Rising Sun; Spreading Shadow | Sign-Up


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Shrewd, cunning, and sly creatures reside in a land where darkness perpetually persists. The only protection from the neverending midnight is under the cold, pale light of the full moon. It comes at the end of every week and all of the animals gather at the hill tops, the only areas where the light touches the ground.

Wilted trees and withered grass are commonplace here and the only plants that can survive a world without sun, are fungi and weeds. It is truly a sad place. A place full of sorrow..... And yet the creatures that live here are accustomed to life in the shadows. The prefer it... And to them, it is as comfortable as life in the light. Even more so.

Gleeful, kind, and loving creatures live in a world where the light never dims. The most beautiful time in this world is at the end of each week, when the sun sinks just a bit below the horizon. A beautiful sun set fills the sky with vibrant colors and a festival of sorts occurs at this time.

Cherry blossoms and wildflowers are plentiful here. No darkness exists, the light even covers shadows. This is a place of happiness, a place to be carefree. The animals here know not what suffering is... They are blisfully unaware of the dark land mirroring them.

These two completely opposite worlds are in the process of clashing. Light is filling the Lunar Plains and darkness is dominating the Solar Grove. Along with the worlds, the animals are changing.....


1. No GM, or PP.

2. I will not accept Mary Sues or Gary Lues.

3. Include everyone.

4. Follow the plot.

5. You must be a real animal. It may be mutated in a way to adapt to it's environment.

6. Put Moon & Sun in your form if you read this.

7. Posts can be as long as you wish but can only be as short as two sentences.

8. Have fun!






Appearance(only use a picture if you drew it yourself):

Personality(No RP out):


Lunar or Solar?:

Name: Ravek

Age: 6(translates to about 19-23 normally :P )

Gender: Female

Species: Kee

Appearance(only use a picture if you drew it yourself): Described in post.

Personality(No RP out): A loner despite the fact her species travel in groups. She has a penchant for rebelling but cannot deny her love of her family no matter how single-minded she might think they are in a few regards. She's paranoid, and at the drop of a hat will quickly scout an area at least thrice before calming down. When she is relaxed, she enjoys having fun, laughing, joking, even likes to play. Though she may get rough, the Kee aren't very gentle.

History(Optional): Born in a nest of four hatchlings, she was the last one to pop out, but the first to scare her parents witless at every turn in childhood. Get everyone in line to practice flying? Ravek already hit the ground. tracking prey? Ravek either scares it away or already has it in her beak. When she reached her 'teenage' years she developed a more dignified approach to her rebeliousness, which was a relief to her parents and nest-mates as now at least Ravek thought before doing something reckless.

Lunar or Solar?: Lunar

Other: Has learned to do things with the hand-like limbs on her wings that everyone else is forgetting.
Name: Camille

Age: 2 1/2 (about 18 years in wolf years)

Gender: Female

Species: Wolf

Appearance(only use a picture if you drew it yourself): I didn't draw it, but this is how she's supposed to look like except without the letters:


Personality(No RP out): mischevious, hard to get


Lunar or Solar?: moon?

Other: Wants a mate


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