Rockefeller Street


night of the living punk

(For newcomers: 13-20 ; Magical beings include real age and "looks like" age.)

Gender: (Male, female, not specified.)

Species: (Magician, voo-doo, supernatural creature, witch, ect.)

Rank: (Newcomer, regular to the festival, staff of the festival, ect.)

Personality: (2+ sentences please.)

Description: (Pictures are allowed.)

Abilities/Powers: (Magic, bending, spells, seeing, supernatural abilities, ect.)

Additionals: (Any add-ons. Crush, family, other descriptions, voice, ect.)

My Bio:

Name: Caelum Xander.

Age: Few centuries old, looks about 24.

Gender: Male.

Species: Neutral immortal being; ex-reaper.


Rank: Founder.

Personality: Caelum is nothing short from devius. Some may even describe him as the long lost brother of the Mad Hatter, from Alice in Wonderland. He's crazy, mischievous, joking, and full of energy. But fear his dark side, for it is rumored that Caelum is stronger than he thinks. He's a total psychopath, with a love for flirting. He's obsessed with top-hats, skulls, powdered potions and the colors red and teal.



Abilities/Powers: Being an illusionist, Caelum is able to create things out of thin air, and make them disappear equally as easily. While he was a reaper, he obtained special eyes that allowed him to "see" into other's death-dates. He wears an eyepatch to cover up the eye that he still has that is able to look into deaths. His uncovered eye is just normal.

Additionals: Caelum has a habit of smirking too much.
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Name: Ryuu Kisami

17 new to the magic world

Gender: male

Species: Human

Rank: Newcomer

Personality: Ryuu is a smart guy, very quiet around people he doesn't yet know but he always keep his eyes on them. He is open minded towards many things and thinks everything can be put to an advantage, Ryuu doesn't flirt much as girls dont notice him being the unattractive nerdy type.


Abilities/Powers: Ryuu is able to control things with his mind and his bone are able to be protruded at will

Additionals: Ryuu is new to the magic world, his mother a witch, and his father a human with mutant like powers, for this 17th birthday his mother and father told him about his powers and he is only just learning how to use them.
Name: Lupa Garou

Age: 217 (looks like 19)

Gender: Female

Species: Werewolf

Rank: Regular to festival

Personality: Animalistic and short-tempered. She doesn't like to be controlled or contained in any way, valuing her freedom above anything else. She's a loner, having spent many years avoiding any kind of relationship with anyone.


Human appearance


Werewolf appearance:


Abilities/Powers: Excellent hearing and sense of smell.

Additionals: Persian in origin, she was taken as a slave by the Russians when she 15 in the 1800s, sent to work in a brothel for 4 years. She has a mixture of a Persian and Russian accent. She was making her way to get water from a river one evening and was given the werewolf curse, or gift as she likes to call it. At discovering her new found power and freedom she destroyed nearly the entire town who had enslaved her, leaving a trail of blood and death in her wake. She fell in love with a human in the 1900s and chose to change him, not wanting to see mortality end him. He completely freaked out, not knowing how to take it. He did adjust but became ruthless and nearly killed her when she was harmlessly talking to the baker who was flirting with her. She ran at her first chance and hasn't seen him since. She refused to change another human again, or even get close to one, only killing. She only kills the evil; murderers, rapists, abusers, etc.... She doesn't think of herself as some kind of "hero" just a monster ridding the world of other monsters.

Emeline(Emily) Debrook known in the circus as "The Freak"


117(Looks about 17)






Tight-rope walker.


Emily has always been very mysterious, tending to hide in the shadows. She's not very friendly to anyone, not even her closest friends. There is a dark side to her that no one see; a part of her that is insane. But she keeps it buried deep within, hoping it will never come out.




Since she is always on her own, Emily taught herself to create shadows made from the dark cover of night. She also has the power of flight, which definitely comes in hander when your a tight-rope walker.


Emily grew up in a dark world known as Hallowton, a place where all creatures of the night dwelled. Unlike who she became, she was a very kind girl to everyone she met even thought many were not kind back. Eventually her parents cast her into the portal to earth to teach her how to become dark and hating. And as the years went by she became more and more bitter as she traveled for a century, her dark side growing stronger. Until she went to the Rockefeller circus. There she started as a tight-rope walker and lost interest on revenge on her parents and felt she actually found somewhere she belonged.


