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Fandom Rising Rocket IC

It was a fine Night, In Celadon city, Kanto's largest city. The City itself had only developed over the years, and had become even larger which was evident by the multitude of sky scrapers and hotels, businesses ect. If one had a pidgey's view they could see the streets below were populated densely, as people roamed the streets. Some people were coming back from a long days work and just wanted to go home, while others were just going out for the night, wanting to socialize, as Kanto did have a very evident drinking culture, which could be seen by the various establishments serving various alcoholic beverages and providing various entertainment. People were not the only things which resided on the streets, as there were also carts vending out goods, and on another note plenty of pokemon. Pokemon could be seen following after their owners from time to time, it wasn't uncommon to see a Rattata in an alley way or a few. Under the complex city streets, lay the tunnels with Grimer, and some times Magneton, which were a fairly less common sight just due to the fact that most people didn't go underground, unless their job required it. Sometimes people could see some Pidgeys over head in the sky, but that was usually during the day. The roads weren't particularly clear either, as the sound of heavy traffic could be heard through out the night, if one was on the streets, cars, trucks, buses galore moved through the streets with purpose. Indeed, it seemed that the city had grown as more people moved in, more business moved in it was a cycle which was hard to break.

There was one place in particular which was of interest though. The Celadon game corner, which was busy as ever, having recovered from being under Team Rocket Rule some years ago now was thriving, it was an honest business after all..The building itself lit up announcing to the world that it was open, as the lights around the perimeter of its roof flashed and rotated, putting on a show of sorts..When had gambling ever harmed anyone? Voltorb flip was a harmless game after all, 500 here and there never hurt anyone. Regardless, the place was abuzz, there were many people there testing their odds, whether it be through the legendary Voltorb flip, or through slot machines, perhaps roulette. Drinks were being served, it seemed people were just having a good time. Around 12:51 am, a rather ominous figure steadily approached the vicinity, the place was really only open until around 3:00 am latest, as it being towards the end, many people had cleared out.

"Uh..May I help you sir?..." asked the coin manager behind the counter. He was hoping that the man was here merely to purchase some coins, unfortunately that was far from the truth. The man before him appeared to be a rather large strong fellow, adorning a Red R right on his shirt, It was very clear who this man was. He appeared to be bald, or had a very short cut as only his matching cap adorning a red R could be seen. His face wasn't particularly distinguishable The man at the counter's face turned rather pale at that moment, as he saw the Rhyhorn behind the man.

The man with the Red R on his shirt merely said, "You were just on your way out weren't you?.."

"I don't know what you are talking about...." The coin manager behind the counter merely replied not budging, attempting to slide his hand under his desk, so he could press the button for the silent alarm....very gradually trying to make sure the rocket member didn't take notice.

"I think you know exactly what I mean..." The Rocket member said, before turning to his Rhyhorn. The Rhyhorn itself appeared to be on alert, staring down the game corner coin manager. It appeared to have a rather large R branded into it side, and some lash marks from a whip on its back...never the less the seemingly abused beast would obey its orders.

"Ey, Rhyhorn, A horn attack for every second he is making us wait seems fair, dontcha think boy?..." The rocket member said in a disturbingly casual fashion, due to the fact that one horn attack from a Rhyhorn would probably be deemed to be fatal to an average human. The Rhyhorn merely nodded its head, as it had heard this line plenty of times before on operations such as this.

"Orrrr...." The man said in a rather threatening way, "We could do this the old fashioned way..." He'd merely say as he pulled out a steel baton of sorts, which would work quite well for bludgeoning.

"Either clear out...Or chose which you'd prefer..." He'd say...

The Coin manager knew that if he didn't leave it would cost him his life...So he obeyed swiftly.

"Tell anyone about this..and you may find yourself having a bad time...one of these days.." The rocket member stated ominously, as the coin manager made his way out.

