River Creek Wolf Pack [Inactive]

She nodded "I'm sorry to hear that Skybird, my brother and I use to travel together.. Now I move to follow water prettying and avoid other packs normally" she shakes her head and stands up and walks around sniffing "is it only you here?" She was waiting for the warm welcome of a new pack to be over.
"No no. Dad`s busy out hunting. One the pack returns with him there will be a huge gathering!" Skybird jumped up slightly, excited.
She perks a brow as she watches her get excited who knows maybe this is a turning point to the wandering then she shakes that idea out of her thoughts quickly. "So your father and you and how many other wolves"
A small white wolf watches throw the trees as a young wolf goes playfully into a campsite, with a large elk in her mouth. A small smile comes across her face. Still to shy to enter but not to watch. She settles down to watch and maybe come at peace a little with her present. As her white eyes close.
The young, yet energetic female bounced into the camp site, the elk in her mouth. She laid it down by the fire they had kept going from when humans had been here before them. The elders and pups said their thanks before beginning to eat their meal. The young female sat on a rock, her paws sore from running so fast after the herd.
The smallish female stretches out under the trees and rolls on to her back looking up at the sky. A nice breeze rolls it and it smells like rain, and damping soil. She yawns a little and decides she better go find a cave to sleep in.
"Everyone into their caves!" A taller yet muscular wolf howled," Skybird, go check the boreder for strays before it rains!" Skybird, the female on the rock, nodded and took off, after aa while, she had found the younger white wolf.
Still very timid and scared she growled low with a small little whimper. As she enter the camp she saw a taller yet muscular wolf who seemed to be the leader, She looked at him and shied off behind the wolf they call sky bird
The taller male sniffed the younger one, his nose twitching as it began to rain. "Take her to your den Skybird, we`ll deal with her in the morning." Skybird nodded, taking the ounger female to one of the larger caves.
She follows SkyBird to the cave and whimpers and looks at her. She shakes a little and walks very slowly away from her to the farthest corner possible.
Looking from a far corner she is curious to what SkyBird was doing. The rain smelled like heaven with the sounds pattering down to the earth. She longed for a closer spot but to afraid to go anywhere near the new wolf she had just encountered.
She hesitates thinking weather or not to say anything but " Mist" she replays with a soft voice with her eyes to the floor.
She shakes her head a little."Never though about being around so many, at least not noticed. I feel very watched here and i feel like the larger male wolf might eat me or at least kill me for lurking around." she replays with a shiver. " Your not gonna kill me..... r u"
"Course not. Im his daughter. Im kinder to new ones then he is. He wants the pack to be powerful, so he wont kill rogues enless they steal from us."
" Hes the leader and wants to protect you and his family. I can somewhat understand i know if i had a family i would do what ever i could to protect them."

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