Riley Jo(RJ) Koleman


Unknown(looks 23)




Shape-shifter; tiger


Tiger Tamer


RJ is a very outgoing girl with a wild personality. Most of the time she is an aggressive, tom-boy, dare-devil who will take life and death risks for the fun of it. She is also quite flirty and tends to get crushes easily.




At night she shape-shifts into a tiger and the other part of the time she's very strong, has sharp teeth, and claw-like finger-nails.


For a long time RJ was a small side-show attraction with her tiger Saiban. Together they traveled the world and soon was actually quite famous for their act; The Female Tiger Tamer. Soon she was found by the Rockefeller Circus and they decided to hire her.

Can I join? :)
Name: Eruka Birch

Age: 197 (Appears to be 17)

Gender: Female

Species: Witch, more specifically she is a dark magic enchantress. More details are listed below about her powers.

Rank: Regular festival visitor

Personality: Eruka is the queen of witch stereotypes. She wears the pointy hat and cackles like a mad woman. The enchantress often enjoys her days meddling with her sisters' affairs, like ruining their spells and messing with their fiancees and boyfriends. She's not the friendliest person around the block, but definitely can hold a conversation. Most witches in the neighborhood do not like her. 10/10 do not recommend as a friend.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Anime-Witch-just-anime-21530065-425-460.jpg.039d88b5421d395d7549b026cecefde7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21068" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Anime-Witch-just-anime-21530065-425-460.jpg.039d88b5421d395d7549b026cecefde7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Light blue hair, often tied up, laces a feminine form dressed in dark apparel. She hones a wooden staff that performs her enchanting techniques, and it was crafted by her eldest sister.

Abilities/Powers: Eruka is the youngest of her family, meaning she hones the least powers. She knows how to turn princes into frogs, but it isn't her favorite thing to do. It's rather boring after you do it for a few ten or so years. Her whole "skill set" is Prince Frog (turning princes into frogs), Mix Up (causing people to switch bodies), Failure (a curse sentenced to a year of failure), and Warrior (her only skeleton minion, helps her fight if the time is needed! She only can do this quite a few times per three years, due to her lack of skill and ability.)

Additionals: Eruka has five sisters, their names are: Jorogumo Birch (the witch of frogs, infamous for her frog tricks), Alexandria Birch (the good witch, the witch that actually tries to help people), Brianna Birch (not exactly a witch yet, quite young and still training), Victoria Birch (the eldest sister, rumor has it she was born during the Victorian Era...hence her name Victoria...she is a craftsman witch who crafts spell books and wands), and JELL-E Birch (the witch of jellyfish, not exactly seen often since she spends her times in the depths of her ocean lair.)



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Name: Quinn Koroni

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Rank: Newcomer

Personality: He has a magnanimous and lighthearted personality, constantly nice to everyone he meets, regardless if they were mean or not. He is also very trusting and lenient, even to people who have lied repeatedly before. This makes him very gullible. Although he does not mind if he's being tricked or not, he dislikes it when pranks go too far and lives are actually in harm.



(Indeed male.)

Abilities/Powers: He has extraordinary regeneration abilities, able to regenerate from any injuries and realign his bone structure and organs. Due to his abilities; potions, poisons, spells, and/or curses have no or only temporary effects on him. Despite this, he rather avoid doing anything dangerous.

