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Realistic or Modern River Hill Hospital

Name: Jason Murphy

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Appearance: 6 feet 1 inch tall. Slightly thinner than he should be due to living on the streets

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-6_13-2-27.png.4b4a7b7144ca391c578ce832d5b2c7af.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90011" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-6_13-2-27.png.4b4a7b7144ca391c578ce832d5b2c7af.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Why you're here: A whole slew of mental disorders namely Depression, Anxiety and OCD

Do you want help?: Yes and No

Personality: Shy, quiet and reserved until he feel comfortable around you. "I'm one of those professional funny guy pranksters."

Likes to learn if he has the motivation or patience for it. Puts on a 90's punk teen persona due hide behind

History: Orphaned at a young age Jason moved from place to place in different foster homes. He never stayed in one home long due to his 'acting up' when he really just needed some mental help. Most recently he went to a couple who were both intellegent enough to realize he had problems other than the obvious. This couple genuinely loved Jason and wanted the best for him but after they died in a car accident, that Jason blames himself for, he went "back on the market" as he says. A few more foster families later he ended up with two abusive, drug addicted, alcoholics. He ran away from home soon after and after a couple months living on the streets he sought help at River Hill. Through his life Jason has gone through everything imaginable to get help; from meds, to therapists, to partial hospitalization. Nothing seemed to help so now he's here in in-patient. Has attempted suicide more than once.

Extra: Plays guitar, bass and drums Likes to be a trouble maker when hes got his punk persona up. Acts tough but most know its just that; an act



  • upload_2015-12-6_13-2-27.png
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PenguinFox said:
Name: Jason Murphy
Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Appearance: 6 feet 1 inch tall. Slightly thinner than he should be due to living on the streets

View attachment 201173

Why you're here: A whole slew of mental disorders namely Depression, Anxiety and OCD

Do you want help?: Yes and No

Personality: Shy, quiet and reserved until he feel comfortable around you. "I'm one of those professional funny guy pranksters."

Likes to learn if he has the motivation or patience for it. Puts on a 90's punk teen persona due hide behind

History: Orphaned at a young age Jason moved from place to place in different foster homes. He never stayed in one home long due to his 'acting up' when he really just needed some mental help. Most recently he went to a couple who were both intellegent enough to realize he had problems other than the obvious. This couple genuinely loved Jason and wanted the best for him but after they died in a car accident, that Jason blames himself for, he went "back on the market" as he says. A few more foster families later he ended up with two abusive, drug addicted, alcoholics. He ran away from home soon after and after a couple months living on the streets he sought help at River Hill. Through his life Jason has gone through everything imaginable to get help; from meds, to therapists, to partial hospitalization. Nothing seemed to help so now he's here in in-patient. Has attempted suicide more than once.

Extra: Plays guitar, bass and drums Likes to be a trouble maker when hes got his punk persona up. Acts tough but most know its just that; an act
Accepted! ^_^


Name: Connor Davenport


Sexual Orientation:

Your Job At River Hill:
Security Coordinator & Law Enforcement Liaison

Connor is well-built, standing at 6'2" and 220 lbs with an athletic, broad-shouldered build. He keeps his dark brown hair close-cropped, with heavy stubble along his jawline (until he is forced to shave and report for duty with the Guard, that is). Connor's eyes are a shade of steely gray-blue, while his skin is lightly-tanned. A small scar is visible just above his left eye. A tattoo depicting the crest of the 75th Ranger Regiment is on his left bicep.

Personality: Soft-spoken and reserved by nature, Connor is regarded by many to be terse and professional, even uptight. While this is true around strangers and acquaintances alike, once someone has earned his friendship and enters his small inner circle, they will have earned a surprisingly warm, loyal, and fiercely protective companion.

Underneath his cool, almost impassive shell, Davenport is a committed altruist at heart who deeply values serving his community and helping those around him. Though he is genuinely uncomfortable being the center of attention, he is a firm believer in the value of words and actions.

