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Fandom Rising Rocket CS

Name: Jericho Carmichael
View media item 30594Gender: Male
Age: 21
Current Pokemon: Koffing
Biography: Jericho grew up with with lots of time on his hands because of his parents' negligence. He wanted more than he going to get out of his small town, so he started looking for a way out. He found one in Team Rocket. He stole his Koffing as an Egg from Professor Hophornbeam, the Pokemon Professor in his Town.
Reason for Application: Boredom, Money, and Power.

Jericho's Koffing:
He's Jericho's enthusiastic partner in crime, relishing theft, violence, and scarfing down whatever Jericho feeds him. Jericho's even figured out how to pet him without getting poisoned. (Maximum Happiness).
Pokédex - Pokémon Showdown (Set the Level to 5)
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Gravitational Force Gravitational Force I suppose so, I mean I'll also be doing NPC stuffs and what not to help drive things, and describing stuff. But yeah I could. Like I'll be controlling multiple npc stuffs.
Alolan Sandshrew
Slush Rush
Ice Ball
Fury Cutter
Timid. Igloo is scared of pretty much everything. He will be brave when needed.
Igloo mostly hangs out at Team Rocket’s base for protection and fun.​
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Name :Asella Ruffino
Gender: Female
Current Pokemon: Ekans
Biography: Asella grew up in Celadon city, in a rather impoverished area, starting off with an economic disadvantage to begin with, her family, she had a rather poor family life, her father was a rather angry alcoholic, He'd beat her mother regularly. As her name suggests, she immigrated in to Celadon city from across seas. As a result shes been desensitized to a degree. Her mother worked quite hard to provide enough money for the family alone with out her father wasting it on alcohol. However she did have an average school life, she attended on the regular so that kept her out of trouble on the regular. Eventually her father up and left, once she turned 18, leaving her mother alone basically. She figured that by joining team Rocket, she could utilize her morally ambiguous compass, figuring that if life wasn't going to allow her to flourish why shouldn't she take advantage every opportunity she got? Instead of going for a higher education she figured that Team Rocket could be the family she never had as well She'd be able to do what she felt would even the playing field, and she'd be able to send money to her mother. As a result she has lost some empathy and sympathy for the world, and is an ideal unit in Team Rocket.
Reason for Application: Mostly money, and the thrill, which being a regular pokemon trainer often couldn't provide.
Name: David Cane
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Current Pokemon: Zubat
Biography: David was born to a single mother in Viridian City. Money was always tight, but David’s mother had a steady job working as the manager of the local pokemart, as well as a job that David wouldn’t understand until much later. She worked as a secretary for Team Rocket. She always thought that this job wasn’t tied to deep with the crime organization and that she could leave when she wanted. She was wrong, and at 16 years old, David was left an orphan. He sold the house and used the money to buy an apartment, and from then on lived by doing odd jobs from sunup till sundown. It was hard work, but he made a living. Now, at the age of 21, David has decided to join the corporation in hopes of changing the way it deals with the common people who work for it.
Reason for Application: He tells people that he’s short on money, which is true, but really he has dreams of taking over the corporation.
Other: He is quite fond of the Pokémon most trainers find annoying and useless, leading him to capture a zubat as his partner.
Name: Virgil Luka Grail


Gender: Male

Age: 18

Current Pokemon: Pidgey

Biography: Virgil can say he's never had a good home life. His mother died early in childhood, leaving him to be raised by an abusive father who couldn't care for his son's safety and health. Rather, he was blamed for his mother's death as the young and beautiful woman had died in childbirth. Love...it was a foreign emotion...a foreign concept to the young child. His father might be one of the richest men in Kanto but that didn't mean that love ran in the man's bones, perhaps for his mother but not for the abomination that had killed the only thing his father loved. When he was ten he got a Squirtle as his first Pokemon and then shortly after captured a male Nidoran. Getting his Pokemon license was the chance needed to get out into the world, to escape the abuse and loveless home that dwelt behind the mansion's doors within Mulberry City. His short happiness was not to last. Just a month into his journey as a trainer, he was challenged by an older trainer.

