Riverview Academy [Character Creation]


The Alpha and The Omega


Riverview Academy

Made by Highly Unorthodox

"They say that the school beyond the thicket of trees is cursed.

They say that children who call the academy home are abnormal.

They say that it's a freak show, a nuthouse.

What they don't know is that it's the only barrier fending off all that goes bump in the night from the frontiers of order and innocence."


Riverview Academy is a school for the gifted children from the age 12-19, branching off from the Order of the Red Hood in hopes of prepping qualified youth for a life of service in the Order. It typically houses those possessing supernatural abilities that we can only theorize about, but there is the occasional average human that catches the Academy's eye through their exceptional talents that may be considered beneficial or an asset to Riverview.

This, clearly, is no ordinary school, where you learn about conventional subjects that mortals would study. The students at Riverview are taught about their abilities, how to control them, and how to use them against crime and nightmarish adversaries through a selection of unique courses.

The academy's curriculum consists of Weaponry, Combat, History of the Paranormal, and Supernatural Studies; all of which are mandatory. What students learn in class are put to the test on missions, on which they go with a partner.

Partners are assigned by the lab of the school based on DNA, blood type, and general compatibility.

Good luck. You'll need it.

The Overview

The OCC Thread

List of Powers For Your Need

The Order of the Red Hoods:

This is here in order for you to understand why Riverview was made.

The Order of the Red Hood's overall purpose is to protect balance the order in the world from chaos and evil, mainly by regulating the paranormal and fending off all that goes bump in the night. This includes sending Red Hoods (members of the Order of the Red Hood) on missions to investigate and solve disruptive supernatural phenomena, having them patrol areas of interest, calling on them on at a moment's notice to assist in a battle, and even going to war at times, among many other things. Red Hoods are generally recruited from Riverview Academy, a school for the gifted.



The Academy Gates:

Ringing the school grounds is a twelve-foot high wrought iron fence with sharpened spires. The gate of the fence cuts across a winding cobblestone path up to the castle-like school, and is often compared to either that of a prison, or that of the Underworld, where devil's work is done-- but it is what you make of it. Make no mistake, though: by no means are these the Gates of Heaven. Quite the opposite, on the contrary.

The Entrance Hall:

This is a colossal room with torch-lined stone walls and a black marble floor. A massive spiral staircase is tucked into one corner, and various coat racks and rugs are cluttered around the grand black wood entrance doors. A few couches and chintz armchairs are pushed against the wall.

The Amphitheater:

Weaponry and combat classes are held in the amphitheater. In addition, the amphitheater acts as the school's auditorium.

Weaponry Professor: Vanessa Chernikova

Combat Professor: Professor Aurelius

The Cafeteria:

The cafeteria is a vast room filled with round lunch tables that are often occupied according to your clique. At the wall nearest to the entrance is a long buffet table of the signature dishes of an assortment of cultures that are refreshed by servants of the school at hour intervals. Hamburgers from the United States, spaghetti from Italy, sushi from Japan, pastries from France-- you name it, they've got it. The meals are meant to be diverse to represent how the school combines the cultures of the world into one cause-- how it is immaterial where you come from: everyone here is a student first and a citizen of their country second. Race merely describes your appearance: it is not who you are.

The Classes:

These are the classes that are held in classrooms. Ones that are more physical and that require space, such as Combat, are held on the school grounds or in the arenas. All students must follow their assigned schedule unless class transference are approved by the school.

Supernatural Studies: The Supernatural Studies room is a classroom with descending tiers of student desks curving around half of the circular shape of the room, much like how a sports stadium's seats are positioned. At the front of the room is a chalkboard and a messy teacher's desk. There are cabinets located around the walls, encased with various odd objects. There are vampire fangs and werewolf hair. Bits and pieces of supernatural beings.

Professor: Professor Solothrone

History of the Paranormal: This is a average sized room, normally half filled with students. Like most classrooms, it holds old fashioned wooden desks and a dusty chalkboard. There are stacks of books on multiple shelves located along the vicinity of the room.

Professor: Reserved by Azrael

The Dormitories:

The dormitories are where students sleep. They're split into gender and age.

Boys: This, obviously, is where the male students sleep and such. Each floor is devoted to an age, so that students are kept with their peers.

Girls: This is where the females sleep. Each floor is devoted to the age of the student.

The Gymnasium:

This is the gymnasium, where students go to train and get in shape, as an RH cannot be made out of an unfit body. The gymnasium includes a track that stretches in a mile by diameter and rings the perimeter of the gym, treadmills, ellipticals, weight benches, dumbbells, and pull-up bars. Mats are stacked in the back corner, and a door in the back leads to the indoor pool.

The Meeting Room:

This is a dark-rugged room with sleek black walls and an elongated, polished rectangular mahogany table lined with plush red swiveling chairs in the center of it. The Council convenes here to discuss pressing matters, map out strategies, or construct plans.

The Library:

This is a prodigious room filled with row upon row of book shelves, each harboring books, documents, and scrolls on every genre and subject you can think of, from mystery novels to demonology. Tables and chairs are scattered throughout the library for students to work at, and a wide bay window on the far wall gives way to the school grounds.

Librarian: Ivan Kreshnov

The Infirmary:

This is an immense room split into spacious cubicles for patients. In each cubicle is a hospital bed, a bedside table, a bedpan, a pole to hang IV's and blood bags on, and a few extra chairs for visitors.

The Laboratory:

This is the ominous place, in the sub levels of the Academy, where experiments are held, research is done, and students are tested.

Scientist: Doctor Lerkelashvor

Testing Room: This is a starch white room filled with metal testing tables, with cuffs for wrists and ankles on a few of them. Cabinets full of syringes line the walls, as do filing cabinets, and the room is lit by harsh white light. A sharp smell of bleach mingles in the room.

Research Lab: This room has numerous desks crammed into it-- ones usually covered liberally in papers-- and the walls are practically made of computer screens. Here, general research is done, such as possible recruits.

The Weapons Room:

This is an enormous room with an assortment of weapons hanging on the walls-- axes, maces, knives, swords, guns, spears, shuriken, bows and arrows-- you name it, they have it. A forge is tucked into the corner for the students to craft their own weapons at, and a wide space in the center of the room allows students to test out their weapons.

The Stimulation Room:

The Simulation Room is about twice the size of the amphitheater and can simulate actual battles and situations by the use of matter technology (developed by the Splicers). Each situation given has a unique goal and landscape, whether it be a fiery room in which you must rescue all civilians or a cave where you and your partner/teammates/classmates must slay a dragon. Competitions are held in the simulation room based on what level you and your partner/teammates/classmates can make it to. No student has ever made it to the final level (Level 66)-- the highest score ever achieved was Level 39 in 1921.

The Headmaster's Office:

This is a large room, covered wall to wall with expensive antiques. He has large wooden cupboards and big desk.

Headmaster: Reserved


1. Please take note of the fact that you must be into highly literate role plays, with detailing and paragraphs. I will accepted four paragraphs at the least (each paragraph being an actual paragraph. An example of a paragraph appropriate would be the description of the cafeteria.)

2. If one of your characters have killed a students on the grounds of school, they will be punished and the next year they will be forced to have a guard to follow them everywhere they go. These guards are called Splicers and are very powerful. They were once remembers of the Red Hoods but either broke rules and were kicked out, or quit but still needed a job. If your character is to have a splicer, you must make a skeleton for them as well as role play the splicer. It is your responsibility.

3. Partners will be assigned by me by studying each character claim. You may suggest who you want to be paired with, but I will not always listen. It all depends on how the characters are created. I match them by personality and interests and dislikes.

4. I am not going to be role playing all the teachers. I'm leaving this up to you guys to add a little interest in the role play from a different point of view. When you pick to become a professor and become approved, I will ask of you to message me privately so I may explain what you can teach in the role play or if you have a good idea, fly it by me and I will say yes or no to the idea. Yes, you will actually be teaching a class in the role play.

