Rise of the Fallen


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Power(the sky is the limit here!):

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Name: Zach Butler

Age: 16

Appearance (use picture if youu want): my profile picture

Personality: gay, very friendly, doesn't trust easy, can be a downer, not a leader (he is a follower), a team player

Background: Zach grew up in a nice part of London. Nice parents, nice friends, nice school. He was pretty content with his life. Everyday was a good day for him it seemed. He made a lot of friends, got good grades, and was aiming to get into Cambridge University. But that's when disaster struck and all hell broke loose. The aliens came down and ships and started grabbing people and pulling them into their ships...then they came on the ground. He knew he was different with his powers and this was his chance to use them for good.

Power(the sky is the limit here!): fire powers, such as fire balls, walls of fire, conjuring fire,etc.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/uploadfromtaptalk1398895613761.jpg.21791a98045dca5fb75063f4a04947da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17427" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/uploadfromtaptalk1398895613761.jpg.21791a98045dca5fb75063f4a04947da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/uploadfromtaptalk1398895644067.jpg.82b037e75aa4c64a3ea2ee025e4165c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/uploadfromtaptalk1398895644067.jpg.82b037e75aa4c64a3ea2ee025e4165c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Personality:sarcastic,kinda rude and a smartass to boot tends to be the loner type ,but when he wants to be he can be quite the charming ladies man despite his thuggish hood mentality , after the life he's had he has learned to show no fear in the face of danger , and he is loyal to his misfit family , which he has adapted to easily seeing it similar to the gang culture he grew up in....

Background:Hoodie grew up in the streets and slums of London around the hip hip culture the exact opposite of which Zach Butler was raised which is reflected in his dress and his attitude , he bounced around from home to home being raised in orphanages ,when not wearing his hoodie he appears to be quite the charming young man , with blue eyes and blonde hair , now at age 20 despite his loner attitude he has settled in with his fellow misfits in the battle to save earth and the human race....

Powers:Heightend speed,strength,agility and senses with a healing factor , being young his powers seem to be improving and developing , like most mutants his powers developed in a time of great stress , sometimes when under great stress he seems to produce random powers as well...Hoodie over time has also become a master of parkour which combined with his heightened abilities , martial arts skills and basic skill in firearms which he strives to improve on a daily basis , makes him a formidable opponent in his own right....

Rumors/Other Info:Rumors circulate he was raised as a test subject deep in the vaults of a goverment lab called Project X and he was originally called Prototype X , which would seem to make sense about him producing random powers and having great martial arts skills , wether the rumors of him being raised in foster homes is true or a cover up by him or the government is not to be known , but he does always seem to constanly be on the move , whatever he is avoiding he surely doesnt want to meet , rumors also say the memories of him being raised in foster homes were falsely implanted....

Quote:Misfits for life yo!

Other interest:he seems to have a fascination with alien technology and his mp3 player

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Name: Juniper Salt (Juno)

Age: 18

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_n4wbocMp1I1tuz3x2o1_500.jpg.3b976623b05dba2cc00dddfb4e7a8750.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17972" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_n4wbocMp1I1tuz3x2o1_500.jpg.3b976623b05dba2cc00dddfb4e7a8750.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Witty, sarcastic, seductive, loyal, brave, awkward, creative, and funny

Background: Juno was born with a rare gift, she had electricity surging through her body. Juno grew up in an underground laboratory in Romania. Controlling electricity want Juno's only gift, she was extremely smart and she was unusually good at combat fighting. She always felt like she was belonged in the X-Men instead of being trained to be some type of super soldier. Then one day she woke up to find that everyone was dead except her. Killing every alien that came across her path, Juno set out determined to find someone, anyone who could tell her what the hell happened to the world.

Power(the sky is the limit here!): Juno controls electricity and energy. She can release a surge of energy that pretty much destroys anything. Besides her mutant abilities she is an incredible fighter and can win a fight with someone twice her size in less than a minute. Juno can hack into any computer and she has been shooting a sniper since she could walk.



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Name: Monkey. D Luffy

Age: 17

Appearance (use picture if youu want):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-14.jpeg.554adb8e10c3c565a65a5fa281a1b546.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-14.jpeg.554adb8e10c3c565a65a5fa281a1b546.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Strong, loyal to his team mates, trust worthy, never gets nervous and loves to eat. (Favourite food is meat)

Background: Lived in a small village called Foosha Village. Met a pirate there and got inspired to become the Pirate King and find One Piece!

