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Realistic or Modern River Hill Hospital


Don't let anyone tell you you're not Lana Del Rey

(You may have more than one character but if you made a certain gender you must make the other gender.)

Character Sheet For Patent



Sexual Orientation:


Why you're here:

Do you want help?:




(If you want to make a Staff Member here is the sheet)

Staff Member Character Sheet



Sexual Orientation:

Your Job At River Hill:




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_nxfiz0H3Au1uk641xo1_500.gif.408014767240b3a1b84a50521992ed25.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88731" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_nxfiz0H3Au1uk641xo1_500.gif.408014767240b3a1b84a50521992ed25.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Adeline Wolf

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_mvbtjyM89g1sw8xpso6_r3_250.gif.856a9d47236931a09f6005d77323800e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88732" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_mvbtjyM89g1sw8xpso6_r3_250.gif.856a9d47236931a09f6005d77323800e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Adeline is 5'6 and weighs 119 pounds. She has hazel eyes, pale skin and dirty blonde hair.

Why you're here: Anxiety, depression, self harm and attempted suicide.

Do you want help: "No... I was forced here..."

Personality: Adeline from the outside she likes to show an "I don't care" impression. But on this inside she does care and is extremely sweet and funny... She also hurts too, she will show that side when she's ready.

History: Adeline grew up with fighting parents since the beginning. She slowly got use to it and blocked it out but was still anxious about what could happen... She learned that the best thing to do is stay out of it and cope her own way...

She always had depression, but when worsened when she was a bit older.. This is when she learned new ways to cope... Not really good ways... But at the time she thought it helped.

Another year passed and her parents began fist fighting... School wasn't that good either. She was always the odd bird out. Sitting alone at lunch near the trash can, always the one to be picked last at gym, girls and guys bullying her.

Adeline had enough of everything in her life... She felt like she had no support system so she tried to commit suicide since she didn't know what else to do...

That was the only time her parents noticed her and brought her straight to the emergency room then to River Hill Hospital.

Extra: N/A



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Character Sheet

Name: Lyric Avalyn Collins

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.ac3e30818b0b6706887064995be916ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88744" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.ac3e30818b0b6706887064995be916ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lyric has pastel purple hair with silverish tips. She has one green eye and one icy blue. She weighs in at an even 100 pounds,leaving her with anorexia. She stands at 5'4.

Why you're here:

When she was 15,she turned to self harm,suicide,heroin,alcohol. She was found in a bathtub by her drunk single mother. She was taken to the hospital and her mother was arrested. She has bad anxiety,and a touch of schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder.

Do you want help?: Yes. All she can get.

Personality: She is an incredibly sweet,nice girl. When she feels in danger,she will scream and curl up in a corner and cry for hours. She hates being along,fearing the "people in black" will come for her. She "sees" things that aren't exactly there,and this causes her to have major anxiety,which makes her fall into depression at times. When she's depressed,she stays quiet and separated from others.


She's originally from Paris,France. When she was 13,her and her mother fled to get away from an abusive father. When she was 14,she got into drugs and alcohol,learning from her newly alcoholic mother. At 15,she self harmed and overdosed on heroin. Luckily,she miraculously lived. She swore to never touch another needle or razor again. When she was released from the hospital,her mother was in tears,telling her she has to leave to go "to the crazy house".

Extra: She can play piano

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Name: Luke Green

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/ben-boykewich-photo.png.f165a8d7c6f35034944d13e3500acf8d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88862" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/ben-boykewich-photo.png.f165a8d7c6f35034944d13e3500acf8d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luke stands 5'8 and weighs 116 pounds. He has brunette hair, greenish/hazel eyes and pale skin.

He is very lanky and slim and hasn't really grown except in height.

Why you're here: Depression, attempted suicide, self harm, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder.

Do you want help?: "If it will make people stop treating me differently, then yes."

Personality: Luke use to be a very outgoing kid... Until high school came around, things started to change drastically. Now, Luke hates any types of dirt or germs. He tends to stay away from people, he doesn't want to be like that... But he can't help it. Luke doesn't really talk much anymore. He locks himself in his room being alone, worried about people's judgments.

If you try to break past all of that. He's a really sweet person, always caring and passionate in everything he does. He won't break a promise that he makes to you... Unless if it affects him at some point.

Luke wants to be that type of person we just explained, but everything going with himself or his life just won't let him.

History: Luke grew up with a single mother. She use to be very sweet to him, but when middle school for this young brunette, his mother spiraled into a world full of drugs and alcohol.