5. Site rules come into play. Always.

6. Please have fun. Make as many characters as you wish. I encourage it.



Keep in mind that there are six years you need to apply your character under. Ages 12-13 are First Year, 14-15 are Second Year, 16 is Third Year, 17 is Fourth Year, 18 is Fifth Year and 19 is Sixth Year.

Professor Skeleton:

Name: (First and last)



Major: (Weaponry, Basic Sciences, Scientist, Supernatural Studies, or Criminal Intelligence and Investigation)

Place of Birth: (Where in the world?)

Power/Ability: (Make sure to elaborate what it is your character can do. Detail AND describe.)


Appearance: (Attach a photo. No real-life images. I will accept fantasy images and some anime. No drawings, please.)


Biography: (Optional)


Character Skeleton:

Name: (First, middle and last)


Place of Birth: (Where are you from?)



Year: (There are six years. Depending on the age of your character, you are listed under one of the years.)



Power/Ability: (Describe in detail)

Weapon of Choice:


Abnormalities: (Any piercings, tattoos, blemishes, birthmarks, scars?}


Appearance: (Attach a photo. No real-life images. I will accept fantasy images and some anime. No drawings, please.)

Biography: (Optional)


Splicer Skeleton:

Name: (First, middle and last)


Place of Birth:



Power/Ability: (Describe in detail.)

Weapon of Choice:





Appearance: (Attach a photo. No real-life images. I will accept fantasy images and some anime. No drawings, please.)

Biography: (Please explain what happened in the Red Order that lead to your character leaving. - Optional information!)




The pairings will be posted once everyone starts joining. This is part of the roleplay so each character will go through testing. The order that is posted of approvals, will be the first to be tested in the role play when it comes to that time. Think of your partner as your lifeline. They are bound to you by DNA. You belong to each other. You fight crime together and protect each other. Like family. Once your partner dies, you do not get another one. Very few grow romantic relationships from being paired with their partner, it's just unnatural and unrealistic. Relationships would just hinder the job for the future.

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Name: Florence (No second name) Waters

Nickname: Flow

Place of Birth: A small Island in Greece.



Year: Third year.

Likes:Water features, chatting to people, dancing, honesty.

Dislikes:Lies, hostility, rude people.

Power/Ability: As a half human/ half Naiad, her body is composed of condensed water, giving her the ability to change her features and shape, and she can increase her size by absorbing other sources of water, though she cannot keep it for long.

This also gives her the ability the punch incredibly rapidly through water compression, and gives her agility and speed well above par.

She is immune to peircing attacks entirely, and blunt force attacks are largely unnaffective unless a vast amount of force is used; she does however have some major weaknesses that come from this.

On a glance she is no different from a human; apart from her hair. This is constantly flowing like a waterfall, though it can be moulded and covered by headwear without wetting it.

She can also potentially hide weaponry within her body.

Weapon of Choice: Has mainly trained with open palm martial arts so far, but has shown potential with dual chinese short swords.

Weaknesses: Whilst her watery makeup makes her near impervious to standard damage, it makes her far more vunerable to environmental factors than a normal human. In extreme cold she will freeze up, in high temerpatures she can begin to evaporate, and in humid temperatures she begins to loose definition to her shape.

If hit with a large enough blunt force her vital water can be spilled, and unless she reabsorbs it she will be permanantly decreased in mass.

Whilst her physical strength for impact attacks is very high, in constant pressure activities such as lifting or pushing she is actually weaker than an average human as her water compisition has nothing to brace with, and if of enough weight, even things she can lift will eventually start to drop through her.

Abnormalities: Her hair.

Personality: A warm, happy girl, willing to make friends with people of all kinds and almost always peacable in tempramant.

Compassionate and caring, whilst seemingly almost pacifistic in nature, she is extremely offended by injustice or by insult to her friends, and will unrelentingly protect others.

Almost always honest and open with people, almost impossible not to find endearing.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/notflow.jpg.f9ca9d4fb7dbf796076ee874f0581dc9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10597" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/notflow.jpg.f9ca9d4fb7dbf796076ee874f0581dc9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Born on a small island in Greece, into a small family of people who live peacably with the more docile creatures who are still technically monsters.

Her family is a combination of human and Naiad; a peacable water spirit. Her childhood was peaceful and happy, until at the age of 12 one of the monsters the Red hood's were hunting managed to kill several of her family before it was slain.

Since then she decided to work her hardest to be admitted into the order, so she could stop others having to go through the same.

These events are one the few things she will rarely openly talk about, other than to those she is close to.


Attached Riverview/Red Hood Candidate Psychological and physical evaluation (From first year).

The young girl in question (Florence Waters) Seems a very strong candidate for training to be one of the Red Hood.

Her physical aptitude is excellent; her combat aptitude without weaponry is superb, and she appears to be a quick learner in both a physical and mental sense.

Whilst her peacable nature may make her seem unsuited to our work, in our interview she showed an extremely strong sense of justice and desire to protect, so this should not be an issue.

Whilst she may encounter some initial distrust due to her monster heritage, she is such a gentle creature it seems unlikely many will hold a grudge for long, and she will likely be a postive influence in the school in terms of both morals, and moral.

Her weaknesses are largely compensatable with enough training, the right partner, or with careful section of missions, and in a physical sense I see no barriers to her excelling as a member of the Red Hood's.

There are however, psycologically, two primary traits which may hinder her growth.

1) When questioned the girl showed distaste even talking about the subject of the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few. Asking her about even a hypothetical situation whereby she may have to leave an innocents life in harms way in order to save a greater number caused her visible discomfort.

2) She seems liable to take any losses or failures in missions with an extremely personal amount of guilt, and also appears to be the type to keep a brave face and carry on smiling so as not to put any burden on others.

These two factors combined are the sorts of traits that could lead to loss of drive, depression, and could ruin an otherwise extremely promising potential Red Hood career.

With this in mind it would be my reccomendation she is either paired with an partner who's personaility will likely be able to get her to share her negative emotions as well as the good; or is at very least observant enough to notice any negative signs of repression and report them.

It may also be beneficial to put her through mandatory sessions with a psychiatrist after and missions that have unfortunate consequences.

In a physical regards her highly active abilities would lend themselves well to a partner with more passive abilities to cover all bases; or pairing her with another active powerhouse could make quite an unstoppable team, at least once they were pointed in the right direction.

All in all, a promising candidate, and reccomended for entry into the acadamy.

Addendum: With regards to the issue of whether a monster can be trusted to fight against other monsters, there are 0 recorded accounts of Naiad's acting as aggressors towards humans.

As an example of their demeanor, I give you an extract of a report from the first member of the Red Hood to meet one of her species (Naiad), translated from the colloquial language.

'Seeing what appeared to be some form of water spirit or creature, I raised my battleaxe to intimidate and potentially strike (her).

The creature simply stared at me with a calm, slightly questioning look on her face, then queried me as to whether or not the added metal made walking more awkward. After a short moment I realised she was infact mistaking my axe for a walking stick, and the creature didnt even consider a tool might be a weapon.

Explaining it was infact a weapon and that I hunted monsters, she then immediatly proceeded to invite me to come dine with her family, and offered to make a less silly walking stick for me.

Report end.


(Think thats everything changed.)



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Work in Progress Characters

Name: Professor Calla Lerkelashvor

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female

Major: Scientist

Place of Birth: Berlin, Germany


Ice Manipulation - User can create, shape and manipulate ice, water frozen into a solid state and appears naturally in forms of snow, hail, icicles, ice spikes and candles, glaciers, pack ice, frost, and polar ice caps, snow, and cold by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things colder, for various effects and combinations.

Personality: Professor Lerkelashvor is young and spirited. She is outgoing, smart and quick as a whip. She is what you would call a genius. Miss Lerkelashvor finished her studies at Riverview Academy within a year. Most have to stay from the age of twelve to nineteen, but not her. She finished when she was brought to the school at the age of sixteen. She has been the Supernatural Studies Professor and Scientist ever since. Most see her more of a student with a higher rank in the academy.



