[ROLEPLAY] Mass Effect: Shadow War

Lida gripped Anarah tighter. "Whatever works for you,bosh'tet." After a moment,she added, "You better know how to fix the lightning rod capacitors. If not,you'd better stay below decks. Wouldn't want you getting killed,would we?" The last part was dripping with sarcasm. She squeezed Anarah one more time,then let go,and went to her locker. She opened it,revealing four items; a Mattock heavy rifle,a Phalanx hand cannon,a Kinetic Barrier generator,and a toolbox. She attached the shield to her chest,activating it,then she put the rifle on her back,collapsing into a brick-like shape. Afterwards,she attached the hand cannon to her hip,and picked up her toolbox. After all of this,she returned to Anarah's side. "Come on,Anarah. We need to fix those capacitors."


A voice called after Relen as he left his quarters. "Argulus Prime Hereditar New Goyen Hil Arcel Relen!" A Drell jogged up to him. His skin was red,brown and orange,almost like desert camouflage. "I've been sent to assist you. I am at your disposal." The Drell already had his equipment; a Mattock and an Incisor.
Relen sighed as he heard the voice from behind him. He looked at the Drell, and recognized him from a previous mission. "Oh its you! Um, sorry I don't remember your name, but ya, good to work with you again. Please though, if we are going to work together, just call me Relen." Relen leans his custom sniper rifle he just finished early that morning against his shoulder, and says, "I need to grab my gear from my locker, but after that I'm ready to go." As he made his way to his locker, he thought about his most recent project, this sniper rifle. His sight was still unfinished, but the core part of the gun was complete. Besides, aiming would be a thing of the past with baby. It fired an initial shot, with anti matter encapsulated within the shell, creating an almost miniature black hole. This shot acted as a marker, as all other shots contained super matter, which was drawn to the antimatter like magnets. Only the first shot would ever matter, and as he was a sniper, it would be nigh impossible to miss. He walked up to his locker, and pulled out his suit. He picked out his glasses off the top shelf. Lastly, he pulled out his shotgun and scope. He hooked up the scope to his rifle, and shouldered it. He holstered the shotgun, as it was about the size of a handgun. Adjusting his glasses, he set them to target mode. He looked at the Drell, and targeted him as a friendly. "All set, lets head out."
Anarah had never been allowed to carry weapons under the shadow broker's employ, just in case an event like her exile were to happen again. Instead she merely picked out her kinetic barrier, and attached it to her exo-suit. Other than that, the quarian had a somewhat emptied toolbox, most of the tools spent their time in her room.

"I'm curious to see what's wrong this time; let's be going," she said, still a little upset despite the comforting hug. As the two went to leave the room, she avoided looking at the turian, obviously still very touchy about her family status.
David chuckled, opening his omnitool and checking his inbox...

"junk.... junk... oof fabric softener!... oh f**k that... junk... junk... okay heres my mail!"

(i can assume riddle will come up with something for my character to do?)
David looked at his mission, he was to meet a contact on the citadel


he closed it and walked out of the room, giving one of the quarians (lida) a wink as he went past her, he continued down the hall, getting to the elevator "hangar"

he opened his communicator

"Communications, can you get me a pilot?"


a familiar voice came on


David grinned, it was the asari from that morning

"hey hey hey, look i'll need a ride to the citadel"

"gee, how precise you are!"

"i'll give the details en-route"

"alright, you know the ship, you go and settle in, i'll be along a few minutes after you"


the elevator arrived and David walked out, going past a Salerian mechanic installing a special accelerator and then he saw the ship.

it was a small cargo freighter, something used by the mail services mainly, or drug smugglers, it was outfitted and overcharged with a new engine, and the installed hidden cannons were a gem.
Lida saw the human wink at her,and groaned. Why are humans so attracted to other species? She led Anarah to the dorsal access airlock,caring little for the Turian that was alegedley supposed to help them. At the airlock,she clipped her toolbox to her belt,and pulled out her rifle. Apparently,there was an invasion of the ship in the recent past. She didn't want to take any chances. When the airlock opened,she saw nothing. She moved up to the dorsal deck,and saw no one except the scheduled patrols,and glowing orbs of red light; automated maintenance drones. Lida,feeling comfortable with the security of the ship,put her weapon away,and waved for Anarah to follow.


The Drell nodded. "It's quite alright,Relen. Allow me to reintroduce myself; I am Ahrakot. Where is our mark?"
On Lida's signal, the younger quarian followed outside. Looking left, then right, she realized that they hadn't come out right next to the capacitor, so they'd need to travel along the outside a little bit to reach it. With the lightning raging, it was terrifying to walk such a narrow pathway, and Anarah actually screamed aloud when one bolt struck a lightning rod not ten feet away.

