Rise of the Demigods

Alistair said:
If he holds onto the person long enough they would die if it were a fatal area, such as the head, or heart, they wouldn't die instantly, either way sure I can change it, and to be more specific what do you mean on dead things? And sure I'll change it back to just a normal sword, and I'll limit it to 2 powers as well. One more weakness will be added too I shall.
I mean he can make dead tings decay quicker (not super cool, but yeah). Thanks.
Alistair said:
Name: Hector Hugh
Nicknames: Hugh.

Age: 19.

Godly Parent Thanatos (Given consent)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Affiliation : Half-Bloods, but usually strays from any sort of Heroic deeds.

Appearance :

Clothing (Image or Description): The Tuxedo that he's wearing as of now.

Personality: Usually very stubborn, Hector doesn't like to be too close to anyone, and usually always strays away from any connection or friendship, though he is a great ally, he will not on a personal level, let people into his life. Hector is a rather cheerful person on the outside, but on other instances he will become cold hearted and dark. With a sense of judgement less than humane.


1. Knows his powers and strengths well. But aims to become stronger in both areas of powers and physical strengths.

2. Leadership skills are well developed, even though he is one to stand aside and watch.

3. Swordsmanship is well developed as well, his fighting skills are well towards a mastered level.


1. His stubborn, mischievous nature

2. Is rather prideful, and lets it be known by many if needed.

3. His brash and reckless decisions at times will get him in trouble, but on another note, sometimes those brash and reckless decisions help the many rather than the few.

4. With his relations to Thanatos, he believes himself to be a monster, and doesn't show his insecurities as a young man, he believes himself not to be a hero, and it usually impacts his decision making all the time.

History: From a young boy into adulthood, Hector knew of his powers, and went to Camp Half Blood with his mother, she let him go, and since then he's stayed at Camp every year, training, perfecting his powers and techniques as much as possible, even for his young age he has a long way to go until he finds his limits. Hector has gone in quite a few quests of his own before, retrieving a special sword from his own father even called Tafí̱ lepída (Burial Blade in Greek) A specially crafted, Greatsword, the Greatsword the blade itself is cursed to cut into its opponents, and the wound itself never really heals normally, but it does heal indeed, just not naturally. Hector's powers are that he can summon 5 ravens/crows that help conceal him and distract his opponents for an opening. His second and most useful power is his power to bring things to decay, whatever he may touch will decay quicker than the intended time, such as a dead animal or human would soon become nothingness faster than they were naturally to be.

Theme Song*:[media]

[/media] (Nucler - Mike Oldfield)
Love Interest*: None, he believes he is too distant that love is not in his grasp.

Other*: He likes soda and sour gummy worms, give him that and he'll do something for you that you will not forget.
I'm very close to accepting! The only other thing I might change is the fact that he has been going to camp half-blood since he was a little boy, and gone on a lot of quests. All the characters were discovered after the war with gaea, and will be pretty new to quests. Is it okay if the only quest he's gone on is the one to retrieve the sword?
Yeah, that was actually supposed to be the only quest as of now. Got it!


themediocregatsby said:
I'm very close to accepting! The only other thing I might change is the fact that he has been going to camp half-blood since he was a little boy, and gone on a lot of quests. All the characters were discovered after the war with gaea, and will be pretty new to quests. Is it okay if the only quest he's gone on is the one to retrieve the sword?
Alistair said:
Name: Hector Hugh
Nicknames: Hugh.

Age: 19.

Godly Parent Thanatos (Given consent)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Affiliation : Half-Bloods, but usually strays from any sort of Heroic deeds.

Appearance :

Clothing (Image or Description): The Tuxedo that he's wearing as of now.

Personality: Usually very stubborn, Hector doesn't like to be too close to anyone, and usually always strays away from any connection or friendship, though he is a great ally, he will not on a personal level, let people into his life. Hector is a rather cheerful person on the outside, but on other instances he will become cold hearted and dark. With a sense of judgement less than humane.


1. Knows his powers and strengths well. But aims to become stronger in both areas of powers and physical strengths.

2. Leadership skills are well developed, even though he is one to stand aside and watch.

3. Swordsmanship is well developed as well, his fighting skills are well towards a mastered level.


1. His stubborn, mischievous nature

2. Is rather prideful, and lets it be known by many if needed.

3. His brash and reckless decisions at times will get him in trouble, but on another note, sometimes those brash and reckless decisions help the many rather than the few.