Abnormalities: N/A

Other: Calla may be brought back into the academy as a student and replaced with an older member of the Red Hood. Or she will be shipped off to join the Order.


Name: Headmaster Iannes Solothrone

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Major: Headmaster of Riverview Academy and Professor of Supernatural Studies.

Place of Birth: Unknown


Reality Warping - The ability to manipulate reality.

Personality: WIP



Abnormalities: N/A

Biography: Iannes founded Riverview Academy and also sits on the counsel chair for the Red Hoods. He is a loyal member and often is known for his special talents in helping children develop their abilities to help aid the Order of the Red Hood. He is also the adoptive father of Vanessa. Not much else is known.

Other: The headmaster is rarely seen, aside from teaching Supernatural Studies.


Name: Vanessa Eilthiethyia Chernikova

Nickname: Ness, Nessa

Place of Birth: Novgorod Veliky, Russia

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Year: Fourth Year

Likes: Wine, quiet, poetry, writing, reading, her throwing knives, combat, darkness

Dislikes: Ignorant people, cockiness, losing, being ignored, needles, thunder and lightning and clowns.


Psionic Manipulation - the ability to have all existing psychic/psionic/mental powers all at once. Such as Psionic Drain, Telekinesis, Empathy, Extrasensory Perception, Telepathy, and Physic Energy Manipulation. Vanessa has only looked into very few for her life. She has no interest in mastering everything.


Black = Never Tried

Blue = Mastered

Red: Work in Progress

  • Psionic Drain - The ability to leech off psionic energy.

  • Telekinesis - The ability to manipulate objects with the mind.

  • Biological Manipulation - The ability to manipulate and all biological makeup.

  • Creation - The ability to create things from thin air.

  • Destruction - The ability to destroy something with the mind.

  • Psionic Strength - The ability to increase ones strength with mental strength.

  • Replication - The ability to replicate ones self.

  • Sound Manipulation - The ability to manipulate sound waves and voice.

  • Elemental Manipulation - The ability to manipulate the elements.

  • Telekinetic Blast - The ability to emit a telekinetic blast of energy.

  • Mimicry - Can copy the ability/power of someone but also instantly understand the power and how to use it.

  • Telepathy - The ability to receive/transmit information through the mind.

Weapon of Choice: Throwing knives.

Weaknesses: Needles, thunder and lightning, water, time limits (on powers), overwhelmed easily, people getting close, people in her personal space, people trying to understand her, headaches from power, nosebleeds from power, abilities can leave her in seizures, abilities can knock her unconscious. Her power could possibly even put her into a coma or cause her death. Endless limitations for various abilities that come with her power.

Abnormalities: Various scars from being tested.

Personality: Vanessa is phlegmatic and quite frankly -- dangerous. She is a woman of few words. She is quick to react and quick to think. However, she is dark and sullen and if you turn your back on her, you never know if there will happen to be a knife in the base of your spine. She is skilled in the art of combat and majors in killing monsters. She is the most developed student to ever step foot in the falls of Riverview.



Biography: All that is knpown is that Vanessa was not birthed. She was created in a lab and was raised to the age of four as a test subject. The man who created her was called Faust Hiloerth and was accused many times of doing the world ill. He was once part of the Red Hoods and was cast out. This man was the son of the current headmaster. Once Faust was sentenced to dead, his "daughter" was given to Iannes, who was more caring and loving than his abusive and evil son. Iannes Solothrone raised Vanessa as if she were her own. She has no mother, nor a father. The secret to her creation is unknown. However, her power limitations are no surprise or secret to the world. One of the only reasons she has mastered as many powers as she has is solely because of the headmaster. Vanessa had been training and working at these abilities from a very young age. She started off timid and frightened by everything due to the poor conditions of the first three years on this earth. Over the years, she has grown into the woman she is now. Secluded, mysterious, dark and sullen. Not much else is known about this female.

Other: Headmaster Solothrone is technically her adoptive father. She was also asked to teach weaponry since she majors in that course and is the most qualified individual to teach the subject.

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Avery Marie-Anne Crowe


Ave, Crow

Place of Birth:

Brighton, England






3rd Year


Candy, interaction, darkness, crows, expressing oneself through creativity, cool windy weather, loyalty


Deceit, bright lights, hot weather


-Umbrakinesis (Darkness Manipulation)-

  • Absorb, create/ generate and manipulate darkness/shadow for various effects, sizes, shapes and intensity levels

-Depending of the level of strength, one can blanket an entire city, country or world in eternal darkness

- Generate a fog of darkness

- Light absorption

- Camouflage and become unseen in the shadows/ make objects or subjects disappear from sight

  • Night Vision

  • Materialize, shape and manipulate darkness

- Animate shadows

-Release/use darkness/shadow to various attacks

-Tentacles, tendrils, chains and/or threads of shadow to attack or bind.

-Umbrakinetic combat (The power to fuse darkness and physical combat)

-Create tools, weapons, armor, and even appendages out of darkness

  • Create portals and teleport via the shadows and darkness using shadows/darkness by understanding the fundamental connection all shadows/darkness share

Weapon of Choice: Knows basic hand-to-hand combat. She prefers using throwing daggers or spears, both real ones and ones she creates from darkness, she is also currently experimenting with small dense projectile sphere-shaped darkness.

Weaknesses: She gets uncomfortable, weak and light-headed when she is exposed to the Sun outdoors or bright lights for too long.

Abnormalities: When she uses her powers, her eyes flare blue and her hairs turns into long black strands of hair-like tendrils of shadows.

Tattoo 1 -On her back

Tattoo 2 -Horizontally across her right wrist


Lanna is a bit dreamy at times, and not a girl of many words, but that doesn't mean she's shy, no. Far from it actually, she just prefers to watch and observe, and rarely jumps to conclusions. She enjoys the company of others, even strangers. But with her eccentric and dry sense of humor (heck, most of the things that come out of her mouth don't really make sense, not to mention the fact that she hardly thinks before she speaks), it doesn't seem like she'd be winning any popularity contests any time soon. She's pretty witty, and sly at times, though she's a generally trustworthy and loyal person, and will do anything to protect the ones she care about, even if it means putting her own life on the line. She's emotional and not afraid to open up to people, but if you decide to take advantage of her compassionate side and mess with her, she won't hesitate to get messy. She also has a strong personality (while some may call it being stubborn) and will stand by what she believes in, and she won't stop until she sees her tasks to the very end.While she isn't reckless, she often let her emotions cloud her judgement. Overall, she's a bit tentative with her emotions and outspoken at times but isn't afraid to have a little fun.




Her grandfather was the only family she knew since her parents were slain by supernatural beings while they were on duty. They were Red Hoods, and so was her grandfather was he was younger, he was one of the few of his batch who lived to see retirement. He was never really keen on childhood stories, and told her tales of his days as a Red Hood instead. As a child, it often gave her nightmares, but as she grew, so did her fascination and admiration for the Order. When she was finally accepted into Riverview Academy, she sworn with a passionate determination that she would work hard and try her best to be accepted into the Order of the Red Hoods.

Other: None

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Name: Eleanor Anne Holloway

Nickname: El

Place of Birth: Avignon, Vaucluse, France

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Year: Fourth Year

Likes: Fall, Reading, Laughing, Sarcasm, Humor, Writing, Adventure and Nighttime

Dislikes: Waking Up Early, Cold Showers, Stupidity, Candy Corn, Her Mother, Overly Cautious People


•Induced Healing

The ability to restore biotic organisms to their optimal health. In most cases, it usually only works if the subject suffers from a non-fatal wound. It takes intense concentration and large amounts of energy to perform.

