Role play anyone?


New Member
I started writing this yesterday on my iPod but it was so long that I was logged out and when I went back to log myself in it turns out I don't know how to copy and paste things so...I'll try my best to work as hard on this as I did with the last one.

Anyway I'm new here but a friend of mine walked me around the neighborhood a million times telling me what I can and can't do. One of the things I can do here is search for an RP partner, which is what I'm doing here! I also like group RP's but only if the group is small. I tend to be ignored very easily by others.

I don't really mind if you don't speak fluent english, I don't mind whatever length you make your posts (as long as they aren't one liners. Those irk the hell out of me), I don't mind what style of role playing you like to do or any of that because usually I'll just try and mirror you. If you are comfortable writing novels when you RP I'm cool with that, and if you write one paragraph when you RP I can do that too. Basically what I'm saying here is I don't judge and I can RP with you using whatever style you find most comfortable. I mean the point of all this is to have fun right?

As for the kinds of things I want to role play, if you don't like the ideas below and you have been burning to RP something for a while now then I am totally open to your ideas! Just gotta put that in bold in case someone comes along and thinks only my ideas are up for grabs. ;)

Detective x Serial Killer

I read the spin-off novel for the anime Death note and I am currently drooling over the series Hannibal so it's no surprise that I absolutely adore the whole "detective working with the same guy he's trying to catch without knowing this is the dude he needs to catch" situation. The psychological aspect to Hannibal is pretty cool too, so if the two characters could sort of be on the same intellectual level as well that would be amazing! Although now that I read this back that last part is sort of a given, huh?


Yup. Hetalia. You know, that anime where every country is a human being? Not only did the first season of Axis Powers help me greatly in my History classes, but it made me smile on days when I was down. This show is more than just a show to me for that reason. As you can probably tell from my username and my profile picture I adore America and the RusAme pairing (Russia x America). This doesn't mean we have to start a role play with that pairing, or any pairing at that! It could be a friendship or war situation. My point is, any role play involving Hetalia is open for the both of us to decide on. (Yes, I know this site is a PG-13 kind of RP site. No need to remind me! RusAme can get gory and...sexual...)

Zombie Apocalypse

While this should be self explanatory, I should probably mention that I love the Walking Dead. So the "rules" (for lack of a better word) that apply to the show would probably be applied to the role play. You know like the zombies ignoring you if you have their guts on you or the fact that Atlanta is completely overrun and impossible to live in. That sort of thing. We don't need to RP with the characters in the show unless you want to.

Arranged Marriage

This is self explanatory. Should be fun, and maybe it can end in the pairing actually falling in love, but nothing too quick.

War RP

Anything involving wars get me so interested. I swear some girls have crushes on actors for a while, I'm obsessed with wars for a while. Maybe this is why I love Hetalia so much...anyway, any RP you and I can think of involving a war would be so fun. It doesn't even have to be a real war (although that would be so cool). We could make up a war, like a futuristic kind of war or even one happening in a decade or so. That kind of thing.

Book x Reader

Now this one and the Hetalia one are both fighting to be my favorite here. I found a phenomenal post on tumblr with this storyline, so thank the many users of Tumblr for this. The post started with a picture of old, thick, worn out books with pages turning yellow with age. The caption on the picture said "Someone should write a book where the main character falls in love with the reader" or something to that effect, I don't remember that part. What I do remember is the posts that came afterwards. So this is what the RP would be basically: There is a whole series of books, each one different, selling like wildfire. Apparently there is a book meant for everyone and it attracts crowds of both men and women to find their significant other trapped in the words of the book. Many people, upon finding their book and finishing it, read it over and over. It almost sucks the life out of people as they realize that this person can never be real. Now, in the RP I was thinking we could do (I love how I say we like I'm talking to someone) one of our characters is a girl who hears about the book. Depending on what we want the character to be like she can either love this idea and search for a book like mad, or she can reject the idea and convince herself that she has no need for trivial things like falling in love with a book. Her friend finds a book and insists she reads it, since women's intuition tells her this is the book meant for her. Either reluctantly or enthusiastically, whatever we decide, she can start reading the book and actually enjoys it. For a while she reads it and is amazed by how the book seems to know what she's thinking as she's reading, to the point where she can say things out loud like she's having a conversation with the book and the next lines will actually be a response. Meanwhile, back in reality, she meets someone that very closely matches the character she is reading about. One of us would have to multi-task between the book character and this person she meets in real life, since she can't read and talk to the person at the same time. Does that make sense? If it doesn't but you're interested please let me know because this would be so interesting.

If you're interested you know what to do~!

I may be interested, but to warn you, I'm not very good at rping just yet so my posts aren't usually very long. I do my best though.

The arranged marriage idea caught my attention. What was your general idea for this?
Wow. I've been rping for a while, but some of this is incredibly clever! I'm impressed. But why do just ONE idea? It'd be interesting to maybe do a mix of Zombie, War and Book x Reader... If you'd like.
You~! The one with the awesome ideas, I'd be happy to join a role-play with you.

As for my literacy, I'm quite good with using proper grammar and punctuation. My post lengths, as well, vary on how much my partner writes. Sometimes it's a few sentence, but then there are times when it's like six paragraphs xD So, ya.

The few ideas of yours that sticks out the most for me would have to be the Book x Reader and Hetalia. Although, with Hetalia I kind of suck with getting into the character; their personalities, that is.
These ideas are amazing!!! I would love to do a 1x1 with you! My favorites are hetalia and the book x reader ones but if you have anything else that you want to do, I wouldn't mind doing something else that you have an idea about! ^^
Our roleplaying styles seem to match up quite well, and you plot ideas caught my interest. I'd love to do an arranged marriage roleplay with you!

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