Rockefeller Street [Inactive]


night of the living punk
Crookie submitted a new role play:

Rockefeller Street - Come one, come all to behold the festival of dark magic, witchcraft and voo-doo.

Ah, summer. Such a nice time of year. The air is warm, and the evening sun is just starting to sink below the horizon as you make your way home. What you are walking home from does not matter; all that matters is what you will find along the way.
As you walk along a busy street, lost in your thoughts, a slight movement catches your eye. When you get closer, you see that it is a small flyer taped to a light post. You remove it from the post and see that it is an advertisement for an annual...
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[The night begins!]

Caelum was placing the few last-touches onto his booth, where he was planning to sell an array of potions and bottled charms. He turned around on his heel, and sighed.

The night was already trickling well into the midnight time, and the huge street was overflowing with things. Music was blaring down the cobblestone way, brilliant and dazzling lights shone everywhere, and people of all kinds were walking, laughing and enjoying the sights. Off to one side, a plump-looking witch's booth had exploded with firework-like spells, which zoomed and twirled into the sky to burst with a bang. The people surrounding her booth erupted in laughter and applause.

Tonight is going to be one of the best nights I've ever had, thought Caelum - I can feel it. Not only had the festival attracted almost twice as many more people than last year, but Caelum was expecting newcomers. Ahh, yes, newcomers, he could just imagine their plush little faces lighting up in awe at his festival. He was planning to show all the "newbies" the run-down of his own magical world, just to let the pipsqueaks know that they don't have to throw away whatever magical abilities they have just to become normal again. Being magic is awesome!

Caelum leaned back with a smirk, propping his arm up on the side of his booth. The sheepish, raggedy home-made booth rattled, and a few bottled charms toppled over with a clank. But he didn't care, considering that he was probably going to abandon his booth in a few minutes, to go indulge himself in the festival, and search off for those kids.
Emily made sure her black umbrella was ready to go as she walked through her large tent. She smiled, satisfied at her hard work of setting it up. This is going to be a wonderful show! she thought as she pulled on her slippers, much like a ballerina's only they held a different purpose. She climbed up the ladder and sat on the high platform, waiting for customers to come.

RJ wrestled with Saiban in their tent. "Take that! And that!" she yelled as they rolled around, dust clouds rising from the ground. Finally he was on top of her. He put his paw on her face and gave her a look that said, 'I'm rubbing it in'. She pushed him off and stood up dusting herself. "Just cause you beat me half of the time doesn't mean you the king of the world." she said patting his head. Looking around she quickly ran to put everything they had messed up back into place. "What do ya say we head out and look around at the other booths before it starts/" she asked Saiban who purred softly in response. "Alright then, let's go!" she said and they set off down the crowded road.
It was well past midnight now, and the moon was sparkling brighter than ever. Nighttime was a time that the dark magician loved, because her tricks could be played without people knowing. Not only that, her friends were out and about during this time- since they were collectively a bunch of dark witches and wizards. But since she was busy at Rockefeller today, she was just excited about the events that would play out, like the newcomers.

Eruka tapped her heels, walking down the line of stations and shops to purchase useless items from. She let out a sneer towards witches who were forced to work stands at the fair, because they'd miss out all the fun. The young witch was lucky that her other sisters worked and gave her allowance for merely existing. Walking towards a battered, ugly induced stand, Eruka immediately recognized the owner. She let out a snort before clapping her hands. It had been a long time since she had visited his stand, or even talked to him.

"Caelum!" she cries with a simper plastered across her face. "It's been so long since I've seen your face. How's your eye doing? Should I turn it into a frog?" The witch tapped her wand on the stand whilist blabbering on.
Lupa makes her way down the street, looking at the sights and booths with mild interest. She stops for a moment looking up at the explosion of fireworks before continuing on her way. She was wearing a long red shirt that fell off of one shoulder, black tights, and black riding boots. She also had a pair of crescent moon earrings in and a wolf howling at the moon pendant that was Native American-esque in style. She kept an eye out for the newbies, they're reactions to all of this was always entertaining. "Ugh..." she couldn't help but cry out at passing a booth with several foul smelling potions, that were even more foul to her nose. She made her way to the other side of the street, pushing her long braid back behind her shoulder. She made her way through the crowd gracefully, managing to not touch a single person as she moved through the crowd.
Caelum jumped at once, hearing his name cried out. He spun around, only to be faced by a painfully familiar witch. He rolled his eyes, more or less the one which was shown, as the ecstatic girl's name popped into his head.

