/7. They'll even say as much.

So yeah I think it's just a matter of making sure everyone is on the same page and you aren't waiting for a reply when they just won't be available to give one.
With over 1,800 replies so far, I'm sure someone at some point has already said this.

But it's a huge pet-peeve of mine when people start off with how busy they are. They'll explain they're in school, so they have no time at all. Or they have a job, and this and that and the other. Okay. But we all do, don't we? Doesn't everyone have things going on in their lives? I think the "I'm so busy and this is why" speech is unnecessary. We will assume you have a life.

They say that no one is ever busy. You make time for the things you want to do. When I hear people complain about being busy yet also want to do fun things that involve a partner of some kind and also involve free time it just makes me laugh. It puts me off them as I have an image of this person running around like a mad person trying to juggle all these things and rushing through all of them. And of course as soon as it gets all too much for them they will drop the RP which results in a waste of time for me.

Going to add another Pet Peeve to - When your partner doesn't facilitate the RP by progressing the plot with you. For example, I was playing a kidnapping rp, the RP can't start until the character is kidnapped, so MC (the kidnapper) is waiting and following my partners character, she goes by an alley way, walk down that alley way, make a mistake damn it! Nope, she keeps walking and enters a crowded shopping mall! Come on!! You wanted to be kidnapped, help make it happen!
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I absolutely hate roleplays that puts little or no restriction on what people can make their characters. 9 times out of 10 it ends up ruining the entire roleplay.
I absolutely hate roleplays that puts little or no restriction on what people can make their characters. 9 times out of 10 it ends up ruining the entire roleplay.

It used to make me rage quit. I just I need some structure or I get too in my own head. Plus the one person doing whatever they want is inevitably a whiny attention seeking jerkface. And I don't do well with those kind of people in general.
Sometimes its annoying that you can't get on the same time schedule as other rpers. so like one person is free but the other isn't but by the time you're free they are not.

So the rp slows down big time as the other waits for the other to post.
This person could send private messages. (I checked!) I don’t cater to lazy people. It takes literally two seconds to send a (lazy) PM.
When there is conflict between your character and another's but they just ignore your character even though the two of you are arguing. Like, that breaks all of logic. All of it.
People who lack creativity but for some reason want to invest time in a creative hobby. I hate it when I have to come up with all of the ideas, the story even developing their character for them in some cases!

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