Roleplay Here

"Says the person who only talks, and no doing. There were people in danger, I saved them, you talked. I'm not afraid of you, of course you left already because you need to do more talking. "


I looked at Shin. "You seem like a good person, who are you?"

@Raikou Kaminari
I picked up a red outfit from one of those ninjas. "The Iron Talker missed out on a lead, the Hand." I read off the outfit.
Dae frowned in his helmet. "Talk? That kid wasn't saving anyone. If anything he out them in more danger! No one would have started this if he hadn,t taught that stupid Hand Ninja." He discussed to Garvis as they neared the megacarrier. "Affirmative sir. We've got a name for the Arachnid. Joon Watson." The robotic figure said. "So he' said the son of the first spider-man?" He asked. "Unknown sir." The A.I. Replied. "Great."
I helped some construction workers with the Starbucks. Most people were amazed,mad,angry for ruining Starbucks. I filled up a tiny jar with my webs and water. My own sticky adhesive. I tossed it to them. "Don't get it on you, use a brush if you're putting bricks back together." They thanked me, I waved at Shin, tossed him my phone number, and left.

"I've had a rough day." I found a bench in an alley way and rested there. 

I took off my mask, it protected me well. I attached it and my goggles to my hoodie. 

I drank the frappuchino I had earlier. "Hmm, Java chip."
Shin wa silent still distraught over his greatest lead literally slipping through his fingers. He had the suit add the name Arachnid and the number to his contact in case he needed another warm body to throw at the Hand.It was dusk and the sun is setting yet for him the day has just begun it was going to be a long night. These days Shingen wished he joined thw Chaste back then when they presentes Red Muramasa to him, he wished he asked Stick for the chance to be one of them. Maybe he'll eventually gain another opportunity after where the Hand is, the Chaste aren't too far behind. Shingen took off just now temporarily passing the time in the open sky, clearing his mind. He was likely about to go into a fight with Gorgon who can turn people to stone with his eyes. His software had noted Tomi's glasses were different than before but he assume it was nothing.
I asked myself what would've happened if I was still with my real parents.

"Who has a dumb last name such as Watson anyways? Who would abandon a flawless baby like me.." I didn't want to investisgte , I bet they wouldn't remember who I am.. 

I looked at my old ripped mask that I first started with. "Oh spandex." I webbed it onto the wall leaving it there. 

I left and headed to a phone store. I embarrassingly stood in front a phone for 47 minutes because I unplugged the store phone and plugged in my phone. After that, I plugged the store phone back in and ran out. 
AJAX followed Joon. "Sorry for not helping in the fight. I'm fairly new at this superhero-ing gig." He looked in his new compatriot's pockets using his 'x-ray vision'. "I mean, that is your mask, right? You didn't steal it?"

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Grew smiled, taking the paper from Tyson. He looked to Maria Hill who had just entered the room, handing her the sheet before looking back to Dae. "Oh, and this project has been renamed. The team is officially the Argos." He said with a wink before handing him a card. It was his access card, even if he didn't already have access to certain areas.

Dae smiled, taking the card he put the tiny figure into his armour, slipping into his pocket as he looked to Tyson. "You'll get one too bro. Want to recruit s'more guys?" He asked sort of impatient. @Rain-Maker

(Sorry for late and both short response.)

(I'll make a card for us all btw.)

"So nothing big yet..... No fire gods and earth invaders, huh?" Tyson chuckled in jest while observing Maria enter the room and taking the paper handed to her by Grew. "Well cool.... Now what's up next leader of ARGOS?" He spoke out of curiosity and pondering the name change. Now turning toward Dae after the card exchange to access different areas of the ship. "Awesome the Red Blade access card, but yeah sure sounds good bro." Tyson spoke getting up and stretching a bit. 