4. With his relations to Thanatos, he believes himself to be a monster, and doesn't show his insecurities as a young man, he believes himself not to be a hero, and it usually impacts his decision making all the time.

History: From a young boy into adulthood, Hector knew of his powers, and went to Camp Half Blood with his mother, she let him go, and since then he's stayed at Camp every year, training, perfecting his powers and techniques as much as possible, even for his young age he has a long way to go until he finds his limits. Hector has gone on one quest as of now, retrieving a special sword from his own father even called Tafí̱ lepída (Burial Blade in Greek) A specially crafted, Greatsword, the Greatsword the blade itself is cursed to cut into its opponents, and the wound itself never really heals normally, but it does heal indeed, just not naturally. Hector's powers are that he can summon 5 ravens/crows that help conceal him and distract his opponents for an opening. His second and most useful power is his power to bring things to decay, whatever he may touch will decay quicker than the intended time, such as a dead animal or human would soon become nothingness faster than they were naturally to be.

Theme Song*:[media]

[/media] (Nucler - Mike Oldfield)
Love Interest*: None, he believes he is too distant that love is not in his grasp.

Other*: He likes soda and sour gummy worms, give him that and he'll do something for you that you will not forget.
Alright! Accepted!
Mooriot said:


Kenneth Zelinsky


Goes by Ken, Kenny or anything else, really.



Godly Parent:

Peitho, Goddess of Persuasion










Kenneth often pays no mind to the weather, preferring to dress lightly. He's usually wearing a t-shirt under a thin jacket with denim jeans. The majority of his shirts are light in color and he tends to stay away from darker tones.


Kenneth loves talking just for the sake of doing so and always tries to be engaged in a conversation of some sort. Being a son of Peitho, he's very persuading, which he attributes to his charm. He's much smarter and cleverer than most people take him for, being able to read body language fairly well. He also frequently takes advantage of others with his "power" for his own personal gain. While he is genuinely a friendly person most of time, it's also very possible that he's using someone without their knowledge.​


1. Has a way with people, as his godly parent would suggest.

2. Skilled archer with decent aim.

3. Has high tolerance for physical pain.


1. Can be quite stubborn at times.

2. Doesn't have the best stamina.

3. Tends to overestimate his own abilities.


Kenneth grew up with a single parent, as expected from a demigod. However, he didn't have the best of relationships with his father, who wasn't prepared for being a single parent. The two had countless arguments and disagreements over the years, though it rarely ever got too heated. As he grew older, Kenneth became targeted by monsters. Though he didn't want to confess to his father, believing he'd sound ridiculous, he eventually did. As a result, his father brought him to Camp Half-Blood at the age of 13 for the safety of them both. Ever since, Kenneth has spent majority of his life in the camp.​

Theme Song*:

(I'll try to find one later.)

Love Interest*:



He looks good! Accepted. I'm on mobile right now and it's not working well at the moment, so I'll add you to the group chat tomorrow.
LittleWolfie said:


Isabella Hana Martin



Don’t you dare call me Isabella



Godly Parent:

Eris - Goddess of Discord






Half-Bloods Currently




Izzie will usually be seen wandering round in dark clothing. Low cut and tight fitted tank tops with skinny jeans and converse are the norm for her. She never tends to mind the weather and so doesn’t usually wear a jacket, fine as she is.


Izzie is trouble, straight up. As far as she’s concerned rules were made to be broken and you’ve got to live each day like it’s your last. She tends to act first, think later and hell to the consequences and this can make her easily led at times since she won’t question her actions so quickly. Trust is not something that comes easily to Izzie and it’s very rare that she’ll ever truly trust someone.



Throwing Knives



Can be quite easily led

Rather reckless

Not very strong


Growing up, Izzie was constantly bumped around the foster care system with her twin brother Zach since they always caused too much trouble to stay in one place for two long. In total they lived in 41 different homes, some foster and some group within 17 years before they ran away. Zach said he’d discovered a place where they wouldn’t have to move anymore and Izzie trusted her brother so they made their way towards Camp Half-Blood. However, along the way things to a sharp turn into darkness as they ended up in a car crash which killed Zach. Izzie, not knowing what else to do since she didn’t want to end up back in the system, ran from the scene, forcing herself to leave her brother’s body behind. And now she’s just rocked up at camp, looking a little worn and feeling more than a little lost.

