Rise Of Empires in the Land Of Nation's


New Member
the world will never be the same.

the gods have given you all a chance to redeem this world and take it for your own

the question lies before us .. how will you manage to do this?

will you let your puppets roam free to explore on there own?

do you control them for the greater good (or evil if you may)?

1: Ranmyakki

2: Riddle

3: Dread

4: Jimmyrigon

5: Kagura

6: Esme


NOTE your turn will be jumped if you don't reply inside of 24 hours of previous person

(if you go on vacation your people will either self govern or get anotehr user to cover for you)

All posts are "simultaneously" but the who attacked who first is still in place.

GAIA will be the one making the world run.

her turn will sum up what your people do and what the world do

For that is the price of free will

first pice of advice

draw out what you want your people to do on the map. such as military movements sot they will understand them

Kas~Ro orders the Lizard People (With Lizzrites leading the groups) to find more fishing spots.

Kas~Ro also shows the Lizzrites a way to give direction in the wilderness. Big* rocks towards any close Hovels/Cities.

*Rocks the size of the Drergurnions
Frond looks over his kingdom. He knew food was needed. He also knew that food is abundant...If you knew where to look. He ordered several parties of ten (10) people to go out in search of food;one party to search where the nearby buffalo grazed to find anything edible there,another to search the coast for edible seaplants,a third,fourth,and fifth to search the immediate plains around them for forageable food,a sixth to search the nearest mountains for anything to eat,and finally a seventh team to search the area that The People settled,just in case they missed anything in their initial search. Five (5) people of each away party are armed for defense. The other five (5) were to search for food,and often dig for edible roots.

In the meantime,the people tear down structures that they don't have occupied and store what's salvageable.

Movements: http://filesmelt.com/dl/Roelon1_Rid_Move.png
soran orders 150 villagers to go into the forest and look for berrys and other plants as well as animalsthey can eat

then another 150 to start making stone tools for hunting and cutting trees down

the other 200 are to start creating a village
Jimmy's turn is jumped cause of 24 hour wait

but if jimmy is first he still get to post

now its kagura's turn
The elves start to work on there main town. Some scouting partys of around 20 people in each go and serch the surronding area. Lets hope them come back with the nature blessing!
Mare appears before parliament, requesting to put forth a movement to divide it's people into different 'stations' or 'jobs', that would have 125 go to find fish, 125 go to scavenge about for anything of use, 200 to start building up "homes", and 50 to watch the surface for anything above waters.


more fishing spots fund (3) all in all

they are located around dragon husk town

+3 food gain "fish"

all in all 24 food gain "fish"


buffaloes are found to the north west

they are big and dumb with a lot of meat on them, they have been without a predator for a long time

15 people are killed in the mountains my the harsh weather and treasonous cliffs

nothing is found in the town. everything is already taken by the first search

some of your people have put forth a petition that will allow the people to build and research without the government interfering

no other resources is found inside of the borders of the Republic

+1 buffalo "wool"

485 people left

no food found


some strawberries are found in the Forrest.

but not enough to feed all your people

other ways of food are needed

the town is being build. but the harsh nature of your land is tough to work in.

50 people dies in the progress of making houses

your people are good crafts men and the manage to make you 300 simple stone tools

200 of them are axes and 100 of them are spears

+0.5 food gain "berries"

+200 stone axes

+100 spears

Food Consumption is now only


450 people left


Gaia haven't given your people much only berry bush

they have managed to build some simple tree houses that is a good step up from the old hovels

+0.5 food gain "berries"


your people wonder why you have stayed silent

they go to find some food and they find one fishing spot. it is easy to catch the fish at night even without tools

most of them pray to the almighty god Kagura to save there leader Belial

+ 0.5 food gain "fish"


the parliament agrees upon the request. but they change the fishing post to 100 from 125 and the salvage to 100 down form 125

a small 50 Siren post is made investigates the fount salvage for use

the northern hunting party have made great success being capable to hunt the fish more efficiently they gather grate amounts of fish

the salvage party finds some odd artifacts in an old fortress it was definitely not build underwater

+1.0 food gain fish

50 salvage is found

only 20 items is found to be of any value

the rest is rotten, rusty or just useless

+ 20 shiny clear stones

Posting with a photo of movement and actions are now OBLIGATORY!
Kas~Ro orders all Lizard people to tell a Lizzrite if they find a giant hole in the ground. As well as for the Lizzrites to tell him.
Frond was indeed saddened by the loss of his people,but he knew he must keep stony-faced even in the most trying of circumstances. He made a counter-offer to the petition of free building and research; The government can observe,and can intervene in the interests of The People.

