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Realistic or Modern River High School

Kayden looked at the drawing and smiled. "Dude! These are freaking awesome! I draw too, but I leave my art at home. I'll bring some in tomorrow and show you if you want." He mumbled a bit as he looked at the art.
Aaron's eyes lit up looking up at him "aww haha thank you, and you so should i would love to see them" she exclaimed with a huge smile across her lips.
Jay walks into the classroom, with his head down. He was almost falling asleep. He moves his cap a bit before sitting down and putting his backpack on the desk.
The pair were obviously having a moment so Indigo backed away from them slowly. She didn't want to ruin it. They looked so cute together. So, she went to see the boy that had just arrived. She stood in front of his desk.

"Hey!" Indigo smiled, "Good morning, I mean. You look half asleep. I'm Indigo, like the colour. Who are you and why are you so tired?"
He rested his head on his backpack. He hears a voice and lifts his head, giving a glance at the girl infront of him. "Uh...." He didn't expect a girl in front of him

"I'm Jay, and i just didn't sleep well" he said nervously

He mumbled "Wow you're pretty" unconciously.
Aaron laughed "i guess so, imma wake him up" she said with a huge smile across her face and walked over to Jay "WAKE UP!" she yelled shaking his shoulders and smacked him across the face then laughed looking over at Kayden smiling then walked back over to him "how was that?" she asks raising an eyebrow.
Jay didn't even know these people. So he was just looking at the girls in front of him. He only felt a smack. "Ow!" He looked at them scared, confused.
"Thanks." Indigo said, "Jay. Like a blue jay? I'm totally going to call you Blue Jay now. Congratulations, you've won yourself a nickname in Indigo Sparks' Grand Nickname Prize Draw." She grinned, "That should be a TV show. I would so watch that. Everyone would watch that. It would be the most popular show ever and people could phone in and-" She stopped, "I'm babbling again, aren't I? Sorry, I do that a lot."
Crystal: I turned to see a cute guy come into class. He looked sleepy. I turned to him. "Hey, I'm crystal," I said.
"But I wanted to win one in Indigo Sparks' Grand Nickname Prize Draw." Indigo complained, "On live TV! That would be awesome!" She pouted, "I should at least get to be on my own TV show!" She was being way too serious about this. She realised and grinned, "But thanks anyway, Kayden. Your name is weird."
Aaron stood there awkwardly and walked over to the desk and sat down on top of it and pulled out some paper and began to sketch "what do you think i should draw" she asks looking up at Indigo and Kayden smiling.
Aaron chuckled looking up at him smirking "really?" she said raising an eyebrow laughing. "I know you want it" she adds.
Indigo burst into a fit of giggles and collapsed onto the nearest desk, laughing.

"You, my friend." she said to Kayden, "Are amazing." Then, she resumed laughing.
Kayden laughed and stood up start. "Hehe. I'm awesome." He grinned happily. He then looked at Aaron and pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil. He walked over to her with a serious face. "I need you to sit still for a second." He then grinned again and sat in a desk and began to draw a picture of her.
"oh okay then" she said looking at him sitting still watching him draw something a smile crossed her lips "do you draw all the time?" she asks trying not to move much when she talked looking at him.
Meredith walks into the classroom sighing. She runs her fingers through her hair and notices Indigo and a few other people laughing and talking. She makes her way to the back of the classroom and takes a seat.
Kayden nodded and grinned. "It's kinda the only way I can connect with my sister. She taught me how to draw when I was really young. Whenever I draw, it's like I'm sending a message to her." He blushed a bit. He never really told that story before.
Aaron looked at him and nodded "sorry if you dont want to answer me but...when was the last time you saw her...before she past you know" she said sadly holding her breath.
The conversation was getting way too deep and Indigo backed away slowly, nearly tripping over a desk.

"Oops..." She grinned. Then, she took a seat- specifically one in the fifth row back, right on the end. She watched Kayden and Aaron with big eyes. It was all sooooooo romantic. She sighed happily.
Kayden smiled weakly and looked at her. "It was our parents wedding anniversary. 2 years ago." He then looked down at the drawing and held back a tear. He felt a lump in his throat. He shook his head and sighed.
Aaron nodded her head taking a deep breath looking down "im sorry for asking" she said looking over at him "it will get better" she muttered rubbing her face with her hands. "she must have taught you so many things, especially drawing...cause your freaking awesome at it" she said trying to smile.

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