Rise of the Demigods


Super High School Level Idiot
-Anything marked with a '*' is optional, meaning I either put it in for fun or it might be hard for you to answer right now. Keep in mind the setting that this takes place in, so try and keep it accurate! Please read the rules, fill this out to the best of your ability, and wait to be accepted. Feel free to delete the comments in parentheses. Thanks!-

If you want some inspiration for minor gods and goddesses, go here




Godly Parent (Minor, please. Unless you ask me first):



Affiliation (Khione or the Half-Bloods):

Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):

Clothing (Image or Description):










History (keep in mind that they came to Camp Half-Blood after the war with Gaea):

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*:


Thanks for filling this out! I'll let you know whether or not you're accepted ASAP!
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Quentin King


Some call him Q



Godly Parent:

Até (God of mischief)









Clothing (Image or Description):

Usually seen wearing black or grey clothes. His style could be described as a 'grunge' type of deal. He is currently wearing what he has on in the pic (with black skinny jeans).


Quentin is definitely like his Godly parent Até. He always seems to be looking for trouble on purpose. He is rebellious and tends to make a lot of stupid decisions. Always seen hanging around the wrong crowd or breaking some sort of rule. Most people try to avoid him, but that's before they even get to know him. Quentin is quite the goofball and is actually really fun to be around. His thirst for adventure and enthusiastic personality is definitely a bit much to take in at once. Once you get used to him though he is a very good friend to have. Not to mention he is extremely loyal.


1. Great stamina.

2. Great speed.

3. Can read others emotions well.


1. Sore loser.

2. Not the strongest.

3. Can be annoying at times.

History (keep in mind that they came to Camp Half-Blood after the war with Gaea):

Quentin had no idea about camp Half-Blood. His parents raised him like a normal child. They always told themselves that they were just trying to protect him from getting in trouble. Coincidentally, Quentin still got in as much trouble, even if he didn't know of his father. His mother knew what kind of god Ate was, and she tried everything to stop him from following in those footprints. Eventually, Quentin found out on his own. He noticed that he was just a bit different than the others. He ran away from home, not thinking about how much it would hurt his mother. He spent a while trying to look for Camp Half-Blood. Finding completely by coincidence, well, he had some help from his mother. Apparently she knew where it was, she probably shouldn't have written it down. When he finally found it he felt as if he actually belonged somewhere.

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*:

None yet


He can play the electric guitar really well.​
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Name: Gabriel Mori

Nicknames: Eli

Age: 16

Godly Parent: Caerus (God of opportunity)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Affiliation: Half Bloods. Unless a better option appears.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c232be05c_MV5BMjIyMTA5NDgyM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDE0NjQwNTE@._V1_SY317_CR50214317_AL_.jpg.a04ed784e1c28c55c21c701859e19b58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c232be05c_MV5BMjIyMTA5NDgyM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDE0NjQwNTE@._V1_SY317_CR50214317_AL_.jpg.a04ed784e1c28c55c21c701859e19b58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing (Image or Description): Eli usually dresses for rain, even if it's sunny out. He thinks it's that it's best to think ahead, and what is opportune for that situation. So, it is always 'opportune' to be prepared for bad weather. It's usually black, and a rather dorky button up. He wears jeans and loafers under that. Also carries around an umbrella, which doubles as a not-so-deadly weapon.

Personality: Eli is a very quiet, very timid young man. He likes to plan things ahead, and leaves nothing up to chance. His ideology is that opportunities only come to those who are prepared, and that when they come only then is it okay to deviate from the plan ahead of you. He has trouble sleeping, and suffers from constant headaches. He has what some might consider a low-key painkiller addiction, which leads to him having a glazed over expression most of the time.


1. Brilliant planner

2. Self preserving

3. High drug tolerance


1. Easily swayed in his opinions

2. Doesn't realize that planning will not account for everything

3. Panics when faced with a decision, and will not be able to choose due to the fact he won't be able to decide which choice is more favorable

History: Eli's mother met his father in a Las Vegas casino, which he ran. She was a brilliant strategist and gambler, and the pair had an affair that ended when she told him she was pregnant. He revealed himself to her, and would even visit her on occasion when Eli was young. He protected the subtly in both the wars, and eventually instructed Eli through a dream to go to camp Half-Blood. He hasn't had much contact with his father other than that.

His journey to Camp wasn't eventful except for one thing- he began to hear voices. Like most halfblood's, his godly parent gave him some strange qualities. For Eli, he hears the voices of people who have just missed big opportunities. He gets headaches constantly because of this and takes a lot of painkillers.

Recently, his friend Alma Zamboni has decided to run away from camp to prove herself. He has begrudgingly accepted.

Theme Song*: Habits by Tove Lo

Love Interest*: N/A. He is uncomfortable when people show attraction towards him.

- - -

Name: Alma Zamboni

Nicknames: N/A

Age: 16

Godly Parent: Dike, Goddess of Justice

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Affiliation: Half-Bloods


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/-1.jpg.5cfc4f13e2905f2bc918bb318fdd6bf1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/-1.jpg.5cfc4f13e2905f2bc918bb318fdd6bf1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/-2.jpg.53d1e761c6d44e999c638063b5038722.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49880" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/-2.jpg.53d1e761c6d44e999c638063b5038722.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She doesn't have a great sense of style

Personality: Alma strives to be the best at everything, because in her opinion, only those who are at the peak of physical and mental health can make the correct decisions. Because of that she likes to keep her mind sharp and her body fit at all times, with a complex work out routine followed by deep meditation. Above all else, she craves justice. Not revenge, mind you. She puts high respect in the ancient laws and is incredibly honest.


1. Physically fit

2. Strong moral compass

3. Honest


1. Wants to be a leader, but might not be suited for the task

2. Overzealous

3. Thinks that the law is always right

History: Alma's father was a respected judge, who raised her with a strong sense of justice. They both thought her mother ran away when she was young. Due to the fact she was a child of a minor goddess, no major events happened in her childhood, but she always noticed things other people did not.

She met Gabriel Mori while he going to Camp Half-Blood, and he explained what he suspected she was to her father. They both agreed after a small monster attack, and she was claimed soon after arriving at camp. Recently, she has decided she wants to prove herself, and has assembled a group of 'friends' to go on a quest with her.

