[ROLEPLAY] Mass Effect: Shadow War


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Lida woke up in her quarters on the titanic ship. The ship was probably the size of a large city. Hell,it was probably half the size of Omega! Yet,it still flew in an atmosphere. The atmosphere of Haglaz,to be specific. A world in a far-flung corner of the galaxy,under constant assault by storms,which the ship flew within at all times,to draw power from the lightning bolts. The ship was a marvel of engineering,to be able to do all of this,and still be constructed in secret.

Of course,the Shadow Broker makes it happen. He,or she,was a mastermind. Wheeling and dealing in all sorts of information. Hell,Lida had a feeling that if the Broker felt the urge,could start up a free-for-all war,in ten minutes. Maybe less.

Lida crawled out of her bed. Her quarters were completely sterile. Nothing was out of place,not a single speck of dirt,grime,or dust. She didn't trust the ship's piping to keep the water clean;instead,she had a customized steam jet scrubber system. She had it dialed to that sweet spot where it would clean her perfectly,but not burn her...Too much. She'd be in pain for about an hour,but she'd be clean. Perfectly so. She stepped into the compartment,closed the door,and pushed the button.

Her skin was assaulted by steam. She hissed in pain,but after a few seconds,the steam flow was cut off. She opened the door,and stepped out of the steam tube. She approached a metal box,and retrieved it'sa contents;her environment suit. It was mostly black and white,but had maroon highlights,and visor. After suiting up,she walked to her door. She had turned it into an airlock. She stepped inside and allowed it to run the decontamination cycle. She stepped out of her quarters,now fully awake,and stinging slightly,and waited by the next door to the right. She was supposed to keep an eye on her,after all...
Anarah's room was similar to most other quarian rooms. Kept immaculate, if a little bit messy, with an airlocked door to avoid allowing germs inside. Unfortunately, unlike most quarians, Anarah was still fast asleep. The exile had since left all normal routine to the breeze. It had only been because of her guardian, Lida that she was working day-to-day at all. Several experiments abandoned halfway lay strewn across her little workshop in the corner, most of which didn't seem dangerous.

"Palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylethanolamine!" she shouted, sitting bolt upright in a flash as something awoke her. Still groggy with sleep, Anarah stumbled over to her own steam shower, similar to her guardian's; after all, she'd made it herself, why not share? The stinging steambath made the quarian think some less than friendly thoughts, but only seconds later, she stepped back out to pull on her enviro-suit.

The old crack in her visor had of course been patched, but Anarah had made certain to paint a design where it'd been, as something of a reminder some would say; but she just thought the pattern had been pretty. Since the infection, Anarah had little concentration, and seemingly even less higher cognitive function, though she worked better than perfectly with machinery; the reason the shadow broker had had her tracked down.
David Samaran, Codename "Wyoming" awoke from his double bed, to soon be met with the samiliar robotic voice "Good morning sir, you slept for 8.448 hours, you're dreams were 85% pleasant, today's breakfast is a choice of bacon, eggs and toast, musli and fruit or warm porridge, with you're choice of juice or water"

David shook his head and rubbed the back of his head "i'll take porridge and apple juice" in the bed there was a murmur and the green and blue face of the asari he was "with" last night became visible from the covers, she's a pilot, in service to the shadow broker too of course, she needed a night out, get laid ect... he was happy to oblige.

she awoke too

"hmm, good morning Wyoming"

"Morning Dakra, sleep well?"

"well enough, still a bit sore"

"must've been awhile huh?"

"try four human centuries"


after their joking was done she got up too, going to the guest drawer and getting her clothes together, but she didn't stay for breakfast

"i better get going, i'm surposed to be the limo driver for some turian diplomats today, eavesdroping mission"

"good luck"

"you too! we should do this again some time"

David nodded, giving her a wave as she left, a warm bowl of porridge and a cool glass of juice slid out of the wall and in front of him

"breakfast is served, sir"

he began eating, taking in big spoonfulls and gulping down his juice, then ge got back up and went into his shower.

orrigionally, he had a steam shower like the quarrians had, but he liked the cascading water of a human shower, so he had his changed, he turned the knob and the water came out, perfect temperature of course.

after 10 minutes, he was all clean

"shower, initiate drying procedure"

"initiating in 3....2...1"

soon, warm air was blown at David from all angles, and the water stopped sticking to him, all falling to the floor, not even sticking to his feet, he was 100% dry, like he had been laying in the sun for an hour, turning over.
Rya woke up, brushing though his hair, washing his face, taking a full bath. Trying to get all morning Ick, from his body.

He took his daily pills, drowning them with Water, As he began putting on his outfit. He curled his hair, as he sighed, getting his rubber band, putting his hair in a ponytail.

