Roleplay Here

Joon webbed up Shin. "Who are you?" My mask automatically got onto my face, along with my goggles.

"You another one of those ninja nerds," 
(Wrong Person that's Cole)

The webs never touched Cole instead they were with a telekinetic wall that suspended them between him and Joon. "None of your business, just drop the device and you live spider wannbe." Cole replied with a demonic echo to his voice. A car from the street lifted from the ground and flew at the speed of a bullet at Joon.
(My bad)

As soon as it came towards me I jumped and put it back on the ground and went on top of the car.

"Nice try, but I'm the one who fought the ninjas." I back flipped onto the wall of Starbucks and started climbing onto the roof.

@Raikou Kaminari
Night Mind felt much better after meditating for so long. He stood up and barely felt any pain. Perfect. Adrian stretched out his body and teleported on top of the rooftop. He looked across city skyline and began to go from building to building. Night Mind ended up near a Starbucks and was gonna continue on, but a familiar voice caught his ear. He stopped on a rooftop and looked over seeing the Arachnid.

"Well, well the kid from earlier." Adrian said pleasantly.

@Joon @Raikou Kaminari
Night Mind surveyed the situation and nodded. He put both of his palms toward the floor and focused his mind on the many loose bricks and rubble on the roof. Night Mind raised it all into the air and made it swirl into a sickle like form. He turned helping the debris sickle gain speed and hurled it at Cole.

@Raikou Kaminari
AJAX emerged from an alleyway. "So, this is the 21st century? It's like I'd always imagined it!" He took in the sights. Cars that didn't fly! People wearing pants! Bodegas! It was a far cry from what he'd seen in 3099.

He began flying upwards, preparing for some superheroics.

During his great upward movement, he noticed a kerfuffle going on a building. "Hey, are there any injustices going on down there?" he shouted downwards.

@Joon @Eagleye415 @Raikou Kaminari
"Great, join the party!" I was about to run off, until 3 members of the Hand surrounded me.


All three ran towards me, I tripped one, punched one, but the third was challenging. At a fast speed, it came towards me, it knocked me back onto the ground. I still had the device in my bag. I webbed the ninja, and pulled him down, then uppercutting him on the way. 

@Raikou Kaminari @Eagleye415 @Crenando
Cole suspended the web in mid air robbing them of their velocity before letting them fall. He turned intangible as the sickle went right through him into a store across the street. Cole extend his hand and pit his telekinesis to pull the device from Joon's bag to his hands. "You fought novices, not me." He said with that demonic under echo once more. "This body is interesting to say the least. Don't know why my novices keep showing up, must Gorgon playing his games again." he commented. 
Makayla stopped for a moment, wiping her brow, before continuing to jog down the street. That's when she heard it. A scream and tires screeching. She scanned the area and say a girl who was about 10 on her knees in the middle of the street with a huge truck veering twoards her. "It's not gonna stop in time," She muttered, throwing up her hood and running out I to the street. There was a crashing sound as she took the girl in one arm, and used the other to stop the truck. And after a quick check to make sure the girl was ok, she got up and jogged off again, leaving a crowd of confused bystanders.
Adrian was intrigued by this mysterious man and paused as he held a water tower far above his head with his mind.

"Hello sir. What's your name?" Adrian said politely to the man he had just thrown a sickle at.

Meanwhile, in his head he was curious about what would happen if he gave this being a vision. Would it have a different affect on it? Now, Adrian was truly curious.

@Raikou Kaminari
"THOSE ARE MY CLOTHES!" I adjusted my running shoes going as fast as I can giving Cole a left hook, and a jab.

@Raikou Kaminari

Adrian was intrigued by this mysterious man and paused as he held a water tower far above his head with his mind.

"Hello sir. What's your name?" Adrian said politely to the man he had just thrown a sickle at.

Meanwhile, in his head he was curious about what would happen if he gave this being a vision. Would it have a different affect on it? Now, Adrian was truly curious.

