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Fantasy π‘πŽπ†π”π„ 𝐖𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐒 β€” High-Seas & Found-Family | π€π‚π‚π„ππ“πˆππ†


[sad jester jingle noises]
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
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Applications, optional roles, Discord OOC.

Sailing, outlaws, fantasy themes.

Conceptual Art by Wojtek Fus.

you can use any vertical ratio image
Sun-baked wood bathes in a heady downpour, bolstered by posts woolly with an emerald algae. Pale minnow blink between the moss as the goliath’s bony sternum idles in the shallows of the Capital’s port. Tart with a fresh coat of linseed oil, The Leviathan is christened with royal blessing, with royal intent, a slave to importance and adulation, a prestigious crew lacquered in pride and envy.
Some may enjoy it, the clamour that detaches from civilian trachea, saccharine sweet and enough to hollow your bones with cavities.
Some may enjoy it, to be the idols of fascination and delirium in the port.
Some may enjoy it, when a chasm of silence inhabits the air where laughter once resided. For on the sea, silence grows, and across the gap of endless water is only a promise of fragmented glass and hissing spray.
The vessel is due to sail within the hour, and that poses to you a mooring line. A vow of glory and gore to either brow or palms of your hands. You look to The Leviathan, burn it into the sea like a funeral pyre or stay beneath the floorboards as it sinks; you’re not sure where your loyalty will take you. No matter to summit or seabed, you’ll only notice the pull when you’re already adrift in the current.
[ ] You turn away.
[>] You board The Leviathan.
These pitches are not gender-locked, nor are you restricted to only applying as the following roles. You are free to interpret, adjust, or make an entirely new role to fit your needs. It should be noted if only one person applies for a role, there is no guarantee I will accept them based on that fact alone. If two people apply to the same role and I think both characters are unique and desired for the roleplay, I will accept both and change the role name of one.

Just note if you create your own, that your crafted role is not too alike to the pitches here and have a tidy role name of one word. Remember I am looking for a nice balance of character motives, some good, some bad, some neutral.
Loyalty isn’t your color, but being at the helm of The Leviathan might be. Serpentine first-mate with a palate for power, there is nary position you seek more than the captains. It is the ultimate manifestation of avarice, gross rapacity that calls you to heel. Your tendrils will coil like root or web, drink obedience into others and watch it ribbon a butterfly effect, but long-standing entanglement may tamp your inferno desire of a riot, may have you weighing if mutiny will be worth the death of those you have grown to find familiar.

After spending years convinced you like the pain, you’ve survived in the dark of [THE MASTER] as their treasured plaything. Forfeited everything of your life to serve at their altar of their honeysuckle cruelty and brain-matter anger. Their table is a stadium of red and you are their best performer. You’ll always need to be the blood on their blade, the scar to their needle, the prize of their possessions. They crush your lungs and the sensation is sweet; you do not feel at home unless surrounded by teeming teeth. They made you a monster and loved every ugly feature, and you still promise them eternity knowing they will never return the same. Monster, your body has never belonged to you, and when it does, there will come a day where you have to learn what to do with it.

Cast from the peak of Zenith’s finest academic institution down to the muck of dishonour and repulsion, trailblazers will eventually meet a dawn with nothing left to burn. Innovative, they’d once called you. Devotion and worship as you enticed masses to your unconventional experiments. Small-minded populace, you called them when they turned unwilling to open their minds, resistant to bearing the pink yolk of their cranium. Lungs crave the surface, skin craves preservation, fingers wrapped around closing airways and your mind is all but a still sea that stretches out in all directions. You do not listen to the screaming or begging, for there is no boundary to the waters of your mind. The underbelly of the matter is simple: no amount of immorality would ever be too filthy for your curious hands.

Having tugged that uniform over callused hands and tired pulse, this ouroboros of employment has never been any different. No time to primp and preen your own hair, no fresh manicured nails or scented oils imported from Siroc, no polish to your crude status. Nothing but an overlooked fragment to ferry platters and turn the beds of the wealthy, you may wash your hands of grime and grit, but nothing will erase the stain blemishing your bones. A servant with no more to their name but a bucket and mop, there is a soft cadence beneath your skin that craves something more.

Naive, absentminded fool. Nose in a book with time and reality running outside of conscious understanding, it’s inevitable, really, that a hermit would be jarred alert to this expanse of everything New. All holy things are either beautiful or terrifying, and in the marrow of your bones is the devotion to curiosity. You stumble with the determination of a newborn foal, all clumsy footing and adolescent mistakes to cater that interestβ€” to learn. And you will, certainly. Will learn the practised loops of rope, of the eddying roll of callow sealegs, of the sisyphean reality of scooping shrapnel from the gut.

Two lovers in the Stygian Order, one heist, one mistake, and only one left alive to be shackled and found guilty in the trials of Zenith. Loaded onto The Leviathan as nothing but cargo to be brought to Siroc for their council’s consequence, the narrative of indifference you thought you could plead is breaking. You’ve always liked the classics: temptation, romance, vengeance, but your lover is a burning relic lost to time and you promise never to make the same mistake of losing someone ever again.

Rapids of silk are pressed and moulded like carving marble out of water. The vision of a fairytale, your work is dualism between skill and creation. Spinning gold from ragged scraps, it’s an art-form full of nuances in both the handiwork and clientele. You form true selves on the silhouettes of your customers and watch as they choke on words and impending tears. Both your shackle and your escape, their pouches of coins and impatient eyes remind you the depth of their fascination is only measured to the worth you offer. A modiste now taken to water at the demand of realm-scattered nobles seeking your intricate craft, they admire you; how easy it would be for them to loathe you.

There's an intimate distaste in being the cousin of the Captain, and The Leviathan voyage is your last promise to family that you would try. Try to find a purpose, try to surface above this pointed coldness that ensnares you like a weighted shade, try to sit comfortably in a warm home and pretend you are okay with being alive. Faux brightness is poor acting for the rotting in your mind; fatigue your countenance, nepotism your ticket, self-destruction your plan. Penchant for sadness, you look across the crew and wonder if your bonds with the living will make you decide differently.

Antares is known for its temper, and you’ve been weaned to find comfort in its taste of danger. That is what loyalty is, taking their sin and deciding you can live with it, can serve it. Killing does not have to be all gunpowder and ripping, a soft drag of natural decay is much more inconspicuous. At night you cast food and fresh water over the side of the ship and pray the gradual losses grow in magnitude. The inches of humanity may recoil inside, but the scorch is but a flicker of what you may invite if you fail. The biggest threat in these waters isn’t made of wood and whale oil, but the hazard The Leviathan poses to your party port home.
Antares wants the ship engulfed in either flame or ocean. If they cannot have it, nobody can.

