[Rise of the Empowered]Random Request Thread

RPN Username: Arkytior

Character Name: Lilian

Extra: One Level 2 power only
RPN Username: Cephalo

Character Name: Devon Rhee

Extra: I'm just gonna put a "request" for superpowering even though that sort of technically already happened on the CS thread but I like covering my bases and this was supposed to be a short note but I have a problem with talking too much you should just ignore me and have two reminders for the price of one
RPN Username:Airebsi

Character Name: Alicia Azakia

Extra: I just hope I get my favourite ^^' *cough* it's totally not a psionic power of some sort *cough*

and before saying I like psionics lands me a power that is the exact opposite of psionics.That's a 10/10 my fault situation there.

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