Rising Sun; Spreading Shadow


New Member

Shrewd, cunning, and sly creatures reside in a land where darkness perpetually persists. The only protection from the neverending midnight is under the cold, pale light of the full moon. It comes at the end of every week and all of the animals gather at the hill tops, the only areas where the light touches the ground.

Wilted trees and withered grass are commonplace here and the only plants that can survive a world without sun, are fungi and weeds. It is truly a sad place. A place full of sorrow..... And yet the creatures that live here are accustomed to life in the shadows. The prefer it... And to them, it is as comfortable as life in the light. Even more so.

Gleeful, kind, and loving creatures live in a world where the light never dims. The most beautiful time in this world is at the end of each week, when the sun sinks just a bit below the horizon. A beautiful sun set fills the sky with vibrant colors and a festival of sorts occurs at this time.

Cherry blossoms and wildflowers are plentiful here. No darkness exists, the light even covers shadows. This is a place of happiness, a place to be carefree. The animals here know not what suffering is... They are blisfully unaware of the dark land mirroring them.

These two completely opposite worlds are in the process of clashing. Light is filling the Lunar Plains and darkness is dominating the Solar Grove. Along with the worlds, the animals are changing.....


1. No GM, or PP.

2. I will not accept Mary Sues or Gary Lues.

3. Include everyone.

4. Follow the plot.

5. You must be a real animal. It may be mutated in a way to adapt to it's environment.

6. Put Moon & Sun in your form if you read this.

7. Posts can be as long as you wish but can only be as short as two sentences.

8. Have fun!
what races are there?

is there magic?

what are the creatures like?

what are the lands like?

we need details before we can actually make a character.

with this current information, this is mostly "stabbing in the dark" with our characters
5. You must be a real animal. It may be mutated in a way to adapt to it's environment
There's the answer to your race question. And I described the lands already. There can be magic' date=' I suppose. But, it has to be related to light and dark.[/color']
Like this?

Multi-colored feathers were a waste on this creature. Yet there they were, sitting in the darkest nook of a tree, the sharp eyes of the bird of prey glared outwards, sometimes flashing if there were enough moonlight. Three claws on each foot, four on each wing-like arm, the creature almost resembled a normal biped. Her beak was long and curved slightly, notches along the upper-half, almost resembling teeth.

Her coloring was of soft gold, black feathers spotted here and there among the gold and light grey. As a female, in the moonlight the feathers would attract her a mate, though she had no need for such things and spent her times alone, rather than with the flock. She narrowed her gaze as a she spotted something amiss this night. Ever watchful, she'd noticed...changes amongst the dark lands that she lived in. Changes that could prove serious. How serious, she didn't know just yet, and she didn't know who to tell or who would believe her. Who would believe the stoic Ravek?

She gripped the edge of the nook tightly with all four limbs before launching herself into the air, curling her feet against her belly she glided and flew into the distance, determined to find what was wrong and fix it before something happened that they might all regret.

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