He then turned to the growing matter of food;they've found buffalo,but they'd never kill them;life is too precious. However,Frond ordered that the buffalo be tamed,and bred. Their wool will be useful for keeping The People warm,and for trade...If they weren't alone. Frond ordered an expedition team,fifty (50) strong,all armed,to the Northeast,towards the forest on the horizon,then South from there to the middle of the Great Plain,And then search any surrounding points of interest,and finally to return home across the Plain. They are to search for food and useful materials along the way,and to send runners back with any food they find at each destination.

Frond then requested to look over their total resources.

Movements: http://filesmelt.com/dl/Roelon2_Rid_Move.png (Fifteen [15] turn expedition. Four [4] turns to the forest from Haven. Three [3] turn trip to the center of the Great Plain [the buffalo] from the forest. Two [2] turn trip to the ruins from the buffalo. Six [6] turn trip to home.)
Dread sends a scout team of 100 southeast equiped with 50 axes and 50 spears they want to know what the pointy shadows on the herizon are (mountains) 100 will start on germenating the berries and planting them starting agriculture 100 will chop does trees using axes and 50 will make more tools AND EXPERIMENT ON HOW TO MAKE BOWS AND ARROWS and 50 will gather more berries while the rest guard
The scout team countiues to serch the forests around their village, while the village start working on better ways of living and farming.
Belial decided the perfect division for her people after they had come back; she sent 20 of them on an expedition of the two nearest mountains. There was another group of 20 that were left to build weapons, and 10 to check the volcano; building their village in the path of lava would help nothing.

Mare approaches Parliament and sets up a request to station 50 people to develop tools for various things, along with a request to keep the last two motions set.


A giant cave is found in the north east mountains

its big enough for a dragon to fly around in and the tunnels in it seams endless

the Riff Raff has a major population surge caused by a major food increase

they almost double there population

The lizzrites are not happy with the population increase

the Drergurnions couldn't care less

!!New map marker!!


-underground tunnels (brown dotted lines)

+8.000 riff Raff

all in all

18.000 riff Raff


The people aren't fully pleased with the offer but they accept it

the team wanders of with all the weapons available

this will be a long expedition but your team is determined to go to the Forrest in a hope they will find food for there family's

Fond is shown down into the city center were all the resources are placed

1 food is left

2 wool is gathered + 1 a turn

4 wood is in stock

1 stone is in stock

""team of 50 armed with 50 obsidian axes""


Your people are scared that there god speak directly to them

your people moves out as fast as they can towards the shadows wit the white top

your people aren't the best farmers but some manage to plant them and make it work

but the plants doesn't grow fast in the cold weather

1 turn till the first farm is done

your people wonder how they are suppose to make bows

they try and fail

2 turns till bow and arrows

+ 1 wood a turn


Nothing is found around the village

your people soon figure out that farming isn't easy when you live in a Forrest


your people from the north western mountain finds a cave

it is filled with water but you they report that there is shiny stones in the buttom of the water and they can see that the tunnels stretches for many hexes

the volcano is found to be hibernating. but ever so often a small line of lava pours out

never longer then the volcano itself

nothing else is found

your people only have rocks and fish bones to work with

but they still manage to build make 20 stone pickaxes and 20 fish bone knives

!!new map marker!!

-flooded tunnels (dark blue dotted lines)

+ 20 stone axes

+ 20 fish bone knives


the Parliament passed the request

the 50 people are taken from the salvage group

your people have finished the new village

the toolmakers make 100 fish bone triforks

fishing efficiency grows 50 %

your people are well feed and a population boom occurs

+500 sirens children

1 turn till adults

a Siren notices something strange about the shiny stones. they glow a lot more when they are closer to each other

food gain is now +1.5 fish

food consumption 1.0


adults 500

children 500


Gaia have been angry with some of the people who lives in her world

Gaia hopes that they will follow the rules soon or she will have to purge them

Posting with a photo of movement and actions are OBLIGATORY!
Details - http://filesmelt.com/dl/Farm_and_Wall.png

Kas~Ro looks at the giant tunnel and across the land it calls home. He looks towards the Lizzrites and Dregurnions, ordering them to build a giant wall using trees and stones as an entrance to the Caves. (The Red lines)

As Kas~Ro returns to Husk, he see's a vision of plentiful food and few to no Riff Raff, wandering. He see's walls with Riff Raff within their confines and begins with an idea. He decides to have these structures built in the Badlands. (The Black Dots)
Frond looks over the stores of his people,and realize that they are nearly out of food. He orders,with sadness in his heart,that the food must be rationed. Then,he hears a voice in his head,to take a small portion of what's there,and try to cultivate it. He then ordered his people to do this as well,hoping that they can have a reliable food source before they starve. Even the king complies to the ration he enstated,for he knew that things will get very bad,very quickly,if they can't produce their own food.