Today he felt like taking a walk, but he knew that would happen. Rya began punching a training bag, as the bag ripped open, he frowned as he walked to his bed, laying down, looking at the same paint job he had seen, for 40 years.
Azrayel was up early for no reason. His morning rituals were plain and simple. After decontaminating himself and reapplying the face markings, He put on his armor piece by piece. His quarters was rather crude and messy. There was a lot of comms and documents on the floor, none of which seemed to have matter. Azrayel still couldn't believe who his new boss was now. It was probably time that he started to work to repay him.
Lida was about to enter Anarah's quarters to wake her up when she exited the room. "Well,about time,Anarah." At that moment,their Omni-Tools pinged. In fact,the Omni-Tool for everyone on board pinged,at the exact same time. Lida checked her messages. She was always Carbon Copied in on Anarah's messages,just in case she had one of her bouts of...Uninteligence.

[Anarah'Nacca nar Tasi: Exterior Capacitor Repair; Units AD 2-AE 9]

[Lida'Nal vas Nedas: Assist & Protect Anarah'Nacca nar Tasi]

Lida sighed silently at the message. Another local assignment. Lida was growing bored with these tasks. She was a sharpshooter. She was the fly on the wall. She could make a tin can to kilometer-accurate jumps! And her talents were being wasted on local maintinance runs. The Broker had drones for that. Why waste perfectly good,and talented,Quarians for such menial jobs?
Rya walked in the hall, seeing people check their Omni-Tools, as he didn't check his. Who was going to make him?

Rya asked himself this as he rolled a piece of his hair.
Suddenly,a monotone,gender neutral voice rang out from Rya's Omni-Tool. There was no way to mute it.

"Rya Shirabuki. Information Offer Screening. Public Terminal Sierra-Oscar-Sierra."

The Brokership relied on all Agents doing their jobs to the letter,and on time. All messages were programmed to read themselves aloud if they weren't acessed in a timely manner,and an attached VI would detect if the message was simply acessed,but not read. Several Agents near Rya either chuckled or tutted,while an enormous Krogan guffawed openly. "You know,messages like that are confidential. Who knows if there's a mole in the Brokership? Next time,make a concious effort to read your messages as they come in,Human." The Krogan was host to uncountable scars,and his voice spoke of more years of experience than most other living things. "You know...If something like that happened under my late warlord,Weyrloc Guld,he'd have you fed to varren."
Rya looked up to the Krogan. "I saw the message, i just didn't want to read it." Rya's eyes seem to glow. "And that's probably why your Warlock, died, horrible personality" Rya said as he left disappearing down the hall.
The Krogan laughed even harder. "If you read the message,then why did the message playback?" Suddenly,he looked VERY serious. "You don't have the plates to try,kid. It wouldn't work,you'd be a smear on the deck,and I'd get off scott free for defending myself." He pointed above Rya's head. It was one of the innumerable cameras on board. "Plus,even if I did let a stunt like that slide...The Broker'll make an example of you." The Krogan stomped forward,glaring down at the Human. "And his name was the Great Warlord Weyrloc Guld! The champion of the Krogan people,working to cure the Genophage and bring the galaxy under Krogan rule! Then some cowardly Salarian assassinated him,undoing all that work." He huffed. "You'll never know our tru glory,Human. Not before you fall by Krogan hands." And with that,he clomped off towards the aft of the ship,towards his post for the day.
Wyoming left his appartment to see a salarian mechanic outside his room

"morning, is there a problem?"

"hm? oh yes yes,.. i mean NO! no no no there is not problem Wyoming, just another routine check up of the systems"

"huh, i better check up on that"

"no! no need! see, its on my schedule!"

"but is it on the mainframe's schedule?..."

he opened up his omnitool, the Salarian mechanic looked around, and began sweating, after a few minutes...

"ah, here it is, you're fine... hinestly man if everything is in order then you gotta stop being so nearvous, it gives people the wrong idea"

he left.

soon he saw a human back-talking a krogan, upon passing David stopped just as the human left

"i heard... not reading his own messages... incomptent ass"
When a ding came from both Anarah's, and Lida's arms, the younger quarian almost jumped right out of her suit; apparently she'd forgotten that her omni-tool was linked to the mainframe again. This time she was only hyperventilating for a few seconds before she remembered and checked the device.

"Didn't we just fix that capacitor a couple days ago?" Anarah asked, looking blankly at the wall across from her room, though through the visor most wouldn't be able to tell.

A familiar krogan stomped by in a huff, quite displeased with something, but of course Anarah didn't notice that as she waved a hello.

"Hi Grud!" she said excitedly, if a little absentmindedly, already having forgotten her assigned task.
The Krogan,Weyrloc Grud,huffed at David. "And he had the plates to say he read it. The Broker hired him for a reason,but I doubt it was for his smarts. Get to your post,Human. Before the Broker chucks us out an airlock." With that,Grud stomped back on his way,towards the aft.

Lida shook her head. "No,we fixed AD 1 before. C'mon. We need to get our equipment." She nodded at Weyrloc Grud as he stomped by. He gave a stiff nod to Lida and a wave to Anarah as he passed. "What's eating him?"
"Something's eating him?" Anarah asked, puzzled, "I always thought krogans ate everything else."

At the mention of tool retrieval, she just followed along behind her guardian; she really didn't mind the other quarian, she was nice.

Outside, the electrical storms raged on, and the lightning came in several different hues and shades. The streaks of light lit up the interior as much as the artificial lighting did sometimes.