"How dare you imagine such horrid things, turning my eye into a frog, dearest Eruka." He tipped the brim of his top-hat to Eruka as he spoke, and flashed a large smirk. "You must be mad to do that."

With a rather loud chuckle, he pulled up his arms and reached up to the starry sky in a stretched, intertwined his fingers and rested the back of his head in his hands as he leaned back.
From the moment Quinn grabbed the modest flyer from its dusty post, he felt a sensation of excitement and interest. He carefully read over it, his eyes scanning for anything alluring. He was just minding his own business when this flyer had seemingly appear from thin air, how mysterious he thought. Without hesitation, he began to saunter over to where the festivals was held, curious to see what festivity was in store. It was not longer after when he faced Rockfeller street, which he had thought had been closed off. Though even from there, he could hear the merry music and commotion. Jauntily he continued walking down, admiring the seemingly normal booths.
The female cackles before winking an eye at the owner of the festivities. "My, my. It's not rude or mad at all! It's just a gift from the dark arts witch Eruka!" She licked her chapped lips before looking into the sky as the other stretched his arms. It was a fine night indeed, for celebration and witchcraft both. Had it not been for the reason that she was occupied with this task, visiting the carnival, she would have been plotting one of the fairy's demises.

Eruka's eyes gleamed at the stand near, it honed a chubby old witch (who's importance was almost zero, because she could not recall her name) playing with fireworks. Mischief must be in play... she hummed to herself as she tapped her wand against the table rather abruptly. "...The sky is beautifully decorated tonight, right dearest Caelum? I wish to add a bit more spice to our night." The witch tapped her wand twice on the table before, filled with jest, pointed at the chubby lady's wand. "If I altered her spells a bit, would you approve?"

What a troublemaker.
Ryuu pulled the crumpled flyer from his pocket as he got closer to Rockfeller Street, slowly studying the words printed upon it. As he read the print one thing ran through his head, the conversation his mother and father had later that day, the one thing that he had always though was just a cheap parlor trick had become realism, Ryuu wasn't sure how much this would change his life whether he would be an outcast from everyone now or if he would finally get somewhere in life, but tonight would answer all of his questions. Ryuu pulled out his Ipod and turned his music on, this was his only way to deal with other people, he ventured further towards Rockfeller Street only to hear the sounds of explosions and joyful people over his music.
As Caelum turned his head to glance away from the plump little witch's booth, he looked at Eruka with narrowed eyes, and a large toothy grin.

"Keep in mind that I have guests awaiting, and too much of your catastrophic fun could possibly kill one of them. It would be a shame if I had yet another dead body on my gloved hands. Alas, it would be even more a shame if they came to Rockefeller this year without a bangin' show," he sighed thoughtfully.

He held his friend's gaze for a long heartbeat, and raised one of his pencil-thin eyebrows at her. A second more, he gave in.

"Fine, fine - do as you wish, you crazed little sorceress," he said, with a wave of his hand.
Ryuu stopped at the gates of the fair, breathing in as he noticed the amount of people there, " Oh man this is definitely gonna be a drag ya know" he muttered to himself, Ryuu turned his music up so he couldn't hear people as he walked past them. As he walked further down he noticed a broken down stall, obviously hand made by a mad man, he noticed a man with a top hat talking to a woman dressed like his mother did. As he pasted them a small amount of dust must have drifted up his nose causing him to sneeze, he knew this was not a good thing. As Ryuu sneezed he felt it happen, his bones protruded from his body tripping his clothes leaving them tattered. Ryuu looked around after his bones slowly slide back into his body in embarrassment.
RJ whistled as she came up to Caelum and Eruka. "Oh hey, wazzup Caelum?" she turned to Eruka and smirked. "Eruka, how are you?" she said putting her arm around her shoulder. "Hey, any mischief I can help you with?" she whispered into her ear.
Marie was almost done setting up her booth. All of her wares were displayed neatly to show off their quality, and with Bokor's help the finishing touches of sheer draping fabric were done in no time at all. She absentmindedly stroked the snake's head in thanks as she took a step back to admire their combined efforts. Perfect. Oliver cawed indignantly from his roost on top of a nearby telephone poll. "Oh hush up, you old winged thing. It's not like you've lifted a claw to help since we got here. You can go exploring if you'd like, but don't go gettin into mischief!" Oliver preened for a moment, then took off in search of more entertaining sights.

