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Road trip gone wrong ((Allsmiles+ Juju))

"You're everything I am and better!" Leilani yelled back at her. "I would always risk my life Riley- we're best friends!" She huffed, taking a shaky breath. She couldn't believe Riley was trying to scold her, trying to tell her what to feel and do. Riley was another sister to Leilani. She would never treat the girl like that.

Scotty didn't say anything, a smirk on his face at the two fighting. He never knew they would fight the way they acted. This was something new. Not that he liked it or anything- It was something out of the ordinary.

Leilani turned from Riley, looking up at Matt when he rested his arm around her. She shuddered at his words, blushing once more as her heart seemed to skip a beat.

"I don't love you." She said, looking away from him and trying to hide her blush, angered at herself for getting so flustered. "I would never fall in love with someone who has pretty much ruined my life."
"That's a lie, Leilani you have a family, you have friends. You teach kids! What am I? Lets line them up together. I have no family! I only have you, when I do have other friends, they stab me in the back, Im a cruddy author!" She didnt understand, why would she ever risk her life. "you have people to get home to, I have a cat to return to." Leilani was the only person in her life that hadnt tried to screw up anything. She could never live with herself knowing that Leilani risked her lie for her. She continued arguing even though matt had his arm around her.


"Ruined your life? Maybe I ruined your trip, but once we get to mexico your home free." he laughed "Your no fun." he scooted away pouting as if he was a little kid. "But remember babe, im always ready to party." He wink biting his lip cutely. He had such a innocent face, thats how the got out of trouble when they were kids. Just those puppy dog eyes, could make anyone rollover on command.
"You're a wonderful author Riley! Do you know how many people read your books?!" Leilani said, looking at the girl. "You are read around the world! Millions of people love your work. You've even got letters from fans whose lives you saved! Riley you're more important than you think."

"She's right. I mean look at you." Scotty added. "You look like someone who could make a man beg." He said with a shrug.

"That was very disgusting but okay, I can work with that." Leilani said. "You're a beautiful woman Riley and despite what you think and wish, I would never let you get killed. We're going to get out of this okay? Just like Matt said. We're free as soon as we hit Mexico."

She looked over at Matt and frowned. She gasped, blushing brightly when he winked and bit his lip. She turned away from him, biting at her nails and trying to stop her racing heart.
She stop for a moment and thought. She wanted to win this battle, but she was making a fool out of herself by yelling. "Yes, your right. We are home free, but this conversation is more then that. I we were ever put in a situation like that, never choose yourself. Think of your mother, and the children you help. Just think about it IF that situation ever happen. She then looked at Scotty confused, she then decided not to think to much into it.


The car was now silent, the only sound was the flickering of a lighter.


Then a horrible gasp came out of no where. "M-My favorite lighter is out of fuel! Now I only get to use matches." This time he was seriously pouting. He was acting like a complete child. He light a match up, intill it burn out. When ever he didnt have fire, he became a nervous wreck. He was a true Pyro.
Leilani sighed, not bothering to respond to Riley. She moved to her side of the car and slowly dozed off, truly tired with everything that had gone on. She didn't know how long they'd been driving but jumped up in surprise when she heard Matt gasp.

She placed a hand to her chest, sending the man a glare and she tried to calm her breathing.

Scotty glanced back, a bit surprised at him. "Geez man. Alright. We've been on the road for a while now. I need to get out of this car. There's a small gas station about two miles ahead. We'll go there and get you another one." He said, changing lanes.
Riley looked back at Matt, then looked at Scotty confused, "Really? A lighter, your risking getting caught to get your friend a lighter?" she chuckled yawning. She refused to go to sleep, she didnt want them to pull anything on Leilani, but she was absolutely tired. It was dark already. They probably have been driving for a couple of hours. All she was doing was staring out the window.


"Sorry for waking you. And yes I need a lighter, everywhere." He then chuckled "Hey cutie" he looked over at Leilani "You look stunningly beautiful when you sleep." he loved teasing her, but it was all true. He was attracted to her, alot. He smiled cutely at the thought of them together.
"She has a point." Leilani said, glancing up at Scotty. "You threaten us with a call yet you'd stop for a lighter."

"Why are you talking? Both of you?" Scotty asked, rolling his eyes in annoyance. He pulled into the gas stop. "Alright everyone out and go into the store you two. Take a walk around and grab something to eat. I need to find us a spot to stay in tonight." He said, shutting the car off and getting out of his own door before opening Leilani's since he'd put the child lock on.