@Raikou Kaminari

Cole removed the device from the bag and flung it telekinetically several blocks away. He took the punches without too much of problem before hardening his skin especially around his arms which turned black and began to bulge. He swung back at Joon with a punch to the abs with enough force to send someone like him through the starbucks glass window. He then partly turned his attention to the individual above him with a water tower in his hand. "That won't do anything to me." Cole taunted.
"Maybe not.. But.. I can always make you think otherwise." Adrian grinned. "Now, once more. My name is Night Mind or Adrian, if you prefer it. What is your name?"

Night Mind absentmindedly twirled the water tower around in circles. He raised and lowered it as he waited.

@Raikou Kaminari
"Agh!" I looked around. Ooh. I drank a frappuchino and ran back outside running towards him, this time, with my agility I quickly wrapped webs around his feet and arms. 

"Who the hell are you?" I jumped back.

@Raikou Kaminari
"I am the Beast!" he replied before Arachnid came running out the store. He turned intangible just as webs were sprayed again and then he sunk into the ground taking the device with him. Then suddenly something large metallic impacted the spot where the Beast in Cole's sunk through. It was Silvee Samurai in his armor punching the ground in frustration arriving literally just too late. "Dammit! This is worse than I ever thought!" he shouted from inside the armor. He had found out about this incident because everyone camera in the part of the city was turned on this event. He never thought the Beast would be roaming around so soon. Shingen looked up at the other individuals gathered wondering what qualm they had with the Beast.
The injustice being unconfirmed yet still, he stayed in the air until he got a better idea of the situation.

"Just tell me who's the hero here and I'll give the opposing team a good walloping!" He shouted to the fight below.
Tron was zooming down to NYC as fast as he could. He'd ditched Red Blade as Tyson was being interviewed by Director Winters, his thrusters on full blast now. "Garvis, any casualties?" He asked as they flew. "Sixty-two year old Eleanor Moore suffered a heart attack. She's in the emergency room, expected to live." The robotic voice replied as they flew. "So who's fighting who?" Dae asked. "The Arachnid and another man are fighting.. A telekinetic, Amadaeus. I've warned you but this is quite important. Be careful." The robot said, Dae didn't respond this time as he reached the area, landing in the road the floor crackled beneath him as he looked up to those fighting. "You've given someone a heart attack already. You've taken technology, yup I know. You don't even know how they work. Why not hand me the the thingamajigger and go on with life. Like seriously." Dae said, his tone declaring he was frustrated at the group. "You've just causing mayhem. And vandalism? You literally just robbed bricks from that poor building. Put 'me back. And. Go." He ordered. 
"AND, I'm trynna fight the bad guy here." 

I webbed my bag and got it back. "I got the tech because I caught some red ninja guys holding it, they looked like bad people."

Silver Samurai inclinced his head towards another figure in an high tech exoskeleton who had arrived shortly after him. "He can't give you whatever was stolen because they have it now, any captured have probably already taken their cyanide like good fearless ninja assassins." Shingen answered with sarcasm. "Wait, who the hell are you scrubs?" Shingen now on his feet and his armor scanning the other guy. "You look like Iron Man." he commented. He looked to the guy above who seemed confused about the whole situation. He began to hover slightly above the ground as if he was about to take off shortly.
"I don't care who's good or who's bad." He said bluntly before pointing at the tech. "But that's the property of the United States so would you mind giving it back? Or further steps may have to be taken, kid." He threatened. "And I'm Tron. The Iron Warrior? You've never heard of me?" He felt very insulted and hurt about that comment. "Anywho, give me the technology, kid. All we know is that it could be a nuclear time bomb. And who holds the nuclear codes? The president. Hand it over and it'll be delivered to him."
Dae frowned in the armour. "You've got to be kidding me." He muttered. "Now what? We have no leads whatsoever." He whined to those in the area. "Look what your sloppy work has done." He said brashly before looking to where the ninjas had last went. "Tron, out." He said as he saluted before rocketing up into the air.

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