Marie shook her head, that bird was a handful and a half. Bokor nuzzled his head against her cheek and she smiled. "
You're the good one outta the bunch, huh?" She chuckled at the snake's antics and scratched the scales under his chin. As she went to sit down she noticed a pretty young man in glasses wandering about. He was obviously new here, and Marie smiled. She remembered her first time at the festival. It had been wonderful, full of lights and music and laughter. She had felt like she was around people who understood her for the first time since leaving home.

Shaking off the pleasant memory, Marie beckoned him over to her stall.
"Hello there, cher!"

(Ooc note: "cher" means "dear" in Creole)
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Quinn looked over with curious eyes, his head decorated with accessories and trinkets that only further emphasized his effeminacy. It was amazing she recognized him as a male, and he would be glad that she did otherwise. He was browsing at a booth that was selling sweets and treats. With a saliva-inducing lollipop in his mouth, he hurried over to Marie's booth, slightly drooling from the corner of his mouth unaware. When he got there, he stared at Marie before examining the content of her booth.

"Hello.", he bowed his head in courtesy. He looks back up with a friendly smile still lightly drooling, before continuing to admire her and her booth. Everything in the booth were very exotic, and some of the accessories were also quite pretty.
Jeremiah had felt more like a ghost than a revenant since the night started. In all fairness, it was a feeling he was use to. Regulars to the circus knew that the guardian of this event was a man of few words while a few others had seen what happens when you get on his bad side. Even newcomers usually kept their distance just based on the appearance of the 'young man'. He didn't entirely mind. Stopping to talk would slow down his patrol around the stalls and distractions meant it'd all take longer. Routine was one of the few things that kept him sane.

Fights didn't break out too terribly often but when two supernatural creatures start fighting it's best to end it as soon as possible. Jeremiah's 'condition' made him the perfect person to break up fights. He could afford getting ripped to shreds and blown apart when he steps between folks as long as nobody ran off with his leg. Thank God he didn't feel pain.

His single light crimson eye set on a tent as he passed it, the brisk pace he'd taken to get around the stalls and crowds slowing down as he looked at the signs. The tight rope act. He came to a stop and turned towards the pitched tent, staring blankly at it as people passed around him to keep going or to go into the tent themselves. 'It's already midnight and nothing has happened...' he thought to himself, weakly justifying taking a break.

It wasn't a matter of being tired -- he didn't have a single memory of what exhaustion felt left -- but boredom. Routine might have kept him busy and productive but when nothing happened like it did that night then it began to feel like he might as well find a patch of dirty and walk in circles for all the good he was doing. Besides he didn't have all that many opportunities to watch the acts on performance night. Finally making up his mind, he walked into the tight rope walker's tent to see if the show had started yet.
Eruka let out an excited grin before giving a thumbs up to Caelum. "Hehe, I knew you couldn't resist some fun in your life, dearest!" She waved her wand and began reciting her spell underneath her breath as a "stranger" came up and wrapped her arm around her, as if she was someone familiar.

It took a few minutes before she remembered the name of the familiar other. "Riley Jo," she said in a fluid motion, her lips turning into a scowl. "My "mischief" was about to come into play before you interrupted the spell, thank you very much." She rolled her eyes before slinking away from the friendly neck lock. "Please, just watch this time. If I need anything with that cat of your's, I'll address you," she said whilist rolling her eyes.

RJ and Eruka were kind of friends, but Eruka couldn't really describe it. She didn't like RJ but she did like RJ. She was an interesting subject to study, yet the way she acted so familiar to her made her uncomfortable. Then the witch spoke, "And haven't I scolded you not touch me. It's rather disgusting to have the hands that touched a filthy animal touch me," and sighed.