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*: Open




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Name: Penelope C. Fortes

"Nice to meet you"


"Penny or Lotte"


"I'm 16"

Godly Parent:

Nemesis, the goddess of revenge

"I don't have any bad intentions but I naturally have a disliking of the children of Fortuna or Tyche"





"I'm the daughter of Nemesis. I'm supposed to be fair so it doesn't matter what you are, but who you are"


Half Bloods


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.802140c1abfe074e83e734e3ae09e6cd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49666" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.802140c1abfe074e83e734e3ae09e6cd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brown hair and grey eyes but if you mistaken her for a daughter of Athena, she's likely to start whipping you with her well, whip.

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 138 lbs.

Clothing :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.989c4b3fce1fb735a7cc8e6b9b2cad0b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49667" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.989c4b3fce1fb735a7cc8e6b9b2cad0b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Penelope shows much skin in what she wears. She likes to wear a white singlet, black shorts and ankle, combat-coloured boots but it looks like all Nemesis daughters dress that way. She keeps her whip by her side and sometimes wear a khaki jacket whenever necessary.


Fair, firm, calm and favours justice. She'll help anyone as long as they need it and if it doesn't hurts. Like her mother, she hates luck. She also tends to use quotes whenever necessary which usually resembles the innocence of Revenge. She's fairly knowledgable in Greek myths, stories and gods.

Powers (just something I found appropriate):

Offensive - I can make you lose the balance of life, in other words: you fall down.

Supplementary - I can gift temporary power to one who is hurt, allowing him/her to seek vengeance and the power will not wear off until revenge is complete. But the gift is something like super strength.


1. For some reason, children of Nemesis are good in climbing.

2. Using her whip and crossbow.

3. Wisdom about the balance of nature though you'd probably sleep through it.


1. Accepting the fact that she must do something she hates.

2. Thunder. As stupid as it sounds. Makes me fixed on the spot but there's no rain in Camp Half Blood so I think I'm good. If you make fun of me, girl or boy, expect a kick where the sun don't shines.

3. Social skills.


Let's see the world of Penny now shall we?

So, my dad was those people who check their horoscopes in the mornings and cross his fingers for luck. He told me the story before I was ready to come here but he didn't mention who was my mum, though it was clearly obvious. This is how the story goes:

So my dad was in those Chinese restaurants checking out the fortune cookies. He claimed it said: "You will meet your love for better or worst" and right there, he walked out to meet this "love" of his. Good grief dad, you believe it that much?

Then, Nemesis appeared, not literally. Rather, she walked up to him. Why did she came? My dad wouldn't want to tell me or he's just too scared for me to know the truth or it's just plain embarrassing. So they made love and I was born. Yay!

So I was 14 and my dad sent me here. I stay here all year round, just because my dad want me too.

Theme Song*:

My Immortal - Evanescence

Love Interest*: Open

Other*: Besides my ADHD and Dyslexia, I got asthma. And if you put me in a ridiculous situation, I tend to say the word "bloody" a lot.


Name: Louise Sterling December


"Just Louise unless you have any other ideas"


"I'm 16"

Godly Parent :

Boreas, god of the North Wind






Half Bloods


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.f6ad950bd0f951340db7c7a494bc909c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49713" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.f6ad950bd0f951340db7c7a494bc909c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I got my hair from my mum"

Blonde white hair and stormy eyes. Her skin is cold to the touch and she's average in height.


Louise is immune to the cold or anything related to it so she don't need to dress warmly. On usual days, she'll wear a tank top, denim jeans and scarves.


"I'm a cool person"

Louise is not distant from anyone, nor is she close. The children of Boreas emits cold auras that people can feel off of them, but the users can turn it off if they wish. She's quite caring and maybe one who likes to point out the faults of others. Louise has an inner personality that butts in and provide advice but most of the time, it bickers with Louise.


Offensive - Making a wind condition where temperatures can drop to -15 degrees celsius. This distracts the opponent and they will be vulnerable to an attack unless they are immune to the cold. This drains Louise energy a lot.

Supplementary - Louise is able to heal light wounds by exposing it to ice but this treatment does not work on others.


1. Ice, the cold, winter and the North Wind

2. Hand to hand combat

3. Remembering Names


1. Heat. No son of Helios or Hesphaetus for me, thank you very much.

2. Leadership.

3. Licorice. I like licorice and can be easily persuaded to do anything as long as I got it but I won't do anything ridiculous.


My dad met mum at a bar back in Norway. He was nice and so was she. But my dad couldn't stay long enough to see my mum give birth to me. My mum soon remarry to a hunter. When I was 8, my mum took me to the states for the holidays. Weird things happened like: I started hating feeling hot, people complained I was cold to the touch and I got weird dreams. I told my mum and she sent me here without any words. My dad claimed me by sending cooler winds for the period of time that Chiron was trying to figure out. That's practically all there is of my past.

Theme Song*:

Let her go - Passenger

Love Interest*:

Other*: Icy winds make her slightly more powerful.



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Arissa Windlass


Name: Arissa Ella Windlass

Nicknames: Ari

Age: 16

Godly Parent: Iris, Goddess of Rainbows and Messenger of Hera

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Affiliation: Half-Bloods


Around Camp




Arrisa is stubborn and can't be swayed easily. She's very flippant and has authority issues. She is cocky and sarcastic she's always seen with a smirk on her face. Some might think she is a bit of a troublesome child. In reality she just is very set in the way of being herself and how she is meant to be. She is a bit of a partier, if you hear blaring music (Probably rock or techno) she's probably near by dancing. When irritated or angry at someone she becomes a force to be reckoned with. She resorts to giving a well squared punch to the person that pissed her off's face. She's got no filter and things that come out of her mouth tend not to be kid friendly. She lives up to the reputation of a wild child, then again Iris children are normally wild or hippy children.


1. Sword Fighting

2. Stealth

3. Cooking


1. Darkness

2. Being Alone

3. Archery


Ever since a young age Ari has been a problem child. Getting into fights in the school yard, even attracting trouble. Strange things always happened to her, from one eyed men snooping around the playground or snake ladies attacking children around her. When she became 13 things only got worse, middle school teachers hated her. She was too reckless and a distraction with her wild hair colors. It was a surprise she even made it to High School. This was around the same time Gaea was defeated. Nothing was normal for Ari, her second year of high school she blew up the girl's bathroom. It wasn't her fault a group of monsters disguised some preppy girls caught her smoking and attacked her. They had it coming when they messed up her favorite shirt. Though she never knew the whole school bathroom would explode. She ran as fast as she could home, he father decided to tell her about her heritage and drove her to CHB where she decided to stay year round.