Leilani got out of the car, sliding past Scotty, rubbing her arms with a sigh. She wanted to run but didn't think it'd be a good idea so she'd stay with them for now.
He was letting us out! This was the time to run. She got out of the car, walking over to Leilani quickly. Giving a look that meant that they were going to get out of here. She force herself not to smile. She was extremely happy, if they couldnt run they could always ask the cash register person for help. She whispered in a voice only Leilani could hear. "Follow me no matter what." her tone was serious. Only two cars were parked in the small parking lot. This was perfect.


Matt got out of the car, and stretched a bit. He looked over to Scotty "I think blondie is planning something. What should I do if they try and do something. I cant pull a gun they have camera's" he was truly worried "Is this safe? Are you sure you of this. I can just run in, or we can split the girls up."
Leilani looked ahead, not bothering to look at Riley. She felt it would give away what she was saying and didn't want them getting suspicious. She gave a short nod, turning away. "Okay Riley."

Scotty looked up and nodded. "Yeah it's risky. We keep them split up when we go in there. You get your lighter. We leave. Quick and simple here man." He said, walking over to them and wrapping an arm around the both of them. "Hey there dolls! Ready to go?" He asked, forcing them to walk to the doors, pushing Leilani over to Matt.

He pulled Riley a bit closer, smiling at the man at the counter when they entered.

"Don't you dare." He said, his voice cold.
Riley was excited, she felt the adrenaline start. There was help, she had to get it no matter what. She saw the cashier, he was a big man, it look like he would be able to fight off the two, hopefully. If not there was camera's he would call the cops. It was freedom.


"Okay"matt smiled in agreement. When they got in the shop, they split up the girls. He wrapped his arm around Leilani. "Try anything, I will kill you." He growled seductively into her ear. It made them seem like a couple, but there was a serious tone in his voice.

They went directly to the lighter, he grabbed multiple lighters. Then he smoothly walked over to the counter. He had a now tight grip around her waste.


"What are you going to do? There are cameras everywhere, and a man the size of both you together. Were leaving today, and you guys are screw." her voice was cold, as his. She began to push away from him, her heart was pumping. She was going to shout help, but she had to get away from him first.
Leilani felt a shiver go down her back, wincing slightly when he whispered. She blushed brightly despite what he said. She wondered what it would really sound like if he hadn't just threatened to kill her. She nodded and went wherever he went, keeping silent. When they got to the cashier, she turned in his grip, wrapping an arm around his waist and turning to look for Riley, trying to get her attention.

She wanted to leave now but didn't know if it'd be a good idea.


"The man may be bigger than us- that's very true," Scotty said boredly, walking around and looking at the shelf for whatever candy he wanted. "But what does brute force have against two guns?" He asked, grinning. His grin dropped to a frown and he growled, grabbing her up. He pressed her against the wall, pushing her harder into the wall. He let an arm wrap around her waist.

"I've been very nice to you right now," He growled. "Do not test me my darling or I will put an end to you. I don't like breaking promises, especially to people like your friend. Or maybe I should kill her instead?"
He got the lighters, and smiled as Leilani wrap her arm around him. Then look over to Scotty who had Riley pin against the wall. It was weird seeing him with a chick. He was usually all work no play. This may still had to do with work, but it was still really weird. He nodded towards Scotty giving him the signal that he was leaving. He walked out the store, pulling Leilani with him.


"So no matter what you do you'll get caught." she shivered as he pinned her against the wall. "Y-you have the guns on you." She had a plan, ether this was going to work, or she would make a couple idiot of herself. She needed the cashier to look at them. She just needed him to look at her. Once the other two left the store, the focus was on them. She hug scotty, she mouthed help me to the cashier. His face went pale as he realized what she said. She stopped hugging him "I-Im sorry I just dont want you to hurt us." She prayed that the cashier was calling the police now.
Leilani made a small noise, looking back at Riley when Matt pulled her out of the store. She bit her lip in worry, wanting to rush back into the store. She needed to get away from him. She took a deep breath counting to ten in her mind. She'd make a break for it and try and rescue Riley a bit later. She simply hoped the girl wouldn't be upset with her for running without her.

She turned looking up at Matt. "I don't think you ever told me your name..." She said softly, leaning against the car and pulling him close to her, letting her hands run down his chest. She needed to get him to not be so alert to what she was to do and figured flirting would be the best way to do it.


"Of course I have the gun on me doll." He cooed in her ear, kissing it just to tease her before pulling away. He stiffened with the hug and gave her a bewildered look. "What are you doing, touching me like that?" He hissed, backing off of her and using his wrapped arm on her waist to walk around the store.

He grabbed what he wanted and went over to the counter, putting it there before sending the man a small smile.

"That's all. Ring me up please." He said politely. He wrapped his other arm around Riley's waist, pulling her close, her back to his chest. He rested his head on top of hers with a small smile before kissing at her neck.