"Let's do this quick, I hate it out here!" she had to shout just to be heard over the storm.
the ship took off, having gained permission from the trafic controller, they had a 30 second window to get out before a freighter arrived with supplies for the crew for the next few months as well as new materials, equiptment and the such.

the ship sped out of the the hangar, letting autopilot take it out.

"taking over controls in 3....2...1... mark!"

the ship lurched a bit but soon evened out.

"okay hitting the Mass Relay to the citadel in T-minus 2 minutes..."

David strapped himself in, the mass relay was already visible, it's huge rings eternally spinning, ships from the size of small fighters to large freighters coming and going.

they got closer and closer, David always got nearvous, even thoguh this ship was 100% safe for relay travel.

"co-ordinate s locked in, lunching to the relay in 5...4...3...2...1"

the ship was blasted into space, in the direction of the citadel faster than light.
(OOC: [MENTION=70]Red[/MENTION] [MENTION=214]Supsdg[/MENTION] You know you're in this RP,right? I need you two to post!)

Lida shouted back, "Who doesn't!? Come on!" They moved to the port side,and eventually,their first capacitor of the day came into view. It was underneath a lightning rod,semi-exposed for the sake of easy maintenance. While the active ones glowed with the lightning absorbed by the rods,this one was dark,even though the rod attached was struck every few seconds. There were several bullet holes. "What brain-dead bosh'tet would shoot these things!? They keep us flying!"
Without a thought or a word, Anarah acted. Locking out the device to avoid being shocked, and took out her kit to patch the bullet holes first. It would be easier to work with an intact piece of machinery than a damaged one after all. The quarian's fingers flew across the hardware, and she was finished in moments.

"Were there any others to fix?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder while she packed away her gear to either go back, or move on.
several hundred thousand miles from the Citadel, the ship drops out of hyperspace.

"we've arrived, sending the hail to our contact..."

"OUR contact?"

"yes, the contact works for the shadow broker, o its OUR contact... is there a problem with that?"

"nope... not at all"

they sent the encripted hail to their contact, to any outside detectors it would seem like just another phone call or internet download, if they noticed the encryption they would just asssume its an encripted porn download, since they're using the same encryption style as those "companies" do.

"Hail is away, awaiting reponse..."

"good, record it then transmit the reply to my omnitool, i'm gonna get all my stuff ready..."
He submitted to the quarian's dislike and didn't argue. He stayed out of their way. Noctis immediately reported to the Shadow Broker via Omni-tool. He was expecting that he could have the day off after everything only to hear another ping from his omni-tool. It was another assignment. This time, it would require him to do what he was good at.

It was a infiltration mission. He needed to assemble a small squad to infiltrate a certain planet in the Omega Nebula. According to the intelligence he received, one of the Shadow Broker's agents was captured by a small group of Blue Suns mercenaries. He was sent to investigate what the Blue Suns were up to. This felt like an urgent matter for the Shadow Broker.

After receiving his orders, Noctis thought about it for a while. Being new, there wasn't anyone on board he could trust, nor was there anyone who would trust him. This assignment was already starting to tick him off.
Relen checked his omni-tool to check reaffirm the target and location. "Our quarry is a Salarian, Ver'nari Fermos, apparently on the moon of Eltimus. We should head out immediately, a rendevous with one of his clients will take place not too long from now." Relen heads to the flight bay to head out. "Prep a ship for take off. I want no delays." Relen was well known for 2 things: causing explosions, and taking his marks seriously.
he would appear in his room body stretched out over his bed lazily. his dirty-blonde hair would seem to be covering his dull-blue tinted optics which wereh focused up at the ceiling not having any inspiration to move. his clothes was a skin tight jet black under space suit which he would use to seem visually unnoticeable in the shadow that seem't do consume his body. he'd let out a soft sigh from his parted lips before concealing his optics under his eyelids and letting a soft laugh escape before he closed his parted lips. "heh i forgot how long i've stayed in here" he would reveal his dull-blue optics once again tilting his neck upwards towards the door setting his sight upon the door with a combination of sense and fear hidden behind his optics.
(OOC: [MENTION=1759]Yoshiyuki_Demura[/MENTION] : If you want in,you're going to have to make a signup entry on the Signup Thread,which is linked in this thread's first post. Otherwise,I'm going to have to delete your post. For now,I'll pretend your post never happened until I accept your character)

Lida nodded. "Seventeen others. All along the ship's port side." She pointed towards the bow end of the ship. "At least it's a straight line." She examined the capacitor. The repair job looked ugly as sin,but,it worked marvellously. The capacitor was now aglow with power. She was still in disbelief that someone would shoot these things. Was a Krogan simply angry,or was there a saboteur on board...?