The Rocket member's Rhyhorn would turn towards the door and stand watch just to make sure that there weren't any unexpected guests, as the sign was flipped from open to closed on the door...

Just then the Rocket member took out what appeared to be a communication device of sorts, it was circular and had a Red R on the back of it, from affair it could be mistaken as a small personal mirror but it was nothing of the kind.

"Everything is all set boss.." The man merely said, as he went behind the counter, and looked at the poster he was looking for. Too any ordinary person it seemed like just an advertisement poster for local businesses and what not, under the poster was what was important to him though, there lied a rather old switch, a switch which hadn't been activated for years..The man would pull the switch and a door would open up to the original team Rocket hide out in the Kanto..and no one would be the wiser.

Around 4:00 Pm the next day, a Signal was sent out too all the new applicants where too meet, whether it be electronically or by letter. it happened to be the Celadon Game Corner, of all places.


If one were to travel East through the main strip which went through the city, the ambitious and buzzed atmosphere would begin to die down quite a bit, as buildings became slightly more spread out, traffic died down, and the general populous decreased. As a result so did the general prices for property, goods, ect. The farther East one went the more run down the buildings, businesses, and general common wealth seemed to get. In fact this wasn't too far off from where Asella resided...Asella had received her letter quite some time ago, in which she had responded too fairly quickly with interest in joining Team rocket. She had been awaiting a third letter, with anticipation for quite some time now...since she had been accepted. It seemed that today was her day, as she got the letter, She looked at the address, it was the Celadon Game corner, which wasn't too far off, this would work perfectly. Without even saying a word, she'd make her way towards the alleged corner..

Fenrir Loki Fenrir Loki scorpiodragon scorpiodragon H0lderOfH0pe H0lderOfH0pe The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Gravitational Force Gravitational Force _Exodus_ _Exodus_ Ammy Ammy

(First post is up, Feel free to discuss and what not in the OCC, and post here! The rp has officially started!)
Jericho tossed his apple core over his shoulder as he strode towards the Celadon Game Corner. His Koffing caught it in the air and devoured it with gusto before letting out a satisfied belch that killed a nearby potted plant. This was his chance to join something big. Team Rocket was going places and he was going to be along for the ride. Money, power, and more, and all you had to do was apply some force and put in more work than the guy across from you.

Jericho breathed in as he entered the building. No more living on the street, time to move up in the world. Jericho hoped to get there first, but saw a girl (Asella) in a Team Rocket uniform ahead of him. Oh well, time to meet a new person.
He walks up to Asella. "Hello, you got the message too?"
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Meanwhile, in the back corner of the Game Corner, a neatly dressed man seems to be playing the slots. Casually sticking coins into the machine, it becomes apparent that he doesn't seem particularly interested in the gambling side of things. Looking around, the man appeared to be quite tall wearing black trousers and a white shirt, covered by a long white lab coat. Despite the nature of the lab coat, however, it appears pristine in nature - not even a crease to be seen. On his left hand breast pocket appears to be the badge of the old Viridian City gym given by the old leader Giovanni - the unmistakeable green flower design glinting in the low light of the casino - yet hidden underneath the badge appears to be a much less obvious red 'R' decal. His hair appears to be a dirty blonde, but with a brilliant white streak that travels down the side of his face.

Howard had always preferred to arrive early. He thought that subtlety was better than suspicion, and nothing seemed more suspicious to him than a group of clear gang members dressed in a uniform arriving at the same place - hence his more invisible approach. Obvious to those looking for him, not so obvious to those who aren't. As he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he looked around to no avail - he had apparently been the first to turn up. Either that or the new grunts actually had some brains with them. Still, he already had his project completed, albeit in its prototype phase (but still complete nonetheless), so he as far as he was concerned he was done what he joined up for in case any of the new fodder screwed him up. Anything else was just a bonus.

Speaking of what he joined up for, when were the newbies planning on arriving? Sighing, he looked at his watch - a strangely bulky thing, with an electronic interface instead of the usual mechanical set-up, that glowed like a beacon in the dim light of the corner he was sitting at.

