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Road trip gone wrong ((Allsmiles+ Juju))


Pettiest Bitch Out There
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"Yes mom I'll be fine." 21-year-old Leilani Cap said over the phone. She yawned as her mother spoke more utter nonsense to her, looking down the road and smiling in excitement for what was to come.

"I have Riley with me too and you know she knows how to handle herself. If anything happens she'll easily be able to kick butt." Leilani said, giggling.

After a few more worried opinions she managed to get her mother off the phone. With a loud sigh, she looked over at their car and saw that the gas was done. She removed the gas spout and closed up the gas cap back on before turning around and putting the spout back where it was needed. She grinned happily to herself, throwing her hands in the air and letting out a loud scream of happiness, not caring that she'd probably scared the minivan filled with children beside her. She was free for once- free. And she was going to soar, traveling her home country with her best friend.

She climbed back into the car, fixing her glasses as she waited for her best friend to come out of the station. She turned the radio on, turning it up when she heard her favorite song. Bobbing her head with the beat she grinned.

Nothing could get better than this and nothing was going to ruin her trip.


Scotty scowled angrily, speeding the car down the highway, weaving in and out of cars with no care. They had messed up. Completely, utterly messed up. They'd been caught trying to commit a crime this time. Scotty wasn't sure how this deal had gone so awry but it had and here he was, trying to get them out of it. They'd managed to get away from the cops but Scotty knew the cops had gotten their car's description.

The next stop they'd need to move it and get out of it. Jump to a different car. He'd gladly leave the keys of the stolen car for the other person if they'd work willingly with him but if they chose not to he'd have no problem taking their life. He'd done it before and he'd most certainly do it again.

"Matt man... We messed up." Scotty mumbled to his best friend, glancing at him. "How are you doing back there? Not too hurt are you?" He asked, swerving out of the middle lane and back into the fast one, not caring that the car he'd swerved in front of had begun to honk at him.
In the gas station~

Riley was scanning the shelf's. She took everything that looked good, and carried it in her arms. The man at the counter looked at her. She glared at him, and he quickly looked down at the floor. She walked up to the register, and put the junk food on the counter.

"So where you headed to?" The man smiled as he scanned the food. She smiled back nicely "Everywhere." It was correct, they had a main plan, but Riley wasnt someone to follow a plan. Yes they both had work, but it was summer. So Leilani was off, and Riley was going to write on the road. She had never went on a road trip, but she had always want to. So she crossed road trip off her bucket list.

The main coughed, "That will be 30.99" Riley Laughed "No its only 20.00" They began in a heated argument. Intill Riley showed the prices he, winning the battle. She glared at the people, who looked at her as if she was crazy. She left the store with 3 bags, and she already had candy in her mouth. She saw Leilani screaming happily, and jumping around. She walked up to the car, putting the bags in the back.

"Your completely crazy..." she laughed getting into the drivers seat. It was a beautiful day, perfect for the start of there road trip. "You ready?"


Matt flickered his lighter on and off, as he panicked "Man...were going to be freakin caught. I dont wanna go to jail!" he was practically having a panic attack. The swerved making him hit his head on the window. His hand pushed the hair out of his face. "Ow Man, Im not ready to spend time in jail!" He kept flickering, as they swerved again. "This was going so perfectly! They caught are car, man we have to switch! Quickly, or were completely screwed!" He was breathing quick, and heavy. Scotty was usellay the only one who was calm in situations like this
Leilani smiled widely at Riley. "You bet I'm ready Riley! Let's get this started!" She cheered, laughing at herself. She giggled, feeling just a bit bubbly- high off of her happiness. Work had been absolutely stressful for her and the added work in college didn't make it much better. It was truly a miracle to her that she'd been able to get so much time off and an even bigger miracle that college had such a long break. It had taken her about a week to beg her father to let her go and despite him still not wanting her to, she still went anyway.