•Wound Transferal

The ability to transfer the wounds off a sufferer and onto ones own body, and either heal from that, or transfer the wound onto another. Works on both fatal and nonfatal wounds, but the risk of death in transferring a fatal wound is quite more significant.

•Mental Restoration

The user can heal mental illnesses, disorders and other forms of mental trauma, returning the subject to their healthy state and reverse the effects of mental tampering, such as mind control or memory loss.

•Flawless Restoration

The ability where the user is capable of healing another of all inflictions, such as mental, emotional, spiritual and physical damage. This power can even restore and repair abilities, as well as resurrecting the very, very, recently deceased. This is an advanced, faster and more powerful version of healing, and one Eleanor has yet to, but hopes to master.

Weapon of Choice: A Turkish Sabre given to Eleanor by her uncle on her twelfth birthday.

Weaknesses: Like with many other abilities, her healing abilities can be overused and she tends to overexert herself. It is mostly her fault, but when she finds an ally injured and in need of help, she cannot bring herself to leave them to suffer, and usually helps them despite whatever personal condition she may be in.

She has issues with trust, and even if she doesn't voice her thoughts, always questions motives/orders/info given to her. This of course can lead to problems, arguments, etc, if her distrust or questioning nature gets taken badly.

When overexerting herself, it may lead to nausea, dizziness, fatigue and if pushed even farther, she may very well pass out, the length of which she remains so depending on the severity of her overexertion.

Given her abilities are healing based, she is definitely not a person you want to have around for strictly offense. She can hold her own, better than her own in normal situations, but against others with more offensive type abilities, well, she'd probably be screwed, at least when she'd on her own. Eleanor can fight better than your average person, by far, but she isn't that high on the scale compared to her peers and whatnot. She's more of a medic than a fighter.

Abnormalities: She has a birthmark on the front of her hip that vaguely resembles a fleur-de-lis, the mark apparently runs in her family but it hadn't been seen for quite a few generations until she came along.

Personality: Eleanor is definitely not the type to be pushed around. She is very independent and stubborn when need be. El has a strong set of morals she strongly sticks to, and always tries to do what's right, even when the line between right and wrong is blurred. She almost always can be relied on to help someone with a problem, as long as she thinks they deserve/really need help.

Eleanor has a sharp mind and wit, but she doesn't always use it. She normally banters or teasingly insults those she's closer to, and coming from her, that is a good sign of friendship, however, her sarcasm/wit can become quite harsh when in regards to speaking with someone she has come to dislike. She regards herself to be quite intelligent, but not a know it all, and is always up for learning a thing or two. She's a highly curious person, and she loves a good adventure, the combination of the two leading her to be a bit reckless at times.

She is fiercely loyal and protective in a subtle way, and to those who find themselves with her friendship, they'll find the relationship to be long lasting. Eleanor doesn't sugar coat things, despite the fact that it may make her come across as a bit blunt at times. One thing she doesn't talk much about is her upbringing, and will become a bit distant should it be mentioned. She can be a bit mischievous, and is always up for some, well intentioned trouble.


Other: N/A

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Name: Frederick Stahl

Nickname: Ricky, Freddy, Fred, Rick, Steel

Place of Birth: Frankfurt, Germany

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Year: Third Year

Likes: Overcoming challenges, sharing ideas with friends, making the most out of anything, trying to be unorthodox, being an individual, putting effort into something

Dislikes: Getting his freedom stifled, when things just get too easy, people who just can't adapt to the situation, hypocrites, lazy people who get by with luck, people who overly talented.


Physical Augmentation.

Stahl can basically manipulate his body to be either very resilient or very fast. Both come with severe drawbacks to his overall health. For strength based augmentations he could only ever sustain them for 5 seconds at a time after that he gets severe headaches and a fever that usually last a day or two.

Those strength based augmentation allow him to lift trucks out of the way and also be more resistant to pain and such acting as an adrenaline surge that comes with a boost to muscle strength and density, it allows him to be technically invincible for 5 seconds, as an experiment has shown that the 7.62x39mm round from an AK was deflected by the muscle of his body. As usual, the drawbacks are still present even if he had not used it for 5 seconds, at the 3 second interval he had already suffered a migraine.

The speed based augmentation takes less of a toll on his body and last up to 10 seconds but it never stays active over 3 seconds, 3 seconds was all he ever needed to down an opponent or run through a danger zone. Still there are drawbacks to all this augmentation, such as light headaches until the 5 second mark then a fever begins, at the 10 second mark he is already fatigued and exhausted.

He was always a high risk, high reward fighter but the risks usually outweigh the reward if it's not in single combat. It's what made him rely on his skill, effort and training more than an inborn anomaly that simply acted as a second chance mechanism to keep him alive or to give him the upper hand when running away or applying pressure to a single opponent regardless of strength. He is a 5 second man, and during those 5 seconds he is a complete beast.

Weapon of Choice:

Fist-based weaponry or axes, depending on what he feels like that day, but usually axes, two axes if I may add.


Being completely human when he isn't augmenting his body for 5 seconds or so or if he underestimates the situation and overextends past his physical limits. Anything can't be healed within 3 or so seconds, like a fast acting poison then he'd need an antidote instead of accelerating his immune system for 3 seconds.

Abnormalities: N/A


Frederick is a boy who was taught the value of hard work and effort over luck and chance. He was never one to leave anything to chance, always with a plan for his back up plan. He needed to those plans as his powers were only limited in duration and not enough to for a drawn out confrontation with any opponent. That being said he was taught value of effort and hard work but not complete honesty, he may like to overcome challenges through effort but he is not above using underhanded tactics to improve his odds, he is diligent but he also knows when to throw away honor and land a few dirty blows to even the playing field.

He wasn't one to turn down the company of people, though at times he is quite selective. He is usually a man of few words until he finds that you are of the same mind as he is then you will find that he has a flood of ideas that would be utterly mundane or very useful if the conditions are right. He had a penchant for experimenting with things, discovering new ways to go about a problem, new but not necessarily safe or practical. Despite the dangers of his line of work he can still find the time be unorthodox, risky, become a liability and still return unscathed or at least not on the doorstep of death but close enough. He takes his down time to use his ability heal any wounds and scars he sustained through combat and is very particular about presentability. Pragmatic as he may be, he would always keep his appearance appropriate to any given occasion, another lesson ingrained into his very soul by his parents. They were stern people but were clever enough to know when to stop applying pressure on him.

Frederick is very straightforward in his delivery. It didn't matter that he wasn't taught the complete value of honesty but sometimes people needed a dose of honesty and reality in their lives. Frederick aimed to deliver and usually overkills it as there is no truth too shameful or soul crushing for him. He was a way with insults and the like and turns them into positive elements in his life that further pushes him forward. The problem there is that he usually keeps it as a goal to live by which makes him a very flexible and yet stretched so thin as he changes attitudes on the fly. It was a glaring problem before and he had still not addressed it even until now.



-Would this work as an image?-


Frederick was born into a line of Red Hoods whose jurisdiction lay in region of Frankfurt and most of the surrounding towns. Which meant he got to travel a lot. As much as it was dangerous to bring along young Frederick, it was even more of a hazard to leave the child unattended in their manor in Frankfurt. Usually he was brought there under the pretense of a trip to visit a family friend and he'd always have either his mother or father to watch over him while the other goes out to run errands around town. He had no idea of his parents' line of work until he was 10 years old, by then he had idolized them for being heroes to the people and was soon sent to Riverview Academy to be someone like them. The fact that he idolized them just made it easier for him to accept the fact that he would be sent to Riverview Academy regardless of if he wants to or not. They were keen on keeping the Stahl family tradition alive, each generation should have at least one Red Hood among them.

Of course, he was not exempt from whatever trials were required of him for entry into Riverview and had only barely passed. That was the first time he had learned of his unique ability, he had not discovered it before because there was no need for it yet. However, even though he barely passed they were not able to relay the news to him until two days later when he had woken up from a coma. His eagerness had apparently caused him to overstretch his limits when it came to his ability which caused him to fall into a two day come with a fever. The first room he visited in Riverview was not the grand entrance hall but rather the infirmary.

