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Realistic or Modern Riverbrook Insane Asylum

Doctor Morgan took her turn. Their games continued for hours, Monica usually winning. Nothing made Doctor Morgan happier than playing games and such with her patients.
"You sit down right now!" he says angerly to Annaliese. He shakes his head "please sit down Annaliese" He says back in his kind and soft tone.

Doctor jay leans in and puts his elbows on his kness"ok... ok. The game is called two truths one lie. Ever played it?" He waits a sec for a answer and continues "Good hears who you play. It fairly self explanatory. You tell two truths about yourself and one lie about yourself, and the other people have to guess which is the lie... Ill go first."

He thinks for a moment. "okay... My first name is Louis. I have three dogs. And I like candy." he stops in the silence giving time for the paients to think

"Now which is the lie?"
(Sorry, I'm here for another hour or so then I can really post. Anderson needs some thought)

Squirting more Purell on her hands she thought about it. Why would the doctor lie? Why would anyone lie? "You don't like candy....because you give it away to people?,
He smiles a Piper "Im sorry Piper, but I do like... no love candy. Nice try though the correct answer is I have three dogs, in fact, I have no dogs at all"

He straightens his back and points at her "Would you like to try Piper?" he says, popping another peppermint into his mouth.
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"Well Monica, " The doctor said standing and stretching after their last game was over. " It's getting late, so I'm going to give you a microfiber pillow. That just means that its really soft. And you can hang out in the rec room if you'd like. But just tell a nurse when you're ready to go to bed. I have to go do some things so, goodnight. Sleep well." She smiled handing her the pillow.
"That's two lies....liking and loving something is different." Piper felt deflated.

Could she lie? She bit her bottom lip in thought. "I had seven brothers and sisters. I used to make mud pies when I was little. I have....a birthmark on my....um...left hip."

The birthmark was clearly the lie she had to concentrate to do it. "Doctor jay....what does this teach?"
Jamie did NOT like this invasion of privacy. She jerked her arm back as soon as it was unwrapped, and glared. "....Doctor Anderson will be really nice." She rolled her eyes. It was obvious by the name alone that he was one of those doctors. The kind that preferred too bright lights and pristine rooms. Jamie didn't really care, but she knew that those were the ones whose smiles were always fake.
"Very, very good question Piper! Well this is just an get to know you kind of thing. If I were to say it taught something I guess it would have to be to get you guys to be more sociable, I did it when I was young and it was always fun" He smiles looking around at the others in the room

"Would anyone else like to guess what Pipers's lie was" he said leaning in again.
The doctor did this sometimes, was quiet, leaving Aquaria alone with her thoughts. She hated the silence though, because she knew that he was watching her, observing, taking mental notes on how she would react. She hated that in all honesty, she was just a toy to him. If she was going to be a toy, she was going to be the most damn interesting toy this doctor ever had. This place was so boring, it was true she liked the attention her trouble caused, but more so she was in love with the high of the trouble, the adrenaline and excitement as something so new. Lately it was taking more and more to get that high, and the anti psychosis drugs she was forced to take weren't helping.
Doctor Morgan waved and smiled. " I'll be back tomorrow with connect 4." She walked out and grabbed Monica's file that was on the wall by the dooor. She made her way to her office and walked in, seeing a new file on her desk. She picked it up, curious about what new patient she had. When she opened it, she discovered that it was a girl named Emmaline Alexandria Addams. But she clearly went by Emma. She shook her head. This girl would be a better fit for Doctor Jay. He could help her mentally better than she was equipped to, as her condition was extremely rare. But she would research the disease called Walking Corpse Syndrome and tell Jay exactly what she found out. She nodded as she had made up her mind of what she was to do. Doctor Morgan placed Monica's file down and carried Emma's file with her. When she arrived at Doctor Jay's office, she put Emma's file in his file slot by the door with a post-it note on the front saying "From me to you. ~Doctor Morgan". Then, she walked back into her office and started filling out Monica's paper work.
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Theodore waited on a bed in the therapy room waiting for a doctor to come give him his daily medacine....after seeing the other patient theodore wanted to go to the rec room. He thought that maybe if he asked nicley he would be able to go but something in the back of his mind told him it was pointless. He wanted to meet someone. He wanted out. He wanted to go back home where he was wanted...or so he thought.
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(Hey guys I think this is going too fast for me. I work 50 to 60 hours a week, I can do one or two good posts a day but I don't think I can keep up with pages :/ and it's not fair for people waiting for me to post that can go rapid fire.)
Annaliese rolled her eyes and plopped back down on the chair. "asshole." She cursed under her breath, all she wanted was to get out of this room and not play this dumb game. The 2 truths and 1 lie game was the easiest games there was, "Read their body language." Anna thought to herself, it would be no problem to guess which one is the lie. "The birth mark is the lie. Obviously." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest. She wasn't having it, this was the worst game he could pick and there was no way she was going to take a turn in playing.


