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Realistic or Modern Rock N Roll





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Quick question do you mean Middlebury instead of Middlevury? Cause I know people that live in Middlebury Vermont I just wasn't sure if Middlevury was a typo or just a made up city

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Aio said:
Not trying to call you out or anything but I live in Oahu so it's kinda bothering me. Oahu is the island that the state capital Honolulu is on. I mean I could have read this wrong but just in case. Also, idk if you know this but hapa means half caucasian and half some type of Asian, doesn't matter what. Plus is also can be a little offensive for some seeing how it was used to degrade people way back when but it's taken on a more positive meaning throughout the years. Again I could have just read this wrong but in case not I'm just letting you know. Sorry if I seem rude. I swear I have the best intentions. Again I could have just read this wrong, so I apologize if I did.
Brought this to OCC so I wouldn't clutter the sign-up page, but in any case, you're fine. I'm always up for learning more. I could have my geography a little messed up; I did research but it was admittedly still a little confusing. So, thanks; I'll fix that. :) And I'm aware of the history of the term as well that it's beginning to be embraced a little more as something not-so-negative. Although, I took it as a reference to anyone of mixed Hawaiian descent -- I could be wrong.
Smoaki said:
I do love your character however :)
Thanks, I tried not to make her a Mary Sue, so she has a lot of flaws and emotional trouble going on, also I have contributed to the drama part of the roleplay
I was going to start it up this weekend (for me), since my schedule's a bit too crazy to really START anything right now
personally i work on saturdays but Friday and Sunday i can definitely get a few posts in depending on the posting speed of everyone else^^
Smoaki said:
I was going to start it up this weekend (for me), since my schedule's a bit too crazy to really START anything right now
I won't be able to post anything really great from the 1-5 of July because I'll be in an are where my laptop does not work.

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