He had always put forth his best effort into his studies when he was finally accepted into Riverview. No matter the difficulty or the ease of the work he would always put his 100% which more often than not tired him out quickly and has, on occasion, have him sleep in class and get caught. He was eager, much too eager that he just had no idea of when to stop. In fact, the concept of "limits" only ever applied when he was busy channeling his power. Some would say it was a miracle that allowed him to reach the third year of study, others would say it was due to his unwavering diligence, both agreed that it was due to his initial eagerness and boundary pushing that allowed him to have the endurance to make it this far. Forged in the hot fires of near failures and pure diligence, he had changed from the bright eyed young boy into the man he is today.

*I have no idea if this is even acceptable*
@Nyx, approved and yes, that image works perfectly. Wonderfully made character.

@Frost_, approved!

@LannaRae, approved!

@tem502, approved.

@Muffin~Tyrant, it's looking good so far but I would just like to mention that I altered the character skeleton and would like you to go over that and check anything that needs to be fixed. Thank you.

@HeartBrokenIceQueen, approved
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Name: Nadia Emi Aurelius - Professor Aurelius

Age: 28 - 22th of March

Gender: Female

Professor of Combat Arts

Place of Birth: Gothenburg, Sweden

Blue - Mastered Power, Dark Blue - Mastered Mundane Ability, Red - Forever in developing stage [One can not 'master' these abilities]

  • Ability Learning; Nadia has the ability to learn abilities after understanding how the ability works, its origin [Physically or Mentally], how to perform it and after observing it at least once. This has allowed her the basics of how to manipulate the four elements. Though it has its limitations; she can learn up to ten abilities basics. She is not able to perform without knowing its origin, how it works and without seeing it once. Usage of the learnt abilities causes a certain strain on her mind or body, depending on what power it is, and which level it is used upon. And it also takes time depending, again, on what power it is. - Nadia rarely uses this ability, even after discovering it.

  • Blade Retraction; Nadia can generate blades from the upper part of her wrists. The blade itself is made out of special bone-titanium that resembles an ice-blade.

  • Enhanced Memory; Nadia is able to remember great volumes of information, in greater detail and for much longer than the average human being. This allows her to easily recall incidents and how she experienced them. She is prone to headaches since brain power is needed - Nadia sees this more of a curse then a gift.

  • Combat - Teaching & Personal Ability; Nadia has a vast knowledge of combat, majoring in it even, as she was once a soldier. She tends to see peoples flaws in combat, she learns techniques fairly easily and has a deep understanding of the Arts of Combat. The way she teaches combat to a student is based on their experience with it, their learning ability itself, their body structure and abilities/powers. Thus her first lesson of the year is usually an evaluation.

  • Cooking & Baking; Believe it or not but this tough cookie is at the kitchen at least once every two days cooking or baking something new. Nadia tends to experiment with all sorts of recipes and as her student you're prone to taste one of her creations. They may be either a success, which they mostly are, or an utter failure; one never knows!

Personality; One could say that there is two sides to Nadia Aurelius; Nadia, herself, and Professor Aurelius.

Nadia, herself, is soft spoken and understanding. She tends to let students find comfort in her, advising them when asked to. Generally an open person, she is also observant and unusually non-judgmental. Though this is merely what she decides to show people as she bears memories of a dark past, her eyes truly void of emotion as she believes that nothing good comes out of bonding with people. Nadia isn't easily angered, but one would be shocked to what angers her; simple things like leaving someone behind or betraying the trust given to you from someone else, whether it is herself or not, ticks her off. She also has a soft spot for orphans and the needy; one may find her participating in an event and at least a third of her pay goes to charity.

Though to think that Professor Aurelius is the same is simply foolish. She may still be soft spoken but the way she approaches you depends merely on what she thinks is best for your learning; if you are someone prone to work harder if you are met with positive words, you'll hear many of them but if you turn arrogant from those words she'll show nothing but tough, harsh love. Her words are direct and disobedience during her lessons are not tolerated. She tends to point out all flaws one has but also gives a solution to them. Tardiness is frowned upon her at all times unless you actually have a reason; not an excuse but a reason for your absence. I.E. She adjusts to her students but is not to be played with.

Another, more hidden side to Nadia is when she is around her son. One won't notice much of a difference to her usual self but if one was to observe her closely, they'd see how protective she is of him. She'd unconciously adjust her body movements to his, she'd observe his surroundings as if she is afraid that someone or something would come and snatch him away. She even made sure no one touched him, not for their sake but for his.


Her eyes are a deep violet color with taints of a dark blue, the blue taints are more visible in the light then the dark. She has a few minor scars all over her body but the most prominent ones are three. One is a long diagonal slash which goes left to right on her back, another shorter diagonal slash on the left side of her chest and one, faint scar on her right wrist. She has, as the picture shows above, three eyebrow piercings on her left eyebrow. Nadia also has a tattoo underneath her left earlobe which quotes Shakespeare "Love all. Trust Few."

@Highly Unorthodox Thank the lord that you made it optional! I have a few ideas in my mind about her past, some permanent; some may change so it's a relief that it isn't written in stone!
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Name: Clayton Drakul Verisol

Nickname: Drake or Zoa. Depending on who, he is called either of those or just his regular name.

Place of Birth: New York City

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Year: Fourth

Likes: Animals, reading, all nature based and mythology based tv show, football, archery, flying, swimming, cherries and cherry based products.

Dislikes: Animal abusers, people who destroy nature needlessly, extreme light, his powers time limit, the smell of burning things.

Power/Ability: Clayton is a shape shifter of the highest caliber. He can become any real life creature, mythical creature, or creature from any source of written or video fiction. So long as he personally sees, hears about, or read about a creature he can transform into that from then on. He can transform into a full form of the chosen creature, to the point it is impossible to see the difference between him and the original creature. He can gain the abilities of the creatures upon transformation, including the gained senses and strengths, natural instincts, and in the case of fictional creatures he can gain their supernatural powers. Or he can transform a single portion of his body into that of the creature, whether it be an organ or a hand or an ear, and gain just the partial strengths of the creature.

Weapon of Choice: If he actually keeps his human form he prefers a simple longbow, and he has the intense upper body strength for it. Although he often changes his arms or other body parts to support weapons that require incredible strength to use. But it is much more common for him to simply transform a part of his body for a weapon.

Weaknesses: When he transforms he has to go back to fully human form for at least a few moments after an hour has passed. If he does not the portions of his body still transformed will permanently be in that state. On top of this his brain retains instincts and emotions of the animals he had transformed into recently. This may cause him to be much more aggressive after transformation.

Abnormalities: Back when he was a first year he didn't know the time limit to his powers. He had his eyes transformed into that of a dragon while he was practicing archery. And he went over the time limit, finding out that day that if he didn't transform back after an hour, it was permanent. This has caused his ability to see far away much much better, and he sees far clearer then any human or real animal. Although he is also far more susceptible to light now.

Personality: Clayton is chatty when he talks to people he likes, but otherwise he likes to keep to himself. He doesn't use his dorm room to sleep very often, instead sleeping outside wherever he fancies that particular night. He prefers the company of animals most days and is found outside whenever he isn't required for class or doing some sort of studying or socializing. He is normally cool headed and relaxed, but after coming back from animal form he is often aggressive and short tempered. He is lucky he resides outside most of the time because this allows him to take his aggression out in an area where he won't hurt people, or create enemies.

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Name: Christina Mae O'Lynch

Nickname: Chrissy

Place of Birth: Northern Ireland

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Year: 2nd year

Likes: Tranquility. She would prefer to be sitting in the upper branches of a tree drawing or reading alone then in a crowded lunch hall. She likes vanilla and cream better then she does chocolate, and she likes to dress in clothes maybe more appropriate for fighting then a school uniform.

