Roleplay Experience

How long have you, as a person been roleplaying? Do you also have anything in particular during your experience within forum roleplay that you'd like to share?
I've been RPing for about 10+ years. Strange to think about that sometimes. But I've had some good RPs :)
I've been RPing for about 12 or so years, which is half of my life so far oops. I suppose this goes for forum RP as well as MMO or other multi player game RP, but my rules of thumb (that even I forget sometimes, still) are: don't write what your character is thinking, because what you read is what your character can react to. Basically show how your character is acting TOWARDS another character, don't TELL what is going through their mind. This is difficult and I had to unlearn it over a year of getting back into RP. Also (also!) remember that using "said" is fine. Let your writing speak for itself. If your character is angry, your RP partner should be able to tell through your character's ACTIONS, ie slamming a door. No need to say something like "she shouted angrily." or even using "shouted."

An example of this could be between:
Krissa slams the door and stomps her feet against the place mat, rubbing the mud caked up to her ankles on the bristled surface in a futile effort to not track it through the house. "Stop calling me, mom! I'm freakin' here on time," she says, sulking to the kitchen.

You can tell Krissa is angry. I showed you the situation, but didn't tell you how angry she was because you have all the information you need right there. Compare that to:

Krissa slams the door angrily and stomps her feet against the place mat, rubbing the mud caked up to her ankles furiously on the bristled surface in an effort to not track it through the house. "Stop calling me, mom! I'm freakin' here on time," she shouted angrily, sulking to the kitchen. She thinks that her mom calling forty times is excessive, and silently curses the woman as she passes by.

The adverbs and extraneous wordage are only fillers, and while they still paint a picture for us, are unnecessary in getting the point across. Also, Krissa's mom (the second character in the scene, perhaps played by someone else), can only respond to the first bit. She cannot respond to Krissa's inner thoughts, so despite there being more writing, there is less to...what's the term...go off of?

Those are my pointers for new AND older RPers! I know some people prefer to write out thoughts, but let your words speak for themselves! Have pride in portraying the scene and show, don't tell, the reader and/or your RP partner. :)
I've also been rping for about 12 years. I've had some good times on Myspace, Facebook, and Anirp. Hoping that I'll find that same fun here. I think the most memorable things in my experience are the friends that I made along the way and the long term partners that kept me motivated to write.
I've about 6 years of experience. I've mostly roleplayed on tumblr as one muse for years. You become really good at analyzing one character. I personally don't think that roleplaying helps a person's writing when it comes to flow and structure. Roleplaying has its own style and a person who roleplays isn't always good at writing stories. What they are good at is improv. It's more of a reaction writing rather than plot and flow.
I’ve been roleplaying for 4-5 years since I was a middle schooler but never ever have done it on a forum
I've been roleplaying for six years now, I'm currently sixteen and I started out as a one liner. It was cringey but I learned to get the hang of things. Roleplaying on Polyvore is slowly turning extinct. At times I do roleplay on here, I used to have a roleplay here but it died just after a thousand posts and I'm only included in one running roleplay now, a 1x1.

I guess people are busy these days but at a point a lot of people used to constantly roleplay, which is why I like this particular site. You don't have to search for willing roleplayers and intersting roleplays, it's all laid out in front of you.
I have done 4 or 5 roleplay posts ! This is my total roleplay experience in the last month lol. Had never tried it before started it as a form of therapy and currently doing a 1x1 =)
About 8 years on and off here. Biggest thing I'd say is important in the forum roleplaying sphere is trying to balance injecting more into the world (or story) with your character beyond bare existence, but also ensuring you're not hindering the ability of others to do the same, or taking the story away from the creator's vision.
I'm probably one of the older Rpers here, So I have a whopping 19 years experience off and on. Started up at the wee young age of 12 and never looked back since. Granted I have a little bit of a life, and I have taken some time off to reflect on said life and future. I have some fond memories of Rping with some very good people. One that became a life long friend of mine even if we are countries apart. Quite a few good memories even with some....bad ones mixed in. Let's just say as most of you know that fandoms get quite ugly. The Animaniacs and Danny Phantom fandoms of the 2000s were very much ugly at times. One time caused me to put my fanfiction on a slight hiatus because of how hateful people could be. (Shrugs)

But I still very much enjoy Rping even with the haters.
I've been roleplaying about eight or nine years off and on. Most of my roleplay took place in chats. Rpnation was the first forum I ever joined for roleplay almost four years ago under a different account. I can't say my experiences in chats were great, but so far RPnation has been good for roleplay.
I've been role-playing for about 2-3 years now. Started on Google+.
Anyways, I've only roleplayed on a forum once, and that died within a couple of posts.
Well, actually, if I'm counting Nationstates, I've roleplayed up in forums a lot.
One thing that is like to share about it is that it's unorganized and annoying. If you don't get notifications from the post and have multiple other roleplays going on at the same time, it's easy to forget about it.
I've been RPing for two years. Did a hell of a lot of casual, around 1000 pages and 40000 posts for on RP I made, but started moving into slightly more advanced roleplays. Still working on writing long posts, it seems weird after posting thousands of sentence long posts.
Been RPing for roughly 5 years, with a 2 year gap after that- Just got back into it, let's hope I can beat 5 continuous years this time! :')

Anything I want to share.. hm.

I once discovered I was RPing a MxM romantic (+ more) roleplay with someone I knew. It turned out to be my college 'homophobic' bully - now that was something..
I have been roleplaying for only a few years. I once started on an Adult Chat site, and it was an enjoyable at the time, but the constant smut became tiring. I am probably one of the more older writers on this site, and even though I don't have much experience with roleplaying, I am no stranger to writing stories. Either way, I found myself here in search of a new adventure, a PG adventure, I am done with all the smut themed of writing.
I have been role-playing off and on for roughly 11 years. I enjoy role play, life just tales me away from months to years at a time. I have been doing paragraph roleplay most of my writing career.
Sadly, I first start truly role-playing on Facebook, and I'm chats. Created a page on Facebook and was sucked into an amazing world where you could be anyone, or anything. I was captivated. A dark elf. A prince. Hell, a princess vampire. One of the 7 deadly sins. It was exciting to be someone else. To give them a life and breathe into them.
When I found rpnation, I was intimidated by what I read. It was all so good and alluring. I'm recently back from a bit of a hiatus. And I cannot wait to continue writing.
Being 17 now, I've been roleplaying now for about a solid 4 years. And I'll shamefully admit that I started off as some horny twat who had no actual interest in roleplay but erp. I was a decent writer then so that really helped me be a slut but as I got older and roleplayed continuously I began maturing and moved away from erp every moment of my day and actually began taking up real plots and delving deeper into things. So I can really say I have been a steady roleplayer for only 3 years.

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