Role Play. on the surface

The Justice Human got revived.

His soul got returned to the coffin.

He steps through the barrier, looking at the beatifull city.

''How long ago did i saw that the last time...?'' he says to himself.

It changed.

He went down the path to the city.
"SANS! WAKE UP! IT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN!" Papyrus had been patiently waiting since 3:02 AM for Sans's lackluster alarm clock to go off, so he could help it in its futile mission to awaken his lazy bag of bones of a brother.

"SHUT UP PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP" Chara yelled from across the house 
He arrived in the City.

He nearby heard an yell.

He walked into the direction it came from.

He saw a glass bottle over at an house.

''Is my aim as good as it was before?'' he asks himself and shoots it.

''Bull's Eye!''
"HMMM... AS EXPECTED. SANS WON'T WAKE!" Papyrus sadly concluded, before adding, "AND THAT OTHER HUMAN NEEDS TO PIPE DOWN. I'M TRYING TO WAKE MY BROTHER..." He stood up from his position, stretched for a second, and picked up Sans from his "bed". He slung his brother under his arm, and marched to the roof of the house. Once he sat his (still sleeping probably) brother down, he yawned, and expectantly watched the Eastern horizon. @GasterSans
While walking around, he sees two skeletons on an roof.

''Hey up there! What 'r ya doing?'' he yells up to 'em.
He thinks about it again.

He remebers the last time he played an puzzle.

''It is some time ago since i solved a puzzle...'' he says.

''So sure, why not? My brain shall work again after these many years being...well, dead by Asgore basicly.''
Chara coukd not sleep so justgot up and went in to the kitchen and grabed a chocolate bar and sat on the couch with the tv turned on.
Frisk turned in her sleep as she heard voices. She got up and went to look for everyone. When she saw Chara, she snuck up behind her and spoke in what she considered her yelling voice. "Hi!!"
There she was, wandering through the city. Her lantern softly glowed green on her disheveled clothes as she made step after step on the ground. She hadn't slept in days. Or was it weeks? Months? She didn't know, and frankly, she didn't care. As she walked on, she saw two skeletons sitting onto a roof. She stopped and watched them, her dead, blue eyes boring holes into the soul of anyone who looked at her in the eye.
Chara jumoed up with a quick yelp then turned around "jeez Frisk you gave me a heart attack." She said sitting back down "guees everyone is wakeing up now huh?" She said
Frisk shrugged. "I don't know...but it's early...we shouldn't even be up yet!" Frisk whined. She was now wide-awake and wouldn't fall back asleep. For the next few hours, it would basically be all of Frisk's complaints and whining.
Chara sigh "you have papyrus to thank for that. He wanted sans to see the sunrise with him. Even through the sun isnt riseing for the next three hours" she said.
After helping Papyrus with the crossword, he walked into an random direction.

He had no idea what todo now.

His idendety was lost.

Noone knew him.

He's now an hobo.

Sad with an tear in the eye, he wanted to search himself an job.
Chara sigh "you have papyrus to thank for that. He wanted sans to see the sunrise with him. Even through the sun isnt riseing for the next three hours" she said.

Frisk made an upset whining sound. She really bored but didn't want to do anything. She was also still tired but wouldn't fal back asleep.
"Ugh Frisk be quite im trying to watch something" chara said turning up the volume
The Justice Human was walked around a part of the city. He started remebering the full one.

He then remeberd about his old house; He went to the place where it was.

(For RP it shold be near the one you guys are in)

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