[Rise of the Runelords AE] The Swallowtail Festival


Abadar's wing of the Cathedral faces the city's heart, as is appropriate, and the back wall is graced by a massive statue. At least 25 feet tall, a figure in golden full-plate armor - or possibly a golem - wields a giant hammer and stands vigil over the altar. The Master of the First Vault stands in front of his servant, flowing robes and flowing hair both masterfully carved. Atop the altar rests the Order of Numbers, an ornate keyring, and a judge's gavel. Sarzain doesn't get much more chance to look around before noticing he's gained company. One of the acolytes, the sandy-haired boy that helped recruit people for the tour, has also broken away from the pack. He doesn't notice Sarzain as he enters and turns immediately to a glass case containing another book, presumably the Manual of City-Building. The boy uses the mirrored back panel of the case to practice his part of the tour guide's speech, talking about Abadar and his history and practices. He does mention the Lawgiver, a giant construct that serves as a champion of the Judge of the Gods, so that's almost certainly what the statue is supposed to be.


Sarenrae's wing is the only one with the outer and inner chambers divided by a full door, rather than just an arch or small stair. The reason quickly becomes obvious - the worship area is outside, with only awnings and overhangs for cover from the elements. The altar here is open to the sky, no awning for it, and contains a glowing rock, a scimitar, and a glass case that holds a book, presumably The Birth of Light and Truth. Behind the altar stand a pair of humanoid statues, one male and one female. The female statue is bronzed and holds a scimitar decorated with a fire motif. Her other hand is open, turned palm-up as though meant to hold an object. The male statue has his arms extended and the stone forms of several doves are gathered there. A few real doves have also alighted on the statue, much to Auria's amusement. These can only be Holy Sunlord Thalachos and the Dawnflower herself. As Auria approaches the statues, the doves all take flight as though startled, and something thumps the ground behind her. Spinning, Auria finds the rock from the altar has fallen off, and it rolls toward the statue of Sarenrae.
Auria glares at the rock, murmuring at the empty air around her, "For the love of Sarenrae, can't you spirits behave?" Concentrating for a moment on the rock she casts mage hand. She levitates the rock to where she can examine it, then places it in Sarenrae's bronze open hand.
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Quietly, Cyril makes his way out of the temple, looking for a non-conspicuous way of getting on the rooftop. It's not that tour was bad... but it definitely wasn't his kind of entertainment. Nor was the temple his kind of place.

Hopefully, the old man isn't just looking for some time away from everyone. Cyril would rather not intrude.
Sarzain walked over to the acolyte and coughed.

"I hope I am not interrupting, and that my presence will matter little. But I couldn't help but overhear you practicing. I must profess a certain curiosity, due to my years in a monastery dedicated to Abadar and yet I have heard little of the Lawgiver, though that may be due to my own focus on the secrets of the arcane."
Maedre thinks to himself that he really could have done better but in the end it doesn't really matter to him. He sees the boy being pulled away from the archery competition and follows the young boys to see what it so interesting.
Joanna silently fumes while trying to keep an stoic face. Of course, someone had to step in and try to mangle and damage the respect and assurance of the others. She tries to get a peek of whoever seems to be shaping up to the worst offender as she finishes tossing, easing up on her tossing arm.




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