Deciding it would be best to leave his wallet with some scraps of money in it, he left the slots and went over to the bar and ordered himself a drink. Only a brandy for now - he didn't want to be drunk for the new opening of the base. Casually heading over to a table near the bar, he sipped his brandy as he waited for the new Rocket 'associates' to arrive.
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Virgil Luka Grail
Coming from the east, footsteps pounded the pavement as a lean young man entered Celadon City. A letter rested in his pocket with the characteristic letter R written in red stamped on it, the letter's details saying to meet within the Celadon City Game Corner and directions in how to get there. This was useful, the young man that entered the city hadn't the slightest clue how to get to the place and would likely have likely gotten lost as he'd never been to Celadon City before but he knew big cities and Celadon was a big city. Perhaps not as big as Mulberry City where he hailed from but it was big enough to get lost in if one was a visitor and that was Virgil's case. The eighteen-year-old teenager and disowned heir of Neku Orchis Grail, a big hotshot and one of the richest men in Kanto, had nothing to his name and was seeking out a new life and money. Having just graduated from Team Rocket Academy, the teen didn't have a starter Pokemon yet, as he understood within his letter he would be receiving one with other new grunts to the criminal organization.

He wasn't sure what these other new grunts would be like but he knew that his class, containing a small number of ten that had graduated from Team Rocket Academy were eager to prove their worth and had joined due to money, the opportunity for power, running away from something or their parents had been born into Team Rocket and they were hoping to follow in their parents' footsteps. For Virgil, it was out of necessity to join Team Rocket; money and a fresh chance at life that made him join. The academy during those three months of training had felt like home. The drill Sargent was a pain in the ass and tough on the recruits but Virgil had to admit he was good at weeding out the weak and training.

The purple-haired teenager pulled out the letter, his stomach growling some with hunger as he hadn't been able to steal or beg anything from passing trainers, most wanting keep their food for themselves as they were all aspiring trainers or coordinators who needed food for their own respective journeys and goals. His eyes scanned the letter again to make sure he knew where to go:

Dear Receiver,
Thank you for taking interest in our organization Team Rocket. I'd say congrats on your successful graduation but until you prove yourself, you are and will be a maggot until you change my mind. We are looking for individuals with a certain skill set, and you have proven yourself through one way or another, legal or illegal. Meet here by 4:30-5:00 PM in Celadon City; building Celadon Game Corner. It's wise not to be late.

There followed some directions underneath the letter, the second sentence causing Virgil to issue a smile. That was more or less what Viper had said when they'd graduated. Keeping hold of the letter in case he needed to consult it, though he was good with directions, Virgil began making his way past shops and restaurants, moving over to the sidewalk so he wouldn't get run over by cars or other Pokemon that might get out of hand by careless trainers. The thought of getting a new Pokemon troubled him. Like most young boys and girls, Virgil had gone to a Trainer's School where he had learned about Pokemon, applied for and gotten his license. He had then...no. Virgil shook his head, a pang coming to his heart and his face creasing into a frown as sadness overcame him. The point was he didn't have a Pokemon anymore but still had his license, making him a Pokemon Trainer still but he wasn't much of one.

Stopping to consult the directions when he got to an area of abandoned warehouses and closed down shops, Virgil slipped the letter once more into his pocket. It wasn't long after he had entered the apparently abandoned district of Celadon City that he came across some place that wasn't shut down, rather there was a big neon sign out front with the words Celadon Game Center written over the set of double glass doors. He looked around him, apparently this was the place and walked through the glass doors that slid open automatically at his entrance, looking around him at the chairs and slot machines lining the aisles. Off to his right appeared a bar that might serve also as a cash out for the slot machines or to purchase things. Virgil didn't have any money on him to play the slots, even if he wanted to but he did make his way over to the counter and stood by it, his violet eyes looking around him and taking in the people who were already there. (Open for interaction.)
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Isolde Maria Beltane
Isolde paused as she entered Celadon City, Route 16 lying behind her. It had been the fastest route, going along the cycling path which forced her to spend what money she had left to rent a bike since one couldn't traverse it by foot. The young woman was officially broke now and had no money to her name. Coming into Celadon was a risky maneuver for the young girl. She wasn't like the others, the kids from happy environments who grew up having two parents' and a host of siblings.

