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Luc Cardin



Survival mode activated


The deck


Dahlia, Agnes

Monster — EPIC SAGA.



"Never feel bad for a blind man," he said finally; "for you see the world as it is, while I see it for what it could be."


Receiving kindness from the woman he had come to know as Dahlia was rare indeed. She seemed the kind that had grown up rough and, so, had no patience for anybody that wasn’t tough like she was. A feeling he could understand - after all, one’s experiences greatly shape their expectations of others.

However, she had spoken to him with a softness that he had not heard in her voice before. For a moment, his mind was briefly snatched from finding safety in Devana’s presence. For a moment, he had allowed himself to believe that perhaps there was no danger at all. Perhaps the skeleton had merely been a figment of his imagination.

Of course, he just had to process all this without saying a word. So, after she had called out to him and extended an olive branch, a listening ear, he had proceeded to do nothing but stare at her for the better part of a full minute as his mind caught up to present times.

Finally, he opened his mouth to say something, but the only sound that was heard was that of a long, low whistle. A sound that he was mostly positive hadn’t come from him. He didn’t have the time to look around before the impact. The only thing he had managed to see was Dahlia diving to protect someone else standing there who he hadn’t even noticed. What is she do-

He wasn’t given time to complete the thought as the ship rocked violently and sent him tumbling towards the railings. A feelling that was, unfortunately, familiar to the writer. Reflexively o and rather clumsily - just before he slammed against the railing, he shot a leg out, attempting to find purchase but stepping on the railing. Just the way he had seen Maltke do when a storm almost claimed his life.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t Maltke. And he didn’t have the experience to stop himself by catching his foot on the railing. All that happened when he attempted was a twist of his ankle, resulting in him bumping into the railing anyway. A lighter hit than he would have suffered if he had flown straight into it, but at what cost?

The pain that shot through his leg had blinded and deafened him to all the chaos happening around them. When he finally managed to gather his bearing, he looked up and saw that it seemed as though it was about to rain. Inly that the clours were much lower than he had ever seen rain clous. It was then it occurred to him that the grey in the sky was looking at was fnot from clouds, but instead from smoke. And the only rain these would bring was one of blood and not water.

Confusion sent his mind spiraling. Was the skeleton real after all? Was it a vision for what was to come shortly. More pressingly, who are they attacking: me or the ship?

His thoughts, and the pain in his leg, had planted him firmly to the deck, unwilling and unable to move. That is, until, he heard someone cry out. He did not recognise the voice, but he knew the name all too well.


She had been standing in front of him a mere moment ago, conversing like lambs completely unaware of the wolf’s presence. Where is she? Is she hurt?

The thought of Dahlia’s safety seemed to be enough to spur him to move. His ankle was in too much pain for him to stand, so he simply crawled towards the last place he had seen her. Below the smoke, he could make out her ever-striking red hair and some of the conversation she was having with the other lady.

“Take her to my quarters.” He instructed. He pulled himself from his crawling stance, forcing himself to stand on two feet, because stars forbid Dahlia see him looking weak. She would never let him hear the end of it. Despite his best attempts to hide it, however, he clearly favoured one foot over the other. Ignoring that, however, he proceeded to give directions to his cabin and how to identify it. “It is far enough from the outer hull not to be blown in by cannon fire, deep enough to hide from the chaos; and modest enough to hopefully be ignored by the pirates. Go, I shall be right behind you.” Despite the clear chaos and danger of the situation, his voice was surprisingly leveled, having to pull from a part of himself he didn't know still existed: the part that had to survive of the streets of a loveless world...that part of him that would do whatever it takes.

The plan was to run and hide. He was good at running and hiding. However, he knew he couldn’t go with them. With his hurt ankle, he would only slow them down. But he did not need Dahlia worrying about him. “There is someone else I must find.” A true enough lie. “Once I have confirmed their safety, I will join you both in the room. If the pirates board before I do…” a horrifying though. But, at least, they would be safe “...block the doors with the furniture in the room the best you can.”

Despite the pain he was in, there was little room in his tone for questioning or rebuttal, the tightness in his jaw and the firmness in his gaze as he looked at the two a clear indication that their safety was his primary concern and he would hear nothing to the contrary. This was not simply him trying to be a hero. This was him doing what he could to cut losses and save who he could. Starting with those who had been good to him.

♡coded by uxie♡







hostile, moody, annoyed, reluctant


His usual dirty coat of course


The Levi's deck, a more secluded part




Magnus, @Pepsionne

If Rain is What You Want- Slipknot


"I hate those pirates!"

Chapter Four, Part ii

Except that unsettling, blood-soaked aura, Maltke had to accept the fact that his company was not interesting at all. This realization happened rarely since the old man enjoyed the company of anyone - well, until he could talk as much as he wanted, however the bounty hunter's unnatural style of conversation, similar to an interrogation which Maltke had experienced just ten to fifteen times... the pirate wasn't pleased with their exchange at all. Not to mention that his head had started hurting from the intensity of the concentration with which he had been trying - successfully - not to blow off his cover.