Theme Song:


Love Interest: Open


- Ari has a ring (pictured in outfits) that allows her to create rainbows for IMs

Her Weapon


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Name: Selene Asharvest

Nicknames: Sen (for those that are in her small friend circle)

Age: 17

Godly Parent (Minor, please. Unless you ask me first): Enyo. (I decided that I would go with a similar minor god associated with Ares, make it easier)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Affiliation (Khione or the Half-Bloods): Half-Bloods

Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!): A bot more defined muscle, but looks right for most else.

Clothing (Image or Description): Sleeveless leather armor (made more for a C-cup woman) with a t-shirt underneath and leather bracers for fighting:


Casual style:


Personality: Strong willed, stubborn and often destructive. She loves a good fight, but she has honor to a point. She lives by her own moral code and would rather tear down her enemies than show weakness in quarter.


1. Weaponry/Martial Arts

2. Strategy

3. Strength of self and for others


1. Brash

2. Resists to trust others

3. Doesn't take well to unproved authority

History (keep in mind that they came to Camp Half-Blood after the war with Gaea): She grew up with her mother and father in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. They were killed when she was 8, she told the police that they were killed by harpies, but of course with the Mist and the way of adults they took it for her making up stories out of grief.

She was taken in by a friend of the family who ran a dojo in chinatown. She lived with him, trained with him and grew up with a strong sense of herself. She learned to keep what she saw quiet, that is until things started getting a bit more deadly on the streets with the monsters running around more freely. A year or so of this went by before it calmed down and on a school trip to New York she saw teenagers like her in Roman battle gear, griffons and more. When she went back home she felt odd, out of place and lost than ever. She had so many questions.

Theme Song*: [media]



Love Interest*: None at present

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Name: Drake Knight

Nicknames: "I could care less of what you call me." None

Age: 17

Godly Parent (Minor, please. Unless you ask me first): Nemesis

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Affiliation (Khione or the Half-Bloods): Half-Bloods

Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):


Clothing (Image or Description):


Personality: Drake is the type of person who stays away from others. He tends to stay quiet and ignore people, it's more of a defense mechanism for him than that he's actually trying to ignore you. He hardly trusts anyone except for those who are the children of nemesis, to them he's the nicest and sweetest person you'll ever find but to those he doesn't trust he's just silent and looks like he'll kill you at any second.


1. Knowledge of alchemical potions that are extremely poisonous.

2. Knows how to treat wounded people.

3. Knows his way around a fight with a sword.


1. Quiet

2. Doesn't trust anyone except for children of Nemesis

3. He isn't much of a social person. So he tends to stay away from the others.

History (keep in mind that they came to Camp Half-Blood after the war with Gaea): Drake is the son of a famous Herbalist doctor. He knew lots of treatments that required a certain type of poisonous plant to complete. Drakes father taught him a lot about being a doctor but couldn't finish teaching him when he died from a heart attack. Drake and his father knew about the existence of Camp Half-Blood for awhile but all they wanted was to stay together like a family. Soon Drake had no choice but to go to the camp since he had no father and his mother was somewhere else in the world. That's pretty much his past.

Theme Song*:

Battle theme: [media]

Casual theme: [media]

Love Interest*: Open


Drake's sword:

He also has a thing for sweets so if you give some to him he'll basically do whatever you want him to do.
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Kenneth Zelinsky


Goes by Ken, Kenny or anything else, really.



Godly Parent:

Peitho, Goddess of Persuasion










Kenneth often pays no mind to the weather, preferring to dress lightly. He's usually wearing a t-shirt under a thin jacket with denim jeans. The majority of his shirts are light in color and he tends to stay away from darker tones.


Kenneth loves talking just for the sake of doing so and always tries to be engaged in a conversation of some sort. Being a son of Peitho, he's very persuading, which he attributes to his charm. He's much smarter and cleverer than most people take him for, being able to read body language fairly well. He also frequently takes advantage of others with his "power" for his own personal gain. While he is genuinely a friendly person most of time, it's also very possible that he's using someone without their knowledge.​


1. Has a way with people, as his godly parent would suggest.

2. Skilled archer with decent aim.

3. Has high tolerance for physical pain.


1. Can be quite stubborn at times.

2. Doesn't have the best stamina.

3. Tends to overestimate his own abilities.


Kenneth grew up with a single parent, as expected from a demigod. However, he didn't have the best of relationships with his father, who wasn't prepared for being a single parent. The two had countless arguments and disagreements over the years, though it rarely ever got too heated. As he grew older, Kenneth became targeted by monsters. Though he didn't want to confess to his father, believing he'd sound ridiculous, he eventually did. As a result, his father brought him to Camp Half-Blood at the age of 13 for the safety of them both. Ever since, Kenneth has spent majority of his life in the camp.​

Theme Song*:

(I'll try to find one later.)

Love Interest*:



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Isabella Hana Martin



Don’t you dare call me Isabella



Godly Parent:

Eris - Goddess of Discord






Half-Bloods Currently




Izzie will usually be seen wandering round in dark clothing. Low cut and tight fitted tank tops with skinny jeans and converse are the norm for her. She never tends to mind the weather and so doesn’t usually wear a jacket, fine as she is.


Izzie is trouble, straight up. As far as she’s concerned rules were made to be broken and you’ve got to live each day like it’s your last. She tends to act first, think later and hell to the consequences and this can make her easily led at times since she won’t question her actions so quickly. Trust is not something that comes easily to Izzie and it’s very rare that she’ll ever truly trust someone.



Throwing Knives



Fear isn't in my vocabulary, there's no need for it


Can be quite easily led

Rather reckless

Not very strong


Growing up, Izzie was constantly bumped around the foster care system with her twin brother Zach since they always caused too much trouble to stay in one place for two long. In total they lived in 41 different homes, some foster and some group within 17 years before they ran away. Zach said he’d discovered a place where they wouldn’t have to move anymore and Izzie trusted her brother so they made their way towards Camp Half-Blood. However, along the way things to a sharp turn into darkness as they ended up in a car crash which killed Zach. Izzie, not knowing what else to do since she didn’t want to end up back in the system, ran from the scene, forcing herself to leave her brother’s body behind. And now she’s just rocked up at camp, looking a little worn and feeling more than a little lost.

