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Roabie's Pursuit (Themes&Plots inside)


Unlucky Member

That'll be it for now! No more requests, please.

Greetings hummies, I'm Roabie.

So I've got some things. I probably wont take on too many RPs since I'm bad with juggling a lot of things at once and I still have a life outside of here. Imagine that.

Anyways. Here you go.

  • First things first, however.

I can have an elaborate and detailed style. But that's dependent upon you. The less I get, generally, the less I return after a bit. Two-three paragraph responses to single-paragraphs will only go on for so long.

^ I have nothing against single-paragraphs. I just only like to revert to that if I'm having writers block or a bad/lazy day.

I'm super LGBTAQ friendly. I'll do pretty much any romance and play as/with trans characters as well as "gender queer" people.

Not a big fan of anime-ish pictures to describe a character. I like descriptions, real pictures and semi-real representations much more. No hate against anime, just not a big thing for me anymore.

Please be fairly literate with nice syntax. Spelling errors don't bother me as much as a lack of vision, so to speak.

Also, just to say now, don't inquire about +18 themes because legal reasons. I'm still just a baby in the eyes of the law!


I am mostly interested in Fantasy(high&low), Sci-Fi, Apocalypses, and Historical Fiction. I'm not huge on Slice-of-Life.


A futuristic apocalypse aftermath.

The "end of civilization" happened 106 years earlier, in 2250 with the Fifth World War. There was highly advanced technology and now, little remnants and fully/semi-destroyed artifacts. Humanity's whole population is a mere fragment of what it use to be, and many space-inhabitants have left the remaining peoples confined to the Earth. Few expeditions are made to collect civilians, and they are always small. People survive on old technology, remade or new technology, and the nature around them. Often in communities, not unusually in coteries, and rarely alone.

I have two(more like four) current little ideas. A space-inhabitant(or multiples) crash lands and comes to a community or group and tries to accustom themselves to the new and harsher life. Or, alternatively, they begin to travel with a lone adventurer. Secondly, groups can be coming together to form a community or two individuals can try and get groups formed for a future community, or look for one together. These can work as 1x1's or for Group RPs.

This would be similar to Fallout, but the technology would be much more polished and the all-around feel way less Western. There would be tons of overgrowth and the like, too, since it wasn't nuclear warfare that caused this. Also, there could be a plethora of "new" or "enhanced" animals from experimentation. I'd prefer the hummies just remain as regular ol' hummies.

A simple "Walking Dead"-esque RP. Pretty basic. We can discuss it.

Something in Ancient Greece. I've honestly been yearning for a M/M and F/M romance in this setting. For the F/M, I was thinking of a Goddess and a human man. I'd prefer she not be one of the "major" players we all know, like Aphrodite or Athena for instance. Someone more obscene, or she could be completely original. I was thinking the human could have been raised by fantastical creatures and comes to meet her through that fact?

As for the M/M, I wanted fantasy elements involved, but have them both be human. Perhaps a civilian and a soldier? Maybe the civilian is a trouble maker or the soldier deserts for their sake and they run off and end up going on adventure from it? Really need to talk to someone about this
:P .

An Irish-set one, again, in older times. Another romance, too. I was thinking a wisp/some sort of spirit or a type of shapeshifter that's cursed to a region within the mountains that requires the help of a mortal to be freed? I actually have had this idea for ages and have a setup for the supernatural character here. However, that doesn't mean I have to play them at any cost =P.

I'm also open to most any other ancient cultures, like one in the Orient or Nordic, etc.

Fandoms I'm open to

Skyrim or another TES game

Walking Dead. Lol.

The Last of Us

Warcraft universe

Dragon Age universe

Hetalia - Ask me for my OTPs so we can figure it out. Also, I only do alternate universes.

Fable universe

Fullmetal Alchemist universe

Inuyasha universe

Mushishi universe

Supernatural universe

Vampire Diaries universe

All original characters, excluding Hetalia.
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Dude. Ancient Greece is my jam. I would be totally up to RPing that with you, as well as brainstorming because just

Ancient Greece


I'm a big Ancient History nerd. I won't force you into historical-correctness, but I think I can offer some input on the M/M one, because the Greeks (more specifically the Spartans) had some...interesting things about homosexual relationships. Dunno if you know about it already. If so: great! You probably know what I'm going to suggest/ask. If not: greater! I can see your reaction because they were pretty hardcore.

However, I have a life (much like you) and am a college student, so it probably wouldn't be high-frequency, post-every-minute-of-every-day type thing. If you're okay with that, maybe reply and I can shoot you a PM so I don't clog up your request form? Only if you're interested in RPing with me, of course. If not, feel free to disregard this. ( ' v ' )

Oh, and also feel free to peer through my post history and whatnot for examples of my writing. But, if you don't want to look, I can tell you I always go 3+ solid paragraphs, unless I'm responding to a one liner or something.
Crimson, give me a PM? I don't think I can PM you. Or I'm a lot more retarded than I thought I was :P .

Siri - Yea, I have a lil' knowledge on their boy lovin'. That's honestly what inspired it. If there's some like, deep thing to be known there --I don't know about that. I just know that homosexuality was pretty prominent with the soldiers and thought, "Wow. I want to RP gay Greek guys now." Literally.

Anyways, go ahead and send me a PM. I can't find how to do it for you either, so again, I question my intelligence. And the posting thing isn't an issue. The last time I could keep up with constant replies was when I was like 10. Now I usually can only manage 3 at the most, I think. On weekends and extended holidays I could probably do more.
Greetings! I thought I'd let you know that I am very interested in either the futuristic apocalypse or Walking Dead-esque plots (Preferably the zombie one). I'm a bit of a 'zombie buff', if you will, and have always been fond of apocalyptic scenarios, so both sound exciting.
Naruyashan, I'm huge on zombies myself. I'm pretty sure I could be involved in a ton of zombie-apocalypse RPs at once and not get tired of them :P . Probably my second biggest enjoyment to fantasy/ancient culture RPs.

Anyways, we can just do something in the Walking Dead universe or go more original if you want. Go ahead and send me a PM. I still can't do it =P.
If you're still up for a Walking Dead roleplay? If not, I have something else in mind! Oh, are you okay with AUs? I know some people aren't, but I want to know prior so I won't just bombard you with random plots. ^^;
Kinxus, I'm still up for it =P. And outside of Hetalia, I haven't been big on AUs, but I'm willing to see what your idea(s) is.
Would you be open to a mythology esque play? I can give you my full plot rundown if you'd like to PM me.
Sounds good, Kaycey! I don't think I'm able to PM yet, but I'm not on the site to check for sure. If you can, go ahead and share it with me ^^.

Edit: By the way, you don't apply to my little update. You're just the last one I'll be talking to for now =P. I've gotten a lot more than I originally was going to have xD .

(( Sent this from my iPhone via Tapatalk.))
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