Matchmaker, you’re a renowned liaison for everything labelled Love. Eros of Solas, the success stories follow you, so too do the desperate who are festering and begging for help. Connecting even the most stubborn of nobles, Cupid’s latest duo always become the realm’s awe of the month. But when the shimmering mirage of the honeymoon fades, you’re no longer around when the scandals and infidelity break loose. Cupid is never there in the aftermath wounds of meddlesome arrows, for Cupid already has their aim pointed elsewhere: nobles abroad request your expertise for approaching marriage seasons, and you are inclined to obey.

It’s excruciating to play this creature, all itching shed and common misconception. Hidden informant for the King, not even for his newest vessel does the ruler go without extra precautions. Easy to lie and swallow your serpent teeth, to everybody you are looked over as nothing more than another guest. You’ll scrounge secrets from the bones of dishonest Kingsmen and recoil back to the side of your ruler to reveal the rattle. You’ve faced worse than liars and cheats, but perhaps not worse than a knife twisting in your chest when you notice those same liars have become incalculable in value.

After an injury during your stint in the Siroccan travelling Circus, you were cast aside and replaced to be left alone with an invisible audience. Swaddled in nothing but the plaster and stitch as penance of your clumsy misfooting, it exposes a lack of purpose watching the troupe depart without you. The hurt grows edges and you are veering towards disaster, abrasive and shadowed where betrayal bleeds to vengeance;

best not follow that bloodied urge, lest you find the stem of your hurt has bloomed directly from a hand of sabotage.
Emblematic achievement, this victory lap aboard the Leviathan. A lifetime earned in the gladiatorial performances of Siroc, lifetimes ended from the own physical gravity of your own weapon; for the sake of sanity you ought to smile and wave to ports of reverence, watch them marvel and swoon at the reputation you’ve built for yourself. Try to ignore the shadow of you that is aching and cutting close against skin like nostalgic threats:

you’ve taken lives and they applaud you for it.
The intimacy in which you gut a pig is enough to make a man cross his legs tight with fear. A surgeon's precision with slaughterhouse vivacity, there is a place, far from the embrace of this ship, where they speak your name as a threat. You are the Culinarian, Blademaster, a mythic reaper with a knife just as sharp, and people forget creation stories stem from the story of a loss.

No matter fable or truth, you, the Butcher, know it’s in your blood. Cooling slabs of meat are your company, so too is the violence.
To make an enigma, one has to reject each of their organs and watch them from afar. Scattered memories of who you were and who you could be are guttered away just to be the perfect liar, let them worship your own false divinity.

Etched in tea leaves and chai, the smoke of your voice cradles and disfigures even the most steadfast of men. Dripping with shadowhoney and cavity-sweet promise, the strata of your prophecies are endless and multiple. With no clarity for truth, there is a divide on the ship for your legitimacy. Are you serpentine damnation? Do you hide your fangs and lie?
Do you think it can last forever?
High society is tough on the teeth, sweet on the tongue, but so too is the reward of an early inheritance. Spoiled as pomegranate, you’ve taken those fuschia kernels and gnashed every condemning nutrient between the shoals of your shark teeth to saturate yourself in the hubristic damnation you deserve.

How unsullied you are to the public, all rhinestone smiles and polished holy stones for eyes. The filth is in you, this is how you were taught, and the rolling heads of mommy and daddy dearest can no longer keep you from your goals.
A city sweetheart with a tragic family demise, oppose me, you wish to beg it of them, give a reason to drop the axe.
There’s no skillset or wealth to your name, and you’ve had to purchase a spot onboard the Leviathan at the price of your body. A honey trapping consort, you blink your dowry lashes that are laced with a hundred burdens. The sacrifice of offering yourself is heavy, seconded only by your admiration reserved for one.

No matter their flagrant disinterest, you only have eyes for them, and you’re willing to weather it all for that simple fact; disparaging stares from crew, offhand remarks, sleazy hands that pass over thigh and the change from disgust to expectation after a tankard of alcohol; you weather it all just to stay close to the one you love.
You’re not sure if you’re allowed to grieve the loss of something you never had to begin with.
Conflict is gnawing itself ragged from the bones that hold you together, hold you to a level of respect you’d never have gotten to experience in a single lifetime if you were the scion to anybody else. Child of revered outlaw The Red Baron, you’re weaned on both adulation and detestation, of infamy and a family name not of your own doing.

Nature or nurture, there is blood in your veins, blood on your hands, blood so intimate with your ancestry and origin that you have no other option but to plead guiltyβ€” be born guilty.
Maybe you’ll dig your fingers to every softened scab or ropey scar to peel back layers of vestigial skin, maybe you’ll find some good. Maybe you’ll find a wellspring bubbling with rot and realise you’ve always been just like your father. Maybe you’ll find a way to be proud of that.
Your viscera shimmers with aurora, hair eased across stars and constellated with reverence of the divine order. Enlightened by the Covenant of Aethera, you are a synchronised beat, a rhythm aligned, and are held hostage by the ivory fear and ink-exterior truth.

