[sad jester jingle noises]
I summon the dumb. My brain is also fried rn so I will polish this up tomorrow lmao ok thank u
Hayden Frazier
"grr manly and sports and stuff haha"
Birthday: October 27th, Scorpio.
Favourite colour: Orange + Champagne.
While Hayden acts very much the same despite what gender, there are small differences in the mannerisms.
- As the male form he can be rather impulsive from the testosterone. A lot more competitive and aggressive with his behaviours. Far more hungrier and will eat (or want to eat) constantly. This is his more openly confident form and uses it in situations he is uncomfortable or feeling unsafe. Still very friendly, but can seem like he's coming onto somebody from just being overly nice.
- The female Hayden seems more reserved, though it's more of a deceit than anything. She can be more emotional, more passive, nurturing, and friendly-looking. And then equally aggressive and boisterous when needed. If she's wanting to attract friends this is how she will present herself to look less intimidating. She will also use it to get away with things she wouldn't be able to as a male. Crying because of getting physically attacked, lady issues to avoid PE, etc.
- Both are very laidback. Sometimes the traditional masculine traits get portrayed in the female form and vice versa, prompting some questions over their mannerisms. Sometimes Hayden even forgets what they're presenting as, and will mess up the stereotypes they play into. The female form could be aggro and man-spread, while the male form will fuss over his hair and eyelashes and chat about teen dramas. Despite these roles they play into, all of it is a part of Hayden. It's just how they choose to delegate their traits and show themselves to others.
- Airhead. Will talk for 3 hours about the taste of Styrofoam.
Hates: Gendered bathrooms, vinegar chips, non-waterproof mascara, heights, plucking eyebrows, studying, clowns, discrimination, tidying things, nosey or pushy people, homework/studying, exams, anything intelligent related, learning ew lol, scarves, cheetah print, not enough seasoning on potato chips.
Loves: Contact sports, geology, slapping the tops of doors when walking under them, lemon tea or pie, chicken potato chips, pasta, card games, rock collecting, competition, worms, chewing gum, staring into space, energy drinks, doodling in books, vending machines, lunch time, posters, sleeping, micellar water, orange juice, milk pudding, angry loud music, summer.
Biggest secrets:
- What they were born as. This is information never disclosed to anyone as Hayden considers themselves as both. They also just find the question to be disrespectful since it shouldn't matter.
- That it's actually the same person, big lie that they're just siblings who attend the same school. Siblings that are never seen in the same room together. How mysterious.
-B A S I C S T A T S-
N A M E: Hayden Frazier, though they will sometimes go by Haley in the female form when wishing to hide their ability to change between.
A G E: 18
G E N D E R: Depends. Feel free to refer to Hayden with any pronouns.
H E I G H T: Both forms stand at 5'10.
W E I G H T: 170 lbs, 77kg.
B O D Y T Y P E: Both don't have much muscle to them. Not even the female form holds much curve. Both are just pretty lanky.
A P P E A R A N C E: Hayden has a slim face dusted with freckles, a smooth peaches and cream complexion and pale eyes framed with dark lashes.
The female Hayden puts on a lot of mascara, hence the dark undereye areas from smudging it everywhere. Her hair is long and hangs at her waist. Usually she has a very focused expression, but a disclaimer that Hayden is not focused at all. She just looks like that. It's a lie.
The male Hayden is very similar, still has pale hair but it is cut short above the ears. More sharpened features and broader shoulders. Nevertheless, leftover makeup on the male form is not uncommon to see. Does attempt to wipe it off but they are just a mess and doing their best.
- R O M A N C E -
S E X U A L O R I E N T A T I O N: Pansexual would probably be the easiest label.
W H A T A R E T H E Y A T T R A C T E D T O: They aren't interested in anything appearance wise, as they find it to be a flexible thing. As long as they don't smell or something like that. It would have to be someone who is fine with both forms. A lot of issues have arisen with strictly heterosexual and homosexual people becoming attracted to one form before realising Hayden can be both.
- S K I L L S -
- Easy to get along with, usually.
- Will share their food with you.
- Knows things about rocks.
- Being useless.
P O W E R S: Gender Shifting.
- Hayden can psychically alter the physical traits of their apparent gender. Height and weight remain the same, just their voice and appearance changes. This cannot be used offensively, defensively or supportive as it's a very useless ability. Does not contribute anything to fighting. More confusing and a drama starter than anything else.
- Hayden has to rotate between them, otherwise surprise changes occur. Does not have a lot of control over this but can feel when it's nearing which gives them the time to run off. She's the Man energy.