Farm placement: http://filesmelt.com/dl/Roelon2.png
soran orders that extra fields be made 100(black lines) and that the wood from gathering should be used to make a granery for food storage 50. the people working on the bows keep working on them 50. 50 will keep chopping down more trees. and the last 50 will keep looking for more food sorces.

The company had brought good news about the volcano, so Belial had most of the Ovidius start building the village. Half the group at the water-filled cave were to check the quality of the water and grab one of the shiny stones at the bottom. The other half continued onto the mountain to the right, where one of the underwater sections leaded.

Mare goes to Parliament to request that the sirens tool group takes a look at the stones to see what could happen(50 tool makers). She also asks to send out (10) people from the fishing group to try and find new fishing ground to the north west (leaving 90 in the fishing group), as a way of not depleting sources, while asking that those who built the houses look into the ruins more closely(100), leaving (200) to watch the new young (500 young). Leaving those from the watch group (50) to explore or stay on post as they wish.




the dregernians wonder why there chieftain wants to build walls. but there fear of Kas~Ro is far grater then there dismay of walls

but since the lizzrites aren't there to guide them they miss understand and build the wall in the opening of the cave. no door is made

the lizzrites see a point to there masters dream. they insures that the riff raff does as Kas~Ro's dream had predicted

the structures are build with a amazing pace since they have 10.000 riff raff working on them

4.000 riff raff dies in the construction

but 6.000 is born

the riff raff begins to cannibalize there own dead

20.000 riff raff


your people aren't happy because of there food rationing

10 people are protesting

your people are smart and wise.

they begins to plant the fruit and hope that it will work

1 turn till result of farming

""team of 50 armed with 50 obsidian axes""

are moving north west


your people complains that there is barely enough people to make 1 farm much less 4

they refuse to follow your order to make more fields

a granary is being build 2 turns till it is done -1 wood a turn while being build

1 turn till bows and arrows

+1.5 food (+0.5 berries +1 farm)

search party keeps going towards the shadows


your people are showing dismay in your way of leadership

some of your people are going hungry


the cave expedetion counted atleast 20 shiny stones.

as they gathered a stone from the pile odd sounds was heard from deep into the other tunnnels

the water is found to be merky and unclean. but just around the stones its as clean as can be

on the mountain nothing special is found. only massiv piles of stone and rubble

the village is being bould out of stone rubble and fish bones

+1 shiny stone

your village will be finished next turn


the parliament passes the request

your fishing search party finds nothing in the northwest hex. but they sense some more fish to the north

the ruins are old and they are dangerous to travel through. but your people manages to find something they didn't notice the last time.

a design of some sort. most of it have rotten away or have been ripped apart,

but what they can see it some sort of giant machine

your tool makers sees that the more shiny stones they have together the brighter they shine

they also appear to make some of your people glow when they hold them.

your youngsters are growing as a amazing pace

some of them appear to be almost adult by now


Gaia is contempt with her people for now
Kas~Ro saw the results of both, though the wall of the caves was not what he wanted, it would do... for now. The Farms on the other hand were near perfect. Something had to be added, but it could wait. The Riff Raff could be left alone for now, though Kas~Ro ordered that enough fish for 10,000 Riff Raff, each Farm, be thrown in.

Kas~Ro now waited. Something felt... wrong.
Frond approached the leaders of the protest unarmed,and explained to the individual that the rationing is temporary,and will last only until the food situation is resolved. Frond also made it known that he too was abiding by the ration. Upon leaving,he heard another whisper in his head; develop travel surfaces. He looked out at the streets,and saw they were rough,and unfriendly to walk on. Furthermore,there were patches of loose earth filling pits.

He turned to a nearby mason,and asked him to produce a product that will make traveling upon the roads easier,and to prototype them in Haven Square. He then sent a runner to the Buffalo handlers,and asked them to breed them,and perhaps condition them for riding.

No movements map;no new movements.
50 finish the bows. 50 will develope wood armor. 50 will finish the granery.50 will study the berries for better crops. 50 will keep with shoping wood. 100 will continue to the mountains. 50 are promoted by soran to be the guardians of peace (basicaly police).soran makes a fair list of laws.50 will hunts and gather more food in the forest

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