But the Leviathan births your conflict like a howling babe, that this rigid faith cements you in a position that careens so dangerously to a wishbone snap. Will you accept the fate of the celestials as you watch your loved ones stumble with a blade sheathed in their gut? Can you standby when shrapnel cleaves limb to the opal skeleton, holds them in a maw of steel talon and splinter teeth?
Can you trust in this cold? Are the tinted roses bleeding? If death is a fate, does that mean you cannot stop it?
Responsibility sticks to you like a second skin, a melted membrane that dilutes through veins and bleeds from your mouth in a deluge of loyalty. Trusted mouthpiece for the King, you represent his guidance and are assigned to keep the ship on due-course.
For King and Country you’ve pledged, and you play your part well. Unfaltering, mythic and imperial, but there’s nothing to stop the interference of caution, of a conscience, of nothing and nobody to turn to when you lose sight of the horizon.
Salvation or immolation, you’re not sure you can recognise the difference. Perhaps for the sake of your own mind, you ought to consider it just a job. You can’t undo a pledge, but you can always abandon your post.
Blood is thicker than water, but coin thicker than blood, and you’ve tracked leagues of land and expanded to the endless water to hound that reward. Weapons are intimate to your hand, so too is the payment for criminal or runaway scion, and you’ve learned that whoever pays best is the only King you honour.
Bounty paths your way to The Leviathan, promised bloodbath from multiple fronts; you are Thanatos, smears of gunpowder and red sands, but your ambition may not stretch far enough to cater the creeping doubts, that rearing threat of camaraderie stirring from your regolith of denial.
You don’t realise it yet, but you’re outnumbered.
You don’t realise it yet, but you’re the target.
It was because pink fat blooms from laceration like hibiscus, like a deluge of salmon taffy ripe and wet.
Because of this, you have to pillage letters that weren’t written for you, have to wear a name that isn’t yours, and sometimes you fear, must wear the ghost of an unfitting smile. The agony of your own mysterium is felt so acutely by everyone around you, and the identity ripples like a stirring tide, like a loose coat lapping at your legs.
It was a mistake, you promised this to yourself, but your narrative was doomed the moment you sheathed a knife into the journalist’s belly. This name akin to a mask is now your repentance, for your survival has become a burden of impersonation.
Twisted animal gut is the strings of your instrument, stretched taut and greased to their limit; you know how to pluck nimble with your dexterous fingers, so too the puppets of the upper class. You know the sound of a melody, same as the secrets of the wealthy when listening to their scandals and clandestine conversations.
You hide in clear view, can blend into the background like a susurrus and phantom shadow, are the monolith of both harmony and enlightenment, a patron of wisdom. There is carnal opportunity, an untapped ravine at your disposal, impaled only by indecision to dangle extortion over their heads.
What a prodigy you are, to both music and power.
You are never to be crown-touched, same as you are never to be crown-owned. Coated in regicide, it’s your very marrow that is ribboned with vein and chain reaction that brings the luminous sea of what you once were to a bubbling boil of black. Heretic boy, you should know hate misshapes even the most woodland and benevolent to something beyond help, something that would rather die in captivity than domestication.
You’ve never cared for the politesse of formality, never cared to bow head or lower a knee, the unspoken agenda is seeping through the claret of your home, through the plum bruising of knuckles and blood-lined teeth and oath of a blade-soaked retribution, you are lit like the sun, like an altar, all blaze and riot and devotion to your point in faith; what a terrible gift to grieve, what a terrible fate to be consumed by it.
A botanist hunting for immortality, how ironic to actively wilt as the world blooms with life around you. Heir to the Oracles of Aethera, the covenant has wounded you, allowed your heart to weaken and wane through a youth stricken with fever and tissues of ferrous blood.

Be sure to contain it as it rots, petal by petal, inside the cage of theatrics you have hid yourself inside. Wounded and sentenced with no promise of a future, you are treading water, don’t know how to ask for help or pray or not feel afraid of the weakness that is seeping the warchest of your heart like an arctic tundra.
Your journey is to be short-lived, and you fear all that will be left in the end is your salted gasps for clemency. There’ll come a time you no longer search for a remedy, but a soft place to bury your bones.
Hi hi this is my first tango with GMing so please be nice or I’ll throw up (´q‒ Ο‰ ‒q`) β™‘. Many of you may have seen me loitering around group roleplays for the past three years, but I’ve never bothered to sit down and make one of my own. Thank-you for placing your marvellous eyes (your wattpad blue ocean orbs) onto my interest check. γ…€