He glanced at his cigarette, the only gift one could recieve from Magnus besides a blade into their flesh. "Aye" Maltke groaned neutrally as a response to his company's answer of nothing. Fortunatelly, just a last drag and he could finish his cigarette and say a goodbye to the bloodthirsty hound that had been circling around him on this morning; just one last drag...


The cigarette never touched the pirate's lips again. After the deafening gale of a cannon, it slid out of Maltke's fingers and fell into the sea, not even suspecting how many object and people would follow them into the azure hug of the deep during the events of the next hours.

The pirate himself lost his ballance as well, a string of annoyed curses joined to the death screams of planks sounding from where the cannon ball had hit the ship. "Fuckin' peaces of wretched little shits...yer mothers..."

In the heat of the moment that ended the peace of the morning, the old man forgot to care about his barely convincing role of a 'humble sailor': the shift of the deck below them was unexpected for sure, however his two decades on the sea served him well enough to regain his ballance quickly enough to continue insulting the attackers' mothers on his two feet again. His muscle memory was hard to turn off or ignore.

With slightly bent knees, Maltke turned towards Magnus, grimacing disappointedly when he saw that the ghoul hadn't fallen into the sea. "Too bad" A silent thought crossed his mind but said nothing. They looked at each other silently, a bit confused by the current situation. Then...

"If I hand you a weapon, will you know how to use it?"

"Are you stu-..."
Maltke cut himself, realizing that in fact he was the stupid one. Obviously, the bounty hunter couldn't have known about the pirate attack - that would have been funny - but he used it cunningly to his advantage, giving an ultimatum to the old man. At this point, he didn't have a chance to get out of the hound's piercing sight. "Fuck these pirates!" He grumbled, more likely to himself than to Magnus.

"I mean..." He squinted, taking a few steps away from the bounty hunter, turning his head towards him, not wanting to get that dangerous man out of his sight. "Ye be kind but don't ye worry, lad! Back in my days I could defend myself..." He spread his strong arms, shrugging modestly. "I don't know what ye plan to give me but swords ain't really my favourites! I have bad aim too...axes also be too heavy for a battle like this..." As he was talking back and forth, he took a few steps away from Magnus, moving slowly and deliberately. His right hand disappeared under his coat, searching for a less pirate-looking knife. Not like it mattered now, the thought of the approaching sea battle quickly made the act meaningless and his antics being washed away, replaced by a cold, reluctant seriousness.

"I be fine with this lil' friend of mine!" He assured Magnus on a sour voice and a cruel knife appeared under his coat in his right hand with a practiced flick of his wrist. The sharp, deadly metal was glinting in the sunlight. Maltke's eye searched for Magnus's gaze, looking at him in a way that suggested they would become neither friends nor comrades. He inhaled a breath of freshening air, forcing a less tense posture on his body what was twitching slightly with adrenaline and nerve. "Probably we be all this fuckin' ship has as protection." I cleared his throat, trying to reason with Magnus, nodding towards to other side of the deck from where desperate screams and heavy footsteps sounded, an obvious sign of how useless the majority of the guests were in a fight.

Maltke sighed, bracing himself for fighting against Magnus or against unknown pirates, rats like himself. None of them were a beckoning optionbut what an old pirate could do? Maybe Magnus would be killed by one of Maltke's colleague. That would be blissful.

"Now come!" The old man sighed again, finally turning his head away from the headhunter, preparing for worst behind and in front of him. "I swear I be too old for this shit! Do I even get paid for actin' like an idiot soldier of the King? For fuck's sake, has bein' a sailor always been this exhaustin' or..." He kept muttering like an absent-minded old-timer as he started walking away from Magnus, holding his dagger firmly in hand.

♡coded by uxie♡







Another Death



Main Deck


Dahlia, Antarin, Genevieve






always takes care that her words are honeyed, for she may have to eat them.


Though there were people scattered around that Maddie could have tried to help, but she was floored by the leering stares of the pirates across from her. A fear unlike that she’d felt so far on this voyage paralyzed her, cloaking her lungs and throat in something sharp and choking. She tried to breathe, but it was to no avail.

Rayna’s reappearance was a relief, though her face likely didn’t show it with her furrowed eyebrows, widened eyes, and pale face. Instead of answering with her words, she shakily nodded, stepping as close as she could to Rayna without seeming rude.

Her throat felt dry as she parted her lips and stammered, “I d-don’t think so.” Was there anyone around who would let her hide with them? She didn’t think so. Friends were few and far between, with acquaintances nearly as rare. Consequences of being someone as bad at socializing as she was. “I-I’ll just find someone to hunker down with.”