"This is about to be the best trip ever!" She exclaimed, smiling widely at her best friend as she giggled again before turning and searching through the bags. "Oh you got me Starbursts and my favorite Iced Tea! Riley, you are seriously an awesome person. Don't you ever forget that." She said, grinning at the girl and watching as the last car that was there with them pulled off.

She glanced into the car, seeing a few of the children still crying and pointing at her. She rolled her eyes at them.


"Calm down Matt." Scotty said, his voice soft yet still gruff. "I've got this. When have I ever let us get caught?" He said, grinning at his friend before wincing when he heard his friend's head slam into the window. "Sorry about that. We're not going to jail though. That much I can tell you." He said, taking note of the rest stop and swerving into it when he saw a car. "Because my dear friend, I just found our next car."

He swerved around the car, stopping right in front of it before it could pull away. He glanced into his rear view mirror and took note of the two girls.

"Alright Matt, this one is all you." He said calmly. "Two very fine young women. I'll pretend to be filling the car up and I need you to go sweet talk em. When I give the signal we break into the car. Whether they come out or not is up to them." He said, looking back at his friend. With a small nod, he climbed out of the car, letting his eyes wander over to the car as he ran a hand through his hair. He caught the eye of the blonde and smirked at her, licking his lips before turning away to fill the car up.
Riley smiled, she had only seen Leilani this happy a couple of times. She shrugged about the candy "I know im absolutely, amazing, but calm yourself or you'll explode!" she laughed smiling. Just then a car pulled up, Riley was checking everything. She pulled out her coffee, and looked at the children crying. "See your crazy!" She then caught a glimpse of the man checking her out. She glared, and shot dangers with her icy blue eyes. "Gross, look at this pig." She laughed again coldly. "He gives me the creeps."


They swerved, and parked in the lot. "Oh I see..." Riley flickered his lighter once more, and got out of the car with Scotty. He tucked his lighter away then, walked up to the girls car. He saw the cutest chick every, she was somewhat nerdy, but still really attractive. He tapped lightly on the passagers side window. "Hey cutie, I think you left the hose in your car. Do you want me to take it out."


Riley nudge Leilani arm softly, and murmured "His hitting on you, give him your number."
Scotty licked his bottom lip, chuckling when the girl glared at him. So she was on the feisty side... It had been a while since he'd met someone who would come as a challenge. He liked this already. Maybe he'd try and keep the girls instead. He walked over to the pump, sticking it into the car and pressing the buttons before it began. He leaned against it nonchalantly, staring off into the distance at a few of the passing cars. He could feel himself getting antsy, glancing over at Matt. If a police car were to drive by they wouldn't see Matt's face but they would surely see his. He turned, walking over to the blonde's window, tapping it with a smile. She might not have wanted him there but her attitude would keep him occupied enough until the signal was given.


Leilani blushed, sending a quick glare to Riley before looking over at the guy.

"Did I?" She called out to him. She thought she could remember taking it out. "Oh I'm such an idiot sometimes." She said, unlocking the door and climbing out. She hadn't turned to look at it but at the guy in front of her. He was insanely handsome and she could feel herself blushing even more.

"Oh you don't have to, really. I've got it. This is embarrassing." She mumbled, glancing up at him. "Thanks for letting me know!"
Riley sighed as he tapped at the window. Yes he was attractive, but she could get anyone, and this guy gave her the creeps. She looked down her window, with a cold face. "What do you want?" her voice match her face. "Were planning on leaving soon, so make it quick." She looked away, she knew she would blush if she looked him in the eyes.


She was apparently into him, he could tell. He didnt want to see to worried, but every once, and awhile he would look up to see if any cops were pulling in. When was a nervous wreck, when was that single coming. He walked around to the car, and the gas pump wasnt in her car. "I swear I thought I saw it, Im absolutely sorry. How can I repay you." He did his puppy dogs eyes. "
Scotty grinned at the girl hearing her question and smirked when she looked away. Oh this would be the perfect one to take the car away from.

"Why so feisty there sweetheart?" He asked, his voice smooth. "I noticed the way you were glaring at me and thought it'd be a perfect time to come see you. As a matter of fact, my friend and I here were planning on leave soon too! Ain't that a coincidence?"