For what Rogue Waves will actually entail, this is a high-seas roleplay intended to explore a found-family trope, some betrayal, some classic they-weren’t-who-they-said-they-were-but-you-befriended-them-so-now-you’re-conflicted, some drama, violence, bit of fantasy and moral dilemma, with a large focus on character relationships and development.
This roleplay will follow The Leviathan, a newly christened vessel (and crew) designated to serve the King and realm of Solas. Unbeknownst to those onboard, only half of the crew is loyal to their duty, with the rest being liars, groups with ulterior motives, or are literally just some guy. Progression in the roleplay will lead to unearthing personal truths, betrayal, a blur of morals, as well as a distancing from upholding royal duty to perhaps more… piratey behaviors… (rubs hands like a fly).
It would be so delicious if you could read the very yappy (but very useful) guidelines listed to my right so that I don't have to answer questions that may be answered already. I've been making the joke that I'll run this shit like the Navy, but in truth it's more like a distressed mother with 17 children. Please make my parenting easy.
A note that Rogue Waves is NOT currently accepting applications. If interested in future acceptance, please feel welcome to contact me so I can keep you in mind for any potential gaps I want filled.
There is a small amount of lore to skim that includes locations and faction groups that you'd be free to apply to your characters. It's not a necessity, but may help with character inspiration and easier plotting in the future. Please note this is not a lore-heavy roleplay and I will not weigh writers down with pages of information to read or memorize or be restricted by.
This is an application based roleplay (not first come first served), and when I have accepted writers they will be invited to join an OOC hosted on Discord. The Discord OOC is a compulsory aspect as that is where plotting, announcements, votes and roleplay suggestion/conversations will take place. The roleplay thread will be hosted on rpn.
I’d like writers to be over 18, just for mine (and other) people’s comfort.
Mature themes will be present. Violence, cussing, death, substance use and abuse, intimate relationships that abide the rpn rules god bless, etc. I request sensitive topics to be handled respectfully. While this roleplay will have darker aspects, I’m also looking for a balance in light-hearted scenes, comradery, sentiment, good sailor fun and whatnot. The interest check has a darker aesthetic just because I like it, not because this is going to be a 100% sombre depressing torturous experience where everyone is starving and injured and sad (at least not all the time!)
This roleplay operates on skips/chapters. This means every few weeks the scene will end and begin a new one to keep things fresh and lively. As of now we have completed the prologue and chapter one, as noted on the Google Doc calendar. Chapters may be privy to change due to writers suggestions, longevity of the roleplay, and decisions that characters make.
I want to highlight that I am looking for a long-term roleplay with long-term characters. If you are unable to commit, do not apply. If you have a habit of joining roleplays and disappearing/withdrawing within the first month, alas this is not the place for you. I grow weary that grps seem to be cursed with the inability to last, and I'm hoping to change that gloomy outlook by hosting one of my own.
If you communicate your absence, your character/s can be written out for others’ convenience to return at a later time. This would be greatly appreciated, and I will always allow (and welcome!) your return when your schedule or mental health has lightened. If you ghost completely and I can see you active in other places while you ignore my dms, I will take initiative to write your character/s out and remove you from the roleplay. Under these circumstances it is unlikely I will allow you to return.
Your writing does not have to be purple or novella. My main goal is that my writers have fun and look forward to posting, to voting, to seeing how the story progresses. Literacy is subjective, but a confident grasp on grammar and spelling is desired.
I am hoping for one post every 7-11 days from most of my writers, with leniency for special circumstance & busy times of the year. Posts are to be from 300 words & beyond, as I understand back and forth interactions such as conversations can be hard to yap about. Players are free to do collaboration posts with other members. If you’re struggling, you can also chat in the ooc and brainstorm for some help.
Please know that you do not have to plot with every single character, especially since our cast is large. Once accepted I’d like you to eventually plot 3 dynamics (whether present or in-the-future), and I’ll be floating around to help those that feel shy or left out. I will snatch any forgotten characters and raise them to the light like a prized fruit for everyone to look at. Further information to make plotting easier & less stressful will be in the discord ooc after acceptance.
I emphasise that I am very serious about engaging with others and making them feel involved. I’d like the group to get comfortable with each other, enough to feel confident throwing around ideas and chatting about everyday things. If I find you are only interacting or plotting with people you already know, I may be an evil teacher and divide you to different sides of the class. This is not a roleplay where you interact only with your love interest at every opportunity, I want to see friendships and trust and enemies and a range of connections.
Face-claims are to be realistic or a detailed description. Just for a little bit of immersion-sake, preferably no images in the character sheet taking mirror selfies with their iPhone. Other than that, please don’t feel the need to hunt down anything theme-accurate. I will NOT be accepting AI generated face claims, no matter their realism. I do not mind if they are used as vague inspiration/aesthetic purposes for those that prefer written descriptions.
I like to see diversity in characters, ensure they are represented respectfully. If you're being weird, I'm going to bite you.
I am imposing a limit of two characters each for newcomers, with permission for more to be slowly delegated to those that can prove to be reliable (hence some current members having three). You do not have to use all of your characters for each event, and can pick and choose who to use and when, I just need to know that you are invested in the roleplay and can be active enough in your posting.
Characters are to be human (for now…). There are aspects of fantasy in this roleplay which will be employed in certain chapters, and may become an aspect I consider for future characters.
I’d prefer characters to be over 21. You can make a 70 year old if you want to. I expect most characters will be between 21-35, so just keep in mind the potential of being an outlier if you have an older character. (Or I could be totally wrong, maybe this golden era is full of golden girls).
I have written some roles, but you are not restricted to applying for them, and are able to tweak them to your liking or write up your own. If you like a role but don't like the name of it, example "The Scribe", I'd also be happy for you to amend it to something else. Proper amendments will be made after acceptance.
You may have noticed there’s not much mention of the character’s positions on the boat (captain, quartermaster, etc). Some roles such as The Butcher & The Maestro have heavily implied responsibilities onboard (cook, musician), but again, this is not enforced. I don't intend for these jobs to play too much screentime in our chapters, as I'm more focused on character interactions and development. Your character may be onboard as a guest, have their own quest to fulfil, be travelling to a different dock, designated by royalty, etc. If you have a position in mind you’d like your character to have, please add it somewhere in your CS and I’ll take it into consideration (I’ll most likely say yes unless there is a clash, and even then, will endeavour to find the best alternative). In the Discord there is a channel for noting it down.
As the GM I will be actively looking for ways to incorporate your character into conflict depending on their connections and history. I will reach out privately to pitch ideas for certain chapters, especially for initiating character arcs. Each character is important, and my goal is to ensure each character has special, defining moments to really test them. If you think there’s a chapter that poses a great opportunity for something involving your character, let me know! We are here to cook πŸ§‘β€πŸ³.
If you are worrying your character feels too β€œmain-charactery”, good. If you have that concern then I know you have self-assessment skills. Please feel free to incorporate your character into this world through fame, scandal, power, renown reputations, etc. Or make them just some guy. Just a dude on the boat. A little nobody. These are my favorite. What I'm looking for are unique, diverse characters with plenty of potential growth/conflict/corruption in their future. Give them strengths and flaws, don't write a "He is the most powerful man in the entire realm and has slaughtered an entire army and he is the son of Lucifer and he has unlimited guns and katanas and he can levitate and transform into a red flame demon and in his spare time he is batman" or "she is fragile and sweet and so dainty that she floats away in a strong wind and will never be mad and all men fall in love with her for her kindness." I will eat you.
There are daily questions on the Discord for you to answer as characters; sometimes a simple yes or no, sometimes a little written scene from their history, sometimes a little meme to fill out. This is just some downtime fun to keep engaged, as well as the opportunity for others to learn and appreciate your characters on a different level. This will be optional to partake in.
If you are transphobic, sexist, homophobic, fatphobic, racist etc, then this roleplay is not available to you. I don’t want you here lol. Or anywhere, for that matter. If you’d like to explore these topics in your character’s history or a post, please ensure it’s handled sensitively and maturely. Failure to do so will result in an uncomfortable intervention from yours truly (and I really don’t wanna have to do that).
If an issue arises out-of-character, please resolve it in dms with me or the person involved. We're adults, I want to treat you as such. Starting drama in ooc or engaging in dogpiling is unsavory, and consequences will be allocated to those involved. I do not expect every single person to be best friends (especially on a platform like rpn), but I do expect everyone to be mature enough to be polite. Civil is sexy. Let’s be civil, and by lovely association, sexy.
Thank-you pookies for reading all of that, awfully delicious of you.
Any questions do come ask! My dms are open and an on-site ooc will be posted to communicate during the application process. Please feel free to ask questions through there, yap about your ideas or just say a charming little good morning.

A very delayed update that Rogue Waves is currently not accepting new applications. We will be back in the future (threat).
Another little note that to access the code you scroll the main area, and the roles area scrolls sideways to reveal more. I will add a post below with the unformatted information in spoilers.

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And as promised the unformatted interest check for anyone who isn't in the mood to scroll about:

The introduction to our roleplay.​

Sun-baked wood bathes in a heady downpour, bolstered by posts woolly with an emerald algae. Pale minnow blink between the moss as the goliath’s bony sternum idles in the shallows of the Capital’s port. Tart with a fresh coat of linseed oil, The Leviathan is christened with royal blessing, with royal intent, a slave to importance and adulation, a prestigious crew lacquered in pride and envy.

Some may enjoy it, the clamour that detaches from civilian trachea, saccharine sweet and enough to hollow your bones with cavities.

Some may enjoy it, to be the idols of fascination and delirium in the port.

Some may enjoy it, when a chasm of silence inhabits the air where laughter once resided. For on the sea, silence grows, and across the gap of endless water is only a promise of fragmented glass and hissing spray.

The vessel is due to sail within the hour, and that poses to you a mooring line. A vow of glory and gore to either brow or palms of your hands. You look to The Leviathan, burn it into the sea like a funeral pyre or stay beneath the floorboards as it sinks; you’re not sure where your loyalty will take you. No matter to summit or seabed, you’ll only notice the pull when you’re already adrift in the current.