History: Connor was born in Atlanta to a teenage girl with no money or support system capable of properly caring for him. She left Davenport in the care of the state when he was only one week old, before promptly disappearing from the boy's life. Connor bounced around between multiple foster homes across Georgia until he was thirteen years old. Gifted both athletically and academically, Connor did well in school and sports alike. Unfortunately, however, he was commonly considered a "problem child". Altercations with his peers were a frequent fixture in his childhood.

After a stint in juvenile detention, Connor's life took a turn for the better. The foster family he was staying with was visited by their extended family from New York -- Daniel and Maria Davenport. The couple took an interest in the troubled youth, quickly bonding with him. Before long, they finalized the process to permanently adopt Connor.

Daniel, an NYPD officer and Gulf War veteran, saw to it that the boy was shaped up. Connor assimilated quickly into the Davenport family, his disciplinary issues evaporating practically overnight. For a time, he was truly happy and well-adjusted for the first time in his life. However, that all changed on September 11th, 2001. Daniel was one of the police officers who entered the Twin Towers following the attack and never made it out. Maria, wracked with grief, continued to raise Connor alone. The boy fought through a brief relapse into his former delinquency, managing to win a varsity wrestling championship and graduate high school as the Salutatorian of his class at seventeen.

Connor enlisted with the United States Army as a Healthcare Specialist, volunteering for service with the 75th Ranger Regiment. After a year of grueling training, he was assigned to the 3rd Ranger Battalion as a combat medic. Over the next three years, he participated in multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. After four years of service, Davenport left active duty and transferred to the New York National Guard before applying to the NY State Police. He spent several years on patrol, earning the rank of Sergeant. He attended night classes on the side to earn a degree in Psychology with a minor in Sociology.

Several months ago, Davenport was reassigned to River Hill Hospital. Due to the high status of many of the facility's "clientele", the Governor wishes to provide a safe & secure environment at the medical center. Connor now spends his shifts at River Hill, overseeing the security staff and liaising between the staff and law enforcement as necessary.

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Safton said:


Name: Connor Davenport


Sexual Orientation:

Your Job At River Hill:
Security Coordinator & Law Enforcement Liaison

Connor is well-built, standing at 6'2" and 220 lbs with an athletic, broad-shouldered build. He keeps his dark brown hair close-cropped, with heavy stubble or a well-trimmed beard along his jawline. His eyes are a shade of icy gray-blue.

Personality: Connor is regarded by many to be terse and professional, even uptight. While this is true around strangers and acquaintances alike, once someone has earned his friendship and enters his small inner circle, they see a surprisingly warm, loyal -- and above all -- protective friend. Davenport is a committed altruist at heart who deeply believes in serving his community and helping those around him.

History: Connor was born in Atlanta to a teenage girl with no money or support system capable of properly caring for him. She left Davenport in the care of the state when he was only one week old, before promptly disappearing from the boy's life. Connor bounced around between multiple foster homes across Georgia until he was thirteen years old. Gifted both athletically and academically, Connor did well in school and sports alike. Unfortunately, however, he was commonly considered a "problem child". Altercations with his peers were a frequent fixture in his childhood.

After a stint in juvenile detention, Connor's life took a turn for the better. The foster family he was staying with was visited by their extended family from New York -- Daniel and Maria Davenport. The couple took an interest in the troubled youth, quickly bonding with him. Before long, they finalized the process to permanently adopt Connor.

Daniel, an NYPD officer and Gulf War veteran, saw to it that the boy was shaped up. Connor assimilated quickly into the Davenport family, his disciplinary issues evaporating practically overnight. For a time, he was truly happy and well-adjusted for the first time in his life. However, that all changed on September 11th, 2001. Daniel was one of the police officers who entered the Twin Towers following the attack and never made it out. Maria, wracked with grief, continued to raise Connor alone. The boy fought through a brief relapse into his former delinquency, managing to win a varsity wrestling championship and graduate high school as the Salutatorian of his class at seventeen.