He glanced up and saw that Matt had managed to get the other girl out of the car. He chuckled to himself, proud of his best friend. If there was one thing he could do it was certainly charm a lady.

Thanks to him he'd just given them the perfect chance.

"Matter of fact, I think we're leaving now." Scotty said, pulling out a gun and pointing it at her with a smile. "So if you could be so kind as to slid your sweet self out of the driver's seat. I'll be on my way."

He glanced up at Matt and whistled, letting him know that it was on.


Leilani furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when he would look up but thought nothing of it. She followed him without really thinking and nodded her head. "I knew I took it out!" She said, more to herself than him. She looked up and her eyes widened in surprise at the puppy dog face he had given her. She blushed brightly and looked down, her thumbs twiddling with each other.

"I-It's fine!" She said, glancing up at him. "Really. You don't have to do anything to repay me." She said, giving him a small smile- completely oblivious to what was going on with Riley.
Riley snickered "I was only glaring at you, because your a pig. You deserved it 100%." She kept glaring at him "Okay if your about to leave, get away from my car." she noticed the whistle then he pulled out a gun. "W-what" she gasped and quickly did as he told her to do she stood up side of the car. Why wasnt Leilani noticing any of this! She was probably getting held at gun point as well. "P-please take the car!"


He heard the whistle "Okay I wont repay you!" he snickered as he pulled out a gun "Now walk over to your friend. I have to discuss with my friend." he made her walk near Scotty and Riley. "Yo scotty what are we gonna do with this chicks? They have seen are faces, the would tell the cops. They also know the car were traveling in? A-are we actually gonna kill them? I never signed up or killing people.
Scotty grinned, snickering when he saw Riley's confident face turn into one of fear. He stared her down before glancing over at Scotty.


Leilani heard the whistle and turned her head in curiosity. Hearing Matt speak though she quickly turned and let out a yelp when she saw the gun. All possible crushing feelings left her and she raised her arms in fear.

"Okay!" She said quickly, walking over to Riley who she clung to, staring at the men in fear.


Scotty glanced over at his friend and snickered.

"Nah man. I'm not gonna have you kill them. You know I do the killing. But these two... I don't feel like killing them. I feel like I could have some fun with them. How about we just take the chicks along with us? Wouldn't that be fun? We could have a whole road trip party!" He exclaimed, his excitement a bit sarcastic before he laughed.
Riley was shaking in fear, but mange to keep her facial expression calm, along with her voice. "We wouldnt tell anyone! Just leave us here I beg!"

She felt like this was all unreal a dream, she felt faint. Her face was probably pale, or paler then usual.


Matt chuckled, "Yea company would be great, but I call little miss nerdy over here." He chuckled "Now we have some rules before we get going, dont call for help give us your phones."

-Riley hestiantly handed Matt the phone, then looked over at Leilani who was clinging to her. She was shaking even more, "Give them your phone, we dont want to be in more trouble then we already are."

-Matt put the phone in his pocket, well he waited for the other one "Dont try, and run or get help. We will kill you no hesitation. Anything you want to add Scotty?"
Leilani glared at him. She wasn't a nerd! Far from it! The asshole! She huffed, pulling out her phone and angrily throwing it at him. Her facial structure changed quickly when she realized who she'd just thrown it at and whimpered.

"Sorry! She's right! We won't tell! Just leave us alone!" She pleaded, tears running down her face.

"No can do little miss." Scotty replied, causing Leilani to sniffle.

He thought for a few seconds before shaking his head. "I think you got everything! The only thing I have to say is to have fun with us! This is going to be a very long ride." He said, laughing.

"You want the girls in the back on one in the front, one in the back?" He asked Matt. "We gotta get moving now. We've been here for too long."
Riley was completely shocked when she threw the phone angrily. "Calm down Leilani, your emotions arent going to help anything. Try and control yourself" she spoke calmly still shaking.