[ ] You turn away.

[>] You board The Leviathan.

Hi hi this is my first tango with GMing so please be nice or I’ll throw up (´q‒ Ο‰ ‒q`) β™‘. Many of you may have seen me loitering around group roleplays for the past three years, but I’ve never bothered to sit down and make one of my own. Thank-you for placing your marvellous eyes (your wattpad blue ocean orbs) onto my interest check. γ…€

For what Rogue Waves will actually entail, this is a high-seas roleplay intended to explore a found-family trope, some betrayal, some classic they-weren’t-who-they-said-they-were-but-you-befriended-them-so-now-you’re-conflicted, some drama, violence, bit of fantasy and moral dilemma, with a large focus on character relationships and development.

This roleplay will follow The Leviathan, a newly christened vessel (and crew) designated to serve the King and realm of Solas. Unbeknownst to those onboard, only half of the crew is loyal to their duty, with the rest being liars, groups with ulterior motives, or are literally just some guy. Progression in the roleplay will lead to unearthing personal truths, betrayal, a blur of morals, as well as a distancing from upholding royal duty to more… piratey behaviors… (rubs hands like a fly).

It would be so delicious if you could read the very yappy (but very useful) guidelines so that I don't have to answer questions that may be answered already. I've been making the joke that I'll run this shit like the Navy, but in truth it's more like a distressed mother with 17 children. Please make my parenting easy.


Based on whether this interest check gains traction, there is a small amount of optional lore to read that includes locations and faction groups that you'd be free to apply to your characters. It's not a necessity, but may help with character inspiration and easier plotting in the future. This would become available at the same time as the Application Page. Please note this is not a lore-heavy roleplay and I will not weigh writers down with pages of information to read or memorize or be restricted by.

This is an application based roleplay (not first come first served), and when I have accepted writers they will be invited to join an OOC hosted on Discord. The deadline for this first round of applications will be announced at a later date. The Discord OOC is a compulsory aspect as that is where plotting, announcements, votes and roleplay suggestion/conversations will take place. The roleplay thread will be hosted on rpn.

I’d like writers to be over 18, just for mine (and other) people’s comfort.

Mature themes will be present. Violence, cussing, death, substance use and abuse, intimate relationships that abide the rpn rules god bless, etc. I request sensitive topics to be handled respectfully. While this roleplay will have darker aspects, I’m also looking for a balance in light-hearted scenes, comradery, sentiment, good sailor fun and whatnot. The interest check has a darker aesthetic just because I like it, not because this is going to be a 100% sombre depressing torturous experience where everyone is starving and injured and sad (at least not all the time!)


This roleplay will operate on skips/chapters. This means every few weeks the scene will end and begin a new one to keep things fresh and lively. As of now I have prepared a few, and will be available in the page of lore to look at, but these may be privy to change due to writers suggestions and longevity of the roleplay.


I want to highlight that I am looking for a long-term roleplay with long-term characters. If you are unable to commit, do not apply. If you have a habit of joining roleplays and disappearing/withdrawing within the first month, alas this is not the place for you. I grow weary that grps seem to be cursed with the inability to last, and I'm hoping to change that gloomy outlook by hosting one of my own.

If you communicate your absence, your character/s can be written out for others’ convenience to return at a later time. This would be greatly appreciated, and I will always allow (and welcome!) your return when your schedule or mental health has lightened. If you ghost completely and I can see you active in other places while you ignore my dms, I will take initiative to write your character/s out and remove you from the roleplay. Under these circumstances it is unlikely I will allow you to return.

Your writing does not have to be purple or novella. My main goal is that my writers have fun and look forward to posting, to voting, to seeing how the story progresses. Literacy is subjective, but a confident grasp on grammar and spelling is desired.

I am hoping for one post every 7-11 days from at least half of my writers, with leniency for special circumstance & busy times of the year. Posts are to be from 300 words & beyond, as I understand back and forth interactions such as conversations can be hard to yap about. Players are free to do collaboration posts with other members. If you’re struggling, you can also chat in the ooc and brainstorm for some help.

Please know that you do not have to plot with every single character, especially if our cast is large. Once accepted I’d like you to eventually plot 3 dynamics (whether present or in-the-future), and I’ll be floating around to help those that feel shy or left out. I will snatch any forgotten characters and raise them to the light like a prized fruit for everyone to look at. Further information to make plotting easier & less stressful will be in the discord ooc after acceptance.

I emphasise that I am very serious about engaging with others and making them feel involved. I’d like the group to get comfortable with each other, enough to feel confident throwing around ideas and chatting about everyday things. If I find you are only interacting or plotting with people you already know, I may be an evil teacher and divide you to different sides of the class. This is not a roleplay where you interact only with your love interest at every opportunity, I want to see friendships and trust and enemies and a range of connections.


Face-claims are to be realistic or a detailed description. Just for a little bit of immersion-sake, preferably no images in the character sheet taking mirror selfies with their iPhone. Other than that, please don’t feel the need to hunt down anything theme-accurate. I will NOT be accepting AI generated face claims, no matter their realism.

I like to see diversity in characters, ensure they are represented respectfully. If you're being weird, I'm going to bite you.

I am imposing a limit of two characters each for newcomers, with permission for more to be slowly delegated to those that can prove to be reliable (hence some current members having three). You do not have to use all of your characters for each event, and can pick and choose who to use and when, I just need to know that you are invested in the roleplay and can be active enough in your posting.

Characters are to be human (for now…). There are aspects of fantasy in this roleplay which will be employed in certain chapters, and may become an aspect I consider for future characters.

I’d prefer characters to be over 21. You can make a 70 year old if you want to. I expect most characters will be between 21-35, so just keep in mind the potential of being an outlier if you have an older character. (Or I could be totally wrong, maybe this golden era is full of golden girls).

I have written some roles, but you are not restricted to applying for them, and are able to tweak them to your liking or write up your own. If you like a role but don't like the name of it, example "The Scribe", I'd also be happy for you to amend it to something else. Proper amendments will be made after acceptance.

You may have noticed there’s not much mention of the character’s positions on the boat (captain, quartermaster, etc) as I’ve decided this is something we can delegate once we have our group, or designate as NPCs. Some roles such as The Butcher & The Maestro have heavily implied responsibilities onboard (cook, musician), but again, this is not enforced. I don't intend for these jobs to play too much screentime in our chapters. Your character may be onboard as a guest, have their own quest to fulfil, be travelling to a different dock, designated by royalty, etc. If you have a position in mind you’d like your character to have, please add it somewhere in your CS and I’ll take it into consideration (I’ll most likely say yes unless there is a clash, and even then, will endeavour to find the best alternative).