Dislikes: There's a tie between school uniforms and annoying/loud people. She doesn't like dull boring colors, there has to be something interesting about them, unless she doesn't want to be noticed.

Power/Ability: Dream/Spirit manipulation She can put a person to sleep either by singing or getting close enough so that she can touch the person behind their ear, right at their jaw. And when she has that person asleep, she can insert herself into the persons dreams or just control and manipulate them however she wants to. She can kill in a dream, but she doesn't. As she can manipulate a person psyche when they're asleep, she can be more persuasive then most people are. Spirit manipulation goes hand in hand with dream manipulation, and it means she can control a persons emotions. Its easier if the person is a bit more unstable emotionally, and harder when a person has little or no emotional distress.

Weapon of Choice: Hidden daggers, she hides them in hidden sheathes under her sleeves, and has two strapped to her thighs, and one stuffed in her boots. Otherwise, she fights by hand.

Weaknesses: Same as any other human, her abilities aren't something that really has that big of an effect in actual combat, she's more of a stealthy kind of fighter. When she really and truly loses her temper, she goes into an angry rage where she just yells or hits things. Her anger is a great weakness, although she tries to keep it under control. Outwardly she isn't overly emotional, but she has a tendancy to get frustrated easily, mostly with herself for her 'inability' and it comes out the same way as her rage, but usually she ends up going off somewhere alone to cry.

Abnormalities: She has a pale crescent moon on her left shoulder, back down by her shoulder blade.

Personality: A bit quieter then what you would expect of a stereotypical Irish girl. Isn't afraid to start a fight, or end a fight, but prefers to stay out of conflict. Has no problems socializing but prefers to be alone, listening to music and just relaxing by herself. She comes from a big family, so whenever she can get quiet, she will take the opportunity. Christina is stubborn. Once she gets a mind set it is very difficult for her to accept a different one, or she will and still dig her heels up and fight with what she'd been saying originally.

Appearance: I couldn't get the image to work, sorry. http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?showcase/christina-olynch.1051/
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Name: Ivan Kreshnov

Age: Ageless

Gender: Male

Major: Head Librarian

Place of Birth: Russia

Power/Ability: Ageless: Ivan is immortal to the time, time does nothing to him. His cells constantly regenerate, and age nor disease will get the best of him. However, he is killable in the way a normal human would be.

Personality: Ivan appears rather monstrous, but don't let his height fool you. Ivan is a very nice guy, with age, comes wisdom. However, he is very protective of every book in the library, and will hunt down students with overdue books, or a student who choses to turn in a book in poor condition, as none should be based on how he has made sure every book has been in the best shape it could be since the beginning of the school. He is very much a gentleman, however, he can and will bring down pain upon those who do wrong.


Abnormalities: He has not aged a day over 23.

Biography: His history is only known to him, and to those he trusts most, he will not dare speak a word of it to anyone who he knows he cannot trust, nor will he ever write it down. What is known is that he is a master in various fighting styles, and very philosophical.

Other: Ivan tends to wear a very nice, white suit. He does speak with a Russian accent, as well. He is very tall, towering over most of the faculty and staff, at about 7"2.

Name: Kyra Noelle Fate

Nickname: Red Baron

Place of Birth: London, England

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Year: Fourth Year

Likes: Rock N' Roll, Ac/Dc, Aerosmith. Favorite song is Rock N' Roll Ain't Noise Pollution. She likes to tease John that he's two minutes her younger, and that he sounds Irish at times.

Dislikes: People who pick on her brother, that is her job. She also hates bugs, absolutely despises them.

Power/Ability: Flight: Kyra was born with a set of wings, much like a birds wings. Her top speed in a divebomb is over 100 miles an hour. Her cruising speed is 7o miles an hour.

Weapon of Choice: Bo Staff

Weaknesses: She cannot fly in storms, or too strong of winds. If one of her wings were to break, it would cripple her with the worst pain imaginable. To put in words that you'd understand, the pain is that of labor times infinity. The pain would literally blind her senses and cause her to drop from the sky. Basic human weaknesses as well. Kyra is relatively fearless, nothing really scares her asides from the possibility of her brother dying. However, she cannot stand moths, they'd make her either run or fly away.

Abnormalities: Wings?...

Personality: Kyra's tough, and always has been. She's not afraid to speak her mind and doesn't filter her words, either. She'll say what she wants, when she wants, in other words, "She don't give a ***." She may seem rude, or even like the school (witch), but once someone gets to truly befriend her, she'll do anything for them, and may even lay her life down for them. And a word to the wise, do not piss her off.

Her wing are like this birds
She has a fourteen foot wingspan.

Biography: (Optional)

Other: Her twin brother is Johnaton

Name: Johnaton Maxwell Fate

Nickname: Johnny Boy,

Place of Birth: London, England

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Year: Fourth Year

Likes: Poetry, reading, writing, playing piano.

Dislikes: Loud music, partying, too many people. Being picked on by his sister.

Power/Ability: Flight: Exactly the same as Kyra. His speeds are slightly faster due to body mass.

Weapon of Choice: Butterfly Knives

Weaknesses: The same as his sister, asides from fears. John very much does fear a lot of things, and he also fears the death of his friends and family. He's very afraid of dogs, for sure when the dog can stand as up and hit him in the shoulder with it's paws.

Abnormalities: Half of his left pinky is missing, from a butterfly knife accident.

Personality: John is almost the complete opposite of his sister, he's very shy, and almost will never speak to people he doesn't know. However, on the rare occasion, he will man up and talk to people. He's not anti-social, he likes people, he really does, he's just very self-conscious and shy.
He has jet black wings, and a 15 foot wingspan.

Biography: (Optional)

Other: His twin sister is Kyra.
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Erin Michael Collins



Place of Birth:

Bath, England








Being(but not participating) in crowds, naps, junk food


Bullies, ignorance, pointless tasks, excessive, untrustworthy people


Time Manipulation



Only Failed Attempts

Never Tried

  • Personal/Spacial Time Manipulation- Accelerate, slow and/or stop time to others while being able to move freely. (Appearance of enhanced reflexes and speed)
  • Flash-forward/backward- Can go to the future/past and go back to the present.
  • Accelerated probability- Can see all the variables of any situation and predict the outcome.
  • Psychometric- The power to perceive the residual information of an object and/or person by using senses. (Cannot yet use on living beings)
  • Past Manipulation: Able to selectively alter the past of a person or object and determine when, where, what, how, or even why something happened in the past.
  • Temporal Rewind- Can 'rewind' time
  • Age Manipulation- accelerate or reverse age of organisms and non-living objects. They may cause a person to instantly become geriatric or reverse back to an adolescent or age objects to dust.
  • Prolonged Time Travel

Weapon of Choice:

Erin prefers to use 'improvised weapons,' meaning he uses the environment around him to effect those he fights. When this options is not available or cannot be as efficiently utilized as he would normally wish, he is very capable at hand-to-hand combat and pole-arm fighting.


The pain of small children, boring people, people who expect too much. Though it can appear he is faster than his peers, he really isn't. Slowing time doesn't effect things like what falling from a great height will do to a body.

Each of his abilities come not only with a certain amount of risk (who wants to break the space-time continuum today?) but a number of limitations because he is still very human.

