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Ye olde meta rules:
1. All of the following rules are listed in order of precedence.
2. Naturally, All RPNation rules apply.
3. I have the final say in every issue unless my final say conflicts with the above rule, and Co-GMs ( Quinlan63 , possibly more) have the final say when it doesn't conflict with my word or the above rule.
3a. I can withhold approval of your character for any reason.
3b. Co-GMs can approve characters unless I am withholding approval or overrule their decision.
4. Characters must have substantial effort put into them, with at least two paragraphs in both Personality and Backstory (and one full paragraph for Appearance, if no picture is provided) and at least one substantial character flaw.
4a. Characters that are blatantly made for power and only power will be flatly rejected.
4b. Your character must be lacking in most areas of expertise outside of what your class specifies so that they will be forced to cooperate with others. This will not count as your substantial flaw.
4c. Much higher standards will be placed on people who want to be classes that are already chosen by others; you have to really show that you want to be that class, and that your character has to be that class for them to work. Classes are first come first serve.
4d. Delete all parentheses in the Character Sheet for the sake of neatness.
4e. If you are having trouble with coming up with a very deep and complex character, use this ungodly long character sheet as a brainstorm, and simplify the information into our format. Some things may not apply as this is a medieval setting, just ignore them.
5. This is a PG-13 roleplay, so keep in mind that, while I will let a great deal of things slide in terms of graphic content, I will crack down when it is necessary.
5a. Anyone who knows about the bass-ackwards rating conventions in America will know that this means the f-word can be said once and only once in the entirety of the roleplay. I will decide the person to whom I will bestow this honor. (Considering this is a semi-joke, it is subject to change.)
6. I hold a neutral stance on romance, as long as it does not conflict with any rules.
7. Gods do not make clerical errors. You must have at least one sin in your backstory worthy of condemning you to hell.
8. Any class not on ye olde list of one hundred pre-approved classes must be confirmed with me first before you post a character sheet.
9. These rules can change at any time if I feel I've missed something.
10. I apologize if these rules seem Orwellian.
Living Name:
Spiritual Name(Only applies to characters who have experienced reincarnation in the past):
Age at Death:
Age of Spirit(Only applies to characters who have experienced reincarnation in the past):
Race(You can be any race in D&D lore within reason, more exotic options need approval from me):
Object of Worship(Put "none" if character is non-religious):
Appearance(Picture optional, must have description regardless):
Damnable Sin or Sins:
AssassinHD marorda
1. All of the following rules are listed in order of precedence.
2. Naturally, All RPNation rules apply.
3. I have the final say in every issue unless my final say conflicts with the above rule, and Co-GMs ( Quinlan63 , possibly more) have the final say when it doesn't conflict with my word or the above rule.
3a. I can withhold approval of your character for any reason.
3b. Co-GMs can approve characters unless I am withholding approval or overrule their decision.
4. Characters must have substantial effort put into them, with at least two paragraphs in both Personality and Backstory (and one full paragraph for Appearance, if no picture is provided) and at least one substantial character flaw.
4a. Characters that are blatantly made for power and only power will be flatly rejected.
4b. Your character must be lacking in most areas of expertise outside of what your class specifies so that they will be forced to cooperate with others. This will not count as your substantial flaw.
4c. Much higher standards will be placed on people who want to be classes that are already chosen by others; you have to really show that you want to be that class, and that your character has to be that class for them to work. Classes are first come first serve.
4d. Delete all parentheses in the Character Sheet for the sake of neatness.
4e. If you are having trouble with coming up with a very deep and complex character, use this ungodly long character sheet as a brainstorm, and simplify the information into our format. Some things may not apply as this is a medieval setting, just ignore them.
5. This is a PG-13 roleplay, so keep in mind that, while I will let a great deal of things slide in terms of graphic content, I will crack down when it is necessary.
5a. Anyone who knows about the bass-ackwards rating conventions in America will know that this means the f-word can be said once and only once in the entirety of the roleplay. I will decide the person to whom I will bestow this honor. (Considering this is a semi-joke, it is subject to change.)
6. I hold a neutral stance on romance, as long as it does not conflict with any rules.
7. Gods do not make clerical errors. You must have at least one sin in your backstory worthy of condemning you to hell.
8. Any class not on ye olde list of one hundred pre-approved classes must be confirmed with me first before you post a character sheet.
9. These rules can change at any time if I feel I've missed something.
10. I apologize if these rules seem Orwellian.
Living Name:
Spiritual Name(Only applies to characters who have experienced reincarnation in the past):
Age at Death:
Age of Spirit(Only applies to characters who have experienced reincarnation in the past):
Race(You can be any race in D&D lore within reason, more exotic options need approval from me):
Object of Worship(Put "none" if character is non-religious):
Appearance(Picture optional, must have description regardless):
Damnable Sin or Sins:
AssassinHD marorda
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