Banishing the second notion from her mind,Lida began to lead Anarah to the next capacitor along the winding path along the ship's dorsal structure. They passed a few maintenance drones which scanned them as they passed. The wind was beginning to pick up as they approached AD-3.


Arakhot smirked,and gestured to the aft,where the bay was. "I sent word to the bay just before I called to you. It should be ready when we arrive." He began to jog down the hall. "I'll meet you at the shuttle."


A bleep rang from the console of David's shuttle. The Asari answered the bleep,and a voice rang from the speakers. It sounded like a male Volus. "This is Barla Von. I assume we work for the same employer,judjing by the frequency. How may I help you?"
"Seventeen?" Anarah whined, looking down the line at unlit capacitors as far as she could see, though that really wasn't all that far what with the lightning strikes throwing off her vision, and the sheer distance. Packing up her tools again, the quarian stood to move on.

"Why would someone shoot these anyways?" she asked, glancing back at her sloppy looking repair job.
David groaned, he hated dealing with the Volus.

"Echo 419 "Wyoming" reading you loud and clear Barla Von, where should we land? i'd much prefer to discuss this in person..."

David was speaking as he was strapping on his holster and sliding his blade into it's sheath and strapping that to his back.
Noctis had trouble on who should accompany him on this mission. He sent an inquiry to the broker and waited for a reply. After a short wait, his omni-tool pinged with a reply including information. It seemed the Shadow Broker had already arranged things. He was to be accompanied by two other turians. They've already been informed and will meet up with him in the shuttles on their way.

With that cleared up, Noctis immediately made way for the shuttles. He picked up everything he needed from his room. His weapons, equipment, and other gadgets that might become useful. He was particularly careful so he had a tracking device hidden in his person. It was a contingency plan if things went south.

Riding the shuttle, he finally met with the other two turians. They were tense. From the looks of it, they recognized him. "Arcturus and Nero, I assume?" he asked them.

The other two were still shaky and replied with faint a "yes sir.". Nero seemed to be mumbling in his seat.

"I'm Noctis, and I assume that the broker told you who's in charge of this operation." Noctis said

Nero and Arcturus just replied again and nodded. Nero finally plucked up the courage to ask what he wanted to ask. "S-Sir, you're the guy they call Azrayel, right?" he asked.

"The Angel of Death?" Arcturus added.

"Yes, that is me..."
(OOC: [MENTION=70]Red[/MENTION] [MENTION=34]heartsteal22[/MENTION] [MENTION=27]bettsyboy[/MENTION] [MENTION=214]Supsdg[/MENTION] Let's get this party back on track! Sorry for the sudden lack of me posting!)

Barla Von replied to Wyoming promptly, "Land at the Zakera Ward docks,Earth-Clan,then meet me at my office on the Persidium. We have much to discuss." With that,he terminated the connection.


The Asari pilot to Noctis' shuttle called back to her passengers,
"We'll be hitting the Relay soon. Sit down and buckle up. Next stop,Omega!"


Lida shrugged at Anarah's question.
"Angry Krogan?" Suddenly,she fell over with a yelp. The wind was particularly strong,today. She slid to the edge of the walkway,and grabbed onto the ledge. "Dammit! Why doesn't the Broker get guard rails up here!?" She began to pull herself up,but called out to Anarah, "I could use some help! I don't want to get blown off!"

(OOC Mk II: I forgot to mention...The weapons [should they get used] are not standard as they are to Mass Effect 2. While every weapon has a thermal clip system,the weapons have been modified [read: stripped down] so that the weapons have as much venting as possible,to allow the components vent when needed,but also to pop in a new clip if you need fire now.)
"affirmative" said David, as he secured on his helmet.

"you heard the man... ball... thing"

the ship came in, the pilot guiding her in.

after landing, the door opened and the pilot stepped out, a slight shimmer coming out behind her, soon to dissapear.. one of the newest invisibilty fields developed.

soon, Barla Von was contacted again.

"i'm on the station, Barla Von... where are you?"
Hearing the asari talk, Noctis decided to make everything short. He decided to give them a last-minute brief. He needed to let them know how exactly he works.

"My rules are simple. If you do anything that jeopardizes the mission, I will have no hesitation to leave you behind. So keep up, don't fall behind. Don't expect me to drag you home. You guys know why you're here." he said as he looked sternly at the other two.

The other two fell silent. They didn't make a noise until they both answered with another stiff "yes sir."