No, she was an only child had ran away from some school in some far off corner of Kanto as soon as she turned seventeen which just so happened to be three months ago. Since then, Isolde had been heading east, trying to get as far from the school before they knew she was gone and alerted her grandmother who would no doubt send people after the young woman. Stumbling upon Team Rocket Academy, and how she couldn't even truly say as she had just been wandering around with no goal in mind, had been a lifesaver to the seventeen-year-old. Isolde had trained there, going through two partners before meeting Virgil. He was a year older than her but they'd bonded over sharing their lives with each other, both having different reasons for joining Team Rocket but that gave them a starting point to form a bond which was helpful as they were partners in everything now.

She hadn't expected to be found by a Delbird, and she only knew of the Pokemon by seeing it once when she'd snuck out of her grandmother's home to go see a Pokemon match, to give her a letter saying to come to Celadon City where her life would begin. Isolde had abandoned the bicycle she'd rented at the northern start of the Cycling Road. Isolde wasn't yet dressed in her Team Rocket uniform, rather she was dressed in a sandy brown tunic with a forest green ankle length skirt. She had a black book bag slung over one shoulder as she pulled out the letter she'd received from the Delibird and looked it over again, her eyes skimming over the letter to the instructions.

Dear Receiver,
Thank you for taking interest in our organization Team Rocket. I'd say congrats on your successful graduation but until you prove yourself, you are and will be a maggot until you change my mind. We are looking for individuals with a certain skill set, and you have proven yourself through one way or another, legal or illegal. Meet here by 4:30-5:00 PM in Celadon City; building Celadon Game Corner. It's wise not to be late.

Isolde shook her head and made her way east, through the shopping district and into an abandoned section of run-down warehouses and industrial plants. The place carried an eerie feeling and she was glad that it wasn't night yet but night was bound to fall soon and she'd best hurry. Isolde hadn't changed into her black uniform yet because she wasn't sure if she was supposed to show up in it, there were no instructions regarding one's attire and thought it might be easier to get around if she wasn't dressed in something that screamed she was a criminal, or rather a future criminal. She slowed as she got to the place where the meeting should be held. Questioning the Delibird, it seemed that she, and every other, Team Rocket Grunt would be getting their partner Pokemon.

She knew the uniforms were different depending on what rank each member had and had been given her new uniform at her graduation. Before that she had been wearing the regular trainee uniform, her and Virgil had been in blue trainee uniforms with the characteristic letter R in red adorning the front of the shirts. Her uniform now consisted of a simple black skirt with a large R on the front, a belt, long sleeves, black knee length boots and black gloves that went up to the forearm. This was, of course, the female version of the Grunt uniform. Virgil's was different but she wasn't sure what it was as he had left before she had done so. Both sets of uniforms had a black hat to be worn on the head as well and that was essentially the look of a Team Rocket Grunt.

Spotting the glowing neon sign above a building that had
Celadon Game Corner written in large letters over the front of the building, plus the wooden sign that stood to her left, she glanced at it. This was apparently the place. Looking around she saw a couple of people standing there but didn't see Virgil anywhere. Perhaps he was inside the building? Well, it was worth a shot but why did she suddenly feel nervous about meeting her partner of a month and entering the building? Perhaps it was just first-time jitters. She was no longer a trainee but an official member. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the building, the double glass doors sliding open automatically and allowing her inside.