She waved her wand once more and recited the incantation. Then, a whirl of magic came into being with the plump witch- who's fireworks began to melt into small puddles! The firework witch shrieked while Eruka had to put her free hand over her mouth to hide her laughter. "Is that enough for you, Caelum and Riley Jo?"
RJ clapped. "Bravo! Excellent performance, Eruka!" she said totally unfazed by her biting comments, unlike Saiban who growled lowly at her. "All I can do is turn into a tiger and scare children." she said crossing her arms.

Emily, who had become bored was doing jumps and flips on her tight-rope, not noticing Jeremiah. Ah, I always forget to put out flyers the first night. Everyone thinks that my tent is the odd one out otherwise. she thought as she hung like a monkey from the rope, swinging back and forth with one hand and holding her black umbrella in the other.
Marie stifled a chuckle. "You have a little..." She trailed off, pointing at the corner of her mouth to indicate that Quinn had something on his face. "It's nice to meet you, young man, I'm Marie Reynaud. I have to say, your trinkets suit you well," She smiled, gesturing at Quinn's accessories. She was being honest, the look would've been near impossible for most males to pull off. Her eyes caught on a bit of shimmer in his hair. "But you may wish to remove that hair clip. I recognize that magic, and I doubt you want it mucking with your senses. I take it you're new here?"


Oliver soared a bit higher, testing out the wind's current as well as looking down among the throngs of festival goers. His keen eyes caught sight of a familiar top hat and he banked sharply to get in closer. When he landed gingerly on Caelum's rickety stand, he caught sight of a young witch and a red haired girl who looked vaguely familiar. He didn't notice the tiger standing next to her as he ruffled his feathers. When the fireworks began to melt, he let out an irritated caw. So this witch was one of
"Well I'm no stranger to festivals and the likes, but yes I'm a new face." He smiled, wiping his mouth with his sleeve,"My name is Quinn, Quinn Koroni." He showed her the flyer as his mouth started to salivate again regardless, though it wasn't too much of an issue."And thanks, the others just wouldn't stop dressing me with these gifts", he gave a light chuckle, reaching for hair clip to take it off. His eyes glimmered as he looked at the hair clip in his hand, "This has magic?" Whatever the effect it had on his senses, it was quickly voided by Quinn's abilities, which he wasn't aware that he could do."Well, this place does seem like magic doesn't it.", he gave a lively smile as he looks at her believingly.
Jeremiah stared up at the pale girl on the tight ropes, his gaze as blank as ever despite his mind wishing he could look impressed. Emily was a talented acrobat even for a non-human. Deep down a tiny part of him was just a bit envious of her. He wasn't particularly slow or weak by any means but coordination was an issue. Fine tuned, precious actions or anything requiring grace were beyond his grasp. He couldn't play the piano, do acrobatics or so much as sew up his own eye patch without help. A stiff body like his cut out quite a few options to kill the endless time sitting before him. Still trying to enjoy himself, he stayed standing near the entrance and just watched the performance with his one good eye.
Emily swung for a moment more before noticing Jeremiah at the entrance. Startled, she let go of the tight-rope, only to be caught by her wings. She landed gracefully in front of him. She smiled slightly. “Hello, Jeremiah. What brings you here?” she asked softly.
Jeremiah continued to watch the performance before it came to a sudden end, Emily letting go of the rope and floating down to the ground -- to land in front of him and begin making small talk. A few rapid blinks were the only sign that the revenant was phased at all. "I decided to take a break from walking around," he said, his tone on par with that of a robot that lacks any grasp of human emotion.
Lupa walks past the boy with headphones in ear wrinkling her nose a bit, she wouldn't want her senses muddled in a crowd like this. She loved music, no doubt about that but only enjoyed it on her own when there was nothing to distract her. She looks back at Ryuu just as he sneezed, raising an eyebrow as bones suddenly appeared, and a small smile turned at the corners of her lips at seeing his embarrassment. "Must be a new one" She thought to herself. "Bless you" She simply says before looking ahead again, showing no sign she was surprised by what happened when he sneezed.
"That's sounds like fun. But I have to stay here and wait until customers come. If any do that is." she said clutching her black umbrella.

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