As the GM I will be actively looking for ways to incorporate your character into conflict depending on their connections and history. I will reach out privately to pitch ideas for certain chapters, especially for initiating character arcs. Each character is important, and my goal is to ensure each character has special, defining moments to really test them. For better or for worse is yet to be decided. If you think there’s a chapter that poses a great opportunity for something involving your character, let me know! We are here to cook πŸ§‘β€πŸ³.

If you are worrying your character feels too β€œmain-charactery”, good. If you have that concern then I know you have self-assessment skills. Please feel free to incorporate your character into this world through fame, scandal, power, link them to royalty, renown reputations, etc. Or make them just some guy. Just a dude on the boat. A little nobody. These are my favorite. What I'm looking for are unique, diverse characters with plenty of potential growth/conflict/corruption in their future. Give them strengths and flaws, don't write a "He is the most powerful man in the entire realm and has slaughtered an entire army and he is the son of Lucifer and he has unlimited guns and katanas and he can levitate and transform into a red flame demon and in his spare time he is batman". I will eat you.

There will be a weekly question on the Discord for you to answer as characters; sometimes a simple yes or no, sometimes a little written scene from their history, sometimes a little meme to fill out. This is just some downtime fun to keep engaged, as well as the opportunity for others to learn and appreciate your characters on a different level. This will be optional to partake in.


If you are transphobic, sexist, homophobic, fatphobic, racist etc, then this roleplay is not available to you. I don’t want you here lol. Or anywhere, for that matter. If you’d like to explore these topics in your character’s history or a post, please ensure it’s handled sensitively and maturely. Failure to do so will result in an uncomfortable intervention from yours truly (and I really don’t wanna have to do that).

If an issue arises out-of-character, please resolve it in dms with me or the person involved. We're adults, I want to treat you as such. Starting drama in ooc or engaging in dogpiling is unsavory, and consequences will be allocated to those involved. Civil is sexy. Let’s be civil, and by lovely association, sexy.


Thank-you pookies for reading all of that, awfully delicious of you.

Any questions do come ask! My dms are open, and an on-site ooc will be posted to communicate during the application process. Please feel free to ask questions through there, yap about your ideas or just say a charming little good morning.

These pitches are not gender-locked, nor are you restricted to only applying as the following roles. You are free to interpret, adjust, or make an entirely new role to fit your needs. It should be noted if only one person applies for a role, there is no guarantee I will accept them based on that fact alone. If two (or more) people apply to the same role and I think both characters are unique and desired for the roleplay, I will accept both and change the role name of one.

Just note if you create your own, that your crafted role is not too alike to the pitches here and have a tidy role name of one word. Remember I am looking for a nice balance of character motives, some good, some bad, some neutral.​

Loyalty isn’t your color, but being at the helm of The Leviathan might be. Serpentine first-mate with a palate for power, there is nary position you seek more than the captains. It is the ultimate manifestation of avarice, gross rapacity that calls you to heel. Your tendrils will coil like root or web, drink obedience into others and watch it ribbon a butterfly effect, but long-standing entanglement may tamp your inferno desire of a riot, may have you weighing if mutiny will be worth the death of those you have grown to find familiar.

After spending years convinced you like the pain, you’ve survived in the dark of [THE MASTER] as their treasured plaything. Forfeited everything of your life to serve at their altar of their honeysuckle cruelty and brain-matter anger. Their table is a stadium of red and you are their best performer. You’ll always need to be the blood on their blade, the scar to their needle, the prize of their possessions. They crush your lungs and the sensation is sweet; you do not feel at home unless surrounded by teeming teeth. They made you a monster and loved every ugly feature, and you still promise them eternity knowing they will never return the same. Monster, your body has never belonged to you, and when it does, there will come a day where you have to learn what to do with it. CONNECTED TO [THE MASTER]


Cast from the peak of Zenith’s finest academic institution down to the muck of dishonour and repulsion, trailblazers will eventually meet a dawn with nothing left to burn. Innovative, they’d once called you. Devotion and worship as you enticed masses to your unconventional experiments. Small-minded populace, you called them when they turned unwilling to open their minds, resistant to bearing the pink yolk of their cranium. Lungs crave the surface, skin craves preservation, fingers wrapped around closing airways and your mind is all but a still sea that stretches out in all directions. You do not listen to the screaming or begging, for there is no boundary to the waters of your mind. The underbelly of the matter is simple: no amount of immorality would ever be too filthy for your curious hands. CONNECTED TO [THE MARIONETTE]


Having tugged that uniform over callused hands and tired pulse, this ouroboros of employment has never been any different. No time to primp and preen your own hair, no fresh manicured nails or scented oils imported from Siroc, no polish to your crude status. Nothing but an overlooked fragment to ferry platters and turn the beds of the wealthy, you may wash your hands of grime and grit, but nothing will erase the stain blemishing your bones. A servant with no more to their name but a bucket and mop, there is a soft cadence beneath your skin that craves something more.

Naive, absentminded fool. Nose in a book with time and reality running outside of conscious understanding, it’s inevitable, really, that a hermit would be jarred alert to this expanse of everything New. All holy things are either beautiful or terrifying, and in the marrow of your bones is the devotion to curiosity. You stumble with the determination of a newborn foal, all clumsy footing and adolescent mistakes to cater that interestβ€” to learn. And you will, certainly. Will learn the practised loops of rope, of the eddying roll of callow sealegs, of the sisyphean reality of scooping shrapnel from the gut.

Two lovers in the Stygian Order, one heist, one mistake, and only one left alive to be shackled and found guilty in the trials of Zenith. Loaded onto The Leviathan as nothing but cargo to be brought to Siroc for their council’s consequence, the narrative of indifference you thought you could plead is breaking. You’ve always liked the classics: temptation, romance, vengeance, but your lover is a burning relic lost to time and you promise never to make the same mistake of losing someone ever again.

Rapids of silk are pressed and moulded like carving marble out of water. The vision of a fairytale, your work is dualism between skill and creation. Spinning gold from ragged scraps, it’s an art-form full of nuances in both the handiwork and clientele. You form true selves on the silhouettes of your customers and watch as they choke on words and impending tears. Both your shackle and your escape, their pouches of coins and impatient eyes remind you the depth of their fascination is only measured to the worth you offer. A modiste now taken to water at the demand of realm-scattered nobles seeking your intricate craft, they admire you; how easy it would be for them to loathe you.

