Senior Member
Survival mode activated
The deck
Dahlia, Agnes
Monster — EPIC SAGA.
"Never feel bad for a blind man," he said finally; "for you see the world as it is, while I see it for what it could be."
Receiving kindness from the woman he had come to know as Dahlia was rare indeed. She seemed the kind that had grown up rough and, so, had no patience for anybody that wasn’t tough like she was. A feeling he could understand - after all, one’s experiences greatly shape their expectations of others.
However, she had spoken to him with a softness that he had not heard in her voice before. For a moment, his mind was briefly snatched from finding safety in Devana’s presence. For a moment, he had allowed himself to believe that perhaps there was no danger at all. Perhaps the skeleton had merely been a figment of his imagination.
Of course, he just had to process all this without saying a word. So, after she had called out to him and extended an olive branch, a listening ear, he had proceeded to do nothing but stare at her for the better part of a full minute as his mind caught up to present times.
Finally, he opened his mouth to say something, but the only sound that was heard was that of a long, low whistle. A sound that he was mostly positive hadn’t come from him. He didn’t have the time to look around before the impact. The only thing he had managed to see was Dahlia diving to protect someone else standing there who he hadn’t even noticed. What is she do-
He wasn’t given time to complete the thought as the ship rocked violently and sent him tumbling towards the railings. A feelling that was, unfortunately, familiar to the writer. Reflexively o and rather clumsily - just before he slammed against the railing, he shot a leg out, attempting to find purchase but stepping on the railing. Just the way he had seen Maltke do when a storm almost claimed his life.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t Maltke. And he didn’t have the experience to stop himself by catching his foot on the railing. All that happened when he attempted was a twist of his ankle, resulting in him bumping into the railing anyway. A lighter hit than he would have suffered if he had flown straight into it, but at what cost?
The pain that shot through his leg had blinded and deafened him to all the chaos happening around them. When he finally managed to gather his bearing, he looked up and saw that it seemed as though it was about to rain. Inly that the clours were much lower than he had ever seen rain clous. It was then it occurred to him that the grey in the sky was looking at was fnot from clouds, but instead from smoke. And the only rain these would bring was one of blood and not water.
Confusion sent his mind spiraling. Was the skeleton real after all? Was it a vision for what was to come shortly. More pressingly, who are they attacking: me or the ship?
His thoughts, and the pain in his leg, had planted him firmly to the deck, unwilling and unable to move. That is, until, he heard someone cry out. He did not recognise the voice, but he knew the name all too well.
She had been standing in front of him a mere moment ago, conversing like lambs completely unaware of the wolf’s presence. Where is she? Is she hurt?
The thought of Dahlia’s safety seemed to be enough to spur him to move. His ankle was in too much pain for him to stand, so he simply crawled towards the last place he had seen her. Below the smoke, he could make out her ever-striking red hair and some of the conversation she was having with the other lady.
“Take her to my quarters.” He instructed. He pulled himself from his crawling stance, forcing himself to stand on two feet, because stars forbid Dahlia see him looking weak. She would never let him hear the end of it. Despite his best attempts to hide it, however, he clearly favoured one foot over the other. Ignoring that, however, he proceeded to give directions to his cabin and how to identify it. “It is far enough from the outer hull not to be blown in by cannon fire, deep enough to hide from the chaos; and modest enough to hopefully be ignored by the pirates. Go, I shall be right behind you.” Despite the clear chaos and danger of the situation, his voice was surprisingly leveled, having to pull from a part of himself he didn't know still existed: the part that had to survive of the streets of a loveless world...that part of him that would do whatever it takes.
The plan was to run and hide. He was good at running and hiding. However, he knew he couldn’t go with them. With his hurt ankle, he would only slow them down. But he did not need Dahlia worrying about him. “There is someone else I must find.” A true enough lie. “Once I have confirmed their safety, I will join you both in the room. If the pirates board before I do…” a horrifying though. But, at least, they would be safe “...block the doors with the furniture in the room the best you can.”
Despite the pain he was in, there was little room in his tone for questioning or rebuttal, the tightness in his jaw and the firmness in his gaze as he looked at the two a clear indication that their safety was his primary concern and he would hear nothing to the contrary. This was not simply him trying to be a hero. This was him doing what he could to cut losses and save who he could. Starting with those who had been good to him.
♡coded by uxie♡