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Realistic or Modern Rock N Roll





This is NOT a first-come-first-serve. I will choose the characters I think best fit this roleplay. Don't be afraid to be original however, I like to see interesting characters, so have fun with it! All CS Submissions are due by Saturday, July 9 11:59 PM US GMT, the only exception to this is if you and I have figured out a later date because of a busy schedule. I will NOT be adding roles to this roleplay, when the eight are filled, they are filled.

1: @CelestialBunny / Male

6: @Slaughterized / Female

8: @RaineeDaze / Male


Appearance (Please only realistic images):

Full Name:

Nickname/s (if any):

Age (18-20):


Sexuality (All are welcome):

Home town:

Current Residence: Middlebury, Vermont (for EVERYONE)



Hair Color:

Eye Color:






Optional- Theme Song:

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Appearance (Please only realistic images):

Full Name:Richard Conundrum

Nickname/s (if any):RC

Age (18-20):19


Sexuality (All are welcome):Hetro

Home town:Brisbane

Current Residence:Vermont

Height:5ft 10inches


Hair Color:blonde

Eye Color:blue


Tattoos/Piercings:Dragon Tattoo rightarm

Personality:Richard is a very bubbly personality. No problem can't be solved with a good laugh and maybe a few beers. He is a act first ask questions when its too late. He also has a tempter and loves to flirt.

Bio:Richard was born in sunny Brisbane and lived happily. When he was 16 he moved to Vermont with his family. He took up drumming and joined a highschool band

Other:Despite all his claims. Richard has not so much as even kissed a girl

Optional- Theme Song: We can dance- Men without hats


Name: Nathan Jackson

Nickname: Nat, Nate

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hometown: Ottawa, Ontario

Current Residence: Middlebury, Vermont

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 165 lbs

Hair Color: Brunette

Eye Color: Brown

Build: Athletic

Tattoos/Piercings: None

Personality: Nathan has a very strange personality, mainly because of how he acts and how people expect him to act and behave. Nathan although looking like this tough guy who doesn't care about anyone and will fight anyone who looks at him the wrong way. Is actually one of the nicest and sweetest guys you can meet, I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover. Nathan is a big teddy bear, some people who know him really well say at times he can be as clingy and emotional as a girl. Nathan is tough and won't let anyone step on him or pick on someone he cares about.

Bio: Nathan grew up surrounded by women, his mothers were all he had, he never knew his father and well neither did they. Nathan also had a sister who is 3 years younger than he is. His mothers did the best they could to raise Nate, they signed him up for football and basketball. Although he enjoyed football and basketball, one year he asked to join the swim team. He found out very quickly that swimming was what he excelled at, receiving various awards for it. Nate was always confident, mainly because his mothers helped him to feel comfortable with himself. When Nate graduated high school he got a scholarship for swimming at a college in Vermont. He really liked the school and made the move.

Other: Nate has Narcolepsy (A sleep disorder causing extreme daytime drowsiness)

Theme Song: Stronger by Kanye West

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Eloise St.Carter


Eloise Alexandria St.Carter


18 years old




Hometown - London

Current Residence - Vermont



Height: 5"4

Weight: 119 lbs

Hair Color: Purple

Eye Color: Brown

Build: Slight hourglass

Tattoos/Piercings: Peter pan on her wrist

True Self

Ellie is more of a dark character, she hides her horrendous past with a smile. She comes off as impolite yet intelligent when you first meet her, or if you aren’t one of her close friends. Her bi-polar disorder can cause tension among all her friends as all her emotion are deep. She loves hard, her anger a burning flame, her sadness an ocean. She is too quick to trust, often leaving her in a off mood. All in all, however, her only bad quality is his thirst for revenge.

She grew up with only a mother, who was in an abusive relationship. Eloise became a target of his rage and went to bed with new scars and bruises. Since he left for a month with his mistress, they took the chance to escape even thought they knew he would find a way to follow them. They have only been her a month or so and her mother now attend rehab for help.