Theme Song:

Troublemaker - Olly Murs

Love Interest:

None Yet


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Around Camp[/URL]





1. Sword Fighting

2. Stealth

3. Cooking


1. Darkness

2. Being Alone

3. Archery


Theme Song: Rainbow Connection- Kermit the Frog

Love Interest: Open


- Ari has a ring (pictured in around camp outfit) that allows her to create rainbows for IMs

Her Weapon


Please finish, then I will critique and accept! :3


ShalRavenne said:
Name: Selene Asharvest
Nicknames: Sen (for those that are in her small friend circle)

Age: 17

Godly Parent (Minor, please. Unless you ask me first): Enyo. (I decided that I would go with a similar minor god associated with Ares, make it easier)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Affiliation (Khione or the Half-Bloods): Half-Bloods

Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!): A bot more defined muscle, but looks right for most else.

Clothing (Image or Description): Sleeveless leather armor (made more for a C-cup woman) with a t-shirt underneath and leather bracers for fighting:


Casual style:


Personality: Strong willed, stubborn and often destructive. She loves a good fight, but she has honor to a point. She lives by her own moral code and would rather tear down her enemies than show weakness in quarter.


1. Weaponry/Martial Arts

2. Strategy

3. Strength of self and for others


1. Brash

2. Resists to trust others

3. Doesn't take well to unproved authority

History (keep in mind that they came to Camp Half-Blood after the war with Gaea): She grew up with her mother and father in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. They were killed when she was 8, she told the police that they were killed by harpies, but of course with the Mist and the way of adults they took it for her making up stories out of grief.

She was taken in by a friend of the family who ran a dojo in chinatown. She lived with him, trained with him and grew up with a strong sense of herself. She learned to keep what she saw quiet, that is until things started getting a bit more deadly on the streets with the monsters running around more freely. A year or so of this went by before it calmed down and on a school trip to New York she saw teenagers like her in Roman battle gear, griffons and more. When she went back home she felt odd, out of place and lost than ever. She had so many questions.

Theme Song*: [media]



Love Interest*: None at present

Very good! The only thing I have a question about is how she came to camp. I'm assuming she talked to the teenagers and they told her, but if not you might want to add more. Other than that, she is accepted and I look forward to rping with you!


Archdemon said:

Name: Drake Knight

Nicknames: "I could care less of what you call me." None

Age: 17

Godly Parent (Minor, please. Unless you ask me first): Nemesis

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Affiliation (Khione or the Half-Bloods): Half-Bloods

Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):


Clothing (Image or Description):


Personality: Drake is the type of person who stays away from others. He tends to stay quiet and ignore people, it's more of a defense mechanism for him than that he's actually trying to ignore you. He hardly trusts anyone except for those who are the children of nemesis, to them he's the nicest and sweetest person you'll ever find but to those he doesn't trust he's just silent and looks like he'll kill you at any second.


1. Knowledge of alchemical potions that are extremely poisonous.

2. Knows how to treat wounded people.

3. Knows his way around a fight with a sword.


1. Quiet

2. Doesn't trust anyone except for children of Nemesis

3. Lone Wolf

History (keep in mind that they came to Camp Half-Blood after the war with Gaea): Drake is the son of a famous doctor. He knew lots of treatments that required a certain type of poisonous plant to complete. Drakes father taught him a lot about being a doctor but couldn't finish teaching him when he died from a heart attack. Drake and his father knew about the existence of Camp Half-Blood for awhile but all they wanted was to stay together like a family. Soon Drake had no choice but to go to the camp since he had no father and his mother was somewhere else in the world. That's pretty much his past.

Theme Song*:

Battle theme: [media]

Casual theme: [media]

Love Interest*: Open


Drake's sword:

Alright, looks pretty good. The only thing I'm wary about is the 'lone wolf' aspect, which might be hard to roleplay with. If you think you can andle it, then go ahead! Also, was his Father some sort of herbalist doctor? Because normal doctors don't use plants these days.

Once that is sorted out, he will be accepted!
Thank you! I actually use him as a faceclaim a lot. ≧◡≦

I fixed my form, if there is any more stuff I need to correct just tell me.

I was thinking that after the monsters stopped their aggressive behaviour, since it is summer and no 'school', she would take a trip down to New York to look for the group of demigods she saw before. And maybe enter in where everyone is already there. Then not be claimed, assumed to be an Ares child before she is claimed a few days later. Since the gods would technically be getting back to their normal selves.
[QUOTE="Vise Versa]Thank you! I actually use him as a faceclaim a lot. ≧◡≦
I fixed my form, if there is any more stuff I need to correct just tell me.


He looks good! Accepted! I'll add you to the OOC chat.


ShalRavenne said:
I was thinking that after the monsters stopped their aggressive behaviour, since it is summer and no 'school', she would take a trip down to New York to look for the group of demigods she saw before. And maybe enter in where everyone is already there. Then not be claimed, assumed to be an Ares child before she is claimed a few days later. Since the gods would technically be getting back to their normal selves.
Sounds good! She's accepted.


BoatBehind said:


Hera Valentine


Cow eyes, Vale



Godly Parent (Minor, please. Unless you ask me first):

Eudaimonia, goddess of happiness (oooor athena if you accept that??)





Affiliation (Khione or the Half-Bloods):


Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):


With the exception that she has rather big brown eyes. yeah.

Clothing (Image or Description):

Hipster. Well, she sells it off as hipster but honestly she does in fact buy her clothiers in good will and tries to cut it and sow it into something wearable.


Angry, stubborn, and strong willed. You know she has a lot of baggage with just one conversation with her. Lucky for her she has a good support.


1. Determined

2. Crafty and strong

3. Brave


1. Quick to anger

2. Doesn't know when to stop

3. Quick to solutions (although thats a strength at times)

History (keep in mind that they came to Camp Half-Blood after the war with Gaea):

She recently entered at 15 because of her obliviousness of her own parentage. With 3 other siblings and the middle child why would she think she was the child of a goddess. Lucky for her, her best friend Aubrey was strange enough to actually come up with that as a possible reason for all the weird shit that was happening to her. Hera's dad is a huge nerd and therefore she was named after the goddess, Hera, ironically enough. Hera and Aubrey were in a boarding school for rich kids but ran away the moment they could for the chance of adventure. When they heard the legend of the big 7 and heard of what could possibly be, they for it. Or well, Aubrey wanted it and Hera just went along with it.