Eating and socializing is about it. Lots of daydreaming and doing anything besides schoolwork. Loves games due to competitive nature, determined to destroy your entire life in Monopoly. Finding rocks.
- P E R S O N A L I T Y & C H A R A C T E R -
- Pretty good at communicating with others. Because they are enthusiastic and relaxed about everything they will ramble by themselves to keep a convo going. Quiet people are no match for Hayden's ability to chat.
- Not shy in the slightest. Approaching strangers head on is no problem. This can be a cause for conflict if Hayden is sorting out a problem.
- A pretty morally-good person. They won't tolerate any serious bullying and will step in if they feel the need to intervene.
- Often in a positive mood, but that might just be because Hayden is too dumb to feel much else.
- Both the nurturing energy of the female side, plus the protection and impulsive decisions of the male provide a shared experience to friends. If you need someone to hold you while you cry, Hayden can be there. Then Hayden can go shout at whoever did it. They are very loyal to those they see as friends.
- An absolute airhead. Hayden is very bad at staying focused and learning. Their grades suffer because of this. Help.
- Their laidback attitude can come across as dismissive of things. Some do not appreciate the lazy attitude or how comfortable they seem to get with others so quickly.
- Hayden is adamant to keep their power a secret, even if that means lying to friends.
- Dumb and hungry. Thinks 12 and a dozen are different amounts.
- Likes rocks.
- Social constructs suck.
- Hayden is okay with breaking rules, as long as there is no serious consequences or complications. Doesn't want anybody hurt, but likes fun too.
- Not a spiteful person, not a believer in petty behaviours or revenge.
- Vinegar chips are the worst thing in existence. Will fight them.
- Hayden fears rejection. Their ability makes relationships between people difficult, both romantic and friendships. They've been called a liar, perverted and rejected for this power.
- Befriending someone who thinks they are two individual people. Has occurred on many occasions and never ends well when they find out it's been one person all along.
- Clowns. They're scary. Enough said.
- When vending machine has no potato chip.
- Their ability is their biggest insecurity, as it provokes a lot of judgment and misunderstandings.
- Hayden feeds into stereotypical behaviours in order to come across manly or feminine enough.
- Putting on waterproof mascara then complaining they can't get it off.
- Messy. Not good at tidying their living space.
- Big procrastinator.
- Being late and getting lost everywhere they go. Please help.
- Shaking and attacking vending machines.
Hayden Frazier
"grr manly and sports and stuff haha"
Birthday: October 27th, Scorpio.
Favourite colour: Orange + Champagne.
While Hayden acts very much the same despite what gender, there are small differences in the mannerisms.
- As the male form he can be rather impulsive from the testosterone. A lot more competitive and aggressive with his behaviours. Far more hungrier and will eat (or want to eat) constantly. This is his more openly confident form and uses it in situations he is uncomfortable or feeling unsafe. Still very friendly, but can seem like he's coming onto somebody from just being overly nice.
- The female Hayden seems more reserved, though it's more of a deceit than anything. She can be more emotional, more passive, nurturing, and friendly-looking. And then equally aggressive and boisterous when needed. If she's wanting to attract friends this is how she will present herself to look less intimidating. She will also use it to get away with things she wouldn't be able to as a male. Crying because of getting physically attacked, lady issues to avoid PE, etc.
- Both are very laidback. Sometimes the traditional masculine traits get portrayed in the female form and vice versa, prompting some questions over their mannerisms. Sometimes Hayden even forgets what they're presenting as, and will mess up the stereotypes they play into. The female form could be aggro and man-spread, while the male form will fuss over his hair and eyelashes and chat about teen dramas. Despite these roles they play into, all of it is a part of Hayden. It's just how they choose to delegate their traits and show themselves to others.
- Airhead. Will talk for 3 hours about the taste of Styrofoam.
Hates: Gendered bathrooms, vinegar chips, non-waterproof mascara, heights, plucking eyebrows, studying, clowns, discrimination, tidying things, nosey or pushy people, homework/studying, exams, anything intelligent related, learning ew lol, scarves, cheetah print, not enough seasoning on potato chips.
Loves: Contact sports, geology, slapping the tops of doors when walking under them, lemon tea or pie, chicken potato chips, pasta, card games, rock collecting, competition, worms, chewing gum, staring into space, energy drinks, doodling in books, vending machines, lunch time, posters, sleeping, micellar water, orange juice, milk pudding, angry loud music, summer.
Biggest secrets:
- What they were born as. This is information never disclosed to anyone as Hayden considers themselves as both. They also just find the question to be disrespectful since it shouldn't matter.