"Watch yourself" Matt growled as she threw the phone. He waited a bit to calm down, "Yes have fun, this is a once in a life type of thing." he laughed "One girl in the front and one in the back. So they dont plan anything, and we can watch them easier." He shoved Leilani in the car, the gun still pointed at her.


Riley hesitated, not wanting to get in the car.
"I'm sorry!" Leilani whimpered, "I didn't mean to! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! Please don't kill me."

She yelped when she was shoved, tumbling into the back seat. She hit her head on the window, yelping out in pain before crying some more as she pushed herself into the corner of the car.

"In the car now." Scotty growled at her, pointing to the front passenger seat. He opened the door where Leilani was and put the kid's lock on before slamming it shut. He looked up at Riley. "I won't ask again. If I do I will forcefully put you in the car. Or would you like to spend some time in the trunk? I can arrange that."
Matt looked worries when she hit her head. He got in the back, he looked at her sadly, then looked away. He got out his lighter, and light it as he messed with the fire. He felt, like this was going to go bad. Someone was going to get hurt. He didnt want to hurt this girls, or anyone. He had only killed on person, it had to do with one of there crimes. He hated it. He felt sorry for the to girls, he couldnt image the fear and pain that they were feeling. Hopefully they wouldnt try anything, cause they would have to be punished. "Y-You okay?" He pointed to her head


She sighed, hopefully her legs would move. "F-fine!" she clumsy walked to the car. She was scared out of her mind! "Please just let us go!" she began to beg in the car.
"No can do doll." Scotty said, getting in the car himself. He looked out and pulled the car away, pulling back off into the traffic on the highway.

"We're not gonna hurt ya. All you have to do is listen to everything we say!" He said, smiling at her. He looked around, swerving into another lane before slamming on the gas and laughing as the speed increased.

Leilani glanced up at him but didn't say a word, turning away from him and holding herself tighter. She shivered with fear, thinking of the guns the guys had on them and had to stop herself from whimpering once again. She had to be strong. She couldn't be weak in a time like this. Riley was being strong and she needed to be strong as well.
Riley, felt tears build in her eyes. She looked away quickly wiping the tears off of her eyes. She had to stay strong for Leilani, but she had just realized how bad of a situation they were in. "When will you let us go? o-or are you going to make us drive with you forever?" her voice was now angered and shaken. Do what ever they say! Did they even have a choice!


Matt looked away sadly. He began play with his lighter some more "Where are we even going to go, scotty? Man this sucks! We need to get out of the country, or we'll be completely screw." He took some candy out of the bag, and began eating it nervously.Then he started to burn the candy.
"My doll we're not letting you go for a good while." Scotty said, smirking at her. "Are we going to drive with you forever. I don't think I wanna do that. Not with a nerdy girl and a stuck-up one. No fun in that." He glanced back at Matt. "You know that's a wonderful question as to where we're going. How about a lovely trip to Mexico? I think we need a vacation after this one." He said. "How does that sound?"

Leilani said nothing, glancing up over at Scotty before looking over at Matt.

"I don't want to go to Mexico!" She mumbled, tears coming to her eyes once more. "I just want to go home with my friend. You don't even know us! Just let us go!"
This was no time to be mouthy, but she wanted to tell this guy off so bad. "You guys are horrible!" She was fighting back tears, "Mexico! Thats going way past where we were going! People are going to notice, they'll come and get us! You guys are screw!" she began to have a panic attack, her breath began to speed up.


Matt laughed "Yes Mexico sounds great!" He smiled. Then Riley began to freak out. Matt sighed "What if she right man!" He was calm himself, but you still could tell that he was extremely nervous.
"You're not the first person to call me horrible doll." Scotty said with a shrug. He looked out the window before switching lanes and speeding up some. "I've been called worse as well. Matt don't listen to her. You're letting her get to you. Unless you have a different place to go then it's Mexico." He said before glancing at Riley. "Listen here- I see one car with two girls. You've got a bunch of snacks in the back seat there. Know what tells me? This isn't some one day trip. This isn't even a week trip. I bet if I were to open up the trunk I'd see some suitcases. It's summer. You're vacationing. I know. So it'll be a while before people start to question just where you went. By the time they do it'll already be too late." He said, sending her a malicious grin.

