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Fantasy Roleplay Involving Realistic (enough) Vampires & Slavery


Descriptive Roleplayer
So...umm...yeah. I've wanted to roleplay this idea I've had for a while now, but a variety of things all the way from something terrible befalling either my partner or their relative, to the partner simply no longer replying, it has yet to get very far. I would really like it to go further, though!
Anyways, before you go on reading the plot summary/idea or whatever, keep the following in mind: these aren't those sappy, drop-dead gorgeous, sexy, sparkling vampires like you see in things like Twilight or some Anime, these are real, coldhearted, blood-sucking vampires that could (and probably would) kill you...well, alright, some of them may be sexy, but even still, they'll be (for the most part) evil and cold-hearted.

Firstly, before you consider reading the plot summary, here's the requirements you need to have to be my partner (though I'm pretty lenient anyways):

1. Have decent writing and a basic understanding of the English language, and not have your writing be riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes. (Some mistakes are fine, I make quite a few myself, although I'm usually fairly decent at catching them.)
2. Be good at writing in third-person.
3. Be good at writing romancey stuff.
4. Be willing to tell me if something is stupid or should be changed in the roleplay.
5. Not at all required, but I like to have an ongoing OOC chat along with the main roleplay; making friends is fun~
EDIT: 6. Please be a bit creative! I have a lot of ideas for this roleplay, particularly how the vampire society functions and behaves, along with some background for the main cast of vampires, but quite a bit of it is still up in the air (mainly with stuff regarding humans and stuff to happen in the future, depending on how long the RP ends up lasting.) In other words, I'd like to have someone that can help with some world-building! (After all, aside from one or two specific requirements, you're completely deciding on the second main character's backstory, personality, appearance, gender, family, etc.)
7. I almost always reply within 7 or 8 days, but sometimes if I'm especially unlucky, I can take closer to two full weeks before replying, so please make sure you're fine with waiting at least a week for replies, as I don't always reply on the same day that you do.

So, without further delay, here's the plot summary:

--Muse A: the son of wealthy vampires, he lives in a mansion. He has never seen a human in person before. His father is a well-known human trafficker in the Vampire Underworld. His family is feared by the local residents of the town they reside in. (This is the character I'd be. He was intended to be a boy initially, but he could be a girl if you'd prefer.)

--Muse B: A poor peasant that some way or another ends up meeting the vampire son. This would occur from some along the lines of slavery, servant, hired as playmate, sold as 'pet', etc. (One required point for this character is that at the start of this story, his/her parents are desperate for money, so they'd do whatever they could to support themselves. Just how far your character's parents are willing to go is up to you, although Slavery is what was initially intended.) You can make up any appearance, personality, family, and for the most part backstory for this character that you'd like!
there are, at the moment, only a couple requirements:
-Must have at least one parent, or some other caretaker if previously orphaned
-Said parent is extremely desperate for money, whether it be because they're poor or rich but in debt (although poor was initially intended)
-Character must be young enough that he/she can't simply move out of the house, and that their parent(s) still have enough control over them that they could be forced into something like slavery
-Your character must be unaware, in denial, and/or extremely skeptic of the existence of vampires at the start of the story

--Setting: Mostly realistic with a bit of fantasy thrown in (I.E. Vampires lol). Technology that exists would be comparable to before the industrial revolution (In other words, no electronics, and limited machinery if any.)

Basic Plot:

((This was the initial idea, and the parts with Muse B can be changed quite a bit, as long as you run it by me first!))
Muse A has always been fascinated by humans, having never seen one in person, and always wanting to befriend one. Muse B's parents are running low on money, and are barely able to support themselves, let alone a child. They end finding some way to use Muse B to get money, either by selling him as a slave, putting up an ad to hire him as a servant or playmate, etc. (Muse B just needs to be put in a position where they end up living at Muse A's mansion. Optionally, if it is via a method less serious than slavery, then for the beginning of the story, Muse B can travel back-and-forth from the mansion to their parent's house, until eventually living at the mansion full-time, whether it be because the parent(s) moved, died, abandoned, etc.). Muse B initially doesn't realize that Muse A and his family are vampires, but does notice they are a bit...off. They eventually begin to become friends, and Muse A eventually develops a crush on Muse B (This would start as Muse A being merely intrigued by the fact that Muse B is a human, before eventually realizing there are more feelings than that involved.) Eventually, after a good few weeks of staying at the mansion (maybe a month or so), something happens that makes Muse B realize that Muse A is actually a vampire. Muse B starts fearing Muse A, and starts trying to avoid him as much as possible...and what happens from there is all to be determined.

So yeah. Please let me know if you're interested in role-playing at all!
I have a lot of other interesting details about the vampires, my characters, their world, etc. that I'd be glad to talk about, although not too much on here, mostly in PMs so this thread isn't flooded), and I wouldn't mind having any questions you have about this, either, so just ask away!

(...Although, if you do, there's a chance one of your relatives will die like one of those other two people, but I mean...that's not that big of a deal, right?)

Also, FireFox has crashed TWO TIMES NOW, so I had to rewrite this ENTIRE THING THREE TIMES NOW (including my initial writing of this). Ugh.
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This sounds really interesting! I believe I meet all of your criteria, and I would love to do this!
I'm interested if this is still open. I play as females mostly, but if it is m x f and a male is needed I can play male. I'm a literate roleplayer, various size responses (I'll give you what you give me pretty much), am very active, and only write in third person past tense. I almost always chat out of character in parenthesis in my roleplays lol lemme know if you're interested. Put of all the supernatural roleplays I have done, surprisingly vampires haven't been involved. I have experience with slavery roleplays though. Mostly involving elves.
I am very interested in this plot! I have one character who would be adorable, shy, and easliy frightened in this situation and another who's a firey, impulsive, spitfire. Either one would make for a very fun roleplay, I think ^_^ I can reply multiple times a day, as I am only working part time right now and I beleive I meet all of your literacy criteria as well. I mostly roleplay vua email but if there is another method you prefer, just let me know!

And that's why you shouldn't use Firefox lol.

I'm mildly interested, though I don't have much interest in an MxM pairing and would prefer MxF, or FxF.

If you don't mind, could you PM me the entirety of the vampire lore you wanted to use? I'm on my phone and it's finicky with starting PMs.
Hello, people~
I don't think this counts as necroposting since I made it and I'm re-opening it to look for new people to roleplay with? Sorry if it is, though.

Anyway, yeah! I'd like to try roleplaying this idea again with someone! Probably a 1-on-1, or at most, me and two other people, but honestly I think 1-on-1 would work better for this, unless you can think of a reason otherwise.
Also, I'd really, really, REALLY like to make this MxM since that's what the initial idea was and I have yet to have actually done MxM with this story/plot/whatever yet.
Let me know if you're interested, please!

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