[Rise of the Empowered]Announcenents, Special Events, and..... Other Things

@Cephalo @Spinoceratopsrex @simj22 @Giyari @Volfy @too much idea @Pretzel Heart @Bunny @cojemo @Quartus @Fezzes @Azure Sky @Refaulted @Sunbather @The One Eyed Bandit @SpiralErrant @Ofanaatnolrah @Arkytior

Hello wonderful friends!!!

So, once we get groupings for the first threads figured out, we will actually be able to start this rp at long last! Just because you are in the same group as another character does NOT mean that you have to be in the same place as everyone else in that grouping and it certainly does not mean you have to interact by any means. However, if you DO want to interact with other characters during the blizzard, then you do need to be in the same group as those characters. Does that make sense… I hope?

Anyway, as of right now there are only two sets of characters that need to be together that I am aware of. Abigail Ivansted (me) needs to be with Victor Ivansted (@SpiralErrant). And then there is a small grouping forming at a coffee shop which so far includes Emmaline Laurin (me) and Alexis Fay (@too much idea). If anyone else wants to be able to interact at the coffee shop, more characters can be there.

If there are any groupings that still exist, please let me know by Friday otherwise I will arbitrarily be assigning groupings so that we can actually get things moving.

If you have any questions, let me know. If you would like to be in a group with another character, let me know. If it doesn’t matter to you which group you are in because you’re not intending to interact with anyone anyway, you can let me know or not because in that case it doesn’t really matter where you end up.

Zachary is probably working. So he's at his job. Anyone interested in buying some photography equipment? :]
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Kai is can be anywhere. Coffee shop, random class, the school she teaches at, etc.
Devon would either be at the firm or at home. He could probably be at the coffee shop too if you need more people there.
Alrighty. Here is what I have for groups. Only 2 groups have people who actually will be interacting with each other and those are the first 2 groups. Groups 3,4 and 5 are merely going to be people posting individually, but within the same thread.

Group 1 (Coffeeshop)

Emmaline Laurin

Alexis Fay

Clara Castilla

Naomi King

Group 2

Abigail Ivansted

Victor Ivansted

Devon Rhee

Erik Wilkinson

William Valentine

Group 3

Isobel MacCaellein

Maiya Swan

Stanley Howardson

Dorian Blake

Kai Lankford

Group 4

Drew Casey

Jasper Fitzgerald

Theodore Halifax

Zachary Monarch

Lillian James

Group 5

Savitr Hazarika

Jameson Burkes

Jared Walmsley

Eve Williams​

Now it is up to @AllHailDago to actually start the threads and begin the rp. While I can't say for certain when that will be, I do believe it will be within the week... and I really hope I'm right.

@Cephalo @Spinoceratopsrex @simj22 @Giyari @Volfy @too much idea @Pretzel Heart @Bunny @cojemo @Quartus @Fezzes @Azure Sky @Refaulted @Sunbather @The One Eyed Bandit @SpiralErrant @Ofanaatnolrah @Arkytior
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Ur......I realize now I should have mentioned that my characters should probably be in the same thread, being roommates and all........aaa sorry.

I wouldn't mind posting for them in separate threads, but I feel like it might get awkward....

How long will these divisions last?
[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]Ur......I realize now I should have mentioned that my characters should probably be in the same thread, being roommates and all........aaa sorry.
I wouldn't mind posting for them in separate threads, but I feel like it might get awkward....

How long will these divisions last?

I can rearrange it yet. No worries! xD

These threads will just last for the duration of time that we are rping before people get their powers which I don't imagine will be too long at all.
Cool, its interesting to see who I might be able to interact with, although I'm definitely not expecting to.
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I will be posting threads one at a time, with an opening post using one of my own characters. When i post it and tag the included individuals for that thread you are free to post. Each individual person is allowed three posts or less before each thread is closed and we move on to the morning of the next day. The Empowering Day. So lets get down to business. To defeat..... THE HUNS!

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