Leilani wrapped her arms around herself tighter, whimpering at the words. She didn't want to go to Mexico. Not at all. She just wanted her trip.

"Please, just let us go." She pleaded. "My mama. I have to call her."

Turning, she grasped onto Matt's sleeve, giving him a fierce look. "My mama is going to be calling again in the next hour. If I don't pick up she'll get worried. That's all the suspicion we need. So what are you going to do about it?" She asked, her voice slightly wobbly with fear.
She knew that, he was a horrible person so its not surprising he was called worst. "Yes we were going on vacation, b-but" he stumped her there. What if know one noticed, what going to happen to them. She smiled when Leilani brought up her mom, "You guys are screw! Leilani's mom is way to protective! She'll know when somethings up!"


Matt now became worried, and it showed through his voice. "Man what are we going to do! Your the brains think of something." He looked at Leilani "Do you have a boyfriend? his voice was still worried, but his eyes were serious, and somewhat angry.
"I'm thinking Matt." Scotty said, going into a deathly silence as he continued to drive. He smirked after a few minutes.

"Simple," He said. "She'll answer the call. I'm sure she's a good enough girl to say that everything's alright. If not then I'll blow her best friend's brain out." He looked at Leilani through the rearview mirror. "That sound good? You wanna be the reason your friend dies?"

He was lying of course. He would never shoot the girl but they didn't know that.

Leilani's face paled at the threat and she could feel a lump in her throat. She looked up at Matt, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion at his question. She took a note of his eyes and quickly let go of him, shying away.

"N-no." She answered, glancing back up at him.
Riley, thought for a moment. "D-dont listen. You need to get your mom to worry, I dont care what they say get your mom to worry." her voice trembled at the thought of death, but she didnt know what this guys were going to do. It could lead to the death of both of them. Leilani had more of a life, she had more friends, and a family. She was a teacher, she did amazing things for a living. Riley sighed, she was just a author, who party's way to much. She didnt have anyone except for Leilani.


Matt didnt want any deaths, he knew that Scotty probably would kill her. "Why dont I just pick up, ill act like a friend of hers, or a boyfriend. I-I dont know..." anything but killing people.
"No Riley!" Leilani cried out. "I'm not going to jeopardize it! I'm not getting you killed. So don't you dare tell me to go ahead and do it." She said, her voice cold as a tear ran down her cheek. She wiped it away quickly. Riley was a lot more important than she thought she was. Leilani hadn't always been the happiest girl out there, falling deeper and deeper into something of a depression and it was Riley who had pulled her out of it. Riley had saved her life. She certainly wouldn't give the girl up.

"Smart girl." Scotty said, snickering slightly. He glanced back at Matt and smiled. "I'm liking the idea man. I'm sure that could work out. Let her say a quick hi and tell her mom she's busy. That's a lot easier to do than give her trust."

Leilani bit her lip, blushing at the thought. She couldn't argue against that. Despite her mother being protective she'd probably have a ball if she found that Leilani had a boyfriend.
Riley frown, frustrated at the thought of leilani giving up her life, to save her. It may not be that way in this situation, but if there was ever a need for one of them to be dead, and she choose herself. "W-Why would you say that. Im nothing compared to you!" the frustration, and anger leak into her. "Dont you ever risk your life for me!" she was practicality scolding her. If that day ever did come she would want Leilani never to make that mistake. She didnt mean to yell at her. It was just everything that was happening building up in her.


Matt smiled, "Well I can talk my wait out of anything." he laughed "Ill be ready for when your mom calls." he smiled even greater when he saw the bush. He scooted closer to her rested his arm around her neck. "I know your in love with me. Dont hide it, I understand im completely irresistible." He did this for fun, and to stop the two girls from bickering.

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