  • When using personal and spacial manipulation, he cannot use it for long periods of time without seriously wearing himself out, to the point of passing out (Ex: Erin can use it several times for a few seconds and only end up a bit tired, comparable to running a short race, but to use it for even a minute at a time is like he ran a marathon all at once-without any training).
  • The most he can 'flash-forward' is a few minutes. When using the same ability to go backwards in time, effecting something means that it 'already happened' in the present. It's insanely confusing.
  • To use his ability to discover multiple, or every possible variable in a situation quickly is extremely difficult. Not only is it difficult for his brain to process vast amounts information at the speed he needs it to, but the speed of which he intakes the information can effect his body physically. The most common symptoms is comparable to one who has suffered a concussion: headache, nausea, confusion, unconsciousness and possibly driving himself into a coma.
  • Using his psychometric abilities has a similar outcome depending on the age of an object/person
  • Also similar to 'rewinding time.' This ability allows him to see what happened in the room like he was rewinding a video tape. Looking farther back than a few minutes is as tiring as it is dangerous
  • He isn't omniscient and cannot see beyond what he is immediately looking at.
  • He fears manipulation the past because of his background and also fears prolonged time travel for the same reason. (Again, he isn't omniscient and is completely aware of this)


Childhood scars from falling down on his knees


Erin is constantly shifting between some variety of laid-back and down right wicked.

He purposefully exudes an air of apathy that he aims to keep those whom he believes to be the most annoying away from him. Though he doesn't dislike learning, he doesn't yearn for it but he undoubtedly understands the necessity of it. Despite telling himself he doesn't need people, he actually does enjoy the company of those who capture his attention.

He tends to like people that not only think outside of the box, but live it. To these people, he is still laid-back but there's always an edge of an almost ethereal quality about him, where you never know what he would say or do next. His jokes are usually said so straight-faced one could hardly tell is was sarcasm or so crass they don't know if it would be safe to laugh. Erin's incredibly loyal to his friends, watching their back even if they don't particularly want him to. And despite anything he might say or do, he really does care, enough that awkward situations fluster him.

The second you cross an inch into his bad side, though, is the moment you learn exactly why you don't want to make an enemy out of one who can manipulate time. You could have done something as simple as implied any spotty work he did was out of a lack of intelligence (even if it was true) or something more serious like threatened his person or that of his friend's or, God-forbid, threatened a child. Erin will do anything within his power to not only make your life a living hell, but to make it appear as if it were all your fault. or, if everything else fails, make sure that even if everybody knows it was his fault something horrible happened to you, no one could prove it.




Being mistaken for a girl most of your life will do several things. Firstly, it makes one appreciate all that girl's go through when simply walking down the street. But mostly, it helps define who you become simply by how you react to being a boy who identified as a boy who was mistaken for a girl. So it has been like that for most of Erin's life.

When he was very young, he would fight back. He would insist he was a boy and would show anyone who tried to tell him any different. It didn't help that Erin is such an androgynous name that even his teachers would mistake him.

His parents and younger sister were a constant support, enough so that he eventually didn't what others thought. It was around this time that his abilities first started to surface. Instead of fighting the juvenile beings he called his peers, they would mysteriously have their pants drop in the middle of class or have their shoes tied together in the middle of a kickball game, just as they were starting to kick.

Eventually, he was found out and was sent to Riverview.

It was in his second year when his sister was targeted for all those pranks he pulled when he was still going to a more mundane school. It was the first time he really failed with his abilities. When he tried to change the events that would scar his sister, both literally and figuratively, his lack of omniscience made it worse and instead of getting a small scar on her cheek, she was blinded in one eye. He hasn't tried anything that drastic since, instead focusing on that which he knew he could control.


He's broadened a bit since he was young, but he's still mistaken for a girl often enough for it to annoy him when people point it out.

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Karma200 said:
Is there room for another CS?
Oh, yes. Plenty of room. I will always been accepting for this rp. 
@EccentricallyDriven, @Frost_ , @Kishi I'm sorry to bother you after mentioning that you have been approved but I took a second look and was wondering if you guys could elaborate more on your character's weaknesses. If you'd like a good example of a weaknesses, check out Nyx's character. I'm really sorry but this weaknesses information is needed to compensate for some sort of power as well are properly make you approve your character through this rp. I need more elaborate and more than just exhaustion from magic and spells used. We need things that bother your character. We need enough weaknesses to offer room for improvement on the power. Like speed, vulnerability, strength.
Name: Erin Rain Indigo Sage

Nickname: Chao

Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Likes: Anarchy, classic punk, Vegetarianism.

Dislikes: Stupidity, sporty people, wastes of time, people invading her privacy.

Power/Ability: Disruption: Powers used in a five foot radius from Erin do not work how they are meant to. They might not work, they might work better, but they never work exactly as planned, and never the same way twice. A healing power might cause her to get wounded, a fireball might become a swarm of fireflies. Alternatively a heal may remove every injury from her, including tattoos and piercings, or a fireball might be the size of a house.

Powers actively targeting her feedback to their controller when outside of the radius. For example, someone tries to lob a fireball at her, it explodes in their face. They try to heal her at a distance, they heal themself. They try to invade her mind, they end up in their own head.

Weapon of Choice: Any blunt instrument close to hand.

Weaknesses: Neither positive not negative powers work on her, She is physically short and weak. She is easily addicted to most anything, she doesn't care if she lives or dies and will never back down from a fight, even those where the odds are stacked so against her that bookies won't take bets.

Markings: Four studs in her left ear, six in her right. Five other rings. Three tattoos she doesn't show anyone and keeps covered. One chaos star tattoo on her left arm.

Personality: Erin is a disruption. She never backs down to people she doesn't like, and judges people to her own standards. If you manage to meet a majority of her personal criteria, you'll have a loyal friend. She is quick witted but has poor emotional control.

Appearance <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Eris2.jpg.1ff05e8373c570cb35dd6ffb631ffc69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Eris2.jpg.1ff05e8373c570cb35dd6ffb631ffc69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Biography: Erin was born in the northern suburbs of Sydney, to a mother who ran a new age shop dealing with crystals and Wicca. She is an only child, her father shot through while her mother was in labor. She spent a lot of time getting kicked out of schools, with her poor impulse control and lack of willingness to work well with others she deemed unteachable. She was recruited to the school after an altercation with a new friend, a backpacker, got caught up in a fight with someone who turned out to be a splicer. The five foot girl had gotten the splicer to one knee when she was caught in a small explosion, somehow, that left her friend dead, and the Splicer studying her carefully.

Other: Even though she has not killed anyone at the school, she has a guard, to keep her in line as much as to protect others.

I am forever, magically special.



  • Eris2.jpg
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Ingrid Li


Gree, Little Songbird

Place of Birth:

No-one really knows where Ingrid was born. She was just found at the shelter one day, and she didn't know either. She previously resided somewhere in Italy (where the foster home was).






First Year


Her mother's broom, affectionate gestures (hugging, messing with hair, etcetera), plush animals / teddy bears, sweet things.


Dark places, vacant areas, funerals, dogs, creepy puppets, clowns.


Ingrid has the power of manipulating sound, only her's. She can easily modify her pitch as she likes, from a very soft and appealing tone to a sharp and detering one to an almost undetectable (think dog whistle!) sound. She can also change her own voice, maybe to mimic other voices and such. As a child, she isn't fully aware of her powers and can't effectively use them until she is trained.

Weapon of Choice:

"Hitting stuff with? You mean broo-broo?"

Ingrid's first choice for a weapon, obliviously would be her cherished broom. She doesn't exactly know what fighting is. Under a teacher's/student's recommendation (anyone can choose to do so within the RP) a more suitable weapon would be a microphone or a microphone and its stand, wireless of course. And one that doesn't repeat the voice through other means (like a speaker).


•Ingrid is 12. Do you really expect her to take a punch from someone way older than her? I think not. She's very weak.

•Ingrid cannot use her power if she can't breathe.

•Ingrid doesn't know how to fight, or use her ability (yet).

•[insert other weaknesses of being young]




Ingrid is just a bundle of innocence that you expect from a child. She is quite modest and quite honest. As she is pretty young, she doesn't know as much things as others that are older than her do. As a result, she can be very naive. You could say she is a little shy, but she takes more to the dismissive and self-sustaining side where she doesn't care much for things surrounding her. Ingrid is also easily scare-able.




"I don't know much. But mommy and daddy died. So I came here."

