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Realistic or Modern Roleplay Partner Needed!^^ (Ignore Prefix)


~*тιε мε υρ sσ ι cαη'т яυη αωαү*~


■ Hello! My name is iLuLuminate and after being forced to join this site by my best friend, I'm here. Currently I am a highschool student but I have been roleplaying for years. I enjoy having OOC chats as well with my partners, though I'm not open about myself or getting personal in our chats unless we're actually friends! After roleplaying these past years, I've realized that I tend to work better one on one. I don't mind groups but it's very hard for someone as awkward as me to get involved. I would also like to say that this Partner Search was created by Starfish and it's very pretty!

■ I don't have many, kind of. I prefer to roleplay in third person and my posts are generally semi to advanced lit but I don't mind using first person or changing my roleplay style to adapt to my partners! Also, I would like to ask that if you get bored with our roleplay or don't like something I am doing, let me know!! Waiting for a reply and never actually getting one back is a bit upsetting, especially if I've been enjoying it. When it comes to face claims, I've been using anime related pictures for those but I could use realistic ones as well. Thank you! (:

■ A bit unsure what to put here so I'm going to improvise a little^^! SCI-FI or futuristic type settings are usually fun for me. Also the supernatural/fantasy; Apocalyptic worlds or even a forest with mythical creatures. The same goes for medieval settings. As long as we have a good plot laid out and my roleplay partner can contribute to keeping it rolling, I can manage any setting thrown at me - Please don't take this as a challenge;;

■ FxM, FxF, MxM .. The pairing doesn't matter to me. However, if we are in a FxM situation, I would like to play the female!
■Doing vampire x human, demon x angel, arranged marriages and etc., when it comes to romance (polar opposites) are usually fun for me no matter how cliche!
■I also love the Korean pop band, BTS. So I would be fine doing a roleplay involving them or even a pairing from some of my favorite anime and manga/manhwas. I think my friend told my Killing Stalking isn't okay for this site and despite how much I love the story, I completely understand so that one is out of the picture!

Credit for these plots go to Plotsforall; http://plotsforall.tumblr.com/
■I love their plots and use them frequently since I'm not very creative and coming up with plots alone is a bit hard for me. Here are a few of my favorites and if you want to check out their tumblr page to find your own, go ahead!

■When Muse A purchases a new home, they are quick to dismiss rumors of the residence being haunted. Even when the realtor declines to give them a guided walkthrough of the property because of strange occurrences the last time they showed the listing, Muse A just laughs it off as a silly joke. Everything weird that happens from the move-in day has a perfectly logical explanation as far as Muse A is concerned. When the lights flicker, Muse A chalks it up to faulty wiring. When a door slams, it’s obviously because of a draft. When their keys aren’t where they left them, it’s probably because they have a poor memory. Muse A is a firm believer in everything having a logical explanation; they definitely don’t believe in ghosts or anything of a supernatural nature.
For years, Muse B, a poltergeist, has been trying to make contact with the living inhabitants of their home with unfavorable results. Typically, when Muse B’s done all they can to make their presence known to someone, making noises and moving items throughout the home, they end up scaring them off without intending to. Being stuck on this plane with no idea how to move on, unable to be seen or heard, is endlessly frustrating. Muse B is desperate to make a viable connection with Muse A who doesn’t seem so easy to frighten. After many failed trials, Muse B attempts to tap into Muse A’s mind while Muse A is asleep. If Muse B can meet Muse A in a dream, maybe they can convince Muse A that they exist and ask for help.

Muse A is driving on a dark road in the middle of the night, trying to get home before an impending thunderstorm. They peek up in the rearview mirror briefly, out of habit, though there’s no one behind them. When Muse A’s eyes return to the road, they have to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the human figure suddenly standing in the path of their vehicle. Muse A shifts into ‘park’ as calmly as possible and gets out of the car to make sure that the person standing in the road is alright. Muse B is quiet and staring off into space, but otherwise they seemed unharmed. Worried, Muse A insists that Muse B get in the car so they can be taken to the hospital. Muse A figures that Muse B must be in shock; they’re certainly shaken up. Muse B says nothing, but follows Muse A to the car and gets in. Muse A proceeds to drive straight on the road, sitting in silence with their eerily quiet companion. After a few minutes, Muse B murmurs that Muse A needs to “turn left”. Muse A is caught off guard, but they know that the hospital isn’t that way so they explain that they’re going to keep driving straight. As they draw near exit on the left, Muse B reaches over and yanks the wheel hard to force Muse A off the road and down the off ramp. Panicked because they could’ve been in a wreck, Muse A regains control of the car and demands an explanation. Muse B sits back in their seat calmly replying that they would have been in a terrible accident if they didn’t turn then. Muse A thinks that Muse B is crazy and swears that once they reach the hospital (via local streets) they’ll get as far away from Muse B as possible. When they arrive at the hospital, Muse A escorts Muse B in, though Muse B is resisting. Muse Astruggles a bit to get Muse B inside, but the news story playing on the waiting room TV catches their attention before they can reach the nurse’s station. Sure enough, there’s a breaking news bulletin about a turned over truck and a massive fire on the road that Muse A was determined to take..