Additionals: He found his abilities during primary school, when he noticed that his friends did not heal as quickly as he did. Over time, his abilities had started to gradually increase each year or whenever he sustained any serious injuries. He also has a soft spot for fluffy things.
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Name: Marie Reynaud

Age: 78 (looks about 22)

Gender: Female

Species: Voodoo Priestess

Rank: Regular to the festival

Personality: Has a tendency to come across as intimidating, but is actually quite friendly with those whom she has taken a shine to. That's not to say that she's soft. She has been known to give selfish, greedy, or sadistic people the exact opposite of the charm or spell they were trying to buy, then vanish without a trace.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/femaledrfacilier.jpg.a4c7cbdd0a7cfbd9a7db1c3b8c239a60.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21120" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/femaledrfacilier.jpg.a4c7cbdd0a7cfbd9a7db1c3b8c239a60.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities/Powers: Marie has knowledge of herbs, poisons, and the ritual creation of charms and amulets, intended to protect oneself or harm others. Marie can also create voodoo dolls for a (somewhat high) price. The voodoo dolls come in different categories and are usually used to bless people, not curse them. The categories are love; power and domination; luck and finance; and uncrossing. Uncrossing is a way to get rid of curses or negative enchantments. She also makes a "cure all" which is said to solve all of life's problems, however there is a drawback. The "cure all" has a fifty percent chance of killing the person who drinks it. You'd have to be pretty desperate to buy it.

Additionals: Marie is actually a very devout follower of the voodoo faith, and sometimes gets frustrated by the stereotypes forced upon it. In fact, the outfit she has taken to wearing is more to attract customers than anything. She took up the "business of superstitions" a decade or two ago when her family hit a rough spot financially and found she actually liked interacting with people. She owns a shop in Louisiana that she maintains year round, but loves the festival and comes every year.

Marie also has two familiars. Bokor, her boa, is a rather clingy fellow. He only leaves her side when asked to guard her shop (or stall, in this case) . On the other hand, her raven Oliver doesn't have a problem leaving his mistress' side. During the festival he can be found flitting from stall to stall. Sometimes he makes friends, other times his love of shiny things gets him into trouble



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Died at 19, undead 284 years




Revenant, formerly human




He never seems to expression any emotion on the surface and often creeps out others when he speaks with an equally soulless voice. He claims to have difficulty expressing himself due to his body and often struggles between trying to defy his fate by making meaningful connections with others and accepting his damnation by trying to distance himself from them. He seems incredibly bright, sometimes poetic and always polite despite his punkish attire. He's shown the capacity to suppress or shut off his emotions in the past, leaving him cold and often violent much like the revenant stories of old.



Despite being unquestionably undead it's difficult to tell on the surface, his pale skin still looking relatively healthy and his hair clean and fresh. The only noticeable feature that counts him out as something inhuman is his left eye -- or lack there of -- which he keeps hidden behind an eyepatch more for other people's comfort than his own. He often wears a black jacket, red shirt, black jeans and black boots.


Undead - The unliving have traits that make them what they are. On top of not having to eat, sleep or breathe, Jeremiah has the benefit of never aging without the draw back of decomposing that your average shambling zombie must deal with. All of major organs are no longer functioning therefor any damage to them doesn't affect him, making him immune to being impaled or shot for the most part. He's still vulnerable to dismemberment and has the telltale weakness to holy magics.

Deadman's Blood - A rare trait found within certain revenants, Jeremiah's blood is alive in his veins. Instead of coagulating in his veins it's stayed unmoving yet pure, still a healthy red and clean enough to make him a suitable blood donor. On top of that the blood has the potential for a unique form of hemomancery ( blood magic ) that not only allows him to manipulate, crystallize and liquefy it with just a thought but is able to allow him a form of healing. He's able to close most wounds and reattach parts of him back onto itself though it's not a perfect process. While scratches, cuts and even gouges can be healed, full limbs must be reattached as he can't grow new ones. Any time he heals some of his blood evaporates and often times it's difficult for him to retract all his blood back into his body after fighting. Because of this he needs an occasional transfusion. While a traditional method works just fine, he can also absorb any blood his own makes contact with. On top of being a universal donor, any foreign blood introduced into his body changes to what's inside of him, making him a universal receiver as well.


Unlike his body, Jeremiah's memories have faded with time. Who he was in life, where he's from and even his own last name are lost to the fog of ages. No matter how far he stretches his memory back, he can't think of a time where he wasn't a part of Mr. Xander's circus. On occasion he's seen writing and often hides his work the moment anyone approaches him. On occasion crumbled up papers have been found in his hand writings, what seem to be love letters with no signature, no recipient and always incomplete.


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