Role-Play Coalition (Discontinued)

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Archie said:
is this already a thing?
We are still waiting for our hosted project to be approved by the administration. We will inform all interested parties what the status is as soon as we know!
Musician said:
We are still waiting for our hosted project to be approved by the administration. We will inform all interested parties what the status is as soon as we know!
You seem more excited than anyone else here. Not that it's a bad thing :)
This sounds like an innovative and creative way to get the word out and help some people in the process, can I still join this?

No, lol. I don't think Muse beats me in excitement level. Muse is just better at words than I am, xD . (>u>). And it is definitely not a bad thing!


No problem! Like Muse was saying, you don't have to participate in everything. It's actually going to be much less work than you think. Trust me on this one. xD . Whatever is in your head, push it out until you actually see what we do.

@yonmita rae

If you bring that cute little avatar with you, then yeah you can join =)
Alrighty! Thanks guys! I wanted to ask if this was the main thread or if you were opening another location in the site, so I could watch that one as well?
We have submitted a request to have our group contained within a hosted project forum. Once we know of the request's status, we will notify all interested members of where our official location will be.
I mean, if you think about it, it would be remiss of me not to contribute.

Assuming this is indeed happening.
This looks like the perfect place for me, by definition.

I have a lot of knowledge in regards to roleplay theories and various models of how it's portrayed, so this could be very, very interesting.
[QUOTE="The Architect]This looks like the perfect place for me, by definition.
I have a lot of knowledge in regards to roleplay theories and various models of how it's portrayed, so this could be very, very interesting.

I know right? I've already seen a few of your posts around the site and you would definitely fit. Welcome to RPN by the way! I myself am a dabbler/experimenter and regularly try some wacky stuff.

This group's creation though, is not in the cards. We did not get the okay to make it happen, but if anything changes, we'll be sure to let you know. Enjoy yourself!
There is some certain challenge for it.

I also run a RP which was quite complicated that perhaps rare or most likely a Campaign RP.

I would like to see what's next for this since i also looking for RP that may interest me.
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