Connor enlisted with the United States Army as a Healthcare Specialist/Combat Medic, serving in the National Guard while attending classes at New York University where he majored in Psychology with a minor in Sociology. Despite multiple overseas deployments, Davenport graduated with honors and applied to the New York State Police shortly thereafter. He made it through the academy, working patrol for several years before being promoted to Sergeant as he continuously works toward his Law degree.

Several months ago, Davenport was reassigned to River Hill Hospital. Due to the high status of many of the governor's "clientele", the Governor wishes to provide a safe & secure environment at the medical center. Connor now spends his shifts at River Hill, overseeing the security staff and liaising between the staff and law enforcement as necessary.

Name: Jericho McAllister

"But everyone calls me Jer."

Age: 18

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual homoromantic



Why you're here: Substance Abuse (PCP), Bipolar Disorder, Nightmare Disorder, Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Do you want help?: "No. I'm fine the way I am, damn it. No one gets the damn picture. That's why I'm here."

Personality: These days, Jer is cold as ice. Well, he's always been a bit of an ass, but it's worse now. He spends most of his time glaring at anyone that comes within ten feet of him. It wouldn't be beyond him to start a fight with someone who so much as looked at him the wrong way. For the most part, he just wants to be left alone, pretend he's better, and then move on with this life. The withdrawal is hitting him hard, so that is partially to blame for his even more sour demeanor. Outside of the hospital, he was still pretty angry and cold to strangers, but he did have some redeeming qualities. To his very, very few friends, he is fiercely loyal, careful, and has even been known to be sweet. Getting to that side of him meant picking through a whole lot of nasty and ugly. He was always a very angry and reckless person, as well. These days, with how sick he's been feelings, it's even worse. Jer tries to instill fear in the doctors and nurses so they'll just leave him alone. Even on a bad day, he still refuses help from anyone, snarling that he would rather be left alone. At this point, he has long since given up on trying to explain the things he can see and sense, still firmly believing that everything he sees is real, as distressing as some of it may be.

History: Jer has been living on the streets since he was fifteen years old. His home life, when he had one, was not exactly pleasant. However, his parents' only abuse was neglect. They really never cared about what he did or where he went. For the most part, they were too busy being strung out on drugs to care about anything else. He lived in squalor and barely had what he needed to survive. It was a miracle he was even born without a lot of problems, let alone survived as long as he had. A demon followed him around for his entire life, wreaking havov on everything he tried to do. The thing terrified him, but no matter who he told, no one believed him. As a result, he began to believe that he was very sensitive to beings on the other side and began to see them everywhere. He mostly kept it to himself, though, getting tired of people giving him strange looks and not believing him.

School was the only time he could get away from his parents and feel somewhat normal for a few hours. The friends he had now he had known since he was a child. They had been there for him on many occasions, offering up their homes to him so he could get away for a night. Their parents even offered to call child services for him, but he would vehemently deny it, claiming that he didn't want to be put in the foster system and taken away from the few people he actually cared about. His mental stability was fragile, at best, but he was at his best when he was around people he trusted.

Honestly, deciding to walk out the door and live on the streets was the best decision he had ever made with his life. Life was hard, certainly, but it was better than being around his low life family. Unfortunately, his parents' influence wouldn't stop even after he moved out. He tried to hard to stay out of the void of drugs, but when he lost all hope, he ended up turning to PCP. The hallucinations made him feel better...mostly. He would have some bad trips, certainly, but that was a risk he was willing to take. He started to sink further and further into the spiral, slowly losing his mind. His other disorders began to surface, leaving him a barely functioning mess. His friends (the whopping three that he had) worried all the time about him and it was they who finally convinced him to get help. Mostly, Jer did it just to shut them up, feeling he didn't need help and thinking that it would be easy. It slowly dawned on him that he had made a mistake allowing himself to be admitted to River Hill Hospital. The only good thing to come of it was that he, at least, had a consistent roof over his head and meals. There were a lot of spirits in the hospital and they taunted him daily. His demon had followed him, as well. So, he wasn't able to escape. The medicine they put him on always made him sick; the withdrawal made him sick. These days, the only thing that keeps him sane is music and fixing things. He has a very creative mind and can repair almost anything that is given to him.