"Anything up for me to handle or shall I see too this recruiting gig?" Ty spoke turning toward Grew in question before continuing down any path further. 
Grew smiled, looking to Tyson he held out a file. (That holds the name, powers abilities etc. Of every superhuman we're recruiting).  "You're gonna make my job easier, Tyson. Find the people on this list. They're the rest of the team." He said with a nod, dropping the paper on the nearby water dispenser. "I've got... Stuff to do." He said awkwardly as he left the area. "Oh, and your coms are there too!" He added.@Rain-Maker

Dae froze midair before looking back at the ground. Something had just slipped his mind. The girl.. "Random" Who he had met earlier was Makayla Write! He knew where she worked. It was by the port of Queens, so as if instinct he blasted towards the port, the air bouncing off of his armor with speed. He continued down below the clouds and into the city, zooming past buildings and cars he'd arrived at the right place, doing his signature fist landing before looking to the doors of the Insurance Company. "Must be here." He muttered, using his mechanical gauntlets to open the doors as he strutted in, looking to the woman by th counter. "Have you by chance seen a Makayla Write in the area?" He asked, grinning in the armor. @FireMaiden
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"So, that main in the suit. What was his deal?" He continued on with the conversation.  "He seemed mad about something."

"He's mad because he lost a chance of a lifetime. Having me on his team." I smirked under my mask.
Dae froze midair before looking back at the ground. Something had just slipped his mind. The girl.. "Random" Who he had met earlier was Makayla Write! He knew where she worked. It was by the port of Queens, so as if instinct he blasted towards the port, the air bouncing off of his armor with speed. He continued down below the clouds and into the city, zooming past buildings and cars he'd arrived at the right place, doing his signature fist landing before looking to the doors of the Insurance Company. "Must be here." He muttered, using his mechanical gauntlets to open the doors as he strutted in, looking to the woman by th counter. "Have you by chance seen a Makayla Write in the area?" He asked, grinning in the armor. @FireMaiden

The receptionist smiled kindly at him, "I'm sorry, she was...let go a few hours ago. If you want to, since she's not longer an employee, I can give her contact information. Would that suffice?" She asked, already starting to pull up former employee records.
Dae frowned in the armor. "Fired? Errm.. I'll take the contact records." He said, the cameras in the suit allowing him to see images of the employees staring at him. "I'm here on important business. Makayla Write? She's one of the smartest people I know." As he said this, the manager rushed towards him, begging that he'd tell Makayla to come back for double pay. "I'm not sure sir.. Triple?" He asked. The man was hesitant but agreed, he smiled in the armor before looking back to the receptionist.
"He's mad because he lost a chance of a lifetime. Having me on his team." I smirked under my mask.

"Team?" A smile sprung to his face. "I tried starting a team back home, but no one wanted to join!" He started to shake in excitement. "How do I join it? Where do I find it? Are there any requirements?"
"Team?" A smile sprung to his face. "I tried starting a team back home, but no one wanted to join!" He started to shake in excitement. "How do I join it? Where do I find it? Are there any requirements?"

"Fine, it's called S.W.O.R.D. If you're joining I guess this is bye for now." I started walking away.
"Right. Let's see, her mobile is 555-9963. I hope that works out for you," She said with a pleasant smile. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" She asked.

Dae nodded in the armor before exiting the building, a small gun sign before exiting. "Garvis, call 555-9963" He ordered. "Affirmitive." The Artificial Intelligence said as the call began to ring, Dae just pondered by the side of the building, watching as civilians passing by took photos of him. @FireMaiden
Dae smiled as she picked the call. "Random.. It's me Tron. Or would you like me to call you by your real name, Makayla Write?" He asked with a smug grin. "You're being recruited to join a superhero sub-division for the S.W.O.R.D. Corporation. I'd like you to be one of us. Are you in?" He asked, his voice a tad serious but it was hard to tell the difference if he was or was not joking. @FireMaiden
I turned around and smiled. "DO IT DO IT DO IT, I'll give you all my money!" I jumped and jumped everywhere, going crazy.


"Where would I go for this, exactly?" The looked around. "I'm new to town. And the business. Generally, I'm just new to this time period."
"Where would I go for this, exactly?" The looked around. "I'm new to town. And the business. Generally, I'm just new to this time period."

"Ahh.. okay..I guess?" I looked around, and sighed because I just got here. "Head to Queens Port, that's where they last were, If not, look for a gigantic megacarrier."
She didn't reply right away, but he could probably heAR her yelling and something being thrown. "S.W.O.R.D huh? Mind telling me a bit more about it?" She asked. 


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