- That it's actually the same person, big lie that they're just siblings who attend the same school. Siblings that are never seen in the same room together. How mysterious.
-B A S I C S T A T S-
N A M E: Hayden Frazier, though they will sometimes go by Haley in the female form when wishing to hide their ability to change between.
A G E: 18
G E N D E R: Depends. Feel free to refer to Hayden with any pronouns.
H E I G H T: Both forms stand at 5'10.
W E I G H T: 170 lbs, 77kg.
B O D Y T Y P E: Both don't have much muscle to them. Not even the female form holds much curve. Both are just pretty lanky.
A P P E A R A N C E: Hayden has a slim face dusted with freckles, a smooth peaches and cream complexion and pale eyes framed with dark lashes.
The female Hayden puts on a lot of mascara, hence the dark undereye areas from smudging it everywhere. Her hair is long and hangs at her waist. Usually she has a very focused expression, but a disclaimer that Hayden is not focused at all. She just looks like that. It's a lie.
The male Hayden is very similar, still has pale hair but it is cut short above the ears. More sharpened features and broader shoulders. Nevertheless, leftover makeup on the male form is not uncommon to see. Does attempt to wipe it off but they are just a mess and doing their best.
- R O M A N C E -
S E X U A L O R I E N T A T I O N: Pansexual would probably be the easiest label.
W H A T A R E T H E Y A T T R A C T E D T O: They aren't interested in anything appearance wise, as they find it to be a flexible thing. As long as they don't smell or something like that. It would have to be someone who is fine with both forms. A lot of issues have arisen with strictly heterosexual and homosexual people becoming attracted to one form before realising Hayden can be both.
- S K I L L S -
- Easy to get along with, usually.
- Will share their food with you.
- Knows things about rocks.
- Being useless.
P O W E R S: Gender Shifting.
- Hayden can psychically alter the physical traits of their apparent gender. Height and weight remain the same, just their voice and appearance changes. This cannot be used offensively, defensively or supportive as it's a very useless ability. Does not contribute anything to fighting. More confusing and a drama starter than anything else.
- Hayden has to rotate between them, otherwise surprise changes occur. Does not have a lot of control over this but can feel when it's nearing which gives them the time to run off. She's the Man energy.
Eating and socializing is about it. Lots of daydreaming and doing anything besides schoolwork. Loves games due to competitive nature, determined to destroy your entire life in Monopoly. Finding rocks.
- P E R S O N A L I T Y & C H A R A C T E R -
- Pretty good at communicating with others. Because they are enthusiastic and relaxed about everything they will ramble by themselves to keep a convo going. Quiet people are no match for Hayden's ability to chat.
- Not shy in the slightest. Approaching strangers head on is no problem. This can be a cause for conflict if Hayden is sorting out a problem.
- A pretty morally-good person. They won't tolerate any serious bullying and will step in if they feel the need to intervene.
- Often in a positive mood, but that might just be because Hayden is too dumb to feel much else.
- Both the nurturing energy of the female side, plus the protection and impulsive decisions of the male provide a shared experience to friends. If you need someone to hold you while you cry, Hayden can be there. Then Hayden can go shout at whoever did it. They are very loyal to those they see as friends.
- An absolute airhead. Hayden is very bad at staying focused and learning. Their grades suffer because of this. Help.
- Their laidback attitude can come across as dismissive of things. Some do not appreciate the lazy attitude or how comfortable they seem to get with others so quickly.
- Hayden is adamant to keep their power a secret, even if that means lying to friends.
- Dumb and hungry. Thinks 12 and a dozen are different amounts.
- Likes rocks.
- Social constructs suck.
- Hayden is okay with breaking rules, as long as there is no serious consequences or complications. Doesn't want anybody hurt, but likes fun too.
- Not a spiteful person, not a believer in petty behaviours or revenge.
- Vinegar chips are the worst thing in existence. Will fight them.
- Hayden fears rejection. Their ability makes relationships between people difficult, both romantic and friendships. They've been called a liar, perverted and rejected for this power.
- Befriending someone who thinks they are two individual people. Has occurred on many occasions and never ends well when they find out it's been one person all along.
- Clowns. They're scary. Enough said.
- When vending machine has no potato chip.
- Their ability is their biggest insecurity, as it provokes a lot of judgment and misunderstandings.
- Hayden feeds into stereotypical behaviours in order to come across manly or feminine enough.
- Putting on waterproof mascara then complaining they can't get it off.
- Messy. Not good at tidying their living space.
- Big procrastinator.
- Being late and getting lost everywhere they go. Please help.
- Shaking and attacking vending machines.