Power(the sky is the limit here!): Has the power of rubber man. He's whole body is made of rubber and he can stretch pretty far...... he's punch is super strong and bold. With one punch , he can make you die......



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Name: Oren Coiver

Age: 16

Appearance: Short, scrawny, long yellow-orange hair. Wears a gauntlet.

Personality: Oren often acts like a helpless child and is normally quiet, despite having good judgement and understanding of situations. He might sometimes be angry, but he never gets angry.

Background: Oren was born with a strange sort of exoskeleton covering most of his body, it frightened many people including doctors, it quickly receded to just his left arm. While growing up he wore a glove to hide it, but people still found out. Some scientists wanted to take him to study in some far away secret labs, he found out and ran away. His exoskeleton slowly became harder and metallic, and turned into a gauntlet one day, only months before everything went down. When the aliens came, the gauntlet attacked them defending Oren, with this he realized its power. He lived in the US but got abducted, he attacked the tripod which blew up, dropping him in a foreign location. (London)

Power: Mysterious gauntlet that has almost blade-like claws can emit forcefields/shields, grants him extreme dexterity and strength in his left arm, has a chain attached to it that he can lengthen and control at will, and can fire massive plasma balls however this will tend to drain all his energy for a long time.
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Name:Lawrence Edwards


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.5c2f52631ea5e007dfc959683dba47e4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17620" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.5c2f52631ea5e007dfc959683dba47e4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.155c60c2fcebb5b0380556a5d6441e9f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17624" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.155c60c2fcebb5b0380556a5d6441e9f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He's comedic when he thinks it's a good time

he calm also very optimistic h
e can be impatient he's to independent at times

Although he was born with no powers that didn't stop his father for trying achieve that. Lawrence was the first and only child the family of a German scientist named Michael Edwards and a American scientist Sandra Miller.Since laweremce was five months his parents expirimented with a metal that they found.They called this project Titan. At age five child protection services brought him away from his parents. Lawerence was brought to a orphanage shortly after wards.At his first foster home he finally showed signs that the expiriment had worked.Over the next ten years he's been sent to over two dozen homes.He usually stays at one home for a month then he has a "episode" with Titan.After his latest return the staff don't know what to do with him. So Lawrence left when he became nineteen. He went to save his only family. His sister

Control of Metal:Lawrence can control all kinds of metal. (Unless it's enchanted. He can manipulate its shape and size. He can also levitate with it.

Lawrence has another power. When he is in a dangerous situation he can change into what he calls Titan. (Think of a metal Hulk.) Titan is bulletproof, he can lift up to ten tons.

Name: Susan Edwards


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.d3a3b077733220ad9e6ff3b46af5fe14.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17623" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.d3a3b077733220ad9e6ff3b46af5fe14.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Susan is patient, quiet, sweet, caring, she's also a good listener, but some days she would act depressed. On other days she would seem to have no emotion what's so ever. Those are the days that the programming are controlling.

Susan is two years younger then Lawrence. She was born with no powers either. She also wasn't experimented on until she was three. Cause that's when she was riding her bike in the street. A truck hits her. Thankfully their mother was there at the time. If she wasn't she would've died. Instead of going to a hospital. They thought that the metal would save her. They worked for hours but they did it. They saved their daughter. But at what price. She was now half human half machine.

For the next six months were hell for her. She couldn't leave the basement because of her being a cyborg. When child protection services arrived they sent Susan to a lab. And that's where she lived for the next thirteen years. And she was finally saved by her brother Lawrence.

Susan is a cyborg. Which give her several abilities/powers

  • Cybernetic Enhancement: Susan's possesses cybernetic enhancements that provide superhuman strength, endurance and durability. Susan can also interface with computers. Built into her body-armor were an computer generator, sound amplifier/white noise cannon, and special programming adapters that allowed him to interface with other body extensions.