The pair passed by a rather displeased looking human that Anarah recognized, but didn't remember for some reason. Tempted to give a greeting, she thought better of it as the quarians began to make their way to the equipment storage room.

"What's wrong with it anyways?" she asked, looking quizzically at her personal babysitter.
David nodded "too true, we've seen it happen... alright then, kick some ass for me!"

he went off as well, down the hall, heading to the equiptment room to grab a small mass-effect accelerator for his pistol, his old one broke while in a hand-to-hand with a truian merc on a previous mission... damn merc nearly tore his head off, too close.

he approached the door and it opened, inside he saw two female Quarians.

"morning" he said to them, going to the equiptment dispenser

"one mass effect accelerator" he told the machine, soon a mass effect accelerator for his pistol came out of the storage with an electronic voice saying "thank you"

"oh you guys should know theres an irritated krogan on board... just so you know 'cos you know... he cracks you're suits and you guys are finished so... just givin a heads up"

as he spoke he was focussing on putting in the new accelerator into his gun, so he wasn't really focussed on what he was saying.
Rya, walked up to a Terminal, he clicked around, looking over the requests. Rya didn't know which one to pick, as he kept scrolling.
Noctis' omni-tool pinged with the details of his first assignment as the Shadow Broker's agent. He chuckled at amusement after reading it.

[Xynra Noctis: Meet with Anarah'Nacca nar Tasi as you are placed as a new part of her new security detail. Details of her appearance are as follows...]

"They used to call me Azrayel, the Angel of Death, as a mercenary and now I'm a bodyguard?" he was further amused by the thought. "What is this galaxy turning into?"

Noctis' stay wasn't pleasant so far after all the mild but hostile treatment he's got from different crew members. He figured they were probably old members of mercenary groups he crossed with. He's killed a lot that he lost count. He was surprised though that they still believed in all that loyalty crap. If you had to believe in something, believe in yourself. That's how he got by as a freelance mercenary wreaking havoc across the systems. Playing nicely and by the rules often puts you in a bad situation. Noctis thought it was enough of his musings.

He walked all over the ship looking for the quarian. After a tedious trip around the ship, he finally saw a quarian that matched the description. She was with another quarian. Noctis tapped her shoulder just to let her know. "Excuse me, are you Nar Tasi?" he asked.
Lida nodded to David. "We saw. What pissed him off?" She ignored the suit comment; It was a biological fact. Why get up in arms over something you can't change? When a Turian approached,and began talking to Anarah,he asked if she was "Nar Tasi". In response,Lida launched into the defense of her charge. "Excuse me? Of COURSE she's exiled! She doesn't need you nor I to remind her of that!" No Quarian exile likes being reminded that they're exiles. Especially the ones that were exiled before they could complete their Pilgrimage,and recieved the title "Nar Tasi". Child of no one.
When the turian approached, asking about her exile, Anarah almost broke out in tears, it didn't feel very good to be reminded of her exile, or that her family had been part of the movement. Any drive the quarian had had to work today had just flown out the window, swallowed up by the perpetual thunderstorm outside.

"Yes," she answered with a slight tremor in her voice, "I am Anarah Nacca... Nar Tasi."
Lida quickly hugged her charge. She saw her like a sister...They grew close during their time in the Brokership. Her glowing eyes narrowed as she glared at the offending Turian. She hissed at him, "Why are you bothering us? To crush a poor girl's spirit?"
"Wh-what?" Noctis was completely puzzled by what was happening. "Excuse me lady, but I don't know much about you quarians or your traditions, so calm down." he sternly apologized. "If there's something I did wrong, I apologize. Will you give me a break here?" Noctis didn't meet many quarians. Hell, he didn't even remembered killing one.

"I'm Xynra Noctis. I was sent to look for you as a new part of her security detail." He pointed at the younger quarian but quickly retracted to avoid causing another incident.
david had finally fixed his gun

"turian, shut up and get down to business, digging further into culture will just make things worse"

again he said so while not looking at any of them, he was now checking his gun for any dirt or grime from the previous job, it was clean so he put it in the holster.

he looked to the turian

"no offence big guy, just trying to keep things from getting even worse"
"Haven't you been listening, human?" his attention again shifting. "I was sent to be her bodyguard for whatever reason. Don't you have things you have to worry about aside from other people's business?" Noctis had to put up with these people. With his patience being tested, he just took a deep breath. "How should I address both of you ma'am?" he said politely
Relen wakes up to his Omni-tool frantically beeping at him. He groggily pulls himself out of bed and stumbles to his desk. His desk was in a state of disarray. It was covered in various papers and blueprints, scattered across. It also had a handful of half finished projects, and a great many small objects and doodads. He found the project he spent all night working on, and smiled. The now erratic beeping snapped him back to reality. He reached out to grab his Omni-tool, but accidentally knocked it to the ground. He sighed, and then picked it off the ground. He looked at his assignment, apparently an assassination of some small time information broker, that was stealing their business. He passed on showering, being late already. He casually threw on his clothes on and walked out of his room.

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