There's an intimate distaste in being the cousin of the Captain, and The Leviathan voyage is your last promise to family that you would try. Try to find a purpose, try to surface above this pointed coldness that ensnares you like a weighted shade, try to sit comfortably in a warm home and pretend you are okay with being alive. Faux brightness is poor acting for the rotting in your mind; fatigue your countenance, nepotism your ticket, self-destruction your plan. Penchant for sadness, you look across the crew and wonder if your bonds with the living will make you decide differently.

Antares is known for its temper, and you’ve been weaned to find comfort in its taste of danger. That is what loyalty is, taking their sin and deciding you can live with it, can serve it. Killing does not have to be all gunpowder and ripping, a soft drag of natural decay is much more inconspicuous. At night you cast food and fresh water over the side of the ship and pray the gradual losses grow in magnitude. The inches of humanity may recoil inside, but the scorch is but a flicker of what you may invite if you fail. The biggest threat in these waters isn’t made of wood and whale oil, but the hazard The Leviathan poses to your party port home. Antares wants the ship engulfed in either flame or ocean. If they cannot have it, nobody can.

Matchmaker, you’re a renowned liaison for everything labelled Love. Eros of Solas, the success stories follow you, so too do the desperate who are festering and begging for help. Connecting even the most stubborn of nobles, Cupid’s latest duo always become the realm’s awe of the month. But when the shimmering mirage of the honeymoon fades, you’re no longer around when the scandals and infidelity break loose. Cupid is never there in the aftermath wounds of meddlesome arrows, for Cupid already has their aim pointed elsewhere: nobles abroad request your expertise for approaching marriage seasons, and you are inclined to obey.

It’s excruciating to play this creature, all itching shed and common misconception. Hidden informant for the King, not even for his newest vessel does the ruler go without extra precautions. Easy to lie and swallow your serpent teeth, to everybody you are looked over as nothing more than another guest. You’ll scrounge secrets from the bones of dishonest Kingsmen and recoil back to the side of your ruler to reveal the rattle. You’ve faced worse than liars and cheats, but perhaps not worse than a knife twisting in your chest when you notice those same liars have become incalculable in value.

After an injury during your stint in the Siroccan travelling Circus, you were cast aside and replaced to be left alone with an invisible audience. Swaddled in nothing but the plaster and stitch as penance of your clumsy misfooting, it exposes a lack of purpose watching the troupe depart without you. The hurt grows edges and you are veering towards disaster, abrasive and shadowed where betrayal bleeds to vengeance; best not follow that bloodied urge, lest you find the stem of your hurt has bloomed directly from a hand of sabotage.

Emblematic achievement, this victory lap aboard the Leviathan. A lifetime earned in the gladiatorial performances of Siroc, lifetimes ended from the own physical gravity of your own weapon; for the sake of sanity you ought to smile and wave to ports of reverence, watch them marvel and swoon at the reputation you’ve built for yourself. Try to ignore the shadow of you that is aching and cutting close against skin like nostalgic threats: you’ve taken lives and they applaud you for it.

The intimacy in which you gut a pig is enough to make a man cross his legs tight with fear. A surgeon's precision with slaughterhouse vivacity, there is a place, far from the embrace of this ship, where they speak your name as a threat. You are the Culinarian, Blademaster, a mythic reaper with a knife just as sharp, and people forget creation stories stem from the story of a loss. No matter fable or truth, you, the Butcher, know it’s in your blood. Cooling slabs of meat are your company, so too is the violence

To make an enigma, one has to reject each of their organs and watch them from afar. Scattered memories of who you were and who you could be are guttered away just to be the perfect liar, let them worship your own false divinity. Etched in tea leaves and chai, the smoke of your voice cradles and disfigures even the most steadfast of men. Dripping with shadowhoney and cavity-sweet promise, the strata of your prophecies are endless and multiple. With no clarity for truth, there is a divide on the ship for your legitimacy. Are you serpentine damnation? Do you hide your fangs and lie? Do you think it can last forever?

High society is tough on the teeth, sweet on the tongue, but so too is the reward of an early inheritance. Spoiled as pomegranate, you’ve taken those fuschia kernels and gnashed every condemning nutrient between the shoals of your shark teeth to saturate yourself in the hubristic damnation you deserve. How unsullied you are to the public, all rhinestone smiles and polished holy stones for eyes. The filth is in you, this is how you were taught, and the rolling heads of mommy and daddy dearest can no longer keep you from your goals. A city sweetheart with a tragic family demise, oppose me, you wish to beg it of them, give a reason to drop the axe.

There’s no skillset or wealth to your name, and you’ve had to purchase a spot onboard the Leviathan at the price of your body. A honey trapping consort, you blink your dowry lashes that are laced with a hundred burdens. The sacrifice of offering yourself is heavy, seconded only by your admiration reserved for one. No matter their flagrant disinterest, you only have eyes for them, and you’re willing to weather it all for that simple fact; disparaging stares from crew, offhand remarks, sleazy hands that pass over thigh and the change from disgust to expectation after a tankard of alcohol; you weather it all just to stay close to the one you love. You’re not sure if you’re allowed to grieve the loss of something you never had to begin with.

Conflict is gnawing itself ragged from the bones that hold you together, hold you to a level of respect you’d never have gotten to experience in a single lifetime if you were the scion to anybody else. Child of revered pirate outlaw The Red Baron, you’re weaned on both adulation and detestation, of infamy and a family name not of your own doing. Nature or nurture, there is blood in your veins, blood on your hands, blood so intimate with your ancestry and origin that you have no other option but to plead guiltyβ€” be born guilty. Maybe you’ll dig your fingers to every softened scab or ropey scar to peel back layers of vestigial skin, maybe you’ll find some good. Maybe you’ll find a wellspring bubbling with rot and realise you’ve always been just like your father. Maybe you’ll find a way to be proud of that.

Your viscera shimmers with aurora, hair eased across stars and constellated with reverence of the divine order. Enlightened by the Covenant of Aethera, you are a synchronised beat, a rhythm aligned, and are held hostage by the ivory fear and ink-exterior truth. But the Leviathan births your conflict like a howling babe, that this rigid faith cements you in a position that careens so dangerously to a wishbone snap. Will you accept the fate of the celestials as you watch your loved ones stumble with a blade sheathed in their gut? Can you standby when shrapnel cleaves limb to the opal skeleton, holds them in a maw of steel talon and splinter teeth? Can you trust in this cold? Are the tinted roses bleeding? If death is a fate, does that mean you cannot stop it?