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*:

It's not her focus (open)


Her best friend is Aubrey whoooo I'll be entering next?



Aubrey Skye


Sky, Dove



Godly Parent (Minor, please. Unless you ask me first):






Affiliation (Khione or the Half-Bloods):


Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):



She's a red head with a curly pixie cut with blue eyes.


Clothing (Image or Description):

Dresses and leggings. Any kind of dress with any kind of leggings. She honestly doesn't care.


Extremely curious, strange, easily excited. Infatuated easily.Her morals compass is Hera, if Hera isn't there to balance her out, anything goes in her mind.


unorthodoxly smart

2. Helpful

3. Clever


1. Offputting

2. Trust easily

3. Teams

History (keep in mind that they came to Camp Half-Blood after the war with Gaea):

Looked at Hera one day and thought "yeah something is not right here." A little digging and she came up with the conclusion that Hera must be a demigod. Yeah, this was insane and Hera wasn't even that close of a friend but she decided to help her. Lots of unfortunate events (for Hera) proved for her to be right and somewhere along the way Hera became her best friend. Aubrey loves the thrill of adventure or more like she loves knowing she's right. Willing to do anything if it gets her answers or satisfy her curiosity. When she saw an in on seeing more about the this demigod world she took it.

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*:

Has a crush every other week. It could be anyone. Will she act on it? Probably not. (Open)


They both seem pretty good. Can you explain the weaknesses a bit more, though, and perhaps add another for Hera? Thanks!


LittleWolfie said:



Isabella Hana Martin



Don’t you dare call me Isabella



Godly Parent:

Eris - Goddess of Discord






Half-Bloods Currently






Izzie is trouble, straight up. As far as she’s concerned rules were made to be broken and you’ve got to live each day like it’s your last. She tends to act first, think later and hell to the consequences and this can make her easily led at times since she won’t question her actions so quickly. Trust is not something that comes easily to Izzie and it’s very rare that she’ll ever truly trust someone.



Throwing Knives



Can be quite easily led

Rather reckless

Not very strong



Theme Song:


Love Interest:

None Yet


Just finish her sheet up and I'll accept- she's looking good so far!


Mooriot said:



Kenneth Zelinsky


Goes by Ken, Kenny or anything else, really.



Godly Parent:

Peitho, Goddess of Persuasion










Kenneth often pays no mind to the weather, preferring to dress lightly. He's usually wearing a t-shirt under a thin jacket with denim jeans. The majority of his shirts are light in color and he tends to stay away from darker tones.



1. Has a way with people, as his godly parent would suggest.

2. Skilled archer with decent aim.

3. Has high tolerance for physical pain.


1. Can be quite stubborn at times.

2. Doesn't have the best stamina.

3. Tends to overestimate his own abilities.


Theme Song*:

Love Interest*:


Looks good so far! Finish it up and I'll accept!


BoatBehind said:


Hera Valentine


Cow eyes, Vale



Godly Parent (Minor, please. Unless you ask me first):






Affiliation (Khione or the Half-Bloods):


Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):


With the exception that she has rather big brown eyes. yeah.

Clothing (Image or Description):

Hipster. Well, she sells it off as hipster but honestly she does in fact buy her clothiers in good will and tries to cut it, sow it, and remake it into something wearable. Looming, crochet, knitting she has mastered and most of clothes is made by yarn.


Angry, stubborn, and strong willed. You know she has a lot of baggage with just one conversation with her. Lucky for her she has a good support. Anything that even has to do with art she has done it.


1. Determined in anything and everything she does

2. Crafty and physically strong

3. Brave


1. Quick to anger

2. Doesn't know when to stop

3. Quick to solutions (although thats a strength at times)

5. Doesn't think of herself a lot/ prone to danger

History (keep in mind that they came to Camp Half-Blood after the war with Gaea):

She recently entered at 15 because of her obliviousness of her own parentage. With 3 other siblings and the middle child why would she think she was the child of a goddess. Lucky for her, her best friend Aubrey was strange enough to actually come up with that as a possible reason for all the weird shit that was happening to her. Hera's dad is a huge nerd and therefore she was named after the goddess, Hera, ironically enough. Hera and Aubrey were both ideal students with grades to take them somewhere but ran away the moment they could for the chance of adventure. When they heard the legend of the big 7 and heard of what could possibly be, they for it. Or well, Aubrey wanted it and Hera just went along with it.

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*:

It's not her focus (open)


While she won't admit it she's great with number and astronomy because her father was an astrologist. She went with Aubrey's grand idea to run way (again) when she realized that camp half blood wasn't really her cup of tea. Not really fitting in with the athena kids with her brown eyes and unable to compete sometimes with their knowledge. Hera was more than ready to run away again.



Aubrey Skye


Sky, Dove



Godly Parent (Minor, please. Unless you ask me first):






Affiliation (Khione or the Half-Bloods):


Appearance (Image or Description. No anime or drawings please!):



She's a red head with a curly pixie cut with blue eyes.


Clothing (Image or Description):

Dresses and leggings. Any kind of dress with any kind of leggings. She honestly doesn't care.


Extremely curious, strange, easily excited, and blunt. Infatuated easily.Her morals compass is Hera, if Hera isn't there to balance her out, anything goes in her mind.


unorthodoxly smart

2.Helpful in anything if ask nicely

3. Clever


1. Offputting and doesn't know whats polite or rude

2. Will trust anyone with a sob story if they sell it well enough

3. Teams - Her only concerns are her own goals and Hera's (and hers) safety and well being

History (keep in mind that they came to Camp Half-Blood after the war with Gaea):

Looked at Hera one day and thought "yeah something is not right here." A little digging and she came up with the conclusion that Hera must be a demigod. Yeah, this was insane and Hera wasn't even that close of a friend but she decided to help her. Lots of unfortunate events (for Hera) proved for her to be right and somewhere along the way Hera became her best friend. Aubrey loves the thrill of adventure or more like she loves knowing she's right. Willing to do anything if it gets her answers or satisfy her curiosity. When she saw an in on seeing more about the this demigod world she took it.

