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Realistic or Modern Riverbrook Insane Asylum

Theodore heard someone in the room next to him screaming. It frightened him but only a little. He wandered if they were new. He hadnt heard anyone like this before so they must be. " theres someone in the next room screaming. .... The nurses might come and see you and then yoid be in trouble... Besides its nearly time for my bathroom break...."
Doctor Jay was ecstatic about the results that came form his experiment. He was surprised how many responses he had gotten form the group of teens.

"Good.... Good!" He threw each person a candy who spoke, putting one of them into his mouth and sucking on it

"You see how easy that was. That was a little experiment and it seemed to be effective" He smiled looking around at the patients

"Now who wants to play a game?"
"I don't care about getting in trouble. I get in trouble all the time." Finn moved strands of hair from his face. "Plus, it's worth it." Finn looked down at the ground. "It gets so lonely around here, you know?"
Annaliese unwrapped the candy and tossed it into her mouth, it was okay. She then looked up at the doctor and frowned, "I want to go to my room. It's too cold and its awfully awkward in here." She took her legs out of the sweatshirt and stood up, "Make someone escort me to my room." She demanded, games were childish and she didn't want to participate. Anna wanted interaction between everyone, but no one ever spoke hardly, leaving her with the choice of being alone.
She gets up as she heard talking from the other side of the wall. "Sorry about the screaming," She said semi-whispering. She then went back to her bed and started reading again.
(@Alexis Martin I understand haha. I'll get it here in a sec)

"W-What kind of game?" Noella asked suspiciously, tossing the peppermint from hand to hand. "I just want to go back to r-reading is all..."
Komaeda said:
(Noella is also pretty broken minded so she would have thought the same thing either way.)
Maya smiled and gently wrapped the cuff around Jamie's arm. "It'll feel tight for just a moment, just relax your arm." She said as the machine pumped. After doing that and taking the temperature , she wrote down some things again and spoke, "Looks like your vitals are normal. Doctor Anderson should be coming to see you soon, but don't worry, he's really nice." She smiled.
Theodore heard foot steps coming down the hall and he thought he heard someone in the room say something but it was muffled by the brick walls that separated him from the rest of the patients. " well i dont....im a good boy....and if im good... I can see her again... Theyll let me out...and ill find her...and itll all ne just like it was before the o-ophanage. " theodore began to shake and eventually softly cry into his pillow.
Emma kept reading, quite contently. She hadn't seen any doctor yet, but she hoped she would eventually. She didn't want to be ill anymore than a normal person would.
theodore stopped crying and once again got up and walked over to the door. Once again he didnt dare look whoever was at his door in the face. "... I am not an orphan..." He said rather coldly" ...i have a mother and a father who love me very much... They are waiting for me to get out of here... They are waiting for me to be better...so we can be together again..." Out of the corner of his eye, theodore could see a nurse and and a handler coming up the hall. Theodore sat down and began to count in his head until they came and got him and his time outside of his room was over. All he had to do was go to the bathroom across the hall, then to the doctors office pased the rec room to take his medicine, and back to his room where they would lock him in until the same time tomarrow.
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Finn had finally given up. It was pretty obvious Theodore didn't want to talk to him. "I just wanted some compassion.." He muttered, stepping away from the door, tears running down his cheeks.
Emma started humming as she was reading. She was quite happy now. She'd missed reading books. Her parents thought that if her imagination got stronger, her illnesses would too. But that wasn't the case. Books were the only thing that helped.
The nurses came and got theodore. He knew what to do. He walked across the hall and did his buisness despite having the handler being there. This was normal to him though. He was given a shower and dressed in a new white gown. Afterwards he was escorted being escorted to the nurses office. ....feeling bad theodore aloud himself a peak into the rec room as he walked by...he only got a second as he passed the door but before he was shoved forward he caught a glimpse at another pateint. He didnt mean to but he looked her straight in the face as she was getting up from the floor. He hadnt seen anyones face in such detail for a while. He normally didnt bother to see who it was adressing him knowing what would happen...
Emma finally put down her book and got up, looking out the door window. "Hmm, I wonder what its like out there." She said aloud, not expecting anyone to hear her.
Monica was brought into the buildings. She wasn't in cuffs, since the two guards escorting her didn't see her as a physical threat, but her face was red as if she was crying recently. "...Does Monica really have to stay here? Monica is scared..it's scary looking in here!" The guards just ignored her and she trodded forward as if her feet were stuck. "Can you at least play a game with Monica? Surely there must be something for Monica to play with!"

She was taken into a doctor's office. It was just the normal routine checkup, plus the "why are you here?" type questions, and it dragged on in Monica's head, even though she had only been there 15 minutes. She was taken to her room, which was completely white. There were 2 white beds but she didn't have a room mate, then there was a small desk and a couple shelves. The nurses left her there with a drawing pad, some crayons, and some juice, and while the door wasn't locked, she stayed there for a while, finding no reason to leave until it was snack time. After snack, she wandered around a little bit in the rec room and said allowed in a chant-like voice, "Does anyone want to play a game with Monica?"
A woman with red hair and a lab coat walked into the rec room. " Hello Monica, I'm Doctor Morgan,and I'll be helping you get better." She said in a really calm and comforting voice.
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"Doctor Morgan?" Monica looked her up and down for a moment and then smiled. "Hi! What sort of things will you be doing with Monica to help Monica 'get better'?" She asked as if it was a foreign term, but really she just wanted to talk a little bit, knowing what Doctor Morgan probably meant, despite being new to this whole asylum thing,
"Well Monica, we will be giving you special games to play to help you think better, and we will in general try to make all of those voices in your head go away. " She smiled gently
"You can make Monica's voices...go away?" She asked hopefully. "Also Monica loves games! Did the nurse tell you that Monica loves games?"
"Yes Monica, we're certainly going to try, and yes they did, in fact, I brought checkers if you would like to play with me?"
"Monica would love to play checkers with you!' Monica replied cheerfully. "Monica loooooves checkers!"
Doctor Morgan smiled and set up the checker board on the coffee table. She then pulled 2 chairs up to it and sat in one. " Shall we?" She gestured towards the chair still smiling.

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