"Go ahead and make a face to the man..." He mumbled against her skin, loud enough for her to hear. "Watch as I kill him in front of you. You can have a front row seat."
Matt laughed, "Get in the car." he purred opening the door. "If you want to play will do it in there. You really need to work on trying to escape. Its called building up a character. You really think that I wouldnt notice you trying to flirt with me out of the blue." He laughed kina shoving her in the car. "But now that were in a lock place you can continue flirting." He laughed truly amused.


She prayed that the cashier was able to read her lips before, because she couldnt do anything now. She just smiled

"Why would I have to make a face, doll" she mocked him. "and I bet you would, your a monster." She purred back. She hated having him all over her. She couldnt help her heart beating. Please sir help me she wanted to yell, and plead, but all she could do is hope, and that he read her lips.
Leilani huffed at his words, yelping when she was pushed into the car. She glared at him.

"I don't need to build character when I can do this!" She yelled, slamming the door shut before he could get in. She quickly locked it and climbed up to the front, opening the driver's door and tumbling out. She hit the ground with a yelp but quickly scrambled up, running away.

"Oh I make plenty of faces." He chuckled, looking up at the cashier and giving him the money. "Would you like to see them? They only come out when I'm doing frisky things with beautiful women..." He chuckled, grabbing the bag. He pulled away from her and took her hand, leading her out.
Matt ran around the car cursing. He pulled out his gun pointing it at her,"Freeze ill shoot you, then ill torture your friend. Slowly, and painfully." His voice was furious. No one was in the parking lot, no one was around. He didnt want to kill her, but he would if he had to. He didnt chase her he just stood there pointing a gun at her. "You have ONE chance to turn around, and get in the car, and trust me I will enjoy torturing your friend." his voice was serious.


Please read my lips. Please! "Your nasty...I have so much hatred for you. Your disgusting." it was all true, she just wanted to go home. She just wanted to get away from him. She wanted to cry, she was tired, frustrated, worried. She followed him out feeling completely defeated. Im sure that showed on her face. She had been sad before, but this is probably one of the worst. Dont they feel a little bad, did we deserve this. Thats all that repeated in her head.
Leilani froze when she heard that he'd shoot her. Tears ran down her face as she stared out ahead. Freedom. Freedom was so close to her yet so far. She stiffened at his voice, a small sob coming out of her mouth. She didn't want Riley dead. She turned back around, staring at him with pleading eyes.

"I'm glad you have this hatred and disgust for someone like me." He said, pulling her out the store and glancing back at the man. He seemed a bit suspicious. Maybe they could blow the place up... He'd think about it.

He realized just what predicament Matt was in and growled, pulling Riley over to where Matt was so they were out of the view of the man.

"Look chick," He called, whipping Riley closer to him. He pulled his own gun out and placed it to her head.

"Come on back over here so we can go to the motel. Get some sleep. You look like you need it. Sleep. Want that? Nice warm bed. You'll be with Riley here. All is good. Just come on back over here...Nice and slow." He said, his voice calm. He glanced at Matt, letting him know to be ready and grab her up if she didn't move.

"Just let me go!" She cried. "Let her go! Just leave us alone!" She took a step back, shaking her head. She didn't want to go back in there. She refused to go back in there willingly. She took a deep breath, preparing herself to be there in her last final moments.

It was then and there, her cellphone rang in his pocket.
Riley choke up as he held the gun up to her head, "RUN! go get help, GO" he voice was serious, but her legs began to shake. "Remember what I said in the car! Your mom! Your friends. Please run."


Matt had his gun focus on Leilani, "No forget what she said, She wants her life look at your bestfriends knees, she can barley stand! Be a hero save your friend, she going to thank you later."


Riley struggled a bit trying to escape, "Please Run, do it for me!"
Leilani looked between them and her friend, sobbing. She looked at Riley and bit her lip.

"I love you so much Riley." She cried out. With that she turned and began to run.

"Oh no you don't." Scotty said, taking the gun from Riley's head and pointing it at Leilani. He shoot with no hesitation at her feet.

She screamed when she heard it and jumped in the air. "Okay, okay! I'm coming back! Just don't shoot! No more shooting!" She yelled, turning around. She sobbed, quickly making her way back over to them and standing beside Matt.

"Get your ass back over here, now." Scotty growled at her. He opened the door and shoved Riley in before getting in on the driver's side. He started the car, a growl escaping his lips in annoyance.
They all got in the car, Riley was controlling her breathing. Why was this happening. She then looked back at Leilani, "You okay" she smiled as calmly as she could, she knew that both the guys were annoyed, but she needed to calm Leilani down. "You did a good job, just take deep breaths, we'll be at the motel soon." She smiled one more time, and then she looked forward again. She felt faint, but she refused to shut her eyes, if he shot at her feet so easily, he could do other thing easily. She wasn't risking Leilani life. Hopefully the man at the cash register called the cops.