Theme Song*:

Love Interest*:

Has a crush every other week. It could be anyone. Will she act on it? Probably not. (Open)


Magic comes to her easily but where her emotions get a little haywire so does her magic. Her intelligence comes from looking at all the possibilities (or well crossroads) in front of her.​
They both look good! Accepted! I'll add you to the OOC chat!
Name: Hector Hugh

Nicknames: Hugh.

Age: 19.

Godly Parent Thanatos (Given consent)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Affiliation : Half-Bloods, but usually strays from any sort of Heroic deeds.

Appearance :

Clothing (Image or Description): The Tuxedo that he's wearing as of now.

Personality: Usually very stubborn, Hector doesn't like to be too close to anyone, and usually always strays away from any connection or friendship, though he is a great ally, he will not on a personal level, let people into his life. Hector is a rather cheerful person on the outside, but on other instances he will become cold hearted and dark. With a sense of judgement less than humane.


1. Knows his powers and strengths well. But aims to become stronger in both areas of powers and physical strengths.

2. Leadership skills are well developed, even though he is one to stand aside and watch.

3. Swordsmanship is well developed as well, his fighting skills are well towards a mastered level.


1. His stubborn, mischievous nature

2. Is rather prideful, and lets it be known by many if needed.

3. His brash and reckless decisions at times will get him in trouble, but on another note, sometimes those brash and reckless decisions help the many rather than the few.

4. With his relations to Thanatos, he believes himself to be a monster, and doesn't show his insecurities as a young man, he believes himself not to be a hero, and it usually impacts his decision making all the time.

History: From a young boy into adulthood, Hector knew of his powers, and went to Camp Half Blood with his mother, she let him go, and since then he's stayed at Camp every year, training, perfecting his powers and techniques as much as possible, even for his young age he has a long way to go until he finds his limits. Hector has gone on one quest as of now, retrieving a special sword from his own father even called Tafí̱ lepída (Burial Blade in Greek) A specially crafted, Greatsword, the Greatsword the blade itself is cursed to cut into its opponents, and the wound itself never really heals normally, but it does heal indeed, just not naturally. Hector's powers are that he can summon 5 ravens/crows that help conceal him and distract his opponents for an opening. His second and most useful power is his power to bring things to decay, whatever he may touch will decay quicker than the intended time, such as a dead animal or human would soon become nothingness faster than they were naturally to be.

Theme Song*:[media]

[/media] (Nucler - Mike Oldfield)
Love Interest*: None, he believes he is too distant that love is not in his grasp.

Other*: He likes soda and sour gummy worms, give him that and he'll do something for you that you will not forget.

His sword:
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Ben-Barnes-movies-male-characters-18902181-1000-1500.jpg.52e0f0c30d2f1fe917d96778bb950cc2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49829" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Ben-Barnes-movies-male-characters-18902181-1000-1500.jpg.52e0f0c30d2f1fe917d96778bb950cc2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Ben-Barnes-movies-male-characters-18902181-1000-1500.jpg
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Nico said:
Arissa Windlass


Name: Arissa Ella Windlass

Nicknames: Ari

Age: 16

Godly Parent: Iris, Goddess of Rainbows and Messenger of Hera

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Affiliation: Half-Bloods


Around Camp




Arrisa is stubborn and can't be swayed easily. She's very flippant and has authority issues. She is cocky and sarcastic she's always seen with a smirk on her face. Some might think she is a bit of a troublesome child. In reality she just is very set in the way of being herself and how she is meant to be. She is a bit of a partier, if you hear blaring music (Probably rock or techno) she's probably near by dancing. When irritated or angry at someone she becomes a force to be reckoned with. She resorts to giving a well squared punch to the person that pissed her off's face. She's got no filter and things that come out of her mouth tend not to be kid friendly. She lives up to the reputation of a wild child, then again Iris children are normally wild or hippy children.


1. Sword Fighting

2. Stealth

3. Cooking


1. Darkness

2. Being Alone

3. Archery


Ever since a young age Ari has been a problem child. Getting into fights in the school yard, even attracting trouble. Strange things always happened to her, from one eyed men snooping around the playground or snake ladies attacking children around her. When she became 13 things only got worse, middle school teachers hated her. She was too reckless and a distraction with her wild hair colors. It was a surprise she even made it to High School. This was around the same time Gaea was defeated. Nothing was normal for Ari, her second year of high school she blew up the girl's bathroom. It wasn't her fault a group of monsters disguised some preppy girls caught her smoking and attacked her. They had it coming when they messed up her favorite shirt. Though she never knew the whole school bathroom would explode. She ran as fast as she could home, he father decided to tell her about her heritage and drove her to CHB where she decided to stay year round.

Theme Song:


Love Interest: Open


- Ari has a ring (pictured in outfits) that allows her to create rainbows for IMs

Her Weapon


Alright, she's accepted!
GiannaCoco said:

Name: Penelope C. Fortes

"Nice to meet you"


"Penny or Lotte"


"I'm 16"

Godly Parent:

Nemesis, the goddess of revenge

"I don't have any bad intentions but I naturally have a disliking of the children of Fortuna or Tyche"





"I'm the daughter of Nemesis. I'm supposed to be fair so it doesn't matter what you are, but who you are"


Half Bloods


View attachment 114644

Brown hair and grey eyes but if you mistaken her for a daughter of Athena, she's likely to start whipping you with her well, whip.

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 138 lbs.

Clothing :

View attachment 114648

Penelope shows much skin in what she wears. She likes to wear a white singlet, black shorts and ankle, combat-coloured boots but it looks like all Nemesis daughters dress that way. She keeps her whip by her side and sometimes wear a khaki jacket whenever necessary.


Fair, firm, calm and favours justice. She'll help anyone as long as they need it and if it doesn't hurts. Like her mother, she hates luck. She also tends to use quotes whenever necessary which usually resembles the innocence of Revenge. She's fairly knowledgable in Greek myths, stories and gods.

Powers (just something I found appropriate):

Offensive - I can make you lose the balance of life, in other words: you fall down.

Offensive - If you cause me to have any wounds, my next attack on you will be more powerful than usual

Supplementary - I can gift temporary power to one who is hurt, allowing him/her to seek vengeance and the power will not wear off until revenge is complete.