@NatetheGreat9 @CosmicChangeling


((@CosmicChangeling agreed, it is going a bit fast))
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The doctor was taking a while getting to the therapy room. Theodore could here the talking in the rec room down the hall. The handler told him to stay put on the bed and wait till the doctor came. So theodore sat. The longer he sat the more talking he heard coming from that room. "I must see it again" he thought. So he slipped off the bed and down the hall. Slowly he crept his way to the door and allowed himself to ever so slightly peak in through the door window. He saw people. A doctor by the looks of it and some patients all sitting around. The doctor seemed to be having a wonderful time but the patients not so much. Theodore was looking around the room, watching these people interact with each other. He hadn't witnessed this in a long time. It was like watching a siren singing on a rock in an ocean full of the bluest calmest water. ... After a moment of looking around he saw her. The girl he noticed before. She was in a chair now, with the majority of her body tucked into a sweater.. Theodore watched her for a while...... He had no idea why but it made him happy for some reason... So happy in fact that he forgot about his mother and father....
Emma was told that she was going to be moved into a doctor named Doctor Jay's care. And the nurses were escorting her to his class, where they were playing a game. They didn't restrain her as she went willingly. "Doctor Jay, you have a new patient joining your game." A nurse said as she gestured towards Emma. "Her name is Emma." The other nurse spoke up, smiling. Then both nurses turned and left. Emma stood uncomfortably.
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"You're in solitary, because the act of shoving two fingers down your throat forcing yourself to puke isn't a very sane thing to do, now is it?" Anderson mused. His fingers were tapping on the briefcase. "The way your behavior is, I wouldn't doubt if you spent the rest of your life here."

However...short...that may be.

"Drug therapy doesn't seem to do the trick. Positive reinforcement. No, clearly not for you. You're a special kind of snowflake. So...this allows me to get....creative." He smiled again beginning to unlock the briefcase.


Piper turned to Annalise, her blue eyes widening. "Yes. How did you know? I actually have a birthmark on my right hip....it's like a blob monster with no eyes. I'm sorry I lied Annalise....it doesn't feel that great to do that...." Figiting, she poured more purrell in her hands and rubbed them, going up and down the arms now. "If we follow the rules of the game...I think it's your turn."
Annaliese shifted in her chair and looked as best as she could being stuffed inside a sweatshirt. She grunted and began shifting her eyes around the room thinking for two truths and a lie. Her eyes stopped at the door when she saw someone looking in, she figured it was a nurse just watching, but by the way they looked, it wasn't just that. Annaliese snapped back to the room and figured out something, "Fine, I'll play the silly game. I hate it here, I like the doctors, and my favourite colour is red. Guess the lie." She snuggled back down into the chair as best she could and shifted her eyes back to the door and saw the boy again. She had never seen him before, he must've been in solitary and snuck out or something. There was no way someone would get out of group without being punished or having a logical reason, being with a doctor, or solitary.


@NatetheGreat9 @CosmicChangeling @Chief Shiro @anyone else
"I'm not a damn snowflake." She snapped. "Forcing myself to throw up? It's not a big deal, most girls who do that are given a scolding on loving themselves and told to eat three good meals a day. It's a common illness, but when I do it I get sent to spend time with you. Maybe if you'd make my life a little less boring I'd stop pulling stunts, ever think of that? Are you going to take me off my meds finally? They make me sleepy." She yawned dramatically.
Theodore watched the girl very closely. he studied the way she moved. it was as if every movement was a new discovery to theodore. since he got here he was never allowed to see anyone but now that he disobeyed the doctor- he never felt happier. it didnt take long for her to meet his gaze and when she did so he retreated a little. but not too much. he felt an odd sensation come over him when she saw him. it was like his normal anxiety, except.... it was like a happy anxiety... his face felt warm and his chest felt wierd. he kept watching the girl with increasingly more interest.. before he knew it it... he found himself smiling a little.
"You like the doctors"came christophers reply. He simply held on to the candy,trying to hold a kind smile. This wasnt easy for him sadly,and his foot never stopped tapping. He finally released the now.mangled chair,looking to miss annaliese
"Great job Christopher! Is the correct Annaliese?" he says smiling and lightly clapping his hands. He leans back into his chair and looks at Annaliese. He wasn't going to take offense to it if it was correct, but it sort of hurt him to know she felt that way.
Emma just stood there where the nurses had left her, in front of the doctor and the rest of the group. She felt uneasy.
Do not patronize me,sir. You know fullwell a majority of us dont like the doctors here. While im thinking about it,i think you should get me a new chair. Im about to tear a rather jagged peice of metal from mine"He didnt drop his smile,but his tone.was full of buried anger as he spoke,sneding an unsettlingly cheerful glance the good doctor's way

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