  • Computer Interfacing[13]
  • Body Resistance: The nature of Cyborg's body provides him with natural body armor offering resistance versus energy attacks.
  • Sensor Systems: Susan has optic, thermal and motion sensors just to name a few.
  • Shape-Change: He can reshape parts of his body into various weapons and technological equipment. Her arsenal included a finger laser attachment, telescopic eyepiece, sonic disruptor, electric shockers, grappling hooks, and winches.
  • Superhuman Durability: Her bones are reinforced with molybdenum-steel.
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Superhuman Speed
  • Superhuman Strength: At optimal capacity, Susan can lift/press in excess of four metric tons. If she pushes himself, she can even exceed five tons, but not without causing severe stress to her cybernetic components. Susans upper strength limits have fluctuated with upgrades to his systems over time. Now Susan can lift anywhere from 5-8 tons



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Name: Jinx

Age: 17




"I'm craaazy! . . .I got a doctor's note. . ." - Jinx

Boom boom! Here comes Jinx! Blast them away and blow them down! Causing havoc is fun and watching people die is entertaining! Building crashing, fires consuming, and mass chaos is appreciated here!

Background: --Nothing is known of Jinx. Reports of her destroying banks and robbing are stacked in her wanted files. --

Power: Teleportation, may seem simple. But this girl loves using her guns!

-- At first I would love to have Jinx be a villain but something could make her switch over C: --
Name: darek jones (DJ)

Age: 16

appearence: black, tall, athletic, military cut hair

Personality: loyal to any friend he has. usually a follower but will take charge. always follows order of who ever is in charge.

background: military test subjct. was in intense training in london when it happened. when he first learned he had powers he was exhiled from a grop of survivors he was with he someow managed to srvive on his own.

power: matter mnipulation. can generate and abiotic matter (non living like dirt, rock, brick walls)
Name: "Cronus" (Nobody knows who he is)

Age: 24



Personality: Distant and cold on the outside but cares deeply about his friends

Background: Born and raised in Hastings, he wanted to join the military when he grew up but a visit with his family to his uncle in London changed all that as the aliens killed his family. Now alone in a hostile world he felt vulnerable until on day he found out that he was... special.

Power: Can change the property of any element. For example, can turn a sheet of paper into something as sharp as a blade or create objects from air (Which would be very difficult since air molecule are spread out) but the catch is that he must concentrate and "feel" the object so that he could change it.
(May I join?)

Name: Emilia Petrelli

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Clairvoyant (Empathic Mimicry/Ability Replication)


Personality and Bio: Emilia Petrelli is the only daughter of Arthur and Angela Petrelli and , wealthy business owners and scientists funded by the Military and Government in Italy. But, both died in an unexplained accident when she was 16 monts old. She was later adopted into a not so perfect household in London, England. Her mother was never home and her father had a temper. Emilia appeared to her family as a hopeless dreamer, who believed she had a greater place in life than just getting by. She discovered he was an evolved human who had the ability to absorb and use the powers of others. Growing up with this unexplained power was difficult for her. She soon absorbed multiple powers through out her younger years, and inevitably lost her temper one night when her parents were blaming her for their misfortune and killed them. She then ran, and hid from the world as it crumbled. She searches for her destiny and not be lost and alone anymore.

She has absorbed the ability to:

Precognition - dreams

Rapid cell regeneration (Healing)



Resurrect the dead/communicate with spirits-ghosts

Manipulate the Weather

(Comment if you want me to delete some. But I promise you I won't god mod. I hate god modding, but these powers help with her characterisation, and if I do use them they will only be used on small terms.)

But, in order to use these powers she has absorbed, she has to feel the power, feel and believe in herself - something she doesn't. Ever since her parents death, she has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and multiple personality disorder - side affects of her powers. The more she uses them, the more unsure of herself she is - she more she looses herself. Music helps her control herself, and keep her as sane as possible. Although she is naturally curious, something that gets her into lots of trouble.

Because of her disorders, she is unpredictable and uncertain of who she is. She is clumsy and irrational, but when she has a certain goal in mind, she will do anything to get to it. People make her awkward... unless they have something about them that reminds her of her. She can be a leader when she wants to, usually when she has her headphones in and has a goal in mind. Other than that, you don't know what she'll do. But she is trustable... if she wants to be.
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Name: Sproket(Adam Thomson)

Age: 13

Apperance: Dress shirt,Trench coat,Goggles that he wears on his forhead(X-Ray Goggles),Dress Pants,Dress Shoes

Personality: Brave,Caring,Believes No one deserves to die,Geeky

Background: Was bullied and one day he beat up the bully and as revenge the bully pushed him down a manhole and the chemicals in the waste gave him his powers

Powers:Can create and munipulate ice out of thin air,Super Speed

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