1. For some reason, children of Nemesis are good in climbing.

2. Using her whip and crossbow.

3. Wisdom about the balance of nature though you'd probably sleep through it.


1. Accepting the fact that she must do something she hates.

2. Thunder. As stupid as it sounds. Makes me fixed on the spot but there's no rain in Camp Half Blood so I think I'm good. If you make fun of me, girl or boy, expect a kick where the sun don't shines.

3. Social skills.


Let's see the world of Penny now shall we?

So, my dad was those people who check their horoscopes in the mornings and cross his fingers for luck. He told me the story before I was ready to come here but he didn't mention who was my mum, though it was clearly obvious. This is how the story goes:

So my dad was in those Chinese restaurants checking out the fortune cookies. He claimed it said: "You will meet your love for better or worst" and right there, he walked out to meet this "love" of his. Good grief dad, you believe it that much?

Then, Nemesis appeared, not literally. Rather, she walked up to him. Why did she came? My dad wouldn't want to tell me or he's just too scared for me to know the truth or it's just plain embarrassing. So they made love and I was born. Yay!

So I was 14 and my dad sent me here. I stay here all year round, just because my dad want me too.

Theme Song*:

My Immortal - Evanescence

Love Interest*: Open

Other*: Besides my ADHD and Dyslexia, I got asthma. And if you put me in a ridiculous situation, I tend to say the word "bloody" a lot.


Name: Louise Sterling December


"Just Louise unless you have any other ideas"


"I'm 16"

Godly Parent :

Boreas, god of the North Wind






Half Bloods


View attachment 114738

"I got my hair from my mum"

Blonde white hair and stormy eyes. Her skin is cold to the touch and she's average in height.


Louise is immune to the cold or anything related to it so she don't need to dress warmly. On usual days, she'll wear a tank top, denim jeans and scarves.


"I'm a cool person"

Louise is not distant from anyone, nor is she close. The children of Boreas emits cold auras that people can feel off of them, but the users can turn it off if they wish. She's quite caring and maybe one who likes to point out the faults of others. Louise has an inner personality that butts in and provide advice but most of the time, it bickers with Louise.


Offensive - Making a wind condition where temperatures can drop to -15 degrees celsius. This distracts the opponent and they will be vulnerable to an attack unless they are immune to the cold.

Offensive - Louise is able to summon up to 10 spikes of ice that can easily impale the enemy or can be used as a makeshift weapon.

Supplementary - Louise is able to heal light wounds by exposing it to ice but this treatment does not work on others. She can make weapons out of ice. Icy wind makes her more powerful. She can also fly with the wind but it's such a waste of energy as she complains.


1. Ice, the cold, winter and the North Wind

2. Hand to hand combat

3. Remembering Names


1. Heat. No son of Helios or Hesphaetus for me, thank you very much.

2. Leadership.

3. Licorice. I like licorice and can be easily persuaded to do anything as long as I got it but I won't do anything ridiculous.


My dad met mum at a bar back in Norway. He was nice and so was she. But my dad couldn't stay long enough to see my mum give birth to me. My mum soon remarry to a hunter. When I was 8, my mum took me to the states for the holidays. Weird things happened like: I started hating feeling hot, people complained I was cold to the touch and I got weird dreams. I told my mum and she sent me here without any words. My dad claimed me by sending cooler winds for the period of time that Chiron was trying to figure out. That's practically all there is of my past.

Theme Song*:

Let her go - Passenger

Love Interest*:


Alright, everything looks good. The only thing I would like you to change is the powers. Seeing as they're children of minor gods, they won't be very powerful. I'm not saying you overpowered them, I think it's just because none of the others really gave their OC's powers. Can you change it so each of you characters has only one or two abilities? Thanks.

is there anybody except @Alistair that is waiting for me to approve their character
GiannaCoco said:

Name: Penelope C. Fortes

"Nice to meet you"


"Penny or Lotte"


"I'm 16"

Godly Parent:

Nemesis, the goddess of revenge

"I don't have any bad intentions but I naturally have a disliking of the children of Fortuna or Tyche"





"I'm the daughter of Nemesis. I'm supposed to be fair so it doesn't matter what you are, but who you are"


Half Bloods


View attachment 114644

Brown hair and grey eyes but if you mistaken her for a daughter of Athena, she's likely to start whipping you with her well, whip.

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 138 lbs.

Clothing :

View attachment 114648

Penelope shows much skin in what she wears. She likes to wear a white singlet, black shorts and ankle, combat-coloured boots but it looks like all Nemesis daughters dress that way. She keeps her whip by her side and sometimes wear a khaki jacket whenever necessary.


Fair, firm, calm and favours justice. She'll help anyone as long as they need it and if it doesn't hurts. Like her mother, she hates luck. She also tends to use quotes whenever necessary which usually resembles the innocence of Revenge. She's fairly knowledgable in Greek myths, stories and gods.

Powers (just something I found appropriate):

Offensive - I can make you lose the balance of life, in other words: you fall down.

Supplementary - I can gift temporary power to one who is hurt, allowing him/her to seek vengeance and the power will not wear off until revenge is complete. But the gift is something like super strength.


1. For some reason, children of Nemesis are good in climbing.

2. Using her whip and crossbow.

3. Wisdom about the balance of nature though you'd probably sleep through it.


1. Accepting the fact that she must do something she hates.

2. Thunder. As stupid as it sounds. Makes me fixed on the spot but there's no rain in Camp Half Blood so I think I'm good. If you make fun of me, girl or boy, expect a kick where the sun don't shines.

3. Social skills.


Let's see the world of Penny now shall we?

So, my dad was those people who check their horoscopes in the mornings and cross his fingers for luck. He told me the story before I was ready to come here but he didn't mention who was my mum, though it was clearly obvious. This is how the story goes:

So my dad was in those Chinese restaurants checking out the fortune cookies. He claimed it said: "You will meet your love for better or worst" and right there, he walked out to meet this "love" of his. Good grief dad, you believe it that much?

Then, Nemesis appeared, not literally. Rather, she walked up to him. Why did she came? My dad wouldn't want to tell me or he's just too scared for me to know the truth or it's just plain embarrassing. So they made love and I was born. Yay!

So I was 14 and my dad sent me here. I stay here all year round, just because my dad want me too.

Theme Song*:

My Immortal - Evanescence

Love Interest*: Open

Other*: Besides my ADHD and Dyslexia, I got asthma. And if you put me in a ridiculous situation, I tend to say the word "bloody" a lot.