The battle was short-lived and Virgil lost miserably. Not only did he lose the battle but his two Pokemon left, abandoning him because he had lost the battle. Though he would try recalling them into their pokeballs, the Pokemon resisted, running off into the wilderness. Shocked and hurt more by the fact that his Pokemon didn't believe in him and had abandoned him, humiliated at his loss and the fact that he was apparently as weak as his father used to tell him, the young boy returned home in disgrace. Though he kept his Pokemon Trainer License, he never continued with his journey as a trainer, Virgil shattering the pokeballs that had once held Squirtle and his male Nidoran. Returning home to his father's manor, it was just further proof in his father's eyes that Virgil was useless as a heir and as a son. From that day forward, he would push himself into his studies, trying and failing to avoid those young and budding trainers that came through Mulberry City for contests, feeling hurt each time he saw someone with a Pokemon. When he turned fifteen his father threw him out of the house and wrote the child out of his will. With nowhere to go and no family to take him in, Virgil was forced to live on the streets. Written out of his father's will and disowned from his father's memory and any inheritance, Virgil had no money but somehow, through the help of some neighbors who had taken pity on the teenager they helped him stay in school, one shop keeper giving Virgil a job running errands, taking care of the store's menial tasks and delivering goods to customers throughout the city.

Despite his good fortune with the neighbors, his father made his life miserable. Being in a large city of several hundred people might seem like a way to escape one's notice but for Virgil it was anything but easy. His father began to give trouble to the person who employed him, having to make the hard choice to fire the seventeen year old. He was forced to use what money he had sparingly but it wasn't long before he ran out. Everyone being too afraid of his father, the donations to keep him in school stopped coming in, the teenager then making the choice to leave his home city and head out on his own. For the next year he got into fights, stole and begged travelers for money. Just for the chance to feed himself and once in a while get a warm place to sleep. At eighteen he heard of Team Rocket, quite literally when a bumbling fool tripped over him when he was sleeping. Virgil got to talking with the pair of partners and they took him to the Team Rocket Academy in Kanto where he began his training, taking three months to complete but it was the promise of money and family that really drove him to join. The promise that as long as he did his jobs required by the Admins and Giovanni, then he could pursue other activities outside of Team Rocket made up his mind to seek out the academy within Kanto and join. After graduating from the academy, he and other new grunts were allowed a choice between Koffing, Ekans, Pidgey and Rattata; Virgil chose a timid looking Pidgey as his partner though both are unsure what this relationship will bring. Deep down, Virgil is scared that not only will the Pidgey abandon him like his previous two Pokemon when he was a child but also that he will be thrown out of the organization if he appears weak and lose the family he has begun to find comfort in and trust.

Reason for Application: His main reasons for joining Team Rocket are for money and a fresh chance at life.

Other: New grunt of TR. Also plans on doing the gym league and becoming a Top Coordinator. Goes by Phantom in the show ring.
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Name: Gideon Micheals

Gender: Male
Age: 20
Current Pokemon: Vulpix (he calls her Kyubbi)
Biography: Gideon grew up to a very wealthy family that handed him everything. Gideon got bored of just asking for something and just getting it, he wanted a challenge so he left home and picked up a random poke-egg which turned in to Kyubbi and that's how Gideon started his adventure. he battled a few trainers to get a feel for actually being a trainer and loved how much he had to work to get better. he heard of a new gang rising and thought it'd be fun to join and he just fell into a position at team rocket and loves it.
Reason for Application: sounded like fun
Other: love's fire and ghost type pokemon​

Name: Howard Fritzberg.
Gender: Male.
Age: 23. Surprisingly young for such a superior mind.
Current Pokemon: A horrible, and somewhat terrifying, amalgamation of various Fossil Pokémon, essence of ghosts found in the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town and even digitized DNA from several different Porygon forms. Simply dubbed 'Missing Number', or 'M' for short, the Pokémon does not seem, or act, natural in any way. It appears to be like it's master - void of feeling and morals, and obeys only it's master without question...at least, for now.