It is unknown where Ingrid's birthplace had been. It is easy to infer that it was probably Italy, for reasons that will be stated below. Ingrid lived pretty normally, she thought. A mother and a father and what she believed to be an incoming little brother. She didn't know who or what they worked for. But her mother seemed pretty content with things revolving around cleaning so Ingrid supposed she was some part time maid. One day, as far as Ingrid could remember, she woke up to find her mother and father lying in their bed without movement. She called her neighbors (nice people as she described them) which then called for an ambulance which said they were already dead as they arrived. Then there was a memorial that her neighbors took her to, and after that Ingrid ran away. To where, she didn't know. But she ended up finding the foster home that she lived in for a year or two.

People guess that she originally lived somewhere in Italy and also was born there because they infer that Ingrid didn't walk that much away from home, or rather wouldn't have been able to. Ingrid doesn't remember. All she can remember, however, is arriving to the foster home and being taken in by one of the people who worked there. That and little bits and pieces of where the funeral took place.

After her one to two years of living in a foster home, she was adopted by some shady people. People who, as they found out about Ingrid in detail, were very eager to take her in. When she arrived at their house, though, she was immediately sent to the school, without another word.


Ingrid took her mother's broom with her before leaving for a keepsake. And so she carries it around her to try and recall her memories.
[QUOTE="Highly Unorthodox]Oh, yes. Plenty of room. I will always been accepting for this rp. 
@EccentricallyDriven, @Frost_ , @Kishi I'm sorry to bother you after mentioning that you have been approved but I took a second look and was wondering if you guys could elaborate more on your character's weaknesses. If you'd like a good example of a weaknesses, check out Nyx's character. I'm really sorry but this weaknesses information is needed to compensate for some sort of power as well are properly make you approve your character through this rp. I need more elaborate and more than just exhaustion from magic and spells used. We need things that bother your character. We need enough weaknesses to offer room for improvement on the power. Like speed, vulnerability, strength.

I don't know if that works?
Name: Ilay Nao Aurelius [ilay - The I is pronounced like the I in the word IN and the Lay is pronounced as Lie.]

Nickname: None at the moment. [i'll add any if they are made]

Place of Birth: The Amazon Forest

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Year: First Year

Likes: Nadia - Her touch [hugs, playing with hair, kisses etc.], sweets, rain, reading, autumn, sounds - anything that fills the silence.

Dislikes: Ilay absolutely hates people touching him, except Nadia. Silence, stares, dark places, small places without an obvious escape [he is claustrophobic] Naiv people, ignorant people, people who can't read the situation etc. Animals. [He is just a bundle of hate xD ]

Power/Ability: Blue - Mastered, Red - In development, Dark Blue - Natural

  • Panmnesia; Ilay is able to remember everything regarding himself from how he felt; the pain, the joy to what he did, what he thought, what he believed at the time was right and what was wrong. If he is to see, read, believe or feel anything; he will be able to recall that exact moment with ease. This has lead to him having many phobias and even if has mastered this power, whenever he is overly emotional; he will have no control. He tends to use this subconsciously when he sleeps, making him have either pleasant dreams or nightmares. Ilay has suffered from this power due to him gaining not only phobias but also a trauma.

  • Invisibility; Ilay has currently only the ability to stay invisible for a period of time. During this time one is able to hear him, smell him [if one has such a power O.o ] etc. This power can be developed so as to make him able to show himself to certain people and hide from others. He can be sensed through heat-cameras but in time he should be able to be technological invisible.

  • Touch of Pain; As the name suggests, Ilay is able to induce physical pain in unnatural levels by simply touching someone/something. He is unable to control this power right now at all, his touch being everything a torturer wants, and is even unable to control what level of pain his touch emits. In case of him being emotional to an extent can cause him to bring unbelievable pain to those within a five meters radius of him. This can even extend to mental pain if it is developed far enough, causing a person a severe trauma at worst. Noone has been found which is immune to this touch of his but Nadia, his mother, has shown signs of nullifying the pain without trying. The reason for this is unknown but scientists believe it to be due to her mental connection to him and the fact that his blood is flowing in her veins.

  • Decelerated Aging; Ilay ages slower than the normal human being, his life-span nearly tripled than a normal human being. His appearance is also affected by this and so he seems younger than he truly is. For example; He may seem 25 but in reality he is 38.

Weapon of Choice: Unless Ilay is using his own body, one will see him using a bow and arrows. These arrows are usually dipped in poison.


  • Ilay was born with a rather fragile body and has a weak immune system, this causes him to catch colds easily and unable to take harsh weather.

  • Ilay, whether he acts like one or not, is a child and so is not quite the most powerful human being on earth; making him vulnerable like any other child.

  • Even if his touch of pain exists, he is vulnerable against weapons and can't emit his power onto weapons. This makes him easy to avoid during a fight as long as you have a weapon.

  • He is claustrophobic and can't handle being in a car with more than one person, that person being Nadia.

  • He is traumatically mute and is unable to call for help, the only time he has ever spoken after his seventh birthday being when he saw his mother.

  • He hardly becomes emotionally attached to someone, making him unable to trust nearly anyone.

  • Ilay, due to being able to remember everything of his childhood til now and his powers, has gained more than a few phobias including; Achluophobia - fear of the dark, Haphephobia - Fear of being touched, Arsonphobia - fear of fire, Cleithrophobia - Fear of being locked in an enclosed place, trypanophobia - fear of injections/being injected with something, laliophobia - Fear of speaking. He is also afraid from whips, silence and needles.

  • At times, he, himself can feel the pain he emits; and what occurs then can be called self-induced torture as he writhes on the floor/ground and simply sobs without a sound before sitting up, hugging his legs and rocking himself back and forth. This rarely happens but when it does, it is severe for both himself and those around him as he becomes emotionally unstable for weeks.

Abnormalities: One can't spot immediate abnormalities when they see Ilay but if he takes of his top, one will be shocked to find several burn marks on his chest, one right above his heart and it is the severest one. The burn mark on his chest is complemented with a large diagonal slash above it. His back is covered in scars from what seems to be a whip and knives.

Personality: Not much of a social person and to add mute, Ilay is not easy to talk to. He seems cold, avoiding all physical contact whatsoever and tends to stay away from people his own age. This is due to the fact that most children his age are unaware of what he deems 'the real world', naive and ignorant of what pain that exists, making him feel jealousy. Jealousy, because he, himself had never such a childhood. Even so, one will not find him mingling with people older then him either.

The few people he 'communicates' with are Nadia, the headmaster and Vanessa. This was due to the fact that Nadia is his mother; the person he simply can't live without, Vanessa being telepathic and knowing of his curse for an ability and the Headmaster. Well, he is the headmaster. Ilay is but a ball of sarcastic comments, realistic opinions, a pessimist and quite honestly; he is mentally fragile.

The boy may listen to all your concerns though advising you isn't his thing but beneath that thick layer of steal is a small boy, rocking himself back and forth as he watches everything unfold infront of him. He is but a boy that tries to find the light in the dark tunnel but just can't seem to get to the end.

He is broken. He is Ilay.

With a height of 168 cm and a weight of 50,8 kg comes Ilay. The young boy has a rather lean body-build for someone his age, complemented with his natural bronze skin. Ilay has a heart-shaped face, prominent cheek bones and lips that have a rather neutral color. This is complemented with his deep, doe-like violet eyes that he inherited from his mother and long black hair which reaches just past his shoulder that he keeps in a low pony tail.

Ilay never dresses in attention grabbing colors, nor is he always in black clothing but prefers to wear clothes that covers his upper body. Hoodies among his favorite clothing. This is due to the fact that he has, as mentioned, multiple scars on his otherwise beautiful body. His skin seeming nearly flawless. The boy always wears comfortable, rather larger clothing, and tight clothes makes him feel closed up.

If possible, I'd like for it to be only the headmaster, a few selected teachers, Vanessa and Nadia to know of his pain inducement power. This is merely a request and if you want, you can ignore it. Also Nadia is his mother, not his sister.

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