Since then his mother has never been the same, always picking on him for acting different, abusing him.

That really didn't help Luke during that time since he was already starting to develop feelings a bit more than how it was in the past with men. Luke never came out to his mother.

Also during that time Luke's fear of germs worsened, but it mostly happened during freshman year of high school. Since his mother never really showed much interest in him Luke stayed home for the first 9 weeks of freshman year, then back at school, then at home for long periods of time, he never wanted to be near people, worried he would get sick or get any type of germs that might affect his body, which also led to him cutting, because he couldn't control how he felt about germs so he thought that was his only control.

Finally when the school got involved they took him out of his home environment and brought him right to a hospital to try and get better. Once after a week passed they brought him to a foster home to live.

Lukes foster parents were great and all but his now siblings weren't that great. Its not like they ever did anything to intentionally hurt him, just ignored poor Luke.

During those few years living with his foster parents it wasn't all bad, he got over, mostly, about what he was going through.

Then Junior year hit like a bus.

Everyone was so judgmental, bullying Luke, pushing him around, making him suffer. That made Luke have thoughts of killing people. Mostly people like his foster parents and siblings. He didn't know why and always knew how to control it (he was still cutting).

One day though he couldn't take his thoughts and tried to kill himself.

When his foster parents found out they called an ambulance and was immediately brought to River Hill Hospital.

Extra: None.



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Character Sheet

Name: Hayden Allen

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual


Hayden has brown hair, gray eyes, and sharp features. She is 5’9”, 130 pounds, and is fair complected.

Why you’re here: Anxiety, paranoia, depression, and self harm.. Although this is not an illness, she was sent to River Hill Hospital by her parents for being homosexual.

Do you want help? “To be honest, no. I don’t think I need help at all.”

Personality: Hayden is a very polite and caring young woman. She is always willing to give a helping hand. She is very athletic and competitive; she learns from her mistakes and carries on with her head held high. Hayden is also a fun and flirtatious girl when she gets comfortable around others. If someone harms the people she cares for, she isn’t afraid to stand up to anyone. Hayden may appear normal and strong willed to everyone around her, but she actually suffers from severe anxiety and depression. She would never admit her mental illness to anyone, she refuses to believe that she has problems.

History: After growing up in a strict Christian household, Hayden has always been pounded with religion. One might assume that Hayden had an amazing childhood; she was raised by two loving Christian parents with plenty of money and a big house. However, Hayden was never the little girl her parents had always wanted. Ever since she could remember, she knew something was different. She was never attracted to boys, she just wanted to hang out with them; it was the other girls that she liked. Just recently, Hayden cut all of her hair off and came out as a homosexual to her conservative Christian parents. Their reactions were as expected, they cried and warned Hayden that she was going to burn in hell. Her parents began going to church without her every Sunday because they were too ashamed to be seen with their own daughter. Hayden spiraled into a deep depression and refused to attend school or even leave her room; she became so depressed that she resorted to self harm just to ease the pain. Eventually her parents took action after noticing her mental condition and decided to sent her to River Hill Hospital in hopes that they could cure her homosexuality, but deep down, Hayden knows that she will never change.

Extra: None.

Name: Stella Bradshaw

Age: 26

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Your Job At River Hill: Therapist

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/reese-witherspoon-photos-rendition-tiff-portraits-september-2007_1.jpg.f8b43c1192dee0127da65feb933e7546.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/reese-witherspoon-photos-rendition-tiff-portraits-september-2007_1.jpg.f8b43c1192dee0127da65feb933e7546.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She is 5'8 and 130 pounds. She has natural blonde hair, pale skin and blue eyes.

Personality: Stella is overall a sweet person, won't show you any trouble and will support you. But she will state her opinion if your having a discussion with her and won't ever take it back.

History: During Stella's life she's always had a stable group of friends but never a stable family life. Her parents would abuse her and just treat her differently, which made her fall into a deep depression. She was sent to a hospital a few times in her lifetime. Whether is was attempted suicide or feeling hopeless.

During that time in her life she adored all of the therapist's she spoke to and vowed after she gets over this she will end up helping people that went through what she went through. And now she is at Silver Hill Hospital.

Extras: During pet therapy days she brings in her 3 friendly doggies, Kylie, Roxie and Butternut.

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Name: Cecilia Dupre

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual


Why you're here: " I dunno, seemed like a good idea at the time!" ( Cecilia suffers from night terrors, hallucinations, and a fear of being alone)

Do you want help?: " Doesn't everyone?"