Responsibility sticks to you like a second skin, a melted membrane that dilutes through veins and bleeds from your mouth in a deluge of loyalty. Trusted mouthpiece for the King, you represent his guidance and are assigned to keep the ship on due-course. For King and Country you’ve pledged, and you play your part well. Unfaltering, mythic and imperial, but there’s nothing to stop the interference of caution, of a conscience, of nothing and nobody to turn to when you lose sight of the horizon. Salvation or immolation, you’re not sure you can recognise the difference. Perhaps for the sake of your own mind, you ought to consider it just a job. You can’t undo a pledge, but you can always abandon your post.

Blood is thicker than water, but coin thicker than blood, and you’ve tracked leagues of land and expanded to the endless water to hound that reward. Weapons are intimate to your hand, so too is the payment for criminal or runaway scion, and you’ve learned that whoever pays best is the only King you honour. Bounty paths your way to The Leviathan, promised bloodbath from multiple fronts; you are Thanatos, smears of gunpowder and red sands, but your ambition may not stretch far enough to cater the creeping doubts, that rearing threat of camaraderie stirring from your regolith of denial. You don’t realise it yet, but you’re outnumbered. You don’t realise it yet, but you’re the target.

It was because pink fat blooms from laceration like hibiscus, like a deluge of salmon taffy ripe and wet. Because of this, you have to pillage letters that weren’t written for you, have to wear a name that isn’t yours, and sometimes you fear, must wear the ghost of an unfitting smile. The agony of your own mysterium is felt so acutely by everyone around you, and the identity ripples like a stirring tide, like a loose coat lapping at your legs. It was a mistake, you promised this to yourself, but your narrative was doomed the moment you sheathed a knife into the journalist’s belly. This name akin to a mask is now your repentance, for your survival has become a burden of impersonation.

Twisted animal gut is the strings of your instrument, stretched taut and greased to their limit; you know how to pluck nimble with your dexterous fingers, so too the puppets of the upper class. You know the sound of a melody, same as the secrets of the wealthy when listening to their scandals and clandestine conversations. You hide in clear view, can blend into the background like a susurrus and phantom shadow, are the monolith of both harmony and enlightenment, a patron of wisdom. There is carnal opportunity, an untapped ravine at your disposal, impaled only by indecision to dangle extortion over their heads. What a prodigy you are, to both music and power.

You are never to be crown-touched, same as you are never to be crown-owned. Coated in regicide, it’s your very marrow that is ribboned with vein and chain reaction that brings the luminous sea of what you once were to a bubbling boil of black. Heretic boy, you should know hate misshapes even the most woodland and benevolent to something beyond help, something that would rather die in captivity than domestication. You’ve never cared for the politesse of formality, never cared to bow head or lower a knee, the unspoken agenda is seeping through the claret of your home, through the plum bruising of knuckles and blood-lined teeth and oath of a blade-soaked retribution, you are lit like the sun, like an altar, all blaze and riot and devotion to your point in faith; what a terrible gift to grieve, what a terrible fate to be consumed by it.

A botanist hunting for immortality, how ironic to actively wilt as the world blooms with life around you. Heir to the Oracles of Aethera, the covenant has wounded you, allowed your heart to weaken and wane through a youth stricken with fever and tissues of ferrous blood. Be sure to contain it as it rots, petal by petal, inside the cage of theatrics you have hid yourself inside. Wounded and sentenced with no promise of a future, you are treading water, don’t know how to ask for help or pray or not feel afraid of the weakness that is seeping the warchest of your heart like an arctic tundra. Your journey is to be short-lived, and you fear all that will be left in the end is your salted gasps for clemency. There’ll come a time you no longer search for a remedy, but a soft place to bury your bones.

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Gao Gao Could I possibly DM you a character idea to see if it would fit the premise of the story?
Gao Gao Could I possibly DM you a character idea to see if it would fit the premise of the story?
You absolutely can! I will note the drop of the OOC + Application page will have lore that might give you more ideas & a better grasp of the world, but do feel free to reach out if you wanna get some thinking done early β™‘
GAOOO! HELLO! I MISSED YOU! I'm eyeing this so hard. πŸ‘€
Thank-you to those that expressed interest or left a reaction!! I wasn't planning to create the ooc or applications page for a few days, but due to the fact I don't want to potentially post them on page 2 of the interest check, I've decided to post them early ✨ .

[HERE] is the OOC for chatter.
[HERE] is the Character Application page, with lore linked & also spoilered beneath it for convenience.

The ping-list for those that expressed interest or left a reaction! (Apologies to those that didn't intend to join, but left a nice reaction either way β™‘)
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Harrowhark Harrowhark Pepsionne Pepsionne Helioflos Helioflos morcetyx morcetyx Steve Jobs Steve Jobs murphalicious murphalicious CrimsonInk CrimsonInk roxybirdie roxybirdie MrBrown MrBrown orpheus. orpheus. monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles yokai. yokai. demonology demonology Uxie Uxie artemis. artemis. Nuclear Magician Nuclear Magician escapist escapist weldherwings weldherwings arly arly
I won't be able to join but BEST BELIEVE i'm still foaming at the mouth at this concept. Lost my wig at sea. Not u debuting straight out of the gate with a MASTERPIECE??? brb planning a heist to steal ur honkalicious brain.
I won't be able to join but BEST BELIEVE i'm still foaming at the mouth at this concept. Lost my wig at sea. Not u debuting straight out of the gate with a MASTERPIECE??? brb planning a heist to steal ur honkalicious brain.

my monarch I am leaping into the sea to fetch ur wig at once what a DELIGHTFUL comment?????!????? kicking my feet??? twirling my hair right now???? Although you're unable to join, I'll have you with me in my heart β™‘β™‘β™‘
1.) The GM greeting was hilarious and I thank you for the laugh
2.) Love the clear dedication you've put into this
3.) Best believe I'm typing up a CS right now
My blue ocean orbs are WIDE OPEN for this one. I will peel my skin off and lay it at your feet as an offering to be allowed to participate in this roleplay, so if my application stinks as a particular character I am more than willing to morph into some other role as needed because seriously I am frothing at the mouth for this theme, aesthetic, and style. Going to slave away over a character sheet now and hand it lovingly to you drenched in my blood sweat and tears.
My blue ocean orbs are WIDE OPEN for this one. I will peel my skin off and lay it at your feet as an offering to be allowed to participate in this roleplay, so if my application stinks as a particular character I am more than willing to morph into some other role as needed because seriously I am frothing at the mouth for this theme, aesthetic, and style. Going to slave away over a character sheet now and hand it lovingly to you drenched in my blood sweat and tears.

My blue eyed orb angel PLEASE KEEP YOUR SKIN ON πŸ’€. But also so very delighted to have your interest (and skin) for this roleplay.

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