Extra: Jer has a very good singing voice and wants to learn to play an instrument. He also builds things in his room when he's bored.
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spaceadel said:
Name: Jericho McAllister
"But everyone calls me Jer."

Age: 18

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual homoromantic



Why you're here: Substance Abuse (PCP), Bipolar Disorder, Nightmare Disorder, Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Do you want help?: "No. I'm fine the way I am, damn it. No one gets the damn picture. That's why I'm here."

Personality: These days, Jer is cold as ice. Well, he's always been a bit of an ass, but it's worse now. He spends most of his time glaring at anyone that comes within ten feet of him. It wouldn't be beyond him to start a fight with someone who so much as looked at him the wrong way. For the most part, he just wants to be left alone, pretend he's better, and then move on with this life. The withdrawal is hitting him hard, so that is partially to blame for his even more sour demeanor. Outside of the hospital, he was still pretty angry and cold to strangers, but he did have some redeeming qualities. To his very, very few friends, he is fiercely loyal, careful, and has even been known to be sweet. Getting to that side of him meant picking through a whole lot of nasty and ugly. He was always a very angry and reckless person, as well. These days, with how sick he's been feelings, it's even worse. Jer tries to instill fear in the doctors and nurses so they'll just leave him alone. Even on a bad day, he still refuses help from anyone, snarling that he would rather be left alone. At this point, he has long since given up on trying to explain the things he can see and sense, still firmly believing that everything he sees is real, as distressing as some of it may be.

History: Jer has been living on the streets since he was fifteen years old. His home life, when he had one, was not exactly pleasant. However, his parents' only abuse was neglect. They really never cared about what he did or where he went. For the most part, they were too busy being strung out on drugs to care about anything else. He lived in squalor and barely had what he needed to survive. It was a miracle he was even born without a lot of problems, let alone survived as long as he had. A demon followed him around for his entire life, wreaking havov on everything he tried to do. The thing terrified him, but no matter who he told, no one believed him. As a result, he began to believe that he was very sensitive to beings on the other side and began to see them everywhere. He mostly kept it to himself, though, getting tired of people giving him strange looks and not believing him.

School was the only time he could get away from his parents and feel somewhat normal for a few hours. The friends he had now he had known since he was a child. They had been there for him on many occasions, offering up their homes to him so he could get away for a night. Their parents even offered to call child services for him, but he would vehemently deny it, claiming that he didn't want to be put in the foster system and taken away from the few people he actually cared about. His mental stability was fragile, at best, but he was at his best when he was around people he trusted.

Honestly, deciding to walk out the door and live on the streets was the best decision he had ever made with his life. Life was hard, certainly, but it was better than being around his low life family. Unfortunately, his parents' influence wouldn't stop even after he moved out. He tried to hard to stay out of the void of drugs, but when he lost all hope, he ended up turning to PCP. The hallucinations made him feel better...mostly. He would have some bad trips, certainly, but that was a risk he was willing to take. He started to sink further and further into the spiral, slowly losing his mind. His other disorders began to surface, leaving him a barely functioning mess. His friends (the whopping three that he had) worried all the time about him and it was they who finally convinced him to get help. Mostly, Jer did it just to shut them up, feeling he didn't need help and thinking that it would be easy. It slowly dawned on him that he had made a mistake allowing himself to be admitted to River Hill Hospital. The only good thing to come of it was that he, at least, had a consistent roof over his head and meals. There were a lot of spirits in the hospital and they taunted him daily. His demon had followed him, as well. So, he wasn't able to escape. The medicine they put him on always made him sick; the withdrawal made him sick. These days, the only thing that keeps him sane is music and fixing things. He has a very creative mind and can repair almost anything that is given to him.

Extra: Jer has a very good singing voice and wants to learn to play an instrument. He also builds things in his room when he's bored.

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