Personality: Cecilia is bubbly to a fault, every stranger is a friend she just hasn't met yet and she takes joy in everything. This, however, leaves her incredibly naïve and trusting of others. Her favorite thing to do would be drawing and she is quite good at her sketches but just one problem...they come back to haunt her.

History: Cecilia was raised by the close knit community into which she was born and her single working mom. Things went fairly well until her terrors started at a young age. Now her imagination has the best of her and trying to figure out what is real and what is fake has become an incredible challenge for her.



Name: Jasper South

Age: 18

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Why you're here: Pistanthrophobia (Fear of trusting people

Do you want help?: " No."

Personality: Jasper hates you. It doesn't really matter who you are. He will hate you. He is a very aggressive and physical young man who spends more time boxing than doing much else.

History: (Prefer to reveal in RP)

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Staff Member Character Sheet

Name: Brian Henderson

Age: 29

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Your Job At River Hill: Psychiatrist


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-2_15-36-55.png.78342c63af53327767290806d60d8168.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89120" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-2_15-36-55.png.78342c63af53327767290806d60d8168.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Brian is a perfectionist and he takes his job very seriously. He wants nothing more than for the patients at River Hill to be back on their feet. Brian is very outgoing and friendly, he gets along with almost everyone. He is charismatic and has a way to make people open up to him. Brian just radiates positive vibes, whatever the situation, he is bound to put a smile on your face.

History: Brian is almost thirty and he now has the job of his dreams. He was just hired at River Hill Hospital not very long ago. Ever since he was young, he always took an interest in psychology. Brian was raised in a loving household; his parents didn’t have a lot of money, but they had just enough to get by. After college Brian went through a rough patch in life. He was married for two years to a beautiful woman, but unfortunately she left him for personal reasons. Brian moved away from his home town and got a job at River Hill Hospital to start over and meet new people.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-2_15-38-52.png.d7439448e1f5813645838d6cb24eddd6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-2_15-38-52.png.d7439448e1f5813645838d6cb24eddd6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Problematic Pixie]
Staff Member Character Sheet
Name: Brian Henderson

Age: 29

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Your Job At River Hill: Psychiatrist


View attachment 199330

Personality: Brian is a perfectionist and he takes his job very seriously. He wants nothing more than for the patients at River Hill to be back on their feet. Brian is very outgoing and friendly, he gets along with almost everyone. He is charismatic and has a way to make people open up to him. Brian just radiates positive vibes, whatever the situation, he is bound to put a smile on your face.

History: Brian is almost thirty and he now has the job of his dreams. He was just hired at River Hill Hospital not very long ago. Ever since he was young, he always took an interest in psychology. Brian was raised in a loving household; his parents didn’t have a lot of money, but they had just enough to get by. After college Brian went through a rough patch in life. He was married for two years to a beautiful woman, but unfortunately she left him for personal reasons. Brian moved away from his home town and got a job at River Hill Hospital to start over and meet new people.


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Name: Athena Snow

Age: 18

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Cara-Delevingne-Campaign-8.jpg.338fe689cd12fea0298c09d25da860fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89130" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Cara-Delevingne-Campaign-8.jpg.338fe689cd12fea0298c09d25da860fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Athena stands 5'9 and weighs 116 pounds. She has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and somewhat pale skin.

Why you're here: Alcoholic, drug addict, depression, attempted suicide.

Do you want help: "Fuck no, just let me die."

Personality: Athena is a very mysterious type of person. She doesn't talk much and tends to stay to herself. She acts for a living, pretending to be a happy out going girl but on the inside or when no one's looking she's just sad and feels alone. She can be genuinely happy but its very rare now for Athena.

History: Athena grew up with two parents both working in the film career, so Athena got to experience life on set of a movie. It was so amazing to her that when she got a bit older she tried out for tv shows and starred on a drama tv series and some movies. She slowly began to grow famous around the world, modeling for different fashion brands, starring in movies, lots of movie. She has the life, don't you think? But no, when everything began to be too much for her she spiraled into a deep depression and began drinking and using drugs, any type of drugs she could get her hands on just to numb her sadness.

Finally one day on stage as she was on stage she had a mental breakdown in front of everyone, it was on the news, magazines, she couldn't hide from it.