He took a longer look at the other turians. It'd make sense if they got shaken after what he just said. There was a very tense atmosphere but Noctis preferred this. He preferred that he was up straight with his men and didn't have any kind of pretense with them.

"Prep up and hope there's minimal resistance." he dismissed them to give them a slight feeling of relief. "Tell me when we get to the planet."
A blast of wind almost sent the two quarians over the edge out into the electrical storm. Lida was quick enough to grab the ledge, but if Anarah's satchel hadn't hooked on the capacitor she probably wouldn't have been so lucky.

"A railing certainly would be nice," she replied, offering a hand up from the railing, trying to keep hold of the only solid thing around, the capacitor.

Another bolt of lightning struck just feet away, the flash and noise made the quarian freeze up, letting go of her guardian as though she were a deer in headlighs. The lights in the dark, geth heads in the engine room, they'd entered through a service hatch... Shots were fired. Eyes wide behind her visor, Anarah was hyperventilating, unaware of the world around her, lost in a reverie of the past.
A sigh rang through David's earpiece. "I said my office is on the Persidium,Earth-Clan. Take a transit shuttle. If you need further direction,ask the VI,Avina,where my office is." He sounded quite annoyed.


The shuttle jerked violently as it hit the Mass Relay. A few moments later,it jerked again as it left the destination Relay,in the heart of the Omega Nebula.
"Alright boys,we're in the Sahrabarik system. Bringing us into Omega now. ETA half hour." The Asari turned the shuttle to Omega,a mined out asteroid with a station build in and around the rocky husk.


Lida was pulling herself up when Anarah suddenly panicked. Anarah let go,but Lida held a grip on her wrist.
"Anarah! Anarah,are you alright!? Anarah,answer me!" She pulled herself back up,being careful to put as little weight on Anarah as possible. She saw Anarah's eyes were wide,as if in terror. "Anarah! We're safe! Come on,Anarah,answer me!" Lida pried Anarah's hand from the capacitor,and dragged her behind it,so that they would be blown into it,instead of from it by the wind.
Allowing herself to be guided, slack of muscle, Anarah's eyes stayed locked on the same point in space as memories ran through her mind again. The gunshot wound and it's following infection. The delirious fever that led her to fire on what she'd assumed to be a geth ship, damaging a quarian vessel beyond repair, and trigger the self destruct mechanism of her own ship. Escaping via jettisoned escape pod, Anarah had been the only survivor, and the only evidence the synthetics had been there at all, after the meltdown of the drive core, was the word of a quarian, delirious with fever and suffering from an unidentified gunshot wound. The trial, if it could be called that, that had her exiled from the migrant fleet with only barest medical attention, still suffering of her fever when they sent her off in little more than an airtight bucket of bolts with an engine.

Suddenly reality came crashing back like one of the lightning bolts that plagued the stormy skies. Flailing wildly for a moment before she realized where she was and what was going on, the quarian struck the capacitor at a poor angle and a loud cracking sound came from her hand. The pain was unpleasant, but it finally rooted her down again. Pausing a moment, she looked down at her hand, it was excruciating, and she'd certainly need to have it looked at, which would be yet another problem in and of itself. Staring at the appendage in question, it practically throbbed visibly as her vision pulsed red in time with her heart. Choking back a cry of pain, Anarah finally clicked in on where exactly she was, and grabbed onto the capacitor like her life depended on it, which she supposed it did.
A sigh rang through David's earpiece. "I said my office is on the Persidium,Earth-Clan. Take a transit shuttle. If you need further direction,ask the VI,Avina,where my office is." He sounded quite annoyed.
David opened the chanel again, coming in to view around the corner from a C-Sec checkpoint "dont take that tone with me Barla, there are thousands, no, millions of offices of the presidium, so excuse me if i dont know where yours is..."

David turned back on his cloak, walking up to the checkpoint.

carefully, David hend out a remote to the console controlling the checkpoint scanner, for a few minutes it would scan everything as "clean" after doing this, David sht through it silently.

"Alright Barla Von, i'm at the main shuttle bay, i'll consult the VI and i'll be in your office within 20 minutes"

jumping into a nearby taxi, david transfered the credits and told the driver

"I'm looking for the office of one Barla Von on the presidium, Volus"

the driver would immediately begin looking on his onboard map and plot a course to the nearest stop near barla Von's office.

David opened his omnitool and accessed Avina

"Welcome to the citadel, i am Avina, how may i assist you?"

"i need a detailed map of the area near the office of one Barla Von transfered to my Omnitool"

"may i ask why?"

"i'm on vacation but i need to stop by his office for a personal matter"

"understood, one moment please, trnasfer successful, may i-"

"thats all"

"signing you out"

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