The mood was tense, everyone just needed to go to bed. He sighed, why did this have to happen. Why were this girls fighting so hard. Scotty is probably so pissed. He looked at the two in the front seat, blondie look like she was going to pass out, or throw up. Then he looked at Scotty how look like he wanted to kill everything around him. Matt sighed, refusing to look at poor Leilani.
Leilani sobbed in the back, curled up in on herself.

"I'm sorry Riley. I'm so sorry. I really tried. I'm sorry." She cried to her friend, feeling ashamed. She should have kept running instead of giving in so easily. She felt so stupid. She turned away from her friend and sobbed in her corner, not feeling utterly hopeless with what had happened. She glanced over at Matt and winced. The one of the two that actually was easy on her wasn't even looking at her anymore. She messed up. She could have gotten close to him so he could let them go.

"Stop your damn crying!" Scotty yelled angrily, slamming his fist on the steering wheel. He growled angrily, now alert as he zoomed down the highway. He didn't stop for another hour, not wanting to be anywhere near where they'd just been. He found a small rink dink hotel and pulled in, parking the car behind it where it wouldn't be seen from the road. He left Matt with the girls and went to get a room before coming back.

"Let's go. I got the key." He said, opening Riley's door and pulling her out.
Riley smiled, "No its not your fault, you did the best you could. I dont know what I would have done in the situation just relax. flinched as he slammed his fist down "Stop yelling at her! Your only making it worst." she growled back. He the tugged her out of the car. She stumbled a bit, but caught herself. The hotel was crappy, but she wasnt complaining. They would try, and escape tomorrow. She would never dare do it again tonight. He might actually kill if they tried again.


Matt got out of the car then open the door up, helping Leilani out gently. She had been through enough tonight. He didnt want anything else happen to her. He sighed, and looked down at Leilani's feet, nothing but a couple of scratches. "Listen to me." he spoke in a gentle tone, trying to calm her down. "You need to stop crying. Your just making him more angry." He wiped the tears of with his hand. They then began to walk in, they had a key so they could go directly to there room.
"I suggest you shut your mouth before you make it worse yourself." Scotty growled at Riley, pulling her up the stairs. He turned throwing Matt his own key to a room. "Yours is right next to mine. Thought it'd be best if we separate them for the night." He said, nodding his head at them before opening up his own room and pushing Riley inside.

Leilani sniffled as he helped her out of the car. She flinched when he began to speak but calmed down a bit hearing his gentle tone. She looked up at him and nodded her head slowly. She reached up to wipe her own tears but flinched when he did it herself. She didn't pull away, letting him wipe them away before following after him. She began to panic, her eyes widening when she realized she wouldn't be with Riley.

"No, no, no..." She mumbled to herself. "I have to be with Riley. Please- I don't want to do this... I'm not experienced- I'm a virgin- just please." She pleaded, backing away from Matt.

She thought they'd gotten separate rooms so they could do as they pleased and could feel her stomach churning in fear.
Riley, keep silent as he pushed her into his room. She shivered she didnt want to be near him, but now they were in the same room. She sighed standing there awkwardly. She had shared a room with a guy before, but she was a little tipsy. Now that she hadnt had a drink of alcohol it was awkward, At least to her. She just stood there, her mouth shut not wanting him to get even angrier at her. She prayed that Matt wouldnt try anything with Leilani.


Matt smiled, "You cant do that, just dont cause anymore trouble. I swear I wont touch you. Ill sleep on the floor if it makes you feel better." He laughed as he walked into the room "Be happy your not in the same room with Scotty. Rileys tough though so she'll be fine" as long as she doesnt open her mouth. Once they were in the room, matt grabbed a blanket, and a pillow, and laid it on the ground. "Well im pooped im going to bed. You should to."
Scotty slammed the door shut behind, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down.

"Your friend is a brat, did you know that?" He growled, turning back around.

He walked further into the room and grabbed a chair, dragging it back towards the door. He plopped down in it with a sigh, looking exhausted for once... Just tired of life.

"Well?" He mumbled. "Are you going to go sleep in the bed or what? Just gonna stand there like an idiot?"


Riley felt relieved at his words and followed him inside, looking around the small room. It didn't look to good but she couldn't complain. She looked over at Matt and nodded her head, slowly walking further inside. She slid past him and made her way to the bathroom.

"I'm just gonna be in here for a few minutes." She mumbled, looking back at Matt before stepping inside.

She sighed loudly and walked over to the sink and washed her face off. Making her way back to the door, she bit her lip. "...Can I have my phone please? Call my mom?"

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