Immediately she was brought back home by her mother and she tried to over dose. Thats when her parents finally brought Athena to River Hill Hospital to try and get her some help.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_mj7pzzW8Op1s3lxdvo1_500.gif.0a2d2d7ae1adda09e60845623c2e672d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_mj7pzzW8Op1s3lxdvo1_500.gif.0a2d2d7ae1adda09e60845623c2e672d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Name: James Thortan

Age: 18

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: James is 6'2 and weighs 175 pounds. He has blonde hair and blue eyes.

Why you're here: Self harm, Bi-polor disorder, anxiety, depression

Do you want help?: "Not really... I'm just taken wherever."

Personality: James on the outside may seem he has a nice chilled back personality but on the inside he's always depressed and anxious about every little thing. You can occasionally find him in a good mood.

History: Will be told through out the role play.



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Staff Member Character Sheet



Cassiopeia Ioana



Sexual Orientation


Your Job At River Hill



Cassiopeia is someone who thrives off human interaction of any kind. She isn't simply enjoying the presence of the person she may be talking to, she thoroughly loses herself in the conversation, and as some may say, it's like she's trying to set up a camp of sorts just outside people's hearts. Of course, she can take a hint and know when she's not wanted, or too overbearing at times, but Cassiopeia is just the kind of person who enjoys the life all around her. Cassiopeia can get protective, and even aggressive when someone degrades the value of life, anybody's life. It just doesn't sit right with her at all, and it's even worse when some people treat some of the 'patients' that she knows in such a mocking and dehumanizing manner.

One of her brightest points is her ability to accept many and nearly all things. Which is strictly different from merely finding or believing in the good traits within [the bad traits of] a person. Cassiopeia accepts both the person's strengths and weaknesses,and hardly treats anybody all too differently - even if she really should tone down her 'obnoxiousness'.


Cassiopeia never grew up in the most ideal of life conditions. Her parents were good people, truly, but just never seemed to have enough money to make life any better for the three of them. Cassiopeia herself never went to school, at least not in her younger years, as a child, her time was spent out in the streets, playing and making the friends that she wouldn't have found any place else but in the dark alleys and small corners that only kids like them could fit in. It was hard at home, but everyday she spent with the others gave her hope, and showed her what it was in life that was perhaps most important [other than money].

Unfortunately, after she turned thirteen everything seemed to come crashing down. Within the group of friends, one had gotten diagnosed with leukemia, and passed away shortly, unable to even begin looking for any kind of treatment or even think about anything else. It completely devastated Cassiopeia, who had learned to love and treasure to a phenomenal degree. One by one it seemed that most of the friends were slowly picked off. One by overdose, another from drinking and driving, and one of the more recent ones, by suicide. For a long time, Cassiopeia herself had suffered from depression, and self harming, but after being admitted to a hospital, she slowly came to terms with her struggles and the inevitable losses. Driven by the relief, and sense of closure that came with her acceptance, she powered through her education, earning the required education and certification to become a Nurse. She now works as best as she can, happily and while she knows she doesn't have the power to directly lend a hand to give them the help that they might need, she does as much as she can, and hopes to bring others to the same state that she brought herself to, acceptance, relief, closure, among the many.

Vlaty said:

Staff Member Character Sheet



Cassiopeia Ioana



Sexual Orientation


Your Job At River Hill



Cassiopeia is someone who thrives off human interaction of any kind. She isn't simply enjoying the presence of the person she may be talking to, she thoroughly loses herself in the conversation, and as some may say, it's like she's trying to set up a camp of sorts just outside people's hearts. Of course, she can take a hint and know when she's not wanted, or too overbearing at times, but Cassiopeia is just the kind of person who enjoys the life all around her. Cassiopeia can get protective, and even aggressive when someone degrades the value of life, anybody's life. It just doesn't sit right with her at all, and it's even worse when some people treat some of the 'patients' that she knows in such a mocking and dehumanizing manner.

One of her brightest points is her ability to accept many and nearly all things. Which is strictly different from merely finding or believing in the good traits within [the bad traits of] a person. Cassiopeia accepts both the person's strengths and weaknesses,and hardly treats anybody all too differently - even if she really should tone down her 'obnoxiousness'.


Cassiopeia never grew up in the most ideal of life conditions. Her parents were good people, truly, but just never seemed to have enough money to make life any better for the three of them. Cassiopeia herself never went to school, at least not in her younger years, as a child, her time was spent out in the streets, playing and making the friends that she wouldn't have found any place else but in the dark alleys and small corners that only kids like them could fit in. It was hard at home, but everyday she spent with the others gave her hope, and showed her what it was in life that was perhaps most important [other than money].