Theme Song: Anything Blue Neighborhood

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.37b79b88b49ba401a0a578a5b6514e12.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138135" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.37b79b88b49ba401a0a578a5b6514e12.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Alexandra Grace

Nickname/s: Alex, Ally, Alexis, Lexi or Doll

Age: (Almost) 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Home town: L.A.

Current Residence: Vermont

Height: 5'4 feet

Weight: 108 pounds (49 kg)

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Green

Build: Petite

Crush: Richard
@Dapper Charmer

Tattoos/Piercings: A piercing on each ear

Personality: Alexandra is two faced, around her friends she is very happy and is actually really good at faking a smile, she is very upbeat and always enjoys having fun. But when she's alone she tends to cry, she doesn't get a lot of sleep and does things that no one would believe. She blames herself for her family's death. She really misses her older brother, sweet mother and cheerful father, and her friends tend to take her mind of them.

Bio: Alexandra was born in the beautiful L.A. and lived happily until she turned 13. When she graduated middle school, their was a huge storm and her family got into a car crash, Sapphire was the only one to survive and she moved to Vermont with her aunt and uncle. She was very depressed when her favorite person, her brother, died and soon realized she had PTSD. She found a group of friends that made her feel better about herself, and she feels horrible that she keeps so many secrets from her closests friends.

Other: She has Claustrophobia, PTSD, and Depression. She doesn't want to but she feels it's necessary to keep her problems a secret from her friends.

Optional- Theme Song:




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Avis Verele Notch

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/3e5f044b07b24282cdc58f96840ee501.jpg.8404f90dc9657c0d5d6c8628ffd884d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138260" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/3e5f044b07b24282cdc58f96840ee501.jpg.8404f90dc9657c0d5d6c8628ffd884d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Full Name: Avis Verele Notch

Nickname/s: Avey wavy, Ver

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Home town: Middlevury, Vermont
"Born 'n' Raised"

Current Residence: Middlevury, Vermont


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 120 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Build: Tall & Slim

Tattoos/Piercings: N/A


Persona: Avis is what most call...well a bitch. She doesn't have much tolerance for silliness or others ignorance. Some say she wound up so tight it's a wonder she hasn't blown her top yet. On the outside, she is cold, calculating and silent. She puts up a front so others have nothing to hold against her . Extremely thorough, responsible, and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration.Well-organized and hard working, she works steadily towards identified goals. She can usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it. Seeing how she doesn't take silliness she tells it how it is, disregarding anyones feelings on the matter.

Despite the troubles Avis had experienced in the past she rose above them and persevered. Very few people have a chance to get through Avis's cold extirior, and very few she trust to show her true self.Avis can actually be really kind and caring to others if they stay long enough. She doesn’t like change. It has to do with her attachment to the past, and her memories.


Bio: When Avis was born you wouldn't have known it. Her mother hopping right off the hospital bed right after she was born, and got dressed and ready for work. From what Avis has heard from hushed mutters from her parents, she was a mistake. A hiccup in her parents busy lives though Avis didn't seem to care.

Both her parents were in high ranking jobs meaning Avis could live comfortably without a worry in the world. Even though she was angry at her parents for not paying more attention to her she didn't blame them. They didn't ask for her, she was the one thing that they never planned in their perfect lives. She was the one thing that gave away that they were human. Lucky her.

Though like most relationships this day in age her parent split with a rather nasty divorce. Never seeing eye to eye on how to run the business. Avis wasn't shocked by it seeing they haven't been around each other for longer than 10 minutes. When they were finished with the divorced paper's Avis was just finishing her sophomore year of high school.

With her parents, split Avis fell into the wrong crowd and at 16 Avis had gotten pregnant by her late boyfriend. When her father found out he was furious, demanding to know how she let this happen. He refused to let her child into their home, therefore, forcing Anais to put her child up for adoption. Therefore Avis went to live with her Aunt who agreed to help. By this time she dropped out of school to take online courses. No one knew of her pregnancy so when she returned to finish out her senior year of high school she acted as if nothing was different even though she had closed herself off from her friends that time she was away.


Theme Song:

Other: She has a dream to become a model but knows her chances are slim.



