Rise Of Empires in the Land Of Nation's

Belial stopped the expedition of shiny stones after the rumbling started, and sent the 10 people to meet up with the others on the rubble covered mountain. With some thought, she made them move aside the rubble, to see if her suspicion was correct. While those 20 moved the rocks, she sent another 20 of them towards the mountain in the south east. Since they were on an island, she sent 100 of them to outline the coast and final mountains of the area. 360 of her people remained, and she divided them between building and fishing, although the spare 60 of them started researching.

Mare asks parliament if they could have the tool makers run some more 'tests' on the stones to see what they could be used for.(50) She also asks that the small party sent out before head up to where they sensed the fish, in hopes of increasing their food supply(10). She also asks to take a small group of maybe ten or fifteen(10-15) from the child watching to see if there is any edible plants around the village.

She also asks for a special request, to look into a thing of rhythm and pitch for the children.



The riff raff is getting dull and slow

they obviously don't like it were they are.

few of them even eat the fish that is offered them.

they stand close and unclean next to each other in there own waist. pieces of dead and half eaten riff raff lies in the muddy bottom that is in the farms

the fumes makes the Drergurnions guards sick

-1.000 riff raff


the farming was a SUCCESS!

your people rejoice in the Plantagenet of fruit

there is plentiful fruit for hundreds if not thousands more

the mason works hard and long for Frond's wish.

the shows Frond the finished product. a massive plaza made out of clay stone faces fasted with manure mix with mud

they are much nicer to walk on but it takes a couple days before the smell disappears

The handlers wonder how to ride the beasts. they are massive compared with the small frame of a Fairy

they was already breeding them for there wool and there manure

1 turn till rid able buffalo

+1 food "fruit" a turn

!!new Inventions!!

-Simple Roads



your people finishes the bows and arrows

they are ecstatic over there new invention :D

but they are hard to make. a single person working on bow and arrow's can only make 0.5 a turn

your people look at you with doubt.

they don't believe wooden amour will work or even help

every test they do of it it turns out to be too heavy and to clunky for the cold weather

some of your people even die in the making cause the wooden amour freezes and they go unconscious outside

(-10 ancients)

the granary is build

your people fills it with berries from the farms and Forrest

the hard frost freezes the berries in the granary making them last for months

(can hold 2 food)

the berries appears to be perfect for this Climate . they cant be improved in any way.

and change might make them less frost resistant or even less pest resistant

the guardians have nothing to do.

there is almost no crime

the scout party reports that they have seen giant beasts.

they are covert in white fur and they seam to be strong and fast

they have no idea of what to do with them

something magical happens.

you people reproduces

+500 ancient children

+25 bows and arrows

+25 bows and arrows a turn

-1.4 food consumption a turn

+1.5 food "berries" a turn

0.1 food "berries" in granary

!!New inventions!!

-Bows and arrows



your people dissolve into a tribal state

they are still alive in the Forrest but they are no longer a nation in them selves


In the rubble some bits of moss and a couple bugs are found

there is 4 stone in a nice little pile on the foot of the mountain

the mountain is now clean with a little snow on top

but nothing special is found

the town is finished. it is looking nice and firm.

tho the smell is not that nice

the outline parties claims the rest of the island

but at the cost of 20 Ovidius's lives

your people buries them at sea.

there is a bit of sadness because of the deaths.

the shiny stone is placed on a pedestal in the center of the town by a family member as a monument for all those who died for them to claim the island

the researches starts to experiment with building with stones and fish bone past

The monument makes a giant single light flair as the sun raises

!!New option!!

-Belial can now name the Island


the tool makers sees a big potential in making light post's around town

maby even use them for exploring otherwise too dark places

it also appears that when you bang 2 together they spark

when you place 2 rings of 6 next to each other they start to spin

they also appear that they cant be broken.

the search party moves closer to the fish they see a bright light far far to the north east
Kas~Ro looks at the farms. He begins thinking of a way to improve them.

Kas~Ro orders the Lizzrites and Dregurnions to make another farm just north of the first 2. He wants structures on the inside of these farms to remain under, as well as a proper door way with a door. The walls are to be thicker than that of the last farms, enough room for 2 Dregurnions to walk side by side.

Kas~Ro remains in the area of one of the farms, watching them and guiding them as they build the farms.


Kas~Ro orders many of the Lizzrites to also search for ways of sticking large objects together.


Efficient farms - http://filesmelt.com/dl/Farm_Extension.png
Frond is elated about the success of the roads. He asks the mason to get as many apprentices and assistants as possible,in order to pave the rest of Haven,and a path to the orchards. He inspected the orchards,and realized that they would yield a great amount of food,and storage would be needed. He asked has the carpenters build storage towers for excess food,if there was enough lumber.

No map of movements.

(OOC:The expedition party would gather lumber and sendit back when they reach the forest)
soran order his people to keep doing what there doing but the ones that build the granery are now to dig a deep hole
Feeling a sense of loss for her people, she let the Ovidius name the island themselves; they were the ones who discovered it for her after all. Meanwhile she left 75 of her builders to find what the smell covering her village was. All the rest were left at their posts, with the spare 75 builders left to their own devices
Mare requested simply, try to build lampposts for the village of the tool builders. Other than that, she remained still allowing the Sirens to finish what had been asked of them first before requesting something new.

No New Map Movements.

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