Muse A meets Muse B at a mutual friend’s Halloween party. To Muse A’s delight, Muse B is super cool and they’re inseparable for the whole night. When the party is over, Muse B walks Muse A home and as they’re about to share a goodnight kiss, Muse A notices something strange. Muse B is salivating. Muse A chalks it up to one too many cocktails at the party they attended and settles for peck on the cheek and a promise to call Muse B soon. Shortly after, the pair begins to date/hang out and Muse A can’t help but notice how weirdly Muse B sometimes behaves: picking at raw meat before it’s cooked, staring hard at Muse A when they think Muse A isn’t paying attention, making excuses and leaving in a hurry or not coming over for days. Not to mention, sometimes Muse B just looks (and smells) like death itself.
When Muse A’s house-pet goes missing after Muse B spends the night over, Muse A doesn’t know what to think. It isn’t until Muse B suddenly sinks their teeth into Muse A one evening during a Netflix binge that the two have to have a serious talk. Muse B reluctantly reveals that something odd has been happening to them, to their appetite. The only thing they seem to crave more and more is flesh–living flesh. If Muse B denies their creepy urges much longer, their body will begin to noticeably deteriorate. And if they don’t resist their unnatural craving, Muse B just might make a meal out of Muse A.

■One day, on Muse A’s way home, they come across Muse B lying in the middle of the road. They appear hurt, but are unresponsive when Muse A tries to rouse them. Not having a phone on them to call an ambulance, Muse A carries Muse B the short distance back to their home and tries to revive them.

After several minutes of rest, Muse B awakens with the most excruciating scream of pain. They jolt up, and immediately start drawing sigils on the walls of Muse A’s home with their own blood. Terrified, Muse A demands that Muse B stop and explain themselves. Muse B removes their shirt, revealing where their angel wings have been clipped and states they used to be part of God’s Army. Muse A has never been particularly religious, and needs plenty of convincing that Muse B isn’t a lunatic. Muse B explains that they have been banished from Heaven and they need to hole up with Muse A because they have no where else to go and the world is unsafe for them. Muse A reluctantly agrees to let Muse B live with them, and over time, helps to teach Muse B how to pass as a human.


    • After Muse B finally feels safe with Muse A, their former life comes back to haunt them in a major way (i.e. called back to Heaven, required to fulfill duties, etc.)
    • Both muses develop feelings for one another but every time they act on them, something tries to keep them apart.

Code by @Starfish

Hey! I've read your post and I'd really like to do several of the plot/pairings/settings in an RP. Is it ok if I dm you?
Hey I'm super up for an Angel X Demon or Human X Vampire rp, even though I saw no plots for it 0:
Yeah, sorry! I was just trying to list a few of the plots I really enjoy doing! The Angel x Demon and Human x Vampire are just some pairings that I also like but I don't have specific plots for them haha^^'
Yeah, sorry! I was just trying to list a few of the plots I really enjoy doing! The Angel x Demon and Human x Vampire are just some pairings that I also like but I don't have specific plots for them haha^^'

We could both find some! Or think of some! PM Me~
The second plot looks dope

is that some like gaurdian angel stuff?

(i didn't read these plots earlier c':
Hey, I'm interested in being a partner, I like the exact same thing, except BTS, never really gotten into them. Mind if I dm you so we can discuss?
Hey, I'm interested in being a partner, I like the exact same thing, except BTS, never really gotten into them. Mind if I dm you so we can discuss?
Nope, I don't mind you DM'ing me at all! Just send me a message whenever you'd like!

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