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Full Name: Jaylin Ophelia Scott

Nickname/s (if any): Jay, Jamie

Age (18-20): 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality (All are welcome): Bisexual

Home town: Middlevury, Vermont

Current Residence: Middlevury, Vermont

Height: 6'2

Weight: 119 lbs

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde/ Light Brown

Eye Color: Green/Blue

Build: Tall and slim, slightly lanky but elegant

Tattoos/Piercings: No piercings


Personality: Jay, to put it frankly, is a bitch, but not in a cold way. In fact, she is a very firey personality with extreme emotions. She often will run head-first into a situation without thinking about the consequences, and she is a big thrill-seeker. She's had multiple run-ins with the law, and it is a bit of a surprise to her parents and her friends that she isn't in jail. Although all of this can make her seem like a bad person, deep down she is kind and gentle, as well as very protective of her friends. She has murdered someone who threatened one of their lives. She isn't proud of it, and does NOT like when people bring it up, but she wasn't caught and still believes slightly that the person had it coming.

Bio: "You think I'm telling you? Shit, I haven't even told my parents."

Other: She dislikes needles, but has no problem with tattoo needles, believing them just like pens. This is mostly why she doesn't have her ears pierced.

Theme Song:


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Full Name: Clementine LaCroix

Nickname/s (if any): Clem

Age (18-20):18

Gender: Female

Sexuality (All are welcome):Heterosexual

Home town: Beverly Hills, California

Current Residence: MiddleBury, Vermont (for EVERYONE)


Weight:155 lbs

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Dark green, but usually she’ll wear her dark glasses

Build: She stands on the thinner side, but that doesn’t stop her from working out and stuffing her face


Personality Clementine unfortunately did not grow up with the best role models. I don’t mean a drug dealer father or an alcoholic mother, she literally grew up wth no role model. Her parents worked and her twin sister well, she was kind of a c*nt if you catch my drift. Clem can actually be a very nice person once one got through her thick exterior. Being ostracized by your own parents does a lot to a child. She has a hard time getting use to the idea of people actualy wanting to be around her. Friends, Family, she doesn’t know the meaning of the word, never had the luxury.

Bio: Clem was born to the LaCroix Family of Beverly Hills. Her Father was one of the wealthiest Plastic surgeons in town, working crazy hours and hardly seeing his family. Her Mother was a lawyer, and when they did come home, their work came with them. They hardly had time for their two kids. Yes two kids. Clem is the second born of the LaCroix Twins. Elder sister Hailey got the whatever attention was available. On occasion like their birthday Clem got some sort of affection. A hug. A Kiss. Never a “happy birthday Clem” or “ Yay another year older Clem” But at 16 Clementine had had enough and packed her bags, hauling ass across town. She wanted to shed everything that reminded her of the family..except one thing. Her name. Lacroix was a handy name and it would be a shame to lose it. So all she had to do was tell a hotel manager her name and she had a place for at least a night or two… of course she would have to wear a blonde wig and answer to the name of Hailey. But a roof other than her parents for a small price of a name wasn’t too much. I guess it’s a good thing her sister soon fell victim to drugs and sex. All the better for Clementine.

Other: Clem has a jagged scar on her right side from selling one of her kidneys on the black market for some cash. You really think she’s the kind of girl to depend on her Family for the rest of her life?

Optional- Theme Song: [media]


Noeru Ito

Full Name: Noeru Ito

Nickname/s: 'No'

Age (18-20): 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Hometown: Kahului, Hawai'i

Current Residence: Middlebury, Vermont

Height: 5'7" [~170 cm]

Weight: 125 lb [~57 kg]

Hair Color: Reddish brown

Eye Color: Brown

Build: Fairly thin and lean with general muscle mass

Tattoos/Piercings: None​


Noeru is easy going and witty. He could easily be described as a socialite, being approachable and highly flirtatious. He has a sort of charm that draws people in. When it comes to those he cares for, he is affectionate and passionate. Most of his decisions are made on a whim, going on instinct. He has a high confidence level, but this also makes him a bit egotistical. At times, he's a little coarse and mischievous, being very driven toward and focused on getting what he wants and not concerned with how it affects others. He can also be a little underhanded. Contrarily, he is the person to go to with your problems if you want no-nonsense solutions and he'll even do favors (although he may seem begrudged to do so).