Theme Song:

Troublemaker - Olly Murs

Love Interest:

None Yet


Alright, looks good. The only thing you might want to add is another strength (something more mental than physical) but that's up to you. She's accepted, and I'll let you into the OOC chat asap.
themediocregatsby said:
Alright, looks good. The only thing you might want to add is another strength (something more mental than physical) but that's up to you. She's accepted, and I'll let you into the OOC chat asap.
Thanks :) And I would add a mental strength but I'm not quite sure what I'd put really.
LittleWolfie said:
Thanks :) And I would add a mental strength but I'm not quite sure what I'd put really.
Perhaps something like brave? It is up to you, I think her personality says a lot about who she is anyways!
Name: Nicholas McLean

Nicknames: Cole

Age: 15

Godly Parent: Phobos

Gender: male

Sexuality: asexual

Affiliation: Halfbloods

Appearance: Cole is abnormally short for his age, with pale skin that really makes the dark circles around his eyes stand out. He has very light blond hair, almost white, and his eyes are red, like Phobos. His light colouring often makes people mistake him for being albino.

Clothing: Cole dresses lightly, in dark colours that make him look even worse than he already does. He claims that this is a learned habit and that he feels really weird wearing colours like yellow.

Personality: Cole is a shy individual with a bit of a temper, but mostly comes across as grumpy and anti-social due to lack of sleep. His irrational fear of sleep causes him to say and do strange things and occasionally hallucinate, but underneath it all, he longs for adventure and excitement. He can be somewhat secretive, preferring not to talk about his famous mother or his jerk of a father, but anything else, such as his odd habit of taking his shoes off in public places, is fair game.


1. Cole tends to be good at comforting people, especially if they're scared of something

2. Cole instinctively seems to know what the people around him fear

3. Cole is a very loyal person


1. Cole is almost always tired

2. Cole is fairly easy to anger

3. Cole is physically weak

History: born to a very young mother, Cole was mostly raised by his grandparents, so she could complete her schooling and go on to become a popular horror movie director. He was always a fearful child, but one night, when he was four, it took a turn for the worse and he began to suffer from terrible chronic nightmares. Eventually, all his usual fears seemed to become insignificant compared to his somniphobia - the fear of sleep. When Cole was nine, he tried seeing a therapist, but all that did was irritate him. He found himself glaring, wanting to know how the therapist would use his own advice, and suddenly the man was screaming and crying, begging for mercy. A month later, they moved to America. His mother insisted it was for new movie opportunities, but Cole suspected it was because of what happened and his belief was proven correct when he joined camp Halfblood two years later.

Theme Song: I'll Sleep When I'm Dead - Set It Off

Love Interest: ...I dunno. Open, I guess.

Other: I've got Blood of Olympus, but I haven't read it yet
iAutisticTiger said:
Name: Nicholas McLean
Nicknames: Cole

Age: 15

Godly Parent: Phobos

Gender: male

Sexuality: asexual

Affiliation: Halfbloods

Appearance: Cole is abnormally short for his age, with pale skin that really makes the dark circles around his eyes stand out. He has very light blond hair, almost white, and his eyes are red, like Phobos. His light colouring often makes people mistake him for being albino.

Clothing: Cole dresses lightly, in dark colours that make him look even worse than he already does. He claims that this is a learned habit and that he feels really weird wearing colours like yellow.

Personality: Cole is a shy individual with a bit of a temper, but mostly comes across as grumpy and anti-social due to lack of sleep. His irrational fear of sleep causes him to say and do strange things and occasionally hallucinate, but underneath it all, he longs for adventure and excitement. He can be somewhat secretive, preferring not to talk about his famous mother or his jerk of a father, but anything else, such as his odd habit of taking his shoes off in public places, is fair game.


Cole tends to be good at comforting people, especially if they're scared of something

2. Cole instinctively seems to know what the people around him fear

3. Cole is a very loyal person


Cole is almost always tired

2. Cole is fairly easy to anger

3. Cole is physically weak

History: born to a very young mother, Cole was mostly raised by his grandparents, so she could complete her schooling and go on to become a popular horror movie director. He was always a fearful child, but one night, when he was four, it took a turn for the worse and he began to suffer from terrible chronic nightmares. Eventually, all his usual fears seemed to become insignificant compared to his somniphobia - the fear of sleep. When Cole was nine, he tried seeing a therapist, but all that did was irritate him. He found himself glaring, wanting to know how the therapist would use his own advice, and suddenly the man was screaming and crying, begging for mercy. A month later, they moved to America. His mother insisted it was for new movie opportunities, but Cole suspected it was because of what happened and his belief was proven correct when he joined camp Halfblood two years later.