Around her were aisles of slot machines. Across from her were some tables and a long counter which served as a bar. To her left she saw another counter where one could purchase coins for the slot machines. The place was overall clean and had a pristine appearance, not unlike a hospital or a Pokemon Center she guessed. Granted, she had never been in a Pokemon Center before, but she knew them to be like hospitals for Pokemon so was probably right in her assumption of Pokemon Centers and Hospitals for people being the same sterile and pristine environments. As she made her way towards the back she spotted Virgil and headed over to him. "Virgil!" she called out to alert the man to her presence.
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Virgil Luka Grail
Virgil had remained beside the counter, fiddling with the edges of his white shirt due to nerves. He hadn't seen Isolde since he'd left Team Rocket Academy upon their graduation and wasn't sure if she would continue with this lifestyle or if she would end up leaving after graduation. He wasn't sure anymore though he knew they both didn't have anywhere they were welcome. Isolde had been trying her own grandmother and he had been forced into the streets. Virgil remained topside, not wanting to risk getting in trouble for poking around the game corner and with no money on him, he didn't have any means to pay back any further debt he got into unless he worked for someone. Actually, that was probably how he and Isolde might be making money was taking odd jobs in addition to doing missions for Team Rocket though Virgil wanted to be a Pokemon Trainer and Coordinator as well.

"Virgil!" Virgil turned his head at the sound of his name being called and a smile came to the scruffy teenager's face as he saw Isolde coming towards him, the girl dressed in a sandy brown tunic and a forest green ankle-length skirt, a black bookbag slung over her shoulder. He lifted a hand shyly and gave a small wave to let her know he had heard her calling him but didn't say anything until she had taken a seat next to him at the counter in an empty seat.

"Isolde," he greeted quietly. "I was beginning to wonder if you would ever show."
Isolde Maria Beltane
Isolde came over to Virgil and took a seat beside him at the counter. She gave him a friendly smile as he greeted her before voicing his opinion that he was beginning to think she wouldn't show. "Nuh uh," she said. "I only got the letter to come here a few hours ago so had to hurry. Thankfully I had enough money left to get a bike at Route 18 and use the Cycling Path to get to Celadon quickly but my legs and feet are killing me from all that walking," she said, a sigh escaping her. "You seem to have made it here alright. I can't help feeling nervous though about getting a partner Pokemon. I think Petrel said we'd get to choose between Koffing, Ekans, Rattata and Pidgey. I'm thinking of going with an Ekans if the rest of the grunts don't choose them all."

Isolde shook some hair out of her eyes before looking around the building. Spotting a clock she saw it was close to the time when the meeting would start but didn't see anybody in a point of authority to guide the young grunts. The game corner didn't seem like the place to hold secret Team Rocket meetings but Isolde could be mistaken. It was possible the hideout had been hidden below ground in the basement. She didn't know how right she was in that regard and that most villain teams tended to hide their locations in caves or in buildings so as not to arouse suspicion from the various Officer Jennys within the varying regions.
Virgil Luka Grail
Like his partner in crime, Virgil too wasn't dressed in his uniform. The male Grunt uniform was also black, containing a belt, long sleeves, gloves that went to the forearms, a shirt and pants, a black hat that all grunts wore and boots that went halfway to the knees. It happened to be his only uniform and while he had a couple other changes of clothing in his own bag which sat at his feet, he didn't really have much else on him. The letter that had been delivered to him which was resting in his pocket. He was surprised that Isolde had spent the last of her money to rent a bike but those things weren't cheap, hence while Virgil had gone the long way to get to Celadon. He saw Isolde turn to look at the clock and his eyes went to it as well. It was almost time for the meeting to start but was this everybody? There should be more grunts here, like the rest of their graduating class for starters. With nothing else to do, he allowed silence to drift between him and Isolde as he turned around in his chair and placed his hands on the counter in front of him, his violet eyes darting nervously from side to side. Someone should be coming to get the grunts shouldn't they? Loki777 Loki777

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