Noeru's history is probably peachy compared to most - not without fault, but peachy. He grew up in Hawai'i - first in Kahului until he was five, then moved to Honolulu when his father got promoted. His two parents worked long hours and spent most of their time focused on their jobs -- his father more than his mother. The new city is where he befriended Makaio in grade school, a 'hapa' as they say, who would grow to be his best friend. Due to his parents' busy schedule, he spent most of his time visiting Makaio and hanging out with other friends they made once older, Will and Harlow. The only time his mother slowed down was when she was pregnant. He has a little sister, Koharu, who's 4 years younger.

When his father got another promotion, they ended up moving to the mainland, forcing him to leave behind his closest friends and girlfriend. Nothing at home changed aside from the fact that his father now had days where he had to sleep at work from time to time, and his mother was...actually home a little more often as she was still trying to find work since her job couldn't be transferred. However, she doesn't tend to be home - either out looking for work, shopping with his father's money, or doing something with new-made friends. Sometimes he wonders if she'd even possibly be meeting other men, considering his father's not around much... He only finds the idea amusing. On a typical day at his home, it's very quiet. You'd only find one or two people at home - him with Koharu [who he sometimes affectionately calls Ko or Koko], Koharu with his mother, or one of the three. Noeru rarely takes his sister out on his ventures, but of everyone in the house, they're probably the closest. Most likely, it's due to the fact that they understand what they go through... Admittedly, Noeru's happy to leave home, but he's sad to leave his sister alone. On the bright side, she's only got high school left.

Other: Noeru speaks fluent Japanese...but usually doesn't bother. The only time he might use it is at home or 'in the heat of the moment' with any strong emotions.



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Aato said:

He grew up in Hawai'i - first in O'ahu until he was five, then moved to Honolulu when his father got promoted. The new city is where he befriended Makaio in grade school, a 'hapa' as they say, who would grow to be his best friend.


Not trying to call you out or anything but I live in Oahu so it's kinda bothering me. Oahu is the island that the state capital Honolulu is on. I mean I could have read this wrong but just in case. Also, idk if you know this but hapa means half caucasian and half some type of Asian, doesn't matter what. Plus is also can be a little offensive for some seeing how it was used to degrade people way back when but it's taken on a more positive meaning throughout the years. Again I could have just read this wrong but in case not I'm just letting you know. Sorry if I seem rude. I swear I have the best intentions. Again I could have just read this wrong, so I apologize if I did.


name: river kevall

nickname: lake, ocean, brook, stream - literally any other body of water.

age: nineteen

gender: male

sexuality: bisexual with a slight preference for females.

hometown: born and raised in middlebury

current residence: middlebury,vermont

height: 5'9

weight: 148 pounds.

hair color: dark, almost black.

eye color: brown.

build: toned, broad shouldered.

tattoos: none.

piercings: 2cm gauges.

personality: your typical stoner, save for the fact that he's valedictorian. growing up with the burden of living up to expectations, river's been shaped into an all around good guy

where he does lack a good moral standing, his skills are impeccable. he's never NOT high, but hell if that stops him from making interesting conversation. if you're able to stand

the stench of weed long enough, you may find that he's the best kind of comfort there is.

bio: simply put, his mother and father both come from dirty money and neither give a rat's ass what happens to their life as it spirals out of control. with four siblings, all ranging in age from twelve to twenty-six, it's

easy to tell that they have grown tired of the responsibility. with the lack of affection at home, he searched for it elsewhere and found himself rather popular among his classmates. an honor roll student with

a taste for the arts. if only his parents knew him enough to be proud.

other: due to his upbringing, he's been in many failed relationships over the last few years, though he often remains friends with his past lovers.

he flirts with literally everybody he talks too, no matter if he's genuinely interested or not. it often leads to pretty interesting conversations on his part.

his watch-list on netflix is a mile long, and maybe that's due to the fact that he's not only a procrastinator, but he's also extremely impatient.

theme song: rejects - five seconds of summer



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