Theme Song: I'll Sleep When I'm Dead - Set It Off

Love Interest: ...I dunno. Open, I guess.

Other: I've got Blood of Olympus, but I haven't read it yet
Pretty good! It seems he has a lot of personality traits (shy, quick to anger, aloof, loyal) maybe you could reword it bit. Sorry if this sounds weird, but he sounds more quite than shy. Other than that, you might want to change the last name since that's also the surname of a character from the book, but no pressure. And it's fine that you haven't read Blood of Olympus, but there will probably be spoilers in the rp.
Yeah, I think I get it. I didn't mean for him to be aloof, Cole just doesn't really know how to talk to people. The temper and anti-socialness is all sleep deprivation. I've had insomnia in the past, so I was trying to replicate the new of personality I developed whenever I hadn't slept enough. With enough sleep, I was the usual overly-enthusiastic weirdo, but I was typically rude, intolerant and actually yelled at people to shut the Hell up for asking me if I was okay.
iAutisticTiger said:
Yeah, I think I get it. I didn't mean for him to be aloof, Cole just doesn't really know how to talk to people. The temper and anti-socialness is all sleep deprivation. I've had insomnia in the past, so I was trying to replicate the new of personality I developed whenever I hadn't slept enough. With enough sleep, I was the usual overly-enthusiastic weirdo, but I was typically rude, intolerant and actually yelled at people to shut the Hell up for asking me if I was okay.
Yeah, I get it. I used to have it frequently until I started taking meds. I was mainly really depressed, but I know it can be different for everyone. He's accepted. I'll add you to the OOC chat. I still might want you to change the shy thing, because it doesn't really go with being anti-social.


Sorry if this sounds picky, I just tend to notice things like this. In your post you mentioned that the only thing Hector inherited from his mother was her blue eyes. However, in canon, Thanatos is black, while your faceclaim for him his Caucasian. Again, no big deal, just thought I'd point that out.
Yikes, sorry! xD I'll add in the light skin as well, since I didn't know Thanatos was black. (If it were actual Greek representations or just from the Percy Jackson Series, I only finished the Lightning Thief Series, the newer ones I am not that educated on haha)
Alistair said:
Yikes, sorry! xD I'll add in the light skin as well, since I didn't know Thanatos was black. (If it were actual Greek representations or just from the Percy Jackson Series, I only finished the Lightning Thief Series, the newer ones I am not that educated on haha)
No, no, it's fine! Honest mistake! I just didn't want something awkward to happen later.
Asuka Sanohara


Name: Asuka Chi Sanohara

Nicknames: Suka

Age: 15

Godly Parent: Hypnos, God of Sleep

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual (Sleepsexual xD )

Affiliation: Half-Bloods


@themediocregatsby finished
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Name: Joshua James

Nickname: Jay ( only if you are his friend)

Age: 13

Parent: Nike

Gender: Guy

Sexuality: Straight

Affiliation: Half-Bloods

Appearance: Blonde Haired, 5foot 6inches, Blue Eyes, slightly tan

Clothes: Usually a black short sleeve t shirt, jeans with small holes in the knee, and sneakers (Nike, obviously)

Personality: interchangeable, he is usually cheerful enough, but some times he gets sad and dark, but what cheers him up is being alone for a while, and he loves music and books. He also makes jokes a lot.

Strengths: His powers make his athletic abilities enhanced, he is great at cheering people up, and he is loyal to those he loves.

Weaknesses: He is annoying, slow to trust, and often uses his atremght to throw the people he doesn't like into lakes and bushes.

History: He comes from a home whwas always the one to do everyones work. He has two mortal brothers who made fun of him for being a freak. He finally had enough of it and ran away. A year of attacks and near deaths later he found camp half-blood.

Theme Song: Demons by imagine dragons

Love interests: No one ever even liked him yet so love is out of the question.

Other: He had 1 friend named colby but he mysteriously disappeared

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