If she hadn’t blanched before, she certainly did now that Rayna had handed her a dagger. All of the blood in her body froze as she stared at the blade, remembering the rock that had served as her weapon the last time she had been in a dramatic situation such as this. She desperately wanted to refuse the weapon, but Rayna was already turning away, calling out to someone further down the deck. Maddie’s hands tightened around the dagger nervously, the skin of her palms biting into the blade before she tucked it away into the sash around her waist. There. She felt a lot better with it there.

At least, that was her thought before all hell broke loose.

It occurred to Maddie that ships normally didn’t rock like this, before Rayna dove at her and her vision of her surroundings was obscured completely. Therefore, she didn’t see the shape of a person pushing them both to the deck as the noise of carnage and battle deafened her. While the pirates waged their seemingly purposeless war against their vessel, Maddie weakly tried to lift her head and get her bearings. Smoke and powder and debris blocked her vision, yet the tang of blood was also in the air, and she tightened her jaw, trying not to heave.

When the air cleared enough to see ten feet in front of her, she let out a scream.


Why why why. Why why why why why why wh—

It had happened again. For the second time since she’d begun this voyage, Madelina had borne witness to the end of someone’s life. And for what purpose? Rayna had been keeping Maddie safe, and, based on the sight before her, Antarin had done the same. The ambassador. The same man who had tried to reclaim Genevieve from the monsters at Algol. He had looked at her with eyes shocked and accusatory, asking her why she’d committed the murder she had never intended. And now, he was dead.

How many deaths would she be responsible for?

She was trembling. That was all she managed to think as Rayna helped her to her feet. Her hand in the older woman’s, Madelina stared blankly at her, any light previously in her eyes now masked by the sadness and grief of having once again caused an innocent to die. All because she’d tried to do something she had no business doing.

What was the point of living if she just brought death everywhere with her?

Stumbling along, she followed Rayna as she called out to her friend, this Dahlia person. What a beautiful name. Maddie almost told Rayna not to bother. What if this Dahlia also died by being near her? What if she just gave herself over to the pirates right now? Or better yet, dove into the sea and let it do the rest of the work?

If there was much left of the decoy’s soul, it had been destroyed in the cannon blast, along with the late ambassador.

♡coded by uxie♡



















The gods have no mercy, that’s why they’re gods.


There he was. Same dark locks she could easily grip with her hands, a mess of a uniform that was too form fitting, even for a man like him. And here he was with a painfully set of puppy dog eyes that could melt anyone's heart. Too bad hers was formed by layers of thick ice.

She was careful with her steps watching the ongoing fire between the leviathan and the reaper. It was practically a thrill to be in the line of action again. Her hands twitched whenever it touched the handle of her blade, an insatiable hunger ready to glutton over men who dared to challenge the vipress. A soft smirk stayed on her lips breathing in the salty air around Macklin.

“I call it playing impossible to get. It’s a step up from playing hard to get.”

Sure it is.

“Do you think I’ll get a callback for a second date?”


“You didn’t have to change outfits just for me. You know I like you in anything you wear, angel.”

A low chuckle escaped her lips allowing her veneers to show. Her brows raised at the comment ‘angel’. A word she hadn’t heard in a long time. Truly far from the word itself, unless it was talking about the one that had fallen. Then maybe she would have considered the endearment it gave to have at least plucked a couple of her heart strings.

“Angel? Well, that’s something I haven’t heard in a blue moon,” she said, her tone playful and melodic, “calm down now. I wouldn’t want such promises to go to waste in the middle of battle.”

Oh, if only the King knew about their history, a fair exchange between two people who shared a desire — the baron sure would with how loyal she was to him before the King’s promises to her. Every decision, every secret, every piece of information used to get her where she was now. No piece of solari would bring this vipress to her knees, no she was better than just any loyalist to the crown out there. Her loyalty was to what it symbolized – a delicate and sweet power only she craved. And it all started with him — her most trusted ally on this ship. Macklin.

Feeling the brush of his lips against her knuckles almost made her miss those nights in Antares. Truly a romantic at heart with the solari to back it up. He really hasn’t changed a bit. The poor guy was the same lovestruck fool from years before. It was only now that their dance will begin, and it would be a crime for a lady like her to deny this passionate tango.

“It couldn’t be both?” she spoke with a sultry tone, “besides, I couldn’t let you have all the fun. It could be just like old times, just this time blade and gun aren’t pointed at each other — we now have a common enemy. That and well, I wouldn’t want to ruin your chance at that second date.”

It was like their touch burned each other when her hand grazed against his. Sapphires gazed deeply into dark browns holding onto something she had missed — the attention of another who almost saw the real her. A version that was not always so tempting to devour in lust, but someone who was almost true to a human. She took his pistol with a gentle hand and started to take her position next to him. Checking the number of cartridges that were in the firearm, she proceeded to take fire over the ledge. The thrill sending goosebumps over skin, hairs standing high, and someone who knew what they were doing right next to her — oh this was better than a night at a whorehouse any day.

“I hope you’re planning to extend those pretty legs of yours,” she called out, “I can’t be the only one looking good while beating ass today.”

♡coded by uxie♡

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