Unfortunately, after she turned thirteen everything seemed to come crashing down. Within the group of friends, one had gotten diagnosed with leukemia, and passed away shortly, unable to even begin looking for any kind of treatment or even think about anything else. It completely devastated Cassiopeia, who had learned to love and treasure to a phenomenal degree. One by one it seemed that most of the friends were slowly picked off. One by overdose, another from drinking and driving, and one of the more recent ones, by suicide. For a long time, Cassiopeia herself had suffered from depression, and self harming, but after being admitted to a hospital, she slowly came to terms with her struggles and the inevitable losses. Driven by the relief, and sense of closure that came with her acceptance, she powered through her education, earning the required education and certification to become a Nurse. She now works as best as she can, happily and while she knows she doesn't have the power to directly lend a hand to give them the help that they might need, she does as much as she can, and hopes to bring others to the same state that she brought herself to, acceptance, relief, closure, among the many.



Name: Micah Moss

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Appearance: Caucasian and freckled with Kind of shaggy, dirty blonde hair. Big, very pale blue/gray eyes, and a thin frame that stands at 5 foot 8.

Why you're here: Pyromania, as well as Paranoia and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Do you want help?: “well, I’m… I’m here, aren’t I?”

Personality: Micah is, for the most part, a reserved and shy person. He doesn’t really do the whole “starting up conversations” thing very well, but actually loves talking to people if they're the ones to initiate things. Random and inexplicable things can trigger his paranoia, so some times in fear of this happening he can become shut off and even more quiet than usual. He really does care for those around him, though, and usually has a good sense on who he likes after first impressions.

History: Micah lived an exceedingly normal life before he became mentally ill. His parents weren't split, his sister was a Straight-A's student, and he lived in a comfortable white-picket-house in the suburbs. And then, well, he burn it down. He didn't really mean for the whole place to go up in flames, honestly- but fires are hard to control and burning a pile of school textbooks on top of a polyester carpet maybe wasn't the brightest idea. Somehow, the cause of the fire wasn't determined and Micah managed to get away with it. In the literal sense, that is. his guilt over the aftermath consumed him and he decided to seclude himself away from everyone else in fear of hurting them. However, his compulsions became worse and worse until finally he decided he'd had enough. A handful of illegal narcotics, one emergency room trip and two months of soul-searching later he found himself, bags packed, at the front doors of River Hill Hospital.

XxKaraxX said:

You are accepted! ^^And Evan Peters is amazing^^

I know, haha. He was the only person I could think of for Micah and it just fit really well. Also, I was wondering if you need another staff member? If so I could always make one!
xandr said:
I know, haha. He was the only person I could think of for Micah and it just fit really well. Also, I was wondering if you need another staff member? If so I could always make one!
If you want to make one go right ahead, the role play just started anyway so yeah, if you want you can make one.

thank you <3


"It doesn't matter."

Mason Leigh Stamey


"Nobody expected me to make it this far."


Sexual Orientation:

"If you're a girl, I'm probably interested. If you're nonbinary, maybe. If you're a guy, eh."

Bisexual, preference towards women


"I know, trust me. I know."


Why you're here:

"I wanted to be beautiful."

Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, depression, ADHD, GAD, OCD, PTSD

Do you want help?:

"Fuck your help. Let me rot."

She would rather die than get help. Not to disrespect help, of course; she just doesn't think it'll be worth it. She imagines death to be a much more useful solution.


"I've got troubled thoughts, and the self esteem to match."

Mason is deadpan, sarcastic, and almost stone cold. She acts as though all the life has been sucked out of her. When making jokes, she usually doesn't give any sign that she's not being serious, often leaving people confused. Everything she does seems mechanical, and she has an extremely short attention span. None of these, save for the attention span, are due to her illnesses - it's just her nature. While she may act stone-faced and completely free of personality, deep inside she's extremely caring and becomes thoroughly emotionally invested in what she is faced with. She manages to maintain bonds by subtly reminding people of how much they mean to her. She would be more upfront, but she's too anxious to do so. Vulnerability makes her extremely uncomfortable.


"Who cares? It's gone now."

Mason's home life was, generally speaking, incredibly average. She had two sisters, one younger and one older, named Eva and Laurie respectively. Her parents, Fred and Linda, were your average middle class white parents, feuding over small things like lawn furniture but still maintaining a strong love through it all. Her family is still very loving and supportive of her, even if they don't understand her struggles. So what happened?

