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Hi all, I'm looking for some players to join me in a roleplay I wanna run. Its set in the Elven Unification War, an event I have drawn up, and for which I will gladly share lots of lore on. THere are two sides, Royal and Imperial, with the Imperial side being the more modern industrial side, while the Royalists are more focused on maintaining political and economic traditions as opposed to keeping out modern technology. The catch to this one is that I want it to be "modern" meaning that you gotta think about the 1870s in terms of modern, and that the Im looking for someone to play a character and a group. For example, your character would be in charge of a regiment/brigade/division/corps, while I as the GM would be considered as both the world, and filling in vacancies left by players. For example, if you create your character, Colonel Artio, a High Elven noble who received a commission at the war's start, if theres only one player then I would take on the role of his brigadier above him, or if another player is there then I would be the division commander etc. This also helps when a player simply cannot be online, in universe that would be explained by him simply being sick and I would personally take over as one of his underlings in temporary command.
Here is the premise then: In the continent of Elvinia there exists two competing factions, the Royalists, led by the Kingdom of Duken, and encompassing the Kingdoms of Seguntum, Outeremer, and Noricia, they are highly traditional, though the King of Duken wishes to modernize his state technologically, while retaining his political system. They are fighting to keep the existing status quo. They also have some forces from the Kingdom of Trost, which is on the Imperial side in a few brigades of "orphans". For this side the uniforms are generally white, with collars and piping of a different color corresponding to the kingdom, Duken gets red, Seguntum gets blue, Noricia gets brown, Outeremer gets yellow, and Trost gets Red. For the equipment think muzzle loaders for the most part, they initially use smoothbores, but will eventually come to have rifles. On the Imperial side there is the Dark Elven Kingdom, a more modern state with a weak King and strong Prime Minister, they are the industrial power on the continent, as they live in mountain hives, and are the most populous state. That being said, they rely more on brute force, picking this side means you get not better, but more standardized and easy to use equipment, and will have to worry less about how you're going to replace your losses. Then on the Imperial side is the Republic of Moira, the modernized wood elf faction that is highly agrarian, while they themselves out number any single Kingdom on the Royalist side, combined they have more than Moira. Think of them like Romans, they have a small, elite army equipped with repeating rifles, their forces are kept small due to the obscene cost of equipping an agrarian state with cutting edge weaponry. Picking these guys means smaller formation sizes, but you will be better equipped. For uniforms, the Dark Elves get a red tunic and black pants with a black hat, Moirans gets dark grey tunic with red piping and collars/cuffs, with a campaign hat that includes a black feather plume on it.
For this there will be things to consider, the command you want will suffer more losses from attrition, that includes the player as well!
Think about it, you're some elite Light Elven marksman, in charge of your company of sharpshooters, picking off Moirans and Dark Elves, having a good time, then boom! You catch scabies and die. Or dysentary, or camp fever, or any number of diseases. They have magic to allow for healing, but do they have enough to use for armies in excess of 100,000? Or do they have the trained personnel to ensure that they are attached to every formation? Probably not, so you gotta make do. Theres also other things to consider as well, like a heavy rain came and all your rations got moldy, you have enough for two days of marching, but the nearest supply point is three days march away, do you force them to go a day without rations and incur losses from that decision, or allow them to eat moldy food and incur losses from that decision? You will have to make one because staying still is how the enemy cavalry chews you to bits. Anyway, if this sounds good to you, please let me know, or do you have suggestions or other recommendations please let me know!
Here is the premise then: In the continent of Elvinia there exists two competing factions, the Royalists, led by the Kingdom of Duken, and encompassing the Kingdoms of Seguntum, Outeremer, and Noricia, they are highly traditional, though the King of Duken wishes to modernize his state technologically, while retaining his political system. They are fighting to keep the existing status quo. They also have some forces from the Kingdom of Trost, which is on the Imperial side in a few brigades of "orphans". For this side the uniforms are generally white, with collars and piping of a different color corresponding to the kingdom, Duken gets red, Seguntum gets blue, Noricia gets brown, Outeremer gets yellow, and Trost gets Red. For the equipment think muzzle loaders for the most part, they initially use smoothbores, but will eventually come to have rifles. On the Imperial side there is the Dark Elven Kingdom, a more modern state with a weak King and strong Prime Minister, they are the industrial power on the continent, as they live in mountain hives, and are the most populous state. That being said, they rely more on brute force, picking this side means you get not better, but more standardized and easy to use equipment, and will have to worry less about how you're going to replace your losses. Then on the Imperial side is the Republic of Moira, the modernized wood elf faction that is highly agrarian, while they themselves out number any single Kingdom on the Royalist side, combined they have more than Moira. Think of them like Romans, they have a small, elite army equipped with repeating rifles, their forces are kept small due to the obscene cost of equipping an agrarian state with cutting edge weaponry. Picking these guys means smaller formation sizes, but you will be better equipped. For uniforms, the Dark Elves get a red tunic and black pants with a black hat, Moirans gets dark grey tunic with red piping and collars/cuffs, with a campaign hat that includes a black feather plume on it.
For this there will be things to consider, the command you want will suffer more losses from attrition, that includes the player as well!