Rise Of The God's


Three Thousand Club
Flaver13 submitted a new role play. @Flaver13, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Remember your character has to get accepted by me before you can start playing!

You can always add more if you want, and remember there cant be more than one type of god of the sea or sky or whatever else

If you want to have more than one character then please check with me first. Remember it docent matter witch type of god you are, you are all important to the story

Name: Peter

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Title: God of the heavens

Powers: Control the weather like thunder and lightning

Personality: Peter is a brave boy and wants what best for his friends. He always tries to get the best solution to anything, he is smart and uses his knowledge well in the situation his is confronted by. His swordsmanship is masterly, but he focus much on his offence than he does on defense. Peter is a team player and tries his best to be a good friend and do his part

Backstory: Peter grew up with a normal family until the day he noticed how much time he spent on listening to the thunder in the sky or how much he longed to be up in the sky. He spend much of his time day dreaming and have a few friends, but mostly he walks alone since he feels so different from everyone else. One day he discovers his powers and find out what it is all for, after months of research he discovers what that there are more like him, but what it all means he docent know yet. Peter then decides to on a quest to find more people like him so they can discover what it all means and why they have these powers, on his travels he learns more and more about the old gods and begins to get a feeling this is bigger than he knows..

Looks: Almost white hair and deep blue eyes. Normal built but not bad looking if he wanted to do something about his looks. In his free time he walks around in a white shirt and black pants and shoes
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Name: Alastrin

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Title: Defender of Mankind

Powers: Alastrin's power focus upon defense and fighting, being able to summon shields, weapons, and armour at will. He can also create a Force Field around another person, and can perform minor healing, but never on himself.

Personality: Alastrin is serious, taking his new role very seriously. He doesn't want to fail, and will thus do anything he can to make sure he's performing his role to his utmost ability. However, he's also rather naive and innocent, easily persuaded.

Backstory: Alastrin was born into a Noble family, and as was the custom in the world he lived in, was raised to be knight of the realm. He did well, until forced to chose between his family and the kingdom he had sworn to protect, as his father wanted him to assassinate the Prince in a power coup. Refusing, Alastrin instead revealed the plans to the king, and was rewarded with the pleasure of being cast out along with the rest of his family. As such, he holds a bitter resentment toward rulers, but is still willing to work with them. Of course, he was allowed to keep his Knighthood and armour, and he bagan to defend various villages from bandits.

Looks/image: Alastrin has light brown hair that sticks up everywhere, and his helmet is plain metal with a grated visor and bright blue plume. His eyes are deep brown, and his face is somewhat speckled with freckles. With a lithe build, Alastrin doesn't look like he would be one to wear heavy armour, but he's actually a lot stronger than he looks. His armour is built to his figure, and is thus orientated more to mobility and the huge tower shield he uses.




Title:God of the dead


Summon the undead: Now this trick that spent years learning. Now he can summon from your basic skeleton, other demons, wraiths, and many more. The most undead he could have at one time is ten. What they are it don't matter at all.

Soul steal: What this power does is pretty self explanatory. When he needs to his fist will heat up and turn completely black. Problem with this is that he needs to hit you right in the sternum. When he hits that spot he will have your soul.

Communicate to the dead

personality: Robinson is quiet, cold, seems more talkative to the dead, he can be blunt, very determined, very independent, if he needs to do something he will do (he doesn't care if your gonna help him or not), and he's patient

backstory: Robinson lived in a normal family. They lived right next to the town cemetary. At the time there was something about there that he wanted to figure out. So one time after school when he was in the third grade he checked it out. Thats when he learned about his powers. That's where he met all of his friends. The souls of the dead. People noticed. So the kids at his school bullied him a lot. Through out the years he drifted himself farther and farther from people.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.d1495e003a4cca4152f4a28f471a4c70.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17850" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.d1495e003a4cca4152f4a28f471a4c70.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Magnus

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Title: God of War

powers: Forge - When in battle he can create weapons of mass destructions out of his surrounding objects.

Enhanced Power - The ability to absorb your slain foes' power to become even stronger than ever.

personality: He is a very cold harded individual who only cares for nothing but himself. His only desire in life is to fight. He is the definition of fierce. However, he does stick to his allies and treats them as brothers/sisters.

backstory: Magnus was born in the middle of a War and was forced to fight his way to victory to survive. His desire to always fight came from that.

looks/image: Dark skinned male who has many scars on his body. He only wears plain black armor and is completely bald.







Goddess of the seas


Create huge waves--Yes, this took a while to learn. Self-explanatory but it takes a minute or so to actually appear.

Heal-- Doesn't work for fatal wounds but if you have a cut somewhere she can take the water and hold it above the wound. The wound will gradually fade.

Control water-- Self Explanatory


She's pretty laid back. She doesn't really care where she's going as long as 1.) she doesn't die 2.) There is water. I mean "It's about the journey not the destination" right? Shes nice but don't get on her bad side. She can get really mad one second and the next she will be calm. Or the other way around depending on the scenario. She's like water. She is very determined and will not give up no matter what.


She was really mad at her parents one day, she sulked over to the forest and ran to the edge. She saw a cliff and jumped off. She discovered that she could breathe underwater. Everyday after that she went to the ocean and practiced






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.47a0e6b73fbbe754308bd9ced5f5d6f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.47a0e6b73fbbe754308bd9ced5f5d6f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





Goddess of Life


Can manipulate Vegitation---> Sage can control things like trees, vines, even grass, both dead and alive.

Communicate with wildlife---> Basically talking to animals

Shape shifting---> Can shape short in to animals and plants


Sage is extremely calm, and generally very motherly and caring, but will not hesitate to snap one's neck with a vine.




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Name: Celaena

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Title: Goddess of Fire

powers: Uses fire as her main weapon, can conjure fire out of thin air. To an extent she can control lightning,

personality: Slightly sadistic Celaena can be pretty relentles at times, she comes off as cold but she has a good heart. She doesn't like letting people in but once you get past her shell she is vibrant and loving.

backstory: Doesn't have one she would like to share.


differences from pic: her hair goes down to her hips and her eyes are bright green.
Name: xobic



Title:god of spirits

powers:can summon spirits to fight for him,spirit pillar using his own spirit to make a pillar,spirit chain change multiple spirits together can heal allies and hurt enemies,spirit bomb making a huge bomb out of spirits

personality: xobic personality is commonly cheery yet he blows up easily when anyone is vulnerable, he likes to eat a lot and is quite popular amongst his peers he can often be seen laughing and smiling with his friends. Lagi tends to be nervous however Lagi is honest, brave and tough and is an incredible fighter, he admits that he isn't very good at being romantic

backstory: will be revealed in roleplay

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