The trouble started at the beginning of last year, when Mason was kidnapped, held captive for four days, and raped. It was on the way home from a party, and she remembers getting into a cab. She was drunk and tired and fell asleep on the way home. But she wasn't going home. The driver made a strange turn, and before she could think about what was happening, Mason woke up in a house that she wasn't remotely familiar, chained to the radiator. The horror continued for three days after her awakening, until a neighbour was concerned by some screams she had heard. The police were called, and Mason was finally rescued. She spent two weeks in a psych ward until she was relatively stable, and then was released into a world that she could no longer see with innocent eyes.

She went to sleep in the taxi, and she woke up knowing a world full of evil and horrors that nobody should ever have to be subjected to, but God - her god, the one she worshipped, trusted, loved - had let this happen to her. She felt unwanted by the universe. She convinced herself that she wasn't worth it, that she wasn't good enough, that she should just kill herself because if this is what God had planned for her, then she didn't want to be a part of her faith anymore. She wanted to be needed by someone. So she began her life again, ignoring what had happened, and got drunk, smoked, partied the night away until she woke up covered in ashes one day and realised that things would never get better until she became good enough.

She began to starve herself and purged after every meal. This behaviour began to be representative of her self worth; the more pounds she dropped, the more she loved herself. But she couldn't stop. She collapsed a month ago at school, and was recently admitted to River Hill for her extremely dangerous condition.


"I'm really not worth your time."
oli said:

thank you <3


"It doesn't matter."

Mason Leigh Stamey


"Nobody expected me to make it this far."


Sexual Orientation:

"If you're a girl, I'm probably interested. If you're nonbinary, maybe. If you're a guy, eh."

Bisexual, preference towards women


"I know, trust me. I know."


Why you're here:

"I wanted to be beautiful."

Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, depression, ADHD, GAD, OCD, PTSD

Do you want help?:

"Fuck your help. Let me rot."

She would rather die than get help. Not to disrespect help, of course; she just doesn't think it'll be worth it. She imagines death to be a much more useful solution.


"I've got troubled thoughts, and the self esteem to match."

Mason is deadpan, sarcastic, and almost stone cold. She acts as though all the life has been sucked out of her. When making jokes, she usually doesn't give any sign that she's not being serious, often leaving people confused. Everything she does seems mechanical, and she has an extremely short attention span. None of these, save for the attention span, are due to her illnesses - it's just her nature. While she may act stone-faced and completely free of personality, deep inside she's extremely caring and becomes thoroughly emotionally invested in what she is faced with. She manages to maintain bonds by subtly reminding people of how much they mean to her. She would be more upfront, but she's too anxious to do so. Vulnerability makes her extremely uncomfortable.


"Who cares? It's gone now."

Mason's home life was, generally speaking, incredibly average. She had two sisters, one younger and one older, named Eva and Laurie respectively. Her parents, Fred and Linda, were your average middle class white parents, feuding over small things like lawn furniture but still maintaining a strong love through it all. Her family is still very loving and supportive of her, even if they don't understand her struggles. So what happened?

The trouble started at the beginning of last year, when Mason was kidnapped, held captive for four days, and raped. It was on the way home from a party, and she remembers getting into a cab. She was drunk and tired and fell asleep on the way home. But she wasn't going home. The driver made a strange turn, and before she could think about what was happening, Mason woke up in a house that she wasn't remotely familiar, chained to the radiator. The horror continued for three days after her awakening, until a neighbour was concerned by some screams she had heard. The police were called, and Mason was finally rescued. She spent two weeks in a psych ward until she was relatively stable, and then was released into a world that she could no longer see with innocent eyes.

She went to sleep in the taxi, and she woke up knowing a world full of evil and horrors that nobody should ever have to be subjected to, but God - her god, the one she worshipped, trusted, loved - had let this happen to her. She felt unwanted by the universe. She convinced herself that she wasn't worth it, that she wasn't good enough, that she should just kill herself because if this is what God had planned for her, then she didn't want to be a part of her faith anymore. She wanted to be needed by someone. So she began her life again, ignoring what had happened, and got drunk, smoked, partied the night away until she woke up covered in ashes one day and realised that things would never get better until she became good enough.

She began to starve herself and purged after every meal. This behaviour began to be representative of her self worth; the more pounds she dropped, the more she loved herself. But she couldn't stop. She collapsed a month ago at school, and was recently admitted to River Hill for her extremely dangerous condition.


"I'm really not worth your time."

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