It comes in many different appearances, if it wants to, but prefers to stick to a more intimidating skeletal figure. As if it knew that it would be the most scary out of all its possible forms...

However, there are some odd things about it. It sometimes 'glitches' when it takes damage, which can often change its appearance to something entirely different. Howard doesn't even keep M in a Pokeball - he just keeps it in a small device on his wrist. Even then, it appears to be able to 'leave' the device whenever it feels like it - usually just to defend its master.

Biography: When Howard was growing up, it was clear to everyone, not just his parents, that he was smarter beyond smart. Able to do complex maths before he was 10 - the sort of stuff nuclear physicists might do - he certainly seemed to have a bright future. However, as he started to go through puberty, he started to...change. He became easier to agitate, and soon developed twisted tastes. He started laughing at brutal horror films, and started wearing black and so on. His parents thought little of it - probably one of those 'phases' young teenagers went through. As he grew into maturity, however, he became more distant from the world, and focused more on science. Specifically, science of Pokémon.

Deciding to not waste his time in college, he went straight into a job in a local research laboratory - it was easy for him to get in, even without any qualifications - where he took an interest in the genetics of the Pokémon. Soon, however, the other scientists discovered his secret experiments and instantly fired him, but as he walked out of the building he was approached by a mysterious stranger. A few weeks later, he started working for Team Rocket.

There, he was allowed to do his experiments with no trouble at all. Able to continue his research into 'Project Miracle' (or M for short), which was funded to be able to create the perfect Pokémon, he was able to create M-00 - a prototype of the Miracle project. Dubbing it Missing Number, M for short, due to the odd screen that his Pokedex showed as he tried to scan it, the Pokémon was bonded to Howard like the most brilliant of trainers bond to their Pokémon. He now treats it as a normal Pokémon, occasionally taking notes to improve it past the prototype stage.

Reason for Application: Unrivalled science labs, plenty of funding for his twisted experiments and people who won't judge him for it - or, rather, people who won't stop him for it.
Name: Ivy

Gender: Female
Age: 18
Biography: She had a hard life growing up she was abused when she was a child she dosen't talk about when she turned 17 she joined team rocket for a better life she was young so she voulteered to be a experimen she has gone throught tests and all she is very smart she voulteered for the money she only known the doctor for a year she dosen't know him that well
Reason for Application: voulteered as a experiment

Name: Isolde Maria Beltane
Appearance: She weighs 104 lbs and is 5'4" in height. She has fair skin with honey-chestnut brown hair and amber eyes. She has a slim build and likes wearing dresses and skirts with colorful tunics that go down to her knees with calf-length black boots and knee high black socks. In winter it is much the same except for a hooded cape over a long white coat with buttons down the middle and white gloves with a small fur hat on her head.
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Current Pokemon:
Nature: Adamant
Moves: Wrap, Iron Tail (egg move)
Received: She chose it as her partner in Celadon Game Corner.
Biography: Isolde grew up with her mother in a ramshackle house outside of Vermillion City. When her she turned eight her mother died trying to protect Isolde. After her mother's death she was taken in by her strict grandmother who came from money and began raising the child in how to be a proper lady. Because of this she wasn't allowed to begin her Pokemon journey at ten as her grandmother was afraid of Pokemon and thought Isolde should be concentrating on finding a match. When she was fourteen she snuck away from her grandmother's side to go to a Pokemon battle and fell in love with the idea of having someone to confide in and who wouldn't expect her to behave as if she were a delicate flower. She was found out and punished for sneaking away to view something that "only the riffraff" deal in. Isolde was then sent to a school in the countryside but her life there wasn't much better. When she turned seventeen she left the school and stumbled upon Team Rocket Academy.
Reason for Application: She desired to have adventures and Team Rocket was her way to that goal as well as a place where she could make friends.
Other: She is Virgil's partner in Team Rocket as scorp invited me here.

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