Name: Louise Sterling December


"Just Louise unless you have any other ideas"


"I'm 16"

Godly Parent :

Boreas, god of the North Wind






Half Bloods


View attachment 114738

"I got my hair from my mum"

Blonde white hair and stormy eyes. Her skin is cold to the touch and she's average in height.


Louise is immune to the cold or anything related to it so she don't need to dress warmly. On usual days, she'll wear a tank top, denim jeans and scarves.


"I'm a cool person"

Louise is not distant from anyone, nor is she close. The children of Boreas emits cold auras that people can feel off of them, but the users can turn it off if they wish. She's quite caring and maybe one who likes to point out the faults of others. Louise has an inner personality that butts in and provide advice but most of the time, it bickers with Louise.


Offensive - Making a wind condition where temperatures can drop to -15 degrees celsius. This distracts the opponent and they will be vulnerable to an attack unless they are immune to the cold. This drains Louise energy a lot.

Supplementary - Louise is able to heal light wounds by exposing it to ice but this treatment does not work on others.


1. Ice, the cold, winter and the North Wind

2. Hand to hand combat

3. Remembering Names


1. Heat. No son of Helios or Hesphaetus for me, thank you very much.

2. Leadership.

3. Licorice. I like licorice and can be easily persuaded to do anything as long as I got it but I won't do anything ridiculous.


My dad met mum at a bar back in Norway. He was nice and so was she. But my dad couldn't stay long enough to see my mum give birth to me. My mum soon remarry to a hunter. When I was 8, my mum took me to the states for the holidays. Weird things happened like: I started hating feeling hot, people complained I was cold to the touch and I got weird dreams. I told my mum and she sent me here without any words. My dad claimed me by sending cooler winds for the period of time that Chiron was trying to figure out. That's practically all there is of my past.

Theme Song*:

Let her go - Passenger

Love Interest*:

Other*: Icy winds make her slightly more powerful.

Accepted! I'll add you to the OOC chat!


Alistair said:
Name: Hector Hugh
Nicknames: Hugh.

Age: 19.

Godly Parent Thanatos (Given consent)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Affiliation : Half-Bloods, but usually strays from any sort of Heroic deeds.

Appearance :

Clothing (Image or Description): The Tuxedo that he's wearing as of now.

Personality: Usually very stubborn, Hector doesn't like to be too close to anyone, and usually always strays away from any connection or friendship, though he is a great ally, he will not on a personal level, let people into his life. Hector is a rather cheerful person on the outside, but on other instances he will become cold hearted and dark. With a sense of judgement less than humane.


1. Knows his powers and strengths well. But aims to become stronger in both areas of powers and physical strengths.

2. Leadership skills are well developed, even though he is one to stand aside and watch.

3. Swordsmanship is well developed as well, his fighting skills are well towards a mastered level.


1. His stubborn, mischievous nature

2. Is rather prideful, and lets it be known by many if needed.

3. His brash and reckless decisions at times will get him in trouble, but on another note, sometimes those brash and reckless decisions help the many rather than the few.

History: From a young boy into adulthood, Hector knew of his powers, and went to Camp Half Blood with his mother, she let him go, and since then he's stayed at Camp every year, training, perfecting his powers and techniques as much as possible, even for his young age he has a long way to go until he finds his limits. Hector has gone in quite a few quests of his own before, retrieving a special sword from his own father even called Tafí̱ lepída (Burial Blade in Greek) A specially crafted, Curved Greatsword, that has an long staff like attachment that transforms the Greatsword into a Scythe, the blade itself is cursed to cut into its opponents, and the wound itself never really heals normally, but it does heal indeed, just not naturally. Hector's powers range from summoning the dead for a f most) to serve and fight for him, he only summons 3. Another power is that he can summon 5 ravens/crows that help conceal him and distracew minutes (5 at thet his opponents for an opening. His third and most useful power is his power to bring things to decay, whatever he may touch or whatever gets too close to him will soon feel a burning feeling upon their body part that is too close, slowly from the inside out, the body part begins to decay, and if one is in his grip for too long they will literally die, depending on the part of their body (such as the head or the arm) it can be fatal and will kill, or it can cause extreme pain, but if one is lucky to get away fast enough they will only feel the pain for a series of minutes. The fourth and final power he is gifted with is a dark orb sort of spell, that curses his opponents to have extreme pain for about 3 minutes, swarming them in the shadows, their life force is sucked out in this power, it boasts extreme concentration of his power, taking a series of minutes (5 at the most) to actually charge up and shoot out.

Theme Song*:[media]

[/media] (Nucler - Mike Oldfield)
Love Interest*: None, he believes he is too distant that love is not in his grasp.

Other*: He likes soda and sour gummy worms, give him that and he'll do something for you that you will not forget.
Alright, he's pretty good, but there are a few things I'd like you to change. Can you add one more weakness, seeing as being mischievous can sometimes be seen as a good thing.

So, mainly about the powers. He sounds kind of like a son of Hades, and even though Thanatos is the God of death, for roleplays sake none of the characters have many powers. The most any of them have is two.

In the series, weapons that normal demigods have don't transform, and scythes aren't something the Greeks really used. I would be fine with him having a sword, though. Most of the powers (such as summoning the dead) are a bit to powerful for what I originally intended. I like the raven one, though. Killing somebody by touch is a little extreme, could you change it so it works on dead things or animals and plants? Thanks.
themediocregatsby said:
Accepted! I'll add you to the OOC chat!

Alright, he's pretty good, but there are a few things I'd like you to change. Can you add one more weakness, seeing as being mischievous can sometimes be seen as a good thing.

So, mainly about the powers. He sounds kind of like a son of Hades, and even though Thanatos is the God of death, for roleplays sake none of the characters have many powers. The most any of them have is two.

In the series, weapons that normal demigods have don't transform, and scythes aren't something the Greeks really used. I would be fine with him having a sword, though. Most of the powers (such as summoning the dead) are a bit to powerful for what I originally intended. I like the raven one, though. Killing somebody by touch is a little extreme, could you change it so it works on dead things or animals and plants? Thanks.
If he holds onto the person long enough they would die if it were a fatal area, such as the head, or heart, they wouldn't die instantly, either way sure I can change it, and to be more specific what do you mean on dead things? And sure I'll change it back to just a normal sword